Martial arts becoming a saint: starting from the royal forbidden area

Chapter 261 Selecting disciples! 【5000 please subscribe! 】

Chapter 261 Selecting disciples! 【5000 please subscribe! 】

Even the legendary gods need to listen to Qin Che.

Doesn't that mean that Qin Che is a more powerful person than a god?

Thinking of this, those chosen people present became even more excited.

Qin Xiu's grandfather was even more excited.

You must know that Qin Che is a person who even gods and immortals must obey.

Not a single word was said about the previous selection.

His granddaughter was left behind by Qin Che himself.

And Qin Che had just made it very clear, asking Qin Ying to cultivate Qin Xiu at all costs.

If this is the case, then my granddaughter is really saved.

Thinking of this, Qin Xiu's grandfather couldn't help but knelt down again with excitement.

While kneeling, he said excitedly: "Thank you Taizu and Prince Ze for saving my granddaughter's life."

Qin Che raised his hand to help the old man up from the ground, and then said: "You don't have to do this. I saved her because she needs to be saved."

Qin Che was telling the truth, but Qin Xiu's grandfather felt that Qin Che said this just because he was worried about his name.

At that moment, I felt that Qin Che was really too kind.

Qin Ying didn't understand at all why Qin Che did this.

Because Qin Ying has already assessed that if he wants to cure Qin Xiu, he will need to spend a lot of resources.

Qin Xiu, this is a congenital problem, and it cannot be done by simply stacking some herbs.

This is a systematic and comprehensive conditioning process.

The time and materials this requires are really a huge price to pay.

Qin Ying really doesn't have much affection for his descendants who are separated by who knows how many generations.

Qin Ying had some understanding of Qin Che's words.

It can be said that Qin Che really has no feelings for these people in the Qin family.

So Qin Che is willing to save people, but Qin Ying really can't figure it out.

But now is not the time to discuss this. Qin Che's willingness to save people must have his own considerations.

After Qin Xiu was retained, such a selection was completely completed.

Next, all the selected people need to say goodbye to their families.

Because after today, they must go up the mountain with Qin Che.

As for whether we can still see each other after going up the mountain, that's a matter of two minds.

Because they knew that even Qin He's biological son Qin Lin could only see his father and mother twice a year.

This is true even for the emperor's sons. It would be difficult for them to meet their heirs even once a year.

But in fact, even if they are not allowed to see each other, they are very happy.

This kind of happiness is not just the happiness of the chosen person.

Those parents who were selected were also happy.

With such a child in Qin Che's place, their status will definitely rise.

Although Qin He may not have any change in his attitude towards them, when others see them, they must be respectful.

Only Qin Xiu and her grandfather were really reluctant to leave.

Qin Xiu was already crying like a tearful person.

Qin Xiu's grandfather was also in tears.

Qin Xiu has never left her grandfather since she was born.

Qin Xiu's parents have passed away.

She and her grandfather were the only ones left at home to depend on each other.

Although they are a royal family, their lives are not satisfactory.

So over the years, the grandfather and grandson have always been together.

When we suddenly have to part ways now, it is inevitable to be reluctant to part with each other.

But Qin Xiu's grandfather, even if he felt extremely reluctant to give up, he could not delay his granddaughter's future.

The most important thing is that only by leaving with Qin Che can his granddaughter's illness be cured.

Qin Che glanced at Qin Xiu's appearance, but it was rare for him to be open-minded and said to Qin Xiu's grandfather: "If you don't have a fief, you can stay in Daoshan City in the future."

"If Qin Xiu wants to come to see you, he can come down and see you."

"But we can only meet twice a year."

After hearing Qin Che's words, Qin Xiu's grandfather was so excited that he wanted to kneel down again.

However, he was supported by Qin Che.

Qin Xiu's grandfather was older than Qin Che anyway.

Moreover, Qin Che is not in the habit of being worshiped by others.

"Thank you, Prince Ze."

"Thank you, Prince Ze, for leaving me here to accompany my granddaughter."

Qin Xiu's grandfather couldn't kneel down, but he had to say those words.

When the others looked at Qin Xiu's grandfather, their expressions were completely different.

You must know that Qin Che has already spoken twice for Qin Xiu.

The most important thing is that Qin Che made an exception and left Qin Xiu's grandfather in Daoshan City.

This is enough to show that Qin Che values ​​Qin Xiu.

If this is the case, then Qin Xiu's rise is inevitable.

Even Qin Xiu's grandfather's status is quite different.

If things go wrong, even Qin He will look at Qin Xiu's grandfather in a different light.

Of course, the minds of these people present are already active now.

They have already begun to plan how they will please Qin Xiu's grandfather.

Before leaving, if you can establish a relationship, then I am willing to establish a relationship.

