Siheyuan: Originally I just wanted to be a little transparent

Chapter 407 If you said it, you didn’t say it.

After Lin Shengli and others sat down, a staff member walked to the podium in front and was responsible for presiding over the meeting.

After confirming that the microphone was good, the staff member said into the microphone:
"Dear students, I am very happy that you can come on time to attend this meeting today."

"First of all, let us welcome the leading comrades attending this meeting with warm applause."

"They are Dean Tang from the Aviation Research Institute, Director Lin from the Special Aviation Research Laboratory, Deputy Director Zhang from PBC University, Vice President Wang from Forty-Nine City Aviation College, and Vice President Li from Yanyuan University."

The staff responsible for presiding over the meeting, each time someone was introduced, the corresponding leader on the rostrum waved to the students in the audience, and received rounds of applause from the audience.

After listening to the host's introduction, the students below were even more surprised.

They did not expect that the young man on the rostrum, who looked like a junior, turned out to be the director of an aviation research laboratory.

Although I don’t know what level this director is, he may be on equal footing with other leaders above him, and seems to be in the chief position, so this level must not be lower.

Moreover, what makes them even more confused is that this is the first time they have heard that there is a special aviation research laboratory in their aviation field?

You know, these students who can come today are all majoring in the aviation field, and they still have some understanding of some well-known research institutes in the country.

Because many of the teachers who teach these students are actually researchers from these scientific research institutes.

"I think all the students are still confused until now. What are you going to do here today?"

"After all, when I first informed everyone, I just informed everyone to come here to attend the meeting, but I didn't tell you what the specific meeting was."

"Next, I would like to invite Director Lin from the Special Aviation Research Laboratory to introduce us to you."

After speaking, the host handed the microphone to Lin Shengli's hand.

Lin Shengli looked around and saw that several people around him were looking at him with smiles. It was obvious that they planned to just be spectators and let Lin Shengli perform freely.

Lin Shengli curled his lips, took over the microphone, cleared his throat and said:

"Dear students, I know you are all very curious as to why students from several different schools and different majors are gathered together today."

"Moreover, there are many students here who are about to go to new work units, and many have even started internships in their assigned units."

"Actually, it's very simple. We are here today just to recruit people."

"The recruiting unit is our Special Aviation Research Laboratory."

After hearing Lin Shengli's words, the students below started talking quietly in the audience.

Those students who had not yet been assigned were even more excited after hearing the news.

After all, this special aeronautical research laboratory is engaged in aviation research. This allows them to have a corresponding unit to work, which is really what they want!
And those students who have been assigned jobs and have gone to other units for internships are a little unhappy!
After all, their jobs have been confirmed, and now they are waiting to go through the formalities and go to work.

Now asking them to attend this recruitment meeting is a waste of time!
Moreover, this time is still wasted on a unit that has never heard of it and does not know what it is.

Seeing that the students below were all talking about it, Lin Shengli continued:

"I know everyone is wondering what our special aviation research laboratory is for."

"Then let me give you a brief introduction first."

"Actually, you can roughly guess from the name that our Special Aviation Research Laboratory is a newly established institution that specializes in aircraft research in the aviation field."

"Currently, our institution is under intense construction."

"The reason why I came here today is to add fresh blood to our newly established research institution."

"If you have any questions, you can ask them."

"If it's a question that can be answered, I will answer it for you."

Most of the students below looked at each other in shock after listening to Lin Shengli’s introduction.

Good guy, the simple introduction you mentioned is so simple!

You only said a few words in total, and it seems that you didn’t say as much as the host just now...

While the students below looked at each other and complained silently, one student raised his hand and stood up and asked: "Hello leaders, I have a question that I would like to ask Director Lin."

Lin Shengli looked at the classmate who was getting up and motioned for him to continue.

"Director Lin, I would like to ask, what are the specific positions that this special aviation research laboratory is recruiting for? What are the professional requirements?"

