Siheyuan: Originally I just wanted to be a little transparent

Chapter 215 Isn’t it good to be bored and rich?

Chapter 215 Isn’t it good to be bored and rich?
Two days later, Minister Fang paid a sudden visit without notifying anyone.

In Lin Shengli's deputy factory director's office, Minister Fang said to Lin Shengli with a serious expression:
"Comrade Lin Shengli, in order to commend you for your outstanding contributions to the industrial development of our country, with the approval of your superiors, you will be awarded the honorary title of Grand National Craftsman, and the corresponding certificates and medals will be issued to you!"

After receiving the certificate and medal representing the lofty honor, Lin Shengli was extremely excited.

In the past, Lin Shengli's concept of honor was limited to descriptions in books, and watching flowers and applause when others received awards. Apart from these, he had no more intuitive impressions and feelings about honor.

But when a heavy honor really fell on him.

Only then did Lin Shengli truly feel that these heavy certificates and medals represented more than just honor, they represented responsibility and responsibility, and they were also the force that spurred him on to move forward!
At this moment, Lin Shengli was in an agitated mood. He couldn't help himself and said from the bottom of his heart: "Everything in the past is a prologue."

"From this moment on, I will take the honor of a great national craftsman as a new starting point. In the years to come, I will dedicate myself to the world with greater enthusiasm, unremitting efforts, and more updated work performance and results. To the great flower grower, who is truly worthy of the honorary title of great national craftsman, which carries glory and responsibility!"

After Lin Shengli's agitated mood calmed down a bit, Minister Fang said: "Shengli, out of the protection of you, the superiors cannot publicly praise and reward you."

"I hope you can keep the certificates and medals awarded to you properly and preferably not let outsiders see them!

"In addition, your superiors originally planned to reward you with another 1 yuan, but they learned from some old comrades that you are upright and upright and refuse to ask for corresponding material rewards no matter what."

"But you have made such a great contribution. It would be unjustifiable if we don't give you some other corresponding rewards."

"Later, after discussion with superiors, it was decided that our Metallurgical Department would reward you on your behalf."

"Considering that you do not want cash or in-kind rewards, after research and decision by the main leaders of the department, and reported to superiors for approval, it has been decided to directly upgrade your technical level to level 2, with a salary standard of 287.5 yuan per month."

"And your original position as a Level 3 special researcher at the Steel Design and Research Institute of the Ministry of Metallurgy will be raised to a Level 2 special researcher at the Ministry of Metallurgy."

"Your relevant welfare benefits will all be implemented in accordance with the relevant benefits of a Level 2 researcher."

"Shengli, your technical level improvement and your appointment as a Level 2 researcher are only known to a small number of comrades in the ministry and a small number of people in the relevant higher-level departments."

"To the outside world, your rank and salary are still the first deputy secretary and deputy director of the steel rolling mill."

"The relevant welfare benefits of your Level 2 Special Researcher of the Ministry of Metallurgy will be kept and collected by specialized personnel assigned by your superiors."

"You can collect it once a month, or you can collect it once a month."

Speaking of this, Dean Tang paused and said in a slightly apologetic tone: "Shengli, your superiors and we all know that you, a young man in his prime, can only stand silently behind the scenes and cannot be prominent in front of others. You are indeed a little wronged by your reputation in the world."


Lin Shengli didn’t feel it at all!
Although the 1 yuan reward is indeed a huge sum of money for ordinary people in this era.

But Lin Shengli's vision is not that narrow!
He likes money, but for now, he doesn't really lack it.

As far as his current status is concerned, even though he is just the deputy director of a steel rolling mill, as far as his current benefits are concerned, it can be said that he has no worries about food and clothing, and he does not need to say anything about what is better than what is better, what is less than what is below, and what is more than what is better. , he can almost do it now, and he is directly better than the previous one.

You must know that Lin Shengli holds many jobs now, not counting the wages and benefits at the steel rolling mill.

Just for the position of Level 3 Distinguished Honorary Researcher of the 3rd Machinery Department, he was given a monthly salary of 240.5 yuan.

In addition, the monthly subsidies for the Wuye project and the precision equipment imitation project are quite large.

Calculating this, Lin Shengli’s salary plus various subsidies alone would amount to more than 500 yuan a month. Do you think he is short of money?

Now, the Ministry of Metallurgy has given him a separate salary of 2 yuan per month for a second-level researcher.

Calculating this again, Lin Shengli's monthly income is almost 900 yuan, and after this year, it is more than 1 yuan.

Compared with the one-time reward of 1 yuan, this kind of continuous salary is better!
Besides, his wages will continue to increase with the changes of the times.

After calculating this, any fool knows how to choose.

He refused the one-time bonus of 1 yuan. He could not only gain a good reputation as a person of integrity and not greedy for money, but also get real benefits. Why not do it!

As for work matters, his superiors actually gave Lin Shengli two options for his reference.

