Siheyuan: Originally I just wanted to be a little transparent

Chapter 406: Aren’t we now poachers in public?

Lin Shengli was a little surprised when he heard this.

When he talked to Dean Tang, he was looking for students who were about to graduate in their senior year. If they were particularly outstanding, the requirements could be relaxed appropriately.

But listening to the discussion of some classmates just now, it seems that those who have graduated and have been assigned are also here?
Lin Shengli turned to look at Dean Tang next to him and said, "Dean Tang, isn't the battle a bit big today?"

"How come this student who has already graduated and been assigned a job has been notified?"

"If we do this, if other units find out, we will become open poachers!"

After listening to Lin Shengli's words, Dean Tang also looked confused at this moment.

"Sheng Li, this was not arranged by me."

“When I made the announcement, I only told the comrades in charge of these universities that we had a project to select people and asked them to concentrate students from related majors, mainly senior students who were about to graduate. Get up and cooperate with our selection, and I didn't let them get into such a big fight."

"So what's going on now?" Lin Shengli asked.

Dean Tang shook his head in confusion and said, "I really don't know about this."

"Okay, let's go in first, go inside, and ask the comrades in charge of the school. They should know the specific situation."

After saying that, Dean Tang led Lin Shengli into the back of the auditorium through a side door.

There were several offices at the back of the auditorium. Dean Tang asked about them and then led Lin Shengli to one of the offices.

After pushing the door open, he found three middle-aged people chatting about something inside.

After Dean Tang opened the door and came in, he said directly: "Lao Zhang, Lao Wang, Lao Li, you all came quite early."

"Come on, let me introduce to you. This is the person in charge of our project, Comrade Lin Shengli."

"Shengli, this is Deputy Director Zhang from Wudaokou University, Vice President Wang from Forty-Nine City Aviation College, and Vice President Li from Yanyuan University."

After Lin Shengli greeted several people one by one, Dean Tang asked very puzzledly: "Old Zhang, what are you doing today?"

"Didn't you say you were selected from those senior classmates?"

"Why did I hear a lot of comments from my classmates on the road, and those who have graduated or even been assigned to units are also here?"

Hearing this, Deputy Director Zhang smiled, then looked at the two comrades from the Aviation College and Yanyuan University beside him and said, "Dean Tang, you are a bit unkind!"

"You asked us to cooperate with you in selecting personnel, but you didn't even tell us what specific projects we were going to carry out, and you only gave us a few professional names."

"That day, our old principal went out to have a meeting and came back and said that it was going to be a new aircraft research and development institution, and we were asked to cooperate in selecting talents."

"When we thought about the majors you gave us, we guessed that the thing you asked us to help is the same thing as what our old principal said."

"I definitely want to give our students such a good opportunity and give it a try!"

"Originally, there are not many aviation departments under your institute. Not to mention there are so many schools across the country. Even if you just place the students who graduated from our school, your positions are not enough."

"And you also know the current situation. We have many good talents with real talents and learning, and they have even been assigned to some quilt factory or steel factory."

"Although I am contributing to the motherland wherever I go, I really don't want these good seeds to go to waste."

"Don't worry, Dean Tang. The students we have called this time are all dedicated to studying and want to serve the country with their knowledge."

"Including those students who were called back, not only are they all talented and knowledgeable, but they also promised not to cause any trouble to us."

After listening to Deputy Director Zhao's words, Dean Tang also understood his thoughts and difficulties.

During this period, although some students no longer focus on studying, there are still many students who want to serve the country with their knowledge.

As for people stationed above, like Deputy Director Zhao, they actually see many things with their eyes, but are anxious in their hearts.

Sometimes, they have no good solution to the current situation and can only try their best to maintain it.

Now, finally, there is an opportunity for those students with real talents to serve the country. Of course, they don't want to miss it.

After Deputy Director Zhao finished speaking, Dean Tang looked at the two people on the side and asked, "Lao Wang, Lao Li, do you also have this plan?"

Hearing this, the two of them laughed and said, "What, Dean Tang, are you planning to favor one over the other?"

