Martial arts becoming a saint: starting from the royal forbidden area

Chapter 260: Born with a disability! 【Please subscribe! 】

Chapter 260: Born with a disability! 【Please subscribe! 】

Everyone knew that outside they were royal relatives of the Great Zhou Dynasty.

In Daoshan City, they are ordinary people.

Ordinary people can no longer be ordinary people.

They know better that no one will say anything if they act a little too boldly or go too far outside.

But in Daoshan City, you dare not obey the rules.

Qin He could kill all of them without Qin Che taking action.

The Qin family has come this far, and there is no shortage of people.

There are thousands of royal children in Beijing.

Not counting the branches of the Qin family that were enfeoffed outside.

The tens of thousands of people who have arrived now are not the entire population of the Qin family.

If you kill hundreds of them, you won't feel any pain at all.

Of course, no fool would be willing to throw away this opportunity to reach the sky in one step just for the sake of temporary pleasure.

At this time, it’s all about who can show more respect.

People have almost arrived, and some people have gone to Daodaoshan to report.

Of course, the visitor would not be able to see Qin Che, so naturally it was up to the little timid cat to convey the message.

After the little cowardly cat conveyed the message, he went back to his place to bask in the sun.

Qin Che found Qin Ying, told Qin Ying about the matter, and asked Qin Ying to go to Daoshan City to select people.

After hearing this, Qin Ying also said: "You can go with me. If I go, I don't think many people will want to go up the mountain with me."

Qin Ying still knows himself very clearly, even though he is the Taizu of Zhou Dynasty.

But now the only person the Qin family recognizes is Qin Che.

Even if he reveals his identity as an ancestor and Qin He testifies, there may not be many people who will recognize him.

So Qin He simply stopped asking for trouble.

It was just a trip anyway, and Qin Che was also curious about how many people there were in the Qin family.

Qin Che has been practicing in Daodao Mountain almost since he came through time travel.

Even if he leaves occasionally, he comes back quickly and does not meet other members of the Qin family.

Qin Che and Qin Ying arrived at Daoshan City very quickly.

In Daoshan City, a high platform has been set up to welcome Qin Che.

Seeing Qin Che descending from the sky with Qin Ying.

Everyone present bowed in unison and shouted loudly: "See you, Prince Ze."

Everyone was paying their respects to Qin Che, but as for Qin Ying beside Qin Che, no one paid attention at all.

Even some people think Qin Ying looks a little familiar.

However, this is not the time to discuss this. Now we need to show Qin Che enough respect.

Qin Ying looked at the scene in front of him and couldn't help but think of some of his own situations back then.

Back then, my level of fame was even worse than Qin Che's now.

Not only the people of the Qin family worshiped him as a god.

Even the human races on the other three continents saw him as if they were worshiping gods.

And now Qin Che has done the same as he did back then.

But at that time, he was already over four hundred years old, and Qin Che was not even one hundred years old.

At the same time, the current Qin Che's cultivation level is much higher than that of his current self.

Comparing the two, Qin Ying felt that he, his descendant, would be more promising in the future.

Of course, as the elder of the Qin family, Qin Ying was still very happy to see his descendants stronger than himself.

After everyone stood up, Qin Ying publicly announced his selection criteria.

After all, there are so many people, and it is a waste of time to check them one by one.

Qin Ying's selection criteria are the same as the primary selection criteria for top outside forces.

Those under the age of eight can stay and check the situation on their own.

Those who are over eight years old but under 16 years old, and those who have reached inner strength can stay and wait to check the situation on their own.

Those aged over [-] but under [-] need to reach the third level of inner strength.

As for those who are over 25 and under [-], they need to reach the state of Qi gathering.

As for those over the age of 25, those who have not reached the age of [-] will be eliminated.

Such conditions are harsh, both inside and outside.

However, it is precisely because of such restrictions that [-]% of them were screened out.

Such harsh conditions are only possible unless these royal nobles have determined to practice martial arts since childhood and also have considerable talents.

