Chapter 226 I let you strike first!

The East Emperor is here.

And he arrived not long after he left customs.

This speed really slapped Qin Che in the face.

After all, Qin Che had just caught up with Guan Ling and analyzed a wave of big boss's psychological activities.

The next second, he was slapped in the face.

The East Emperor's arrival so quickly made Qin Che suspect that Jiang Nianfeng was not the East Emperor's direct disciple, but his own son.

"I'm going out to take a look. You don't have to follow me." Qin Che said to everyone.

"I'll go with you." Shangguan Ling took a direct step and followed Qin Che.

Naturally, Qin Che would not refuse this senior who cared about his juniors.

If you refuse, you may have to be taught a lesson by this senior again.

So if Shangguan Ling wants to follow, just follow.

Having one more Shangguan Ling won't affect anything.

After all, it was impossible for Shangguan Ling to influence Dongdi's judgment.

After Qin Che left Daodao Mountain, he flew directly in the direction of Dongdi.

Shangguan Ling followed Qin Che, as if he wanted to protect Qin Che at any time.

Although the senior Shangguan Ling is somewhat tolerant.

But for a junior like himself, Shangguan Ling still takes good care of him.

Just like now, Shangguan Ling had obviously forgotten that she was only in the Cave Heaven realm, while Qin Che was already in the True Spirit realm.

The two people quickly arrived at the edge that the Daoshan formation could cover.

The Eastern Emperor stood on the edge of the formation.

The East Emperor wears a black robe and a dragon-shaped crown on his head. He has a slender figure and sharp eyes.

Qin Che had learned about the situation of the Eastern Emperor, who was the leader of the rebel army that overthrew the previous dynasty together with the Great Zhou Taizu.

Later, seeing that Taizu Taizu of the Great Zhou Dynasty was more powerful, he voluntarily withdrew from the competition.

Merged his own rebel army into Taizu's rebel army.

Then he chose to retire from the world.

His choice was naturally very smart.

After Taizu of the Great Zhou Dynasty conquered the world, he naturally gave preferential treatment to the Eastern Emperor.

Even the later Emperor Chang treated the East Emperor very favorably.

He even helped the East Emperor to become a True Spirit Realm, and he was the first True Spirit Realm among the Four Emperors.

In fact, logically speaking, the relationship between the Eastern Emperor and Da Zhou should be good.

Even if Qin Che killed Jiang Nianfeng, he shouldn't have turned against him.

And fundamentally speaking, Dongdi should not have let Jiang Nianfeng appear around Qin Che from the beginning.

Qin Che was sizing up Dong Emperor, and Dong Emperor was also sizing up Qin Che.

Qin Che obviously had a gleam of surprise in his eyes when he saw him for the first time from Dong Di.

It's just that Dong Emperor hid it very well. Except for Qin Che, even Shangguan Ling didn't notice it.

"What are you doing here? Interceding for him?" Dong Di did not immediately pay attention to Qin Che, but turned to Shangguan Ling.

It was the first time that Dong Emperor and Qin Che met, but it was not the first time that they met Guan Ling.

Both of them were practicing in the secret realm left by Taizu, so it was normal for them to meet by chance.

Shangguan Ling did not flinch after hearing Dongdi's words, but argued with reason: "Jiang Nianfeng's death was entirely his own fault.

It was he who took the initiative to provoke and eventually died here.

I also hope that the Eastern Emperor can understand clearly. "

Shangguan Ling did not help the East Emperor as soon as he came up, recalling how the Qin family of the Great Zhou Dynasty took care of him.

Instead, he first put a high moral hat on Dong Di.

In this way, if the Eastern Emperor does not practice martial ethics, he can still have a way out.

After listening to Shangguan Ling's words, Emperor Dong said: "But what I heard is completely the opposite.

I heard that the Qin family in the Great Zhou Dynasty acted in a perverse way, making the people miserable and making people angry.

I asked my disciple to come here because I hope I can bring someone from the Qin family there to explain things clearly. "

Shangguan Ling's expression darkened slightly after hearing Dong Di's words.

Dong Di's answer was obviously a bit rogue.

Dongdi said that he asked Jiang Nianfeng to invite Qin Che over, but what Shangguan Ling saw was not like this at all.

It was Jiang Nianfeng himself who came to provoke him.

Of course, provocation is not correct. In fact, Jiang Nianfeng was killed by Qin Che before he even completed the provocation.

Therefore, Jiang Nianfeng's provocation should be considered a failure.

However, Jiang Nianfeng is dead now.

To die is to die without evidence.

It doesn't matter whether Jiang Nianfeng came here to provoke him on the East Emperor's order, or whether he came here to take Qin Che back to clarify things clearly on the East Emperor's order.

