Chapter 127 Magellan

Magellan saw the scene just now and saw that since he set foot on the land of the Ming Kingdom, the farther inland he went, the fewer monsters and monsters there were and the people became richer - the more he was surprised by this country.

Worthy of being called the Great Kingdom of Heaven!You know, even in the rich Florence there are vampires at night!
Magellan couldn't help but marvel in his heart. Therefore, facing Zhu Houcong, this earthly god who the people said protected the Ming Dynasty, was so powerful that even the most powerful priests in the country would kneel at his feet and obey his instructions like a student. , Magellan did not dare to hide it at all.

He honestly explained how he went to sea from the Spanish port, passed through the New World along the way, and when he arrived in Luzon (Philippines), he encountered a cannibal tribe, escaped overnight and was attacked by sharks, and then moved to Ming dynasty.

As a result, there was another civil uprising in Shandong. The White Lotus Sect gathered to cause trouble. The few remaining sailors were also captured by the demons of the White Lotus Sect. Now their lives and deaths were unknown. I was left alone to escape with difficulty. Fortunately, my brain was quick. Taking advantage of his appearance, he lied that he was Frankie's envoy to pay tribute to the Ming Dynasty. He was shipwrecked on the way, so he was taken seriously by the local government and sent to the capital.

Now his only wish is to ask the Ming Emperor to help rescue his companions and fund himself a ship to return to Spain and complete the first human feat of traveling around the world.

Yes, when facing Zhu Houcong, he directly said everything that should be said and should not be said.

At this moment, he was anxiously waiting for Zhu Houcong's announcement.

"Your first request is easy to handle. I can issue an order now to let the Shandong government hunt down the demons of the White Lotus Sect and rescue your friends."

Magellan was overjoyed when he heard this.

"You are truly the emperor of civilized people! Ming Dynasty is truly a country of civilized people!"

Zhu Houcong's mouth twitched when he heard his somewhat lame official talk.

But after fully understanding Zhu Houcong's meaning, Magellan showed doubts on his face and hurriedly persuaded him.

"Your Majesty! You may not know! Spain~Oh no! Frankie has a lot of land in the New World, and there is a lot of gold and silver on that land! If I return to Spain, I will propose to the King of Spain to bypass those Damn price-gouging middlemen, our two countries conduct direct transactions. Daming provides us with the tea, silk, and porcelain we need, and we Frankie provide Daming with the gold and silver you need most! The profit is nine or even ten cents! Your Majesty, You must support me, Your Majesty!"

The Magellan in front of him was indeed a fierce man who had traveled around the world. Even though he had arrived in the Ming Dynasty for only half a year, he had already keenly noticed the silver shortage among the people in the Ming Dynasty and the dependence of the entire empire's finances on silver.

Ming Ting's desire for silver is unimaginable to outsiders.

Decades later, a man named Zhang Juzheng keenly grasped this fact and launched his reform plan, which was the "one whip method" to formally recognize the status of silver.

A whip method saved the Ming Dynasty and allowed it to achieve a short-term prosperity, which is the so-called Wanli ZTE.

A whip also completely destroyed the Ming Dynasty. The Ming court's finances were finally completely out of the control of the Ming court. The treasure banknotes endorsed by the national credit were completely reduced to waste paper. The economic method that relied heavily on the inflow of external silver made the Ming court Any subsequent reformers would be powerless to deal with this already riddled state machine.

"No, you misunderstood what I meant. I didn't mean that I wasn't willing to help you!"

Zhu Houcong waved his hand and looked at the tough sailor in front of him.

Magellan felt that the emperor's gaze was really piercing, as if his whole body had been completely seen through.

I have no privacy at all in front of him.