Otherwise, it is simply impossible to achieve this condition.

Even among the remaining half, most of them are under eight years old.

There are actually very few people over eight years old who meet Qin Ying's conditions.

In fact, what Qin Ying wanted was this effect.

It’s not that there aren’t many people who have accumulated a lot of experience while practicing martial arts, it’s just that there are too few.

Only by laying a solid foundation from the beginning can we achieve higher achievements in the future.

Although only half of them were left, there were still hundreds of people.

It took a lot of time for Qin Ying to check each one.

Among the remaining few hundred people, the probability of elimination is also very high.

The requirements for talent in martial arts are high, but they are not as high as Qin Ying's.

What Qin Ying chooses now is entirely based on the standards used by top outside forces to select direct disciples.

He is only one person, and the number of people he can teach is limited, so he naturally has to be careful.

When the time comes, just cultivate this group of people and then slowly spread their branches and leaves.

Naturally, he was overjoyed to be chosen by Qin Ying. After all, being chosen this time was like leaping over the dragon's gate.

Those who were not selected, although they were dejected, could still be their royal relatives after returning home.

After a long time, only the last person was left who had not stepped forward.

The last person who came forward was a child of only seven years old.

It's just that she looks a whole lot younger than a normal seven-year-old child.

At the same time, his face did not look good, and he obviously looked like he had been plagued by illness all year round.

There is only one pair of eyes, which looks very smart.

The little guy was led up by an old man with gray hair and not very bright clothes.

Judging from the clothes on the old man's body, he should be a hereditary royal relative.

It's just that things haven't gone smoothly.

After all, after so many years of growth in the Qin family, there are many people who are unhappy.

The pair of grandparents and grandchildren in front of me should be one of them.

The little guy is obviously afraid of strangers.

Although he was led by his grandfather, he always hid behind his grandfather.The old man brought the little guy to Qin Ying. When he saw Qin Ying, he knelt down and said, "My descendants have met Grand Ancestor Qin Ying!"

Qin Ying was a little relieved to see someone finally recognize him after such a long time.

Those relatives of the emperor who had not left yet saw the old man's attitude, and then took a closer look at Qin Ying.

Sure enough, Qin Ying's appearance was very similar to the portrait of Taizu enshrined in their home.

"How did you recognize me?" Qin Ying asked curiously after being recognized now.

The old man kneeling on the ground said truthfully: "My little granddaughter has been frail and sick since she was a child. In order to help my little granddaughter get well as soon as possible.

I pray in front of the Taizu statue every day, hoping that Taizu can save my poor little granddaughter. "

After Qin Ying heard this, he didn't know what to say for a moment.

No wonder he recognized himself immediately and prayed in front of his portrait every day.

After hearing the questions and answers between Qin Ying and the old man, everyone was sure of one thing, that is, the man in front of them was really the great ancestor of Zhou Dynasty, and Qin Ying was undoubtedly.

These people have heard since they were young that Taizu of the Great Zhou Dynasty ascended to heaven during the day.

But no one can tell what exactly happened.

So they just listened to this matter as a legend.

There are not many people who truly believe this happened.

More people feel that this kind of thing is just fabricated to show the royal majesty.

However, now a living Taizu of Zhou stood in front of them.

On the contrary, they were unable to react for a while.

After a while, someone finally remembered and knelt down to pay homage to their ancestors.

Where there is the first person, there are a lot of people behind.

Soon all the descendants of the Qin family knelt on the ground.

These people knelt in a large group, and no matter whether they were willing or unwilling, they all knelt there respectfully.

He also shouted to see his ancestors.

"Everyone, get up." Qin Ying raised his hand and signaled to everyone.

After hearing Qin Ying's words, everyone stood up one after another.

But more of them looked at Qin Ying curiously.

After all, why did this ancestor who ascended in the day come back all of a sudden today?

It's really puzzling.

What puzzled them even more was how this ancestor could stand with Qin Che.

And from a physical point of view, it seems that Qin Che really doesn't have much respect for this ancestor.

