Chapter 10 Liu Yuanqing

Zhu Houcong felt sorry for his arrogance for the first time.

Even without extraordinary power, humans in this world are still using their courage and blood to fight for the chance of survival for their own tribe.

Even those legendary immortals cannot understand the weird and abominable ghosts and gods.

There was a burst of noisy footsteps outside the door, and it was obviously the sound of the firecracker that had alerted the palace guards.

"This time I am going to the countryside. The palace lacks some capable guards. You are willing to go with me."

"Dare to obey!"

Wang Meng said with excitement.

Zhu Houcong nodded slowly.

He needs professional talents to assist him.

It is conceivable that after he moved into the Forbidden City according to history, it was completely unimaginable that he would not have a loyal force to help him in the face of the turmoil and disasters that followed one after another in the world.


It seemed that he had inadvertently averted another internal disaster within the palace.

If the strange behavior of this group of Taoist priests today was not discovered by him, I am afraid that the entire palace will not be spared by then.

Feeling the joy of the calamity-resolving method in the body.

The true energy surges in the body.

The second level of Qi training came naturally, and he didn't stop until he reached the third level of Qi training.

His magic power increased by [-]%, and his physical strength also increased slightly.

And this is just the tip of Anlu's disaster.

It is conceivable how much benefit Zhu Houcong will gain if this disaster in Anlu can be completely resolved.

I'm afraid the day of foundation building is not far away.

"Jie Changshi..."

Seeing the person coming, Zhu Houcong asked everyone to put away the body and stood up to greet him.

"I heard that several Taoist priests were unfortunately killed. Is the prince injured?"

The middle-aged man with an elegant face but a hint of ruthlessness in front of him looked at Zhu Houcong, then glanced at the soldiers beside him and the corpses on the ground, and asked with a flash of dissatisfaction in his eyes.

"Fortunately, thanks to the sergeant's life, there were no injuries..."

Zhu Houcong realized that Changjie was taking the opportunity to question everyone, so he replied.

"Your Majesty, please don't excuse them."

Lu Bing, Wang Meng and many other guards looked at Zhu Houcong gratefully and quickly lowered their heads.

Xie Changjie chuckled, as if he had seen through Zhu Houcong's thoughts.

"It is their duty to protect the Crown Prince. How can it be considered a dereliction of duty to put the master in danger?"

"I gave the order. They just followed the order. Why should Chang Shi blame them?"

Zhu Houcong frowned when he heard this.

"If the prince is really unwilling to punish the servants, I am worried about the prince's safety, so I specially selected a few loyal and courageous warriors to accompany the prince."

Regarding the Zhao family's extermination, the government's official statement was that the White Lotus Sect in the city and the wandering Japanese refugees were seeking wealth and murder.

Looking at Xie Changjie in front of him, he had the attitude that if he didn't accept it, he would take Lu Song and others to task.

Zhu Houcong narrowed his eyes.

"Then there is a long history of labor."

As the leader of the royal family, Zuo Changshi of the royal family, although nominally a subordinate of the royal family, was actually directly under the central court and under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Rites. His duty was to monitor the clan's movements and report to the court at any time.

In the palace, the power is unlimited.

In the Ming Dynasty, there were many clan kings who were tortured to death or maimed by the royal palace chief.

But often the Ming court only adopts the attitude of minimizing major issues and making peace with them.

The royal family chief Shi basically received no substantial punishment.

Perhaps, in the eyes of the Central Ming Court, this is also a sign of loyalty and should even be rewarded.

"I have no other intentions. I only hope that the prince can understand the laws of the ancestors and the rules of the court. They are all for the eternal prosperity of the Ming Dynasty... In the past, Taizu obtained the destiny with common clothes. He conquered the world in a hundred battles. After going through hardships, we, as ministers, , so we should urge the emperor to abide by the law and not do anything arbitrarily. I hope the prince will understand."

Xie Changjie said calmly.

Regarding the prince who was acting strangely today, he felt that something was beyond his control.After all, it was now a critical moment to transfer the palace's property.

There must be no loss.

In this case, the prince of the palace should be careful now. After all, young people are easy to be impulsive. If a complaint is filed in the court one day, no one will be able to reap the benefits.

"The palace has recently stepped up its security, and the ministers will retire if there is nothing to do..."

After Xie Changjie left, Lu Song, the minister of the palace next to him, and others were all aggrieved.

Zhu Houcong's eyes were cold, looking at Xie Changjie's back was like looking at a dead person.

"It's really too much of a lie. Should I tell my mistress about this..."

Looking at Huang Jin beside him, Zhu Houcong shook his head.

Now that the imperial edict has been issued, even if Jiang's mother is the former princess, it will be of little use.

What's more, Jiang's mother has been running the palace for decades. Although King Xingxian has many wives and concubines, the only two daughters and one son he has are all born to Jiang's mother. With such powerful methods, does he really not know that Xie Changjie is arrogant and domineering and embezzles the palace? Is it about assets?

"Isn't Luo An back yet?"

Zhu Houcong looked outside the door.

Deep eyes.

Although a demon's lair was destroyed today, Zhu Houcong found that the power of the disaster had not dissipated.

Instead, some of it faintly gathered towards himself.

It seems that through what happened today, something is targeting me...

Maybe tonight...

Zhu Houcong raised his head, saw the scorching sun hanging high in the sky, and thought to himself.


Outside the door, Luo An's face was pale and bloodless. He hurriedly walked to Zhu Houcong and looked back in a daze as he reported back the news he had just found out.

"Hu Scarzi is dead. Together with the five people who were traveling with him, they were found drowned on the official road outside Anlu City..."

Thinking of the horrific death of those people he just saw, Luo An couldn't help but shudder.

The small ditch was only half a finger deep, but six big men traveling around and armed with swords drowned.

How can this not be frightening?

But to his surprise, and even a bit of fear, the expression on the face of Crown Prince Xingxian in front of him did not seem surprised when he heard the news. The expression on his face didn't change much.

"Let's go to the county government office..."

Zhu Houcong said.

Without further ado, we must speed up.


"Your Majesty, the county government has arrived."

Outside the car, Luo An's deep voice made Zhu Houcong wake up from his trance.

He is still a little short of breaking through to the middle stage of Qi refining. If he uses elixirs to assist him, it will be even faster.

"Go straight to the morgue."

Zhu Houcong said in the car.

According to Luo'an's status as a member of the Jinyi Guard Qianhu, and the fact that he also had Haiyan on his body to deal with a major case, it was naturally easy to go to the county government office to see a few corpses.

But there are always surprises in everything.

"Luo Qianhu, this is..."

At this time, someone happened to walk out of the county. It was Liu Qingyuan, who had just come to Huguang with documents from the imperial court and official documents from the Ministry of War to supervise the suppression of the southern water bandits and Japanese pirates.

Seeing Luo An and the carriage and horses behind him, his eyes flashed and he asked in surprise.

Because of his contribution to assisting Wang Shouren in quelling Prince Ning's rebellion in the 14th year of Zhengde the year before last, Liu Yuanqing was quickly promoted by the imperial court from the magistrate of Jinxian County to the Supervisory Yuan and served as the supervisory censor.

And because he has led soldiers and worked in the south.

Therefore, the imperial court specially assigned him to take charge of the eradication of water bandits in Huguang and other places.

The supervisory censors of the Ming Dynasty not only participated in local government affairs, but also participated in local military affairs.

For example, we often hear the old joke "borrowing my fellow countryman and your leader to gain military glory" and this kind of thing is under his control.

(End of this chapter)

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