Chapter 227 died like this?
How Jiang Nianfeng taught Qin Che the Overlord Sword, the East Emperor has no way of knowing.

But Emperor Dong was very aware of the power of his Overlord Sword.

No matter how much Qin Che learned his Overlord Sword.

Even the Eastern Emperor was not going to let Qin Che use his sword first.

Moreover, Dongdi had a faint worry in his heart. Qin Che was so evil that he even learned the conversation between himself and his apprentice, as well as his Overlord Sword.

What kind of secrets Qin Che has in his body is something that the East Emperor doesn't know about.

Dong Di is a decisive person, as for being shameless.

At the age of Dongdi, he no longer values ​​these things.

Being alive is the key, everything else is secondary.


Dong Di moved and did not wait for Qin Che to draw his sword first.

However, as soon as Dong Di took action, he found that Qin Che had already completed his momentum faster than him.

At the same time, Qin Che moved faster than him.

Qin Che's body bowed, and the next moment he was ejected directly.

Qin Che's step in the air directly exploded the air under his feet.

It made a sound like a fighter jet detonating when flying at supersonic speed.

At the same time, Qin Che's speed also increased to beyond the sound barrier in an instant.

Qin Che's whole body was like a supersonic fighter jet.

And it is a supersonic fighter that weighs more than one million kilograms.

Such terrifying power seemed to collapse the void.

Although Dong Di was frightened, he still took action.

The most terrifying thing about the Overlord Sword is that once the sword technique takes off, it will be followed by continuous sword movements.

And all the sword movements will be connected together.

At that time, all the swords will be like a continuous mountain of swords, cutting down one by one.

In the end, just relying on the power of this sword can directly crush people to death.

At the same time, another characteristic of the Overlord Sword is that the first sword requires extreme speed and power.

However, the next sword movement requires no longer speed and strength.

The next sword movement can be fully deployed by relying on inertia.

This is the truly terrifying thing about the Overlord Sword.

Because you can concentrate all your strength on the first strike, so that your entire sword move can always be in a super explosive state.

The same principle applies to Qin Che.

And more practical.

Because Qin Che has upgraded the Overlord Sword to the level of magical powers.

The biggest difference between the Overlord Sword with magical powers and the Overlord Sword with lower magical powers is that it can completely convert speed into power.

This is equivalent to having twice the normal strength.

In the end, the Overlord Sword is about crushing in terms of strength.


Therefore, when Qin Che's Wanjun Blade and Dongdi's Overlord Sword collided heavily.

Dongdi's Overlord Sword suddenly broke.

You must know that the Overlord Sword of the Eastern Emperor is made of black iron from outside the sky.

It weighs a million kilograms, and Dong Di has been raising it for hundreds of years.

This is definitely the strongest sword in the world today.

But now, it broke with a bang.

Looking at the Overlord Sword in his hand that was broken in one blow, Dongdi didn't even have time to think about why this was the result.

Qin Che's Ten Thousand Jun Blade has already been swung.

Under the million-pound sword, everything is an object of destruction.

Even space will be inevitably submerged.



Dongdi's body came into direct contact with Wanjun Blade.

Then, Dongdi's body was easily destroyed by Wanjun Blade.

Even if Dongdi possesses martial arts aura, he can possess extremely powerful recovery ability.

But the body was directly destroyed, and there was no possibility of the East Emperor surviving.

From Qin Che's attack, Dong Di's body was directly smashed into pieces.

The whole process lasted less than ten breaths.

In just ten breaths, the Eastern Emperor fell in front of Shangguan Ling.

Shangguan Ling didn't even understand what happened.

Dong Di has turned into a pile of meat.

And now Qin Che is collecting Dong Emperor's meat paste.


"Take it back to the little cowardly cat. Maybe we can read some of the East Emperor's memories and see why the East Emperor had to kill me." Qin Che explained to Shangguan Ling.

However, Qin Che misunderstood. What Shangguan Ling wanted to ask was not this question at all.
Why did the East Emperor kill Qin Che? Is this question still important now?
The important question now is why Qin Che killed the East Emperor so easily.