Everyone is dead, so it's impossible to explain clearly.

Shangguan Ling didn't know what was going on here, but Qin Che knew it very well.

Because the little coward told Qin Che everything.

Including how the East Emperor ordered Jiang Nianfeng to only kill the evil leader after Jiang Nianfeng came over.

These are what Qin Che saw from the memory directly read through the little cowardly cat.

There is nothing wrong with reading the memory directly in this way.

"I hope you, Emperor Dong, can remember you in those days..."

Shangguan Ling was planning to play the emotional card.

I plan to bring out the two love cards of Taizu Taizu of Zhou Dynasty and Emperor Chang.

However, before Shangguan Ling could finish speaking, he was interrupted by Dong Di: "I didn't take action immediately when I came here. I was already thinking of the kindness I had received back then."

"I did not kill him immediately, so I have done my utmost to be benevolent and righteous."

"As long as he is willing to go back with me, I will naturally clear his name after I investigate the truth of the matter."

Dongdi's words completely silenced Shangguan Ling.

The Eastern Emperor has already said this, and Shangguan Ling can't say it no matter how reasonable he is.

Moreover, the East Emperor has already said that taking Qin Che back now will only imprison Qin Che. After the matter is investigated clearly, Qin Che will naturally be freed.

But Shangguan Ling also knew very well that it was absolutely impossible for Qin Che to leave with Dongdi.

Now not only Qin Che is opposed, but Shangguan Ling is also very opposed.

Because the various performances of the East Emperor have completely overturned the image of the East Emperor in Shangguan Ling's mind.

If the East Emperor is really allowed to take Qin Che away, there is a high probability that Qin Che will not come out alive.

After Dong Di finished speaking, Qin Che finally said: "I thought you would be shameless, but I never thought you could be so shameless."

"If your memory is not good, I can remind you how you ordered Jiang Nianfeng."

"You ordered Jiang Nianfeng to only kill the evil leaders, but you never said that Jiang Nianfeng would ask me to go back for questioning."

After hearing Qin Che's words, the light in Dongdi's eyes suddenly became sharper.

Obviously the East Emperor didn't know how Qin Che knew and how he told Jiang Nianfeng to do things.

Such a thing is a very dangerous thing for Dongdi.

The conversation between himself and his disciple was actually completely known to Qin Che.

If something like this happened, it could be the reason why the East Emperor would never let Qin Che go.

"What, do you want to admit it or can't admit it?" Qin Che continued to ask.Dong Di looked at Qin Che and said, "Originally, I thought you were a first offender and an old friend, so I wanted to give you a small punishment.

As a result, you are unrepentant. If this is the case, then I can only take action myself and take you back to discipline you. "

After Dong Di finished speaking, he took action directly and grabbed Qin Che.

Dong Di directly used martial arts spiritual energy when he came up. It didn't look like he was just going to take Qin Che back and discipline him.

If Qin Che is not in the True Spirit Realm, but only in the Cave Heaven Realm.

Just such a catch could seriously injure Qin Che.

The quality of martial arts spiritual energy is far superior to true energy and blood.

It's really not a joke if you are caught head-on like this.

In Dong Di's mind, Qin Che was obviously unlikely to be in the True Spirit Realm.

Because Dongdi should know where the difficulty lies in becoming a true spirit state.

Qin Che is so young, so according to the East Emperor's judgment, Qin Che cannot be in the True Spirit Realm.

Since he judged that Qin Che was not in the True Spirit Realm, and still caught him like this, it was obvious that the East Emperor really had no intention of letting Qin Che go.

The facts are similar to Qin Che's speculation.

Dong Di really never thought that Qin Che would be in the true spirit realm.

When Emperor Dong achieved his true spiritual realm, he relied on Emperor Chang's help.

And when he became the True Spirit Realm, he was actually quite old.

How old is Qin Che?

He doesn't even look a hundred years old.

To be able to achieve the Cave Heaven Realm is already a monster with a talent that defies the heavens.

To become a true spirit realm is simply a fantasy.

Only those who have truly become a strong person in the True Spirit Realm will know how difficult the True Spirit Realm is.

When Dong Di took action like this, he naturally did not intend to punish Qin Che in a small way.

The East Emperor planned to destroy Qin Che directly, then take Qin Che back and interrogate him slowly.

Facing Dong Di's big hand, Qin Che also greeted it with a palm.

"Martial arts spiritual energy!"

Seeing Qin Che's palm shot out, it was also martial arts aura.

Dong Di's expression also changed wildly.