"You didn't say any of this just now. We don't know what kind of person you need."

Regarding this issue, Lin Shengli smiled and said, "No need to worry about these issues." "The staff we are recruiting today are all aircraft researchers in the aviation field."

"Of course, due to the principle of confidentiality, we cannot tell you about this specific research project yet."

"However, for those students who have been notified and come here, you have actually gone through the primary selection."

"The majors you have studied are also the related majors we need."

"In other words, as long as you are students who can come today, you are all we need, and everyone can sign up to take the assessment."

After the student who got the answer sat down, the other student also raised his hand and stood up.

"Director Lin, I would like to ask you, among the many students who came here today, many of them, like me, have already been assigned their work and are waiting to go through the formalities to report."

"Some students have even gone to their assigned units to practice for a period of time in advance."

"I would like to ask, can we also sign up?"

After hearing this, Lin Shengli smiled and said, "You don't need to worry about this problem. Since you can appear here today, then the problems you are worried about will naturally be solved by the relevant departments."

After listening to Lin Shengli's words, the classmate immediately became extremely excited after sitting down.

Because he originally studied aerodynamics, during the assignment, he was assigned to the steelmaking plant.

Although because he is a college student, after arriving at the factory, the benefits and other benefits are good.

However, what he learned seemed to have nothing to do with his work. He felt as if his four years of college were in vain!
Now, he has a chance to make a new choice, how can he not be excited!
"Do other students have any questions?"

Later, Lin Shengli answered the questions raised by some students later.

After a while, Lin Shengli saw that no one else had any questions, so Lin Shengli continued: "Students, since you have no other questions."

"Then next, I have a few questions here. I hope the students can think about it carefully. I hope you can give me a satisfactory answer."

"Of course, I won't ask you to answer now."

"I will leave you three days. After three days, you can hand the test paper with your own answers to the dedicated staff of your school."

"I hope everyone can pay special attention to it. Even though you only have three days, the questions on this set of test papers are not easy!"

After speaking, Lin Shengli motioned to the staff and distributed the test papers prepared in advance to everyone.

The test paper being handed out is a hodgepodge of questions from various majors.

However, when Lin Shengli first set out the questions, he thoughtfully noted on them that students who got the test papers only needed to answer questions about their majors.

As for if you want to answer questions from people outside your major, that’s up to you...

"Have all the students got the test papers?" Lin Shengli asked after seeing the papers handed out.

After confirming that every student present was assigned a test paper, Lin Shengli said: "Okay, now that the students have received the test paper, I hope everyone can answer it seriously."

"After you have finished answering, just hand it over to the staff at your school who is responsible for collecting test papers before the time ends."

"When you go back later, your school leaders will arrange staff for you to connect with you."

After speaking, Lin Shengli returned the microphone in his hand to the staff responsible for hosting.

After that, the host said some precautions and asked everyone to leave the auditorium in an orderly manner.

After declining invitations from several school leaders, Lin Shengli returned to the steel rolling mill.

After all, Lin Shengli currently has a lot of things in his hands, especially the preparations for the Special Aviation Research Laboratory. Lin Shengli needs to worry about many things. He really doesn't have much free time.

The students who came to participate in the selection meeting, after taking the test paper back, began to study the test paper without leaving the door. They all wanted to show their best skills so that they could be selected. superior.

Because many students want to go to this special aeronautical research laboratory, which is still under construction, but is professionally matched and somewhat mysterious.

On the second day after the selection meeting, a secret meeting was taking place in a hidden house in Sijiu City.

"Boss, do you think the information given by this black fox is reliable? Why do I feel like it's a bit of a joke!"

"I have never heard of a 21-year-old young man becoming the head of a scientific research institution."

"And this organization is still engaged in aircraft research in the aviation field?"

A middle-aged man who attended the meeting said with a look of disbelief after listening to the information relayed by their heads. (End of chapter)

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