Qin Che's strength has reached such a terrifying level.

Qin Che did not give Shangguan Ling another chance to ask.

He directly took Dongdi's meat paste and flew towards the direction of Daodao Mountain.

Shangguan Ling can only follow behind, and then ask about the specific situation after returning to Daodao Mountain.

The two of them returned to Daodaoshan, and Qin Che directly threw the meat paste to the little cowardly cat.

The little cowardly cat didn't care whether the meat was minced or not, and just ate it in big mouthfuls.

After all, it is given by the master, and everything the master gives is delicious.

The little timid cat started to chew there big and big.

Zhu Qianyun and Huangfu glanced at it and ignored it.

It’s normal for owners to bring snacks back to feed their pets.

The two of them are now concerned about the situation of the Eastern Emperor.

"Where's the East Emperor? How's the situation with the East Emperor?" Huangfu Tong asked anxiously.

Qin Che pointed with his hand: "That's all it eats."

After hearing Qin Che's words, Huangfu Tong and Zhu Qianyun turned to look at the little timid cat.

Then the two of them felt as if their brains had shut down several times.

Then he recovered again.

" mean that piece of minced meat is the East Emperor?"

Qin Che nodded and said, "Yes."

The little cowardly cat also has an IQ, and its IQ is not low.

After hearing what Qin Che said, he immediately stopped eating and stared blankly at the minced meat in front of him.

For a moment, the little timid cat didn't know what kind of posture he should use to lower his mouth.What he is eating now is actually Dongdi.

He is known as one of the most powerful human warriors.

"Senior, right?" Huangfu Tong looked at Shangguan Ling who went out with Qin Che again, and asked Shangguan Ling for confirmation.

Shangguan Ling suddenly felt an unreal feeling when he looked at Dong Di who had been eaten by the little cowardly cat.

Shangguan Ling was in a daze for a moment, not sure whether what the little cowardly cat ate was Dong Di.

But when he thought of the scene outside just now, Shangguan Ling reacted and nodded.

Now it was Zhu Qianyun and Huangfu Tong's turn to be shocked again.

The two people and the cat stared blankly at the piece of minced meat.

The hero among the human race, one of the most powerful among the human warriors, turned into a ball of minced meat in such a short period of time.

If calculated carefully, the time it took for Qin Che to leave before and after was less than two sticks of incense.

Huangfu Tong and Zhu Qianyun had thought about it, and there might be an earth-shattering battle next.

As a result, they waited and waited here, but there was no movement at all. Dongdi had turned into a pile of minced meat.

"Eat quickly, it's all broken into pieces. If you can't read too many memories after a while, don't eat anymore."

When the little timid cat heard this, he started to eat crazily.

On the one hand, it was naturally because of Qin Che's threat, and on the other hand, the little cowardly cat thought that this was one of the most powerful warriors among humans.

With such a good opportunity, I must eat it while it's hot.

If you don't eat it while it's hot, you're wasting your opportunity.

After the little cowardly cat ate up the whole 'East Emperor', Huangfu Tong and Zhu Qianyun still felt an unreal feeling.

The Eastern Emperor was a legendary figure in their memories.

He fell like this and was eaten clean by a monster.

Is this really what happened before their eyes?
"Can I still read his memory?" Qin Che asked the little timid cat.

The timid cat closed his eyes and sensed it for a while, then nodded to Qin Che and said, "I can still sense some, but the amount of information is very large, and I need some time to digest it."

Qin Che nodded and said, "Go."

After the little cowardly cat received the order, he went aside to digest Dong Di's huge memory.

After the little cowardly cat left, Huangfu Tong and Zhu Qianyun looked at each other, and they both saw incredible things in each other's eyes.

"Is the East Emperor dead like this?" Huangfu Tong murmured to Zhu Qianyun.

Zhu Qianyun couldn't give Huangfu the same answer to such a question.

Because Zhu Qianyun is still feeling foggy and unreal right now.

"Senior, do you want to stay here and wait for news about the little coward, or go back to practice first?" Qin Che asked Shangguan Ling.

Shangguan Ling thought for a moment and said, "I'll stay here and wait for news."