"The situation of our two schools is similar to that of Wudaokou. Many good talents with real talents have also been assigned to other factories."

"Now that we finally have such an opportunity, we want these children to try again."

"Although the current general environment is like this, we really don't want to see so many good seedlings who have been cultivated with great difficulty doing things that are not what they are used to."

"No matter how extravagant we are now, we are not yet at the point where we can use the college students we have trained for so many years to go to non-professional factories and become ordinary workers!"

After hearing what these three people said, Dean Tang didn't say anything more.Although Dean Tang is mainly in charge of the Aviation Research Institute of the Seventh Aircraft Department, due to the particularity of this industry, he still has many contacts with universities in these related majors in China.

So he also clearly understood that what these people said was the truth.

Everyone thinks that after the enrollment expansion in later generations, the employment pressure of those college students will be great, and the employment rate of their counterparts will be even lower.

But in fact, in this day and age, the employment rate is indeed high. As soon as you graduate, you will be assigned a job immediately.

However, it is not easy to achieve all matching employment.

There are certain majors and industries that can accommodate so many people, such as machinery, steel, civil engineering, etc.

But in some industries, such as the aerospace field, as a technical major in the high-tech field, there are not many corresponding units, and there are not many corresponding positions provided every year.

Moreover, for this kind of unit, even if it is to be allocated, its selection threshold is not low.

Even if many students graduate from this major, they may not be able to be selected.

Moreover, in order to ensure the fairness of distribution, you don’t just go wherever you want.

At this time, those limited corresponding positions are determined by drawing lots among many students who have graduated at the same time, organized and supervised by the school.

Unless you are incredibly outstanding, like Lin Shengli, then we can make an exception for you.

However, no matter how outstanding these students are, who can compare with a time-travelling person like Lin Shengli!

Seeing that Dean Tang remained silent after listening to what they said, they suddenly became a little anxious.

"Dean Tang, please give these students a chance."

"Your newly established research institution will definitely need a lot of relevant professionals."

"This gives them a chance and allows them to put what they have learned in the past four years to use."

"Otherwise, none of the things they have learned so hard will be used in the end. It will be a big loss to them and to you!"

Dean Tang looked at the three of them, pondered for a while and said, "I understand what you guys are talking about."

"Well, that's it this time."

"However, I have to vaccinate you here in advance."

"This selection will be based on Comrade Lin Shengli's opinions throughout the entire process, and none of you are allowed to interfere."

"Comrade Lin Shengli decides which people will be selected in the end."

Seeing that Dean Tang agreed, several people quickly expressed their opinions: "Dean Tang, don't worry, we will definitely not have any ideas about this selection, and we will not interfere or interfere in any way."

"As long as we can give these students who have real talents and want to serve the country wholeheartedly a chance, we will be satisfied."

Hearing this, Dean Tang nodded and said, "That's good. I think it's almost time. Let's hurry over and don't keep the students waiting."

After saying that, several people were led by the staff through the back corridor and came to the auditorium.

At this time, the auditorium was filled with students from several universities who had received the notice.

Many students who had no seats even sat directly on the steps in the aisle.

Before the selection meeting officially started, there were many classmates talking to the people next to them, but they all deliberately lowered their voices and it was not very noisy.

After all, most of the people who can come have gone through preliminary screening. In addition, the quality of the top students in these universities in this era is very high.

Although there were many people, the overall order was good.

The students sitting below gradually became quiet after seeing the leaders headed by Dean Tang speak.

They may not be familiar with other people, but they all know their own school leaders.

Dean Tang and several other school leaders on the podium, as well as the students below, were not very surprised.

After all, given Dean Tang's age and style, he looked like a big leader.

On the other hand, Lin Shengli next to Dean Tang seemed to be younger than them, the senior students who were about to graduate.

Lin Shengli, who is so young, is particularly special when he sits on the stage among the leaders with an average age of 50 to [-] years old.

Although everyone is confused, why Lin Shengli, who is so young and looks like a junior, can sit with other leaders.

However, their good quality and the well-armed security personnel at the venue allowed them to suppress their doubts and continue to remain quiet. (End of chapter)

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