"It's just that the sharks are in chaos all over the world. Except for the small nearby countries that can sneak into the Ming Dynasty through secret deals with the shark tribes, all the ships in the Ming Dynasty are currently unable to go to sea. If they are from the Ming Dynasty, I can still let the Ming Dynasty Several vassal countries in the south negotiated with the Sharks and sent ships to send you away - but you are a Frankie, and your characteristics are too obvious, and except for my Ming Dynasty's ships, the Sharks will unconditionally attack everyone who enters this sea area. The Western Yi people.”

After hearing Zhu Houcong's words, Magellan's face turned extremely ugly.

Zhu Houcong spread his hands.

"During this period, the Jianghuai area was full of wreckage and corpses of Xiyi caravans floating from the sea. Every day, the local government would receive at the gate of the Yamen the fishermen who took advantage of the rising sun at noon to rescue the sharks from their mouths while they were out fishing. Langhi Refugees.”

Magellan grimaced when he heard this. "It seems that we will be unable to leave for a while. Your Majesty, can you give me a job so that I can support myself?"

"That's not the case. Once the north is settled, the imperial court will march eastward to conquer the sharks... If you don't want to be freeloaders, what skills do you have?"

My dear Majesty, do we need to say the word freeloader so loudly?
Magellan blinked, feeling that he should be more generous when he was under the eaves, and decisively ignored the emperor's occasional convulsions.

"I come from a family of knights. When I was a child, I served as an attendant to the Queen of Portugal in the palace. I am familiar with court etiquette. If your Majesty wants to negotiate trade with Western countries, I can be a diplomat."

"I served in the navy for more than ten years as an adult. I accompanied the fleet of Albuquerque, the first Portuguese governor in India, to Africa, India, Malacca and other places - I have rich maritime experience, and I am also an experienced officer. The gunner and captain commanded the fleet to sail from Spain around the New World and successfully reach the Ming Dynasty!"

"Very good! It seems that you can find a position in the Ministry of Industry and the Ministry of War to help us build warships and train sailors who can travel around the world!"

Zhu Houcong said.

"I will appoint you as the Minister of Works, build warships for the Ming Dynasty, train the navy, and prepare to go to the oceans in the future!"

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

Magellan was overjoyed when he heard this, thinking that he finally had a way out.

Little did they know that when Magellan worked conscientiously in the Ministry of Industry in the first month, he completed part of the drawing of the world's nautical charts and the design of warships.

I was told that because the emperor wants to build a palace, the salary payment to officials in various ministries may be slightly delayed this month. After the Ministry of Rites has negotiated the tribute trade shares of each country next month, they will be paid together with next month's salary——

In order to encourage the Frankie man in front of him to work hard, Zhu Houcong still did not forget to draw a cake for him!

"When I have peace in the world, I will let you lead a huge fleet full of silk, tea, and porcelain back to Frankie."

"By the way, how many ships has the King of Spain funded for you?"

"Five...five ships——"

Magellan felt a little dizzy. The pie the little emperor drew was too big, and he felt that he couldn't bear it for a while.

"I'll give you fifty ships!"

When painting cakes, Zhu Houcong was very graceful!There is absolutely no appearance of being fussy about settling accounts with the cabinet.

"Each ship will be much bigger than the one you came from! Think about it, when you set out there were only five ships with a few hundred people, but when you came back, there were fifty ships with tens of thousands of people! And you brought countless Eastern people with you. Precious cargo, the friendship of the Ming Dynasty emperor, and a new trade route! Wouldn’t this gain you more fame and applause than simply proving that the earth is round?”

Zhu Houcong encouraged Magellan to imagine that scene, with countless flowers, praises, beauties throwing themselves into his arms, the Spanish emperor, and even the pope personally greeting him...

Suddenly the fighting spirit was high.

It's like being bloodied!
Magellan almost jumped with excitement.

"Your Majesty, the Emperor of the Ming Dynasty! You are really kind to me! I will work for you wholeheartedly! Build more and better warships, and strive to defeat the Sharks as soon as possible! Open up the trade route to Spain!"

(End of this chapter)

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