My God, I am the emperor, the lord of mankind.

Chapter 11: Corpse Transformation

Chapter 11: Corpse Transformation (Newbies, please collect it)
In order for the merits of Ming army soldiers to be recognized by the court, in addition to the approval of the commander directly under their own army, they must also be reviewed by merit recorders, mostly sent by the court to monitor the censors, to see if there is any collusion between the army and the lower levels to falsely report military merits. Case.


Luo An looked at the energetic court official in front of him, remained silent for a moment, and said.

"He is the nephew of an elder in my family. He knows a little about the art of divination in the Book of Changes. He wants to see the corpses of the Zhao family and do his best for the court."

"He is quite a talented young man."

Liu Yuanqing saw Luo An telling lies to him with his eyes open, but he didn't expose it. He just showed an understanding smile and continued acting with him.

"I still have official duties to attend to, so I won't stay any longer."

When parting, he assigned two servants to lead the way for Lu Song, then turned around and said.

"Recently, Haiyan has been invaded by pirates, causing numerous casualties and casualties. The imperial court has issued an order to mobilize elites from all over the country to train local braves to protect the land and the people. This matter still needs a lot of help from the royal palace."

"It is our duty to serve the imperial court. The late princess and Chang Shi have discussed it and they will be delivered tomorrow. Please don't worry, Liu Yushi."

Luo An said in a deep voice.

"Very good!"

Liu Yuanqing smiled and glanced at the tightly wrapped bicycle frame behind Luo An without leaving any trace. He obviously didn't want the bicycle frame to know the identity of the person inside.

There was a flash of thought in his eyes.

He naturally guessed the identity of the person in the frame.

After all, he could clearly hear the young man's voice just now.

If it were in the past, as a court official who was promoted by pacifying the feudal king's rebellion, he would naturally reprimand such a feudal king for his arrogant behavior of interfering in local political affairs, and then report to the court to deal with the palace.

But today is different.

Emperor Zhengde has ruled the world for sixteen years, but now he doesn't even have a son or a half of his daughter.

Since he fell into the water during his southern tour, he has been lingering on his sick bed, living alone in the palace without seeing any courtiers.

Recently, there was news that her condition had worsened, and Empress Dowager Zhang secretly summoned her chief assistant Yang Tinghe to the palace several times to plan.

It really makes people think a lot.

Liu Yuanqing has been in Beijing for almost two years. He is no longer the old man who piled firewood in his mansion in Jinxian County and took his wife and children with him, preparing to set fire to himself and die for his country once the city was defeated.

Things in the world are complicated, and there are many factions in the Ming court, and they are intrigues and intrigues.

Such a vulgar scene directly shattered all the illusions that Liu Yuanqing had in the past about the Ming Dynasty's famous "heavenly people" all over the world.

If Emperor Zhengde really fell ill, then according to Taizu's instructions, the throne should naturally be handed over to the Xianzong line.

That is, the brother clan of Zhu Houcong's father, King Xingxian and Emperor Xiaozong.

But now the Queen Mother is so powerful that during Xiaozong's time, there was a saying that she "only doted on the harem". Her two brothers even became marquises one after another, in line with the ancestral motto of Emperor Taizu of the Ming Dynasty that "foreign relatives should not be enfeoffed without merit". Nothing can be called the ultimate honor and favor.

Given the strength of Empress Dowager Zhang and her clan, how could they tolerate a prime minister?

And according to legal principles...the son of King Xingxian is also one of the people at the top of the list of heirs...

What's more, although the current chief minister is an imperial master, is he really happy to see another emperor as young and powerful as Emperor Zhengde rule the empire?

Liu Yuanqing didn't dare to think about it further.

I heard that Prince Xingxian had a pure nature.

Not only did he serve the deceased with great respect, he also treated his mother with great respect.

Perhaps, it is also a good choice.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but smile.

Nowadays, pirates are everywhere in the south, and Japanese pirates attack and harass, and the people are suffering unbearably.

The Tatars in the north harassed the border areas, the Jurchens were in turmoil, and wars were frequent.

War broke out again in the southwest, hungry people were everywhere in the Han region, and civil unrest occurred frequently.

Let these wealthy clans fight over the affairs of the imperial court to their heart's content.

I just feel sorry for the common people in the world. Even if I have three heads and six arms, I still have no skills at all.

Thinking of the countless victims fleeing from the southwest that he saw along the way, he sat in the carriage and listened to the feeble moans of the victims outside the carriage window, and he couldn't help but feel a little sad.


"This is……"

They bribed the government official's office with two taels of silver, and the two entered the morgue.

When Luo An wanted to lift the white cloth from the deceased's face, he was held back by Zhu Houcong.