After a pause, Shangguan Ling hesitated for a while, and then said with some hesitation: "In addition, I also have a few questions about practice that I want to ask you."

Shangguan Ling was able to say such words, and he obviously mustered up a lot of courage to say it.

To Shangguan Ling, Qin Che is just a junior anyway.

In Shangguan Ling's view, it still takes courage to ask for advice from one's juniors.

Especially for this junior, I have always maintained a highly suspicious attitude.

And now, I need to ask this junior for advice.

In Shangguan Ling's view, this matter was indeed a bit shameful.

Qin Che also didn't expect that Shangguan Ling would make such a request to him.

Naturally, Qin Che would not refuse this kind of thing, but there were some things that Qin Che still needed to explain in advance.

"The juniors will try their best to answer the seniors' questions. However, the seniors also know that the juniors' cultivation time is too short, and the juniors' answers to some questions may not be correct."

Qin Che just made a truthful statement.

But in the ears of Shangguan Ling, Huangfu Tong and Zhu Qianyun, it was so harsh.

Qin Che's cultivation time was short, but theirs were not short.

However, although they have been practicing for a long time, their achievements are not at the same level as Qin Che's.

The gap between the two is really too obvious.

"Well, just try your best." Shangguan Ling could only reply like this.

There was nothing Shangguan Ling could do about his answer. After all, what Qin Che said was true.

Qin Che's training time was indeed a little short.

Next, Shangguan Ling settled in Daodao Mountain, and the little cowardly cat was on the side to digest the huge memory of the Eastern Emperor.

Huangfu Tong and Zhu Qianyun continued to retreat.

During this period, Lizhu came to Daodaoshan once and asked about the situation of Dongdi.

Unless the East Emperor's matter is resolved, it will always be a sword hanging over their heads.

But when Lizhu heard that Dong Didu had been eaten by the little cowardly cat.

Lizhu was stunned for a long time before she came back to her senses.

East Emperor.

The most powerful warrior in the world according to Lizhu's investigation.

As a result, he died silently in Qin Che's hands and became Qin Che's pet.

"You are a worthy pet. You can taste all kinds of masters." Lizhu said to the timid cat while petting the cat.

After listening to Lizhu's words, the little timid cat also let out a comfortable and proud growl.

The little timid cat now feels that he has really chosen the right owner.

With Qin Che by his side, there is no need to worry about food and clothing.

The most important thing is that by following Qin Che, you can taste all kinds of human masters.

The human race does not eat humans, but as a monster, it still eats humans.

Especially during the time he was with Qin Che, he really discovered that the higher the martial arts training, the more delicious the meat.

After eating Dongdi, the timid cat even felt that everything it had eaten before was just garbage.

Dong Di is the real delicious food.

Now that the situation with the East Emperor has been resolved, Lizhu did not stay in Daoshan any longer, but returned to Heiya and continued to handle the official affairs of Heiya.

During the period when the East Emperor disappeared, the secret realm was very unstable.

The other three emperors gathered together on the day the East Emperor disappeared.

The East Emperor's departure from the secret realm could not be hidden from others, but it could not be hidden from the three of them.

The three of them knew it from the time Dong Emperor left.

The three of them also know that Dong Emperor has not returned yet.

They are gathering together now to discuss why the Eastern Emperor did not come back.

"Did something happen to him?" Beidi was the first to ask.

"Unexpected? It's not that big of a deal. Dong Di will go there after breaking through. With the fifth level of True Spirit, even if there is an unexpected incident, he should be able to escape." Nan Di also expressed his judgment in the same way.

After the Northern and Southern Emperors expressed their judgments, they both looked at the Western Emperor.

The West Emperor's strength is closest to that of the East Emperor. At the same time, the West Emperor is also the one who knows the Qin family of Great Zhou the best.

Because the East Emperor and the West Emperor were both people who had received favors from Emperor Chang of Zhou Dynasty.

At the same time, only the West Emperor and the East Emperor control the secrets in this secret realm.

Not even the Northern and Southern Emperors knew what kind of secret it was.

(End of this chapter)

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