Obviously, the fact that Qin Che is in the True Spirit Realm has completely disrupted Dong Di's understanding.

"Are you also in the True Spirit Realm?!"

The tone of Dongdi's words changed slightly.

It can be seen how much impact this incident had on Dongdi.

But in addition to the shock, Qin Che also saw a hint of fanaticism in Dongdi's eyes.

Qin Che is not sure why there is such a touch of enthusiasm.

"Since you are also in the True Spirit Realm, then I don't have to hold back." Dong Di opened some distance and took out his Overlord Sword.

Seeing that Dong Di even took out his Overlord Sword, Shangguan Ling knew that Dong Di was really serious about it.

"Senior Dong Emperor, I hope you will seriously consider it. After all, you received favors from the Qin family back then.

Now that you treat the descendants of the Qin family like this, aren't you afraid of being laughed at by the world? "

After hearing Shangguan Ling's words, Emperor Dong said coldly: "Back then, I gave up the world at my fingertips to the great ancestor of the Qin family.

Since the death of Emperor Chang, I have protected the Qin family for hundreds of years.

All debts have been repaid.

Now it is the Qin family who killed my direct disciple because they bullied others too much. "

This is very shameless to say.

Back then, the great ancestor of the Qin family was only one step away from unifying the world.

There is no need for the East Emperor to surrender.

Even without the help of the Eastern Emperor, it would be very easy for the great ancestor of the Qin family to conquer the world.

What Dong Di did was just the icing on the cake.

As for saying that he has protected the Qin family since Emperor Chang, this is even more nonsense.

Dong Di has never said anything to the outside world.

It was always Shangguan Ling who spoke to the outside world.

Shangguan Ling also understood that Dongdi was planning to go all the way.

No matter what I said, it was impossible to change this matter.

"Are you sure?" Shangguan Ling turned to Qin Che and asked seriously.

"What should I say if I'm not sure?" Qin Che asked Shangguan Lingdao.

Shangguan Ling gritted his teeth and said: "If you are not sure, just run away and I will stop the East Emperor for you. With your talent, you will definitely be able to catch up with the East Emperor in more than ten years. A gentleman will not take revenge for ten years." Night."

Qin Che didn't expect that Shangguan Ling would say such things to him.

Qin Che took a step forward and said: "Senior, you are right. With my talent, I will indeed be able to catch up with the Eastern Emperor in more than ten years. However, these ten years have passed."

Before Shangguan Ling could understand what Qin Che meant, he saw that Qin Che had already arrived in front of the East Emperor and took out his Wanjun Blade at the same time.

Although Qin Che felt that he should be able to kill the East Emperor directly without using weapons.

But for the sake of safety, Qin Che still planned to use weapons.

Dong Di watched Qin Che draw his sword at him: "Finally, a descendant of the Qin family is brave enough to show his sword at me."

Qin Che looked at Dong Emperor and said, "First tell me why you insist on killing me. I don't believe you would go to such great lengths for a direct disciple."

Dong Di did not directly answer Qin Che's question, but directly said, "This is the reason enough."

Dongdi obviously has something to hide, but he doesn't seem to intend to tell it here.

But this is not important to Qin Che.

If Dong Di doesn't want to say it, just don't say it. Anyway, he has a little cowardly cat.

When the time comes, just feed Dong Di to the little cowardly cat.

Let the little cowardly cat read Dong Di's memory, and he will naturally know what Dong Di is thinking.

When the Emperor's luck reached its limit, the Overlord Sword in his hand trembled slightly.

And around the Overlord Sword, the space seemed to be shattered.

After all, the Overlord Sword is a weapon weighing ten thousand kilograms, and it is blessed by the spiritual energy of the East Emperor's martial arts.

Even if you don't take action, the power is very terrifying.

"You are a junior, I will let you use the sword first." Dong Di said to Qin Che.

After hearing what Dong Di said, Qin Che said with a strange expression: "Are you sure you want me to draw the sword first?"

Dong Di didn't know why Qin Che looked so weird, but the words had been spoken and Dong Di would still keep his promise.

And what if Qin Che is in the True Spirit Realm?

How could such a young person in the True Spirit Realm compare with someone like himself who had been in the True Spirit Realm for hundreds of years?

Seeing that Dong Di's attitude was very resolute, Qin Che was no longer polite to Dong Di.

Right up front, the starting position of the Overlord Sword is shown.

Seeing Qin Che's starting move, Dong Di's expression changed again: "How come you know my Overlord Sword?"

Qin Che said: "Of course it was your precious disciple who taught me this."

 There are some emergencies at home, so the updates in the past two days may not be that powerful. I would like to apologize in advance. . . .

(End of this chapter)

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