Lu Song was responsible for the palace's security and could not leave his post without permission, while Huang Jin's characteristics were too obvious.

This time only Luo An was traveling with him.

"do not move……"

Zhu Houcong smelled the faint fishy smell in the air.

Cultivators have keen intuition, far beyond that of ordinary people.

If it were an ordinary person, I'm afraid they wouldn't be able to detect it at all.

It seemed that he was aware of something.

The body covered with white cloth in front of him moved unconsciously.

Luo An was startled. "Bring the sword..."

Zhu Houcong said, taking the long sword and using the scabbard to lift the white cloth.

I saw scales growing on part of the body lying on the ground, and half of the open eyes turned blue.

He rolled awkwardly on the ground a few times, but unfortunately he was too weak to get up.

Zhu Houcong keenly discovered that there was a two-finger-long wound on its neck that was bitten by something unknown.

He looked at the two people in front of him and let out a low, threatening roar.

An untransformed demon.

Zhu Houcong stepped forward and stepped on his chest without any hesitation.

The long sword in his hand was swung high.

As the head rolled down, the world became quiet.

"open the window……"

Feeling the wisps of calamity energy transforming into one's own cultivation.

More than half of the dozens of corpses piled in front of them soon made a thin rustling sound.

Zhu Houcong held the sword and followed the same pattern, stepping on the demon ghost next to him who realized the danger and wanted to get up before the transformation was complete.

As the long sword swung down, the smelly liquid spread out.

Zhu Houcong whispered to Luo An.


After hearing Zhu Houcong's words, Luo An woke up from a dream.

Then I felt a little ashamed. I had been in the army for more than thirty years, but my performance was not as good as that of a prince who had lived in the palace for a long time.

The morgue was originally in a shady place, but as the windows were opened, sunlight came in.

The corpses were obviously restrained, and their movements became sluggish and weak.

Zhu Houcong concentrated, raised his sword, and inspected the corpses one after another.

One by one, they chopped off the heads of all the monsters that showed signs of mutation.

But what made Zhu Houcong feel a little strange was that almost all mutated corpses had a two-finger-wide wound on their necks.

But the original commotion has completely subsided, and it seems that everything is over.

It wasn't until Zhu Houcong lifted the white cloth from the last corpse at the end of the road that a mutated disciple appeared!
Roar! ! !
The corpse at the end saw Zhu Houcong approaching step by step with a blood-stained sword, and he jumped up.

Only then did the two of them see what was in front of them clearly.

Compared to the first demon ghost, half of his body has been transformed and is covered with scales like fish scales.

Zhu Houcong recognized the identity of the person in front of him.

It was none other than Mr. Zhao who was rumored to have encountered a ghost on his way to Beijing to take the exam.

He was also the first person in Anlu known to Zhu Houcong who was possessed by evil spirits.

Moreover, this guy knows how to hide himself, this thing is smart!
Looking at the three-foot-long mouthpart covered with fangs in the mouth of the monster in front of him, Zhu Houcong understood everything instantly.

"You killed your blood relatives and massacred the people. I will punish you on this day!"

Zhu Houcong stood up and dodged the blowjob in front of him.

The long sword thrown with the backhand hit Mr. Zhao's slightly swollen body, sending out bursts of sparks.

But the monster was not in a hurry to attack. Perhaps the sunlight filtering through the window slowed down his movements.

Or maybe he thought that Zhu Houcong, who had lost his weapon, was no longer a threat, and wanted to enjoy hunting before everyone from the Yamen arrived.

He laughed wildly in a muffled voice, stretched out his arms and said to Zhu Houcong.

"The Queen Mother of the West Heaven! Send Dharma to the Buddhas!"

"White Lotus comes to the world! All people will turn around!"

"No fear..."

Unfortunately, before he could finish reading, the young master from the royal family who was looking at him with a fearful expression suddenly appeared in front of him as if he was dazzled.

Before he could react, he felt a sudden burning pain on the left side of his cheek that was not protected by the scales.

Then there was a whirlwind.

His swollen body, which was more than two meters tall, was grabbed by a pair of scarlet palms with twisted veins on his forearms like snakes, and was smashed onto the bluestone on the ground.

Only then did he realize with horror that half of his cheek had been smashed by a punch at some point.

The large pieces of flesh that fell off were only connected by thin skin.

Red and blue blood rushed out instantly, making his head dizzy.

The threat of death instantly destroyed his pitiful pride and complacency, which turned into the true god's dependent.

All that remains is deep fear and an instinctive struggle for survival.

"Do not!!!"

He watched helplessly as the scarlet palms penetrated from his chest, holding a heart that was beating desperately out of fear.

(End of this chapter)

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