They may not respect Qin Ying, but fear him.

After all, this was a legendary figure who appeared in front of them alive.

They must be afraid.

But looking at Qin Che's look, he really didn't care at all.

It seemed that this ancestor was no different from ordinary living beings like them.

After everyone paid their respects to Qin Ying, the old man was the first to recognize Qin Ying.

He pulled his granddaughter in front of Qin Ying and said to Qin Ying: "Ancestor, please have mercy on my granddaughter. Even if you cannot accept my granddaughter as your disciple, please treat my granddaughter's illness."

Since he was the first to recognize him, Qin Ying wanted to give him some benefits.

Qin Ying pulled the little girl in front of him and checked the little guy carefully.

After checking it, Qin Ying's face couldn't help but wrinkle.

Because Qin Ying also discovered that this little girl's body had a congenital problem.

If you want to modify it the day after tomorrow, it really takes a lot of effort to make it possible.

Another point is that even if a huge amount of effort is expended, it is only relief.

It can't really improve.

The most important thing is that Qin Ying really can't think of any particularly good way.

Just when Qin Ying was at a loss what to do, Qin Che suddenly asked the little girl, "What's your name?"

The little girl did not answer Qin Che's question immediately, but hid behind her grandfather in fear.

She held her grandfather's hand and looked up at her grandfather, because she didn't know whether she wanted to answer Qin Che's question.

"Prince Ze is asking you something. Please answer Prince Ze's question quickly."

The little girl heard her grandfather's encouragement and timidly said, "My name is Qin Xiu."

After hearing the little girl's answer, Qin Che nodded directly and said, "Do you want to go to Daodao Mountain with me to practice martial arts?"

The little girl's grandfather heard Qin Che's words and quickly urged the little girl: "Why don't you thank Prince Ze quickly?"

The little girl was in a completely confused state, so she had no idea what was happening.

But since it was her grandfather, she would just do it.

The little girl bowed to Qin Che very obediently, and then said to Qin Che: "Thank you, Prince Ze."

Hearing that Qin Che actually took the initiative to accept a disciple.

Instead, the people below were in an uproar.

You must know that Qin Che has been here for a day.

But during this whole day, Qin Che didn't say a word.

Qin Che didn't even have any comments about those people.

But facing such a frail and sick little girl, Qin Che not only took the initiative to speak, but also actively invited the little girl to practice at Daodao Mountain.

Qin Ying felt very problematic when he heard Qin Che's words.

You must know that the day Qin Che came, some people even Qin Ying thought that he was a talent that could be made.

But even under such circumstances, Qin Che did not make any comments.

The little girl in front of her was obviously born with something wrong.

Let alone cultivation, even if you are alive, whether you can live to grow up is a very huge problem.

Can such a person really practice cultivation?

Qin Ying looked at Qin Che and whispered to Qin Che, "Have you checked this child's condition? Her physical condition is not suitable for practice at all."

Qin Che asked Qin Ying: "If I ask you to adjust his body, how sure are you that you can adjust his body to the point where he can practice martial arts normally?"

After listening to Qin Che's words, Qin Ying knew that Qin Che was not joking, and immediately began to think seriously.

After Qin Ying thought for a while, he then said to Qin Che: "If no matter the cost, I am at least [-]% sure that she can practice normally before she is ten years old."

After hearing Qin Ying's answer, Qin Che immediately made a decision and said: "In that case, no matter the cost, we will first organize her body, and then slowly guide her practice."

Seeing that Qin Che was serious, Qin Ying nodded and said, "Okay, then I will take care of her body first, and then when she is able to practice, I will guide her practice."

During the conversation between Qin Che and Qin Ying, everyone understood a problem.

That was the legendary ancestor who had broken through the void and ascended. He obviously listened to Qin Che's words very much.

In the relationship between the two, Qin Che is obviously the dominant one.

Qin Che is the one who has the final say. Qin Ying is here just to cooperate with Qin Che.

(End of this chapter)

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