Only in this way, they can still get Qin Xiu's care in the future.

Qin Xiu's grandfather will definitely not live that long.

But Xiao Qin Xiuna is still young. When she grows up over time, her status will definitely be extraordinary.

Qin Che and Qin Ying did not pay attention to the thoughts of these common people, but directly took away all the seeds they selected.

This time, the two of them plus Qin Xiu chose seven seeds in total.

On the way, the other six people selected by Qin Ying took special care of Qin Xiu.

One sister shouted at a time.

That feeling is really closer than that of a biological sister.

Although Qin Ying didn't like such flattery.

But Qin Ying didn't say anything.

Is it human nature?

If it were Qin Ying at their age, maybe it would be the same.

After all, they are all seven or eight-year-old children, and they are constantly exposed to it. This is what they see at home.

At least there is still light in their eyes, and they have not completely lost their innocence.

After returning to Daodao Mountain, Qin Ying immediately began to arrange medicinal baths for them.

Now that he has accepted a disciple, everything must be done without delay.

Qin Ying must have arranged everything that could be arranged immediately.

After stuffing all these little guys into the medicine bucket.

Qin Yingcai took the time to ask Qin Che, "What is so unusual about Qin Xiu?"

Since Qin Ying was interested, Qin Che was not stingy, but shared with Qin Ying the differences in Qin Xiu.

"Qin Xiu's soul power is obviously higher than that of his peers, and it's not just a tiny bit, but a lot."

"The reason why she looks so weak is because her soul consumes too much of her body's energy."

"Without special methods, there is no way for her body to become stronger."

After listening to Qin Che's explanation, Qin Ying looked at Qin Xiu, who was frowning but silent in the medicine bucket, and indeed discovered something different about this little girl.

The other children inside were already screaming in pain.

Although Qin Xiu also closed her eyes in pain, she did not yell.

Such endurance is indeed very rare.

As for the power of the soul that Qin Che mentioned, Qin Ying did not see it.

Qin Ying didn't notice it. On the one hand, it was because Qin Xiu was young and the power of the soul was still very weak.

On the other hand, it was because Qin Ying's cultivation level was not as high as Qin Che's, and at the same time, he had not yet practiced the God-Shattering Art.

So if you can't feel it, that's completely normal.

Qin Che had already made it clear. Qin Ying naturally understood the reason why Qin Che kept Qin Xiu.

Qin Che planned to teach Qin Xiu the Shattering God Technique.

Qin Xiu's talent is the most suitable for practicing the God Shattering Art.

If such a person is outside and is discovered by the Yi family.

The treatment that can be given is very exaggerated. "Okay, I understand what you mean, and I will do my best to lay the foundation for Qin Xiu."

Qin Ying said to Qin Che.

Qin Che nodded and said, "After you have laid the foundation, I will personally teach her the God-Shattering Technique."

"As long as she can get started with the God-Shattering Technique, then things will be much simpler and easier."

Qin Ying nodded and said: "Okay."

After accepting disciples this time, Daodaoshan was indeed a bit more lively.

However, this cannot affect Qin Che.

Qin Che should continue to retreat when he should.

All matters of teaching disciples were completely handed over to Qin Ying.

Qin Ying is really happy about this kind of thing.

He could use the last moments of his life to cultivate some more real geniuses for the Qin family.

Qin Ying felt that his life was really worth it.

Of course, Qin Ying is not entirely focused on cultivating these disciples.

Occasionally Qin Ying would leave here and go outside to inquire about some information.

At the same time, use Dazhou's supplies to go outside to exchange for some things that are necessary to lay the foundation for these disciples.

Since it was not easy to select these people, Qin Ying must want to train them well.

Therefore, Qin Ying always tries to use the best things he can.

It will definitely not be just a matter of improvisation.

Five years passed quickly like this.

Qin Che's cultivation level is still at the first level of Martial King.

Qin Ying has helped all the little guys to lay a very solid foundation.

Children who used to be seven or eight years old have now grown very tall.

Even Qin Xiu has grown a lot taller.

It's just that Qin Xiu's previous development was really poor, and her current soul is also very strong, requiring more energy to be consumed.

Therefore, Qin Xiu still looks like he is almost half a head shorter than his peers.

Qin Xiu still looks like a child now.

But Qin Xiu is also the most diligent and diligent among all the selected people.

He is also the one who endures the most hardships.

Qin Xiu also knew very well that he was the one who consumed the most resources among everyone.

She knows that she has been favored, so she hopes that she can live up to this preference.

I hope that what I have done can make Qin Che feel a little more comfortable.

I won’t regret my original choice because I practiced too slowly.

"Qin Xiu, come with me to see Qin Che. Qin Che will personally teach you your martial arts skills." Qin Ying stopped Qin Xiu who was standing and said.

After listening to Qin Ying's words, Qin Xiu immediately kept her pace, and then came to Qin Ying's side in an anxious mood.

I have been on the mountain for five years and have consumed the most resources.

But the time it takes to stand is less than half that of others.

This made Qin Xiu very scared.

Qin Xiu was not afraid that Qin Che would drive her away. Qin Xiu was mainly afraid that Qin Che would be disappointed.

Qin Ying took Qin Xiu and found Qin Che.

Then he said to Qin Che: "The foundation I laid for her is at most what it is now."

"Even if we continue to lay the foundation, it will be difficult to make any breakthroughs."

When Qin Xiu heard what Qin Ying said, she became even more panicked.

There is really no way not to panic.

She has consumed so many resources over the years.

Still got nothing.

Just when Qin Xiu was in a panic and didn't know what to say.

Qin Xiu suddenly felt a warm current appear in her body.

"Remember the current circulation route of this spiritual energy."

"Next, you have to follow this running route and learn your first martial arts."

"Once you learn this martial art, your problems will be solved."

Qin Xiu knew that it was Qin Che who was talking to her.

I immediately started recording these routes seriously.

Because Qin Xiu's soul itself is relatively powerful.

So it is relatively easy to record these things.

It didn't take much time to firmly record Qin Che's luck route in his mind.

"Prince Ze, I have already written it down." Qin Xiu said timidly.

Qin Che nodded and said, "Practice carefully according to this route."

Qin Xiu nodded heavily, and then left with Qin Ying.

Although Qin Xiu doesn't know what kind of success she can achieve by following Qin Che's teachings.

But this is what Qin Che taught her, and she must not let Qin Che down.

Only in this way can we repay Qin Che's kindness.

After Qin Xiu left, Qin Che said, "Come out, there's no need to hide."

As soon as Qin Che finished speaking, Qin Lin's rough figure appeared in front of Qin Che.

Qin Che raised his eyes and glanced at Qin Lin, and asked, "You came to me just to show me your hiding skills?"

"If that's the case, then I can only tell you that you haven't reached the level of cultivation yet."

Qin Lin quickly smiled and said: "Nephew, of course I understand that showing off my concealment skills in front of you, uncle, is just asking for trouble."

"I mainly want my uncle to give me some pointers to see if my concealment skills can continue to improve."

Qin Che thought for a while and told Qin Lin some of his feelings and insights when he practiced Turtle Breathing Technique.

As for how much Qin Lin can absorb, that is Qin Lin's business.

Qin Lin's cultivation level is not weak, and his talent is not weak either.

How much he can understand really depends on himself.

After listening to Qin Che's advice, Qin Lin quickly bowed excitedly and said, "Thank you, uncle, for your advice."

"and many more."

Just when Qin Lin was about to leave, Qin Che suddenly spoke and stopped Qin Lin.

"Uncle Emperor, what's the matter with you?" When Qin Lin turned around, he was obviously a little guilty.

Qin Che glanced at Qin Lin and asked directly: "You have recently asked so many things that may be needed for a long trip."

"Are you planning to go on a long journey? Which other three continents among the four seas do you plan to visit?"

Seeing that Qin Che had seen through it, Qin Lin stopped hiding it.

"The emperor's nephew really didn't expect that you, the emperor's uncle, would have noticed it."

After finishing speaking, Qin Lin said: "I have no intention of wandering around the world. I just want to ask my uncle to let me go out for a while and gain experience."

Qin Che couldn't help but frown slightly after hearing Qin Lin's words.

Qin Lin saw that Qin Che's face was not good-looking, so he quickly confessed: "Uncle Huang, I just plan to go out for a walk, I have no other plans."

Qin Che shook his head and said, "I didn't mean to restrict you from going out, but I was just thinking about it, my nephew, if you go out like this."

"When you encounter the outside environment, you may not be able to bear it at all."

"There are some things that cannot be successful if you do some psychological construction."

"You have to try it yourself, and then you will know whether you can succeed."

Qin Lin nodded heavily: "Uncle Huang, I have already thought about everything you said."

"I'm mentally prepared to go outside."

"After I leave here, I will quickly adapt and integrate into it as an ordinary person."


Then Qin Lin told Qin Che all his plans and arrangements.

Let Qin Che listen, he really didn't do it on a whim.

Let Qin Che understand that he is really ready.

Qin Che patiently listened to everything Qin Lin said.

After listening to these things, Qin Che also knew that Qin Lin was really ready.

Now that Qin Lin is ready, Qin Che does not intend to continue to obstruct Qin Lin.

Anyway, Qin Lin will have to see what's going on outside sooner or later.

If you see it now, it would be a good thing.

As the eldest brother among everyone, he should indeed set an example.

(End of this chapter)

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