Well, this means that he is officially transferred to the National Academy of Sciences and becomes an official Level 2 researcher. Then his relevant welfare benefits will be immediately implemented in accordance with the benefits of a Level 2 researcher. If this continues, he will most likely become a Level [-] researcher in the future. Academician, there is no problem.

But if Lin Shengli chooses to work at the National Academy of Sciences, he will most likely go to those uninhabited mountains and forests, or desert dunes to engage in scientific research for the rest of his life.

This is probably unacceptable to Lin Shengli.

He is only 20 years old in this world and this era, and his life has just begun.

At the very least, he will have at least four to fifty years of good life ahead of him.

We can't let him live in anonymity from now on, accompanying himself with the yellow sand or wild beasts all the year round!
He can remain anonymous, but he can't just be buried in the ground!

Besides, isn't there a saying that the big hermit hides in the city, the small hermit hides in the wild, is hidden deep in the sea of ​​people, and hides the weapon in the body?

Lin Shengli can still contribute to the country if he stays at the Red Star Rolling Mill in Sijiu City!
Of course, he has deep respect and admiration from the bottom of his heart for those older generation scientists who are willing to remain anonymous, silently engage in scientific research all their lives in the desert Gobi, and contribute selflessly to the country!
Lin Shengli asked himself, he still does not have the selfless dedication of the older generation of scientists!

But you can't say that Lin Shengli doesn't have patriotic sentiments.

Because whenever it comes to national justice and Lin Shengli is needed to contribute, Lin Shengli will definitely rush to the front without hesitation.Just like, if my rabbit needs to repair a chicken one day, Lin Shengli will be the first to sign up to join the army, even if Lin Shengli is really scared to death.

He will also cry with tears in his eyes while holding a gun in front of him!
Doesn't this kind of Lin Shengli represent a true portrayal of thousands of ordinary flower-growing children with patriotic sentiments?
The second option, which is what Dean Tang is telling Lin Shengli now, is to keep everything the same. To the outside world, he still has the same positions and related benefits in the steel rolling mill.

Lin Shengli's choice was of course the second one.

How great it is now, not only can we get real benefits, but we can still stay in the steel rolling mill and continue to contribute to the motherland. We don’t have to go to the desert next door to blow the endless sand and eat the endless cold steamed buns. ! "

Dean Tang saw that Lin Shengli didn't have any resistance or raised any objections, so he continued: "Shengli, there is one more thing. I have been asked to ask for your opinion."

"Dean Tang, please tell me," Lin Shengli said.

"It's like this. When the superiors had a meeting two days ago, some comrades proposed that you should be praised for your contributions and wanted a certain agency above to interview you."

"We must establish you as an advanced role model in promoting the country's industrial development, and let the broad masses of cadres and the masses learn from you!"

"But considering that your current situation is a bit special, and your identity is not suitable for appearing in the public eye, it is impossible to publicize your deeds."

“However, the fact that we independently developed a new rolling mill is an exciting event that can enhance national self-confidence and enhance national pride and identity!

"It is a major event that can well reflect the image of our country's self-reliance and self-reliance internationally!"

"This matter must be vigorously publicized!"

"So, what I mean above is to weaken your personal role in this matter and focus on the collective role above."

"But after all, this rolling mill research and development project was driven and completed by one person, so let me ask for your opinion."

"If you personally want this interview, the higher-ups will agree to it, but after this, your personal life may need to be somewhat affected!"

After hearing what Dean Tang said later, Lin Shengli was not particularly surprised.

He built my country's first independently developed and manufactured new rolling mill. Such a feat, if done 60 or [-] years later, would be equivalent to creating a new type of photolithography machine.

No, even in a symbolic sense, there may be more!

However, when he heard that a certain agency from above was coming to interview him, Lin Shengli felt more or less excited.

You know, the people and things that can be featured in this certain society represent more than just being famous.

As a very influential company among flower growers, if Lin Shengli can show his face in it, if he wants to pursue an official career in the future, then this matter will be a great help to him.

Even if Lin Shengli doesn't think about his official career, being able to join a certain company would be a matter of honor for his family.

Although there are many benefits to this matter, the temptation is indeed great enough.

But fortunately, Lin Shengli is a time traveler, and Lin Shengli has listened to the instructions from his superiors.

Of course, he would not be impulsive and ignore everything just for the fame and fortune in front of him.

Besides, for it to be publicized in such a high-profile manner, it really makes people think that the current enemy agents don’t even exist!

If he was targeted by enemy agents or those monster-breakers, then that would be a waste of the efforts of his superiors who put all the important projects into the steel rolling mill to complete!
In addition, for Lin Shengli, he is not particularly keen on things like fame and fortune, no matter in his past or present life.

Have you never heard of the allusion that a gun shoots out the first bird and a big tree attracts the wind?
Isn’t it good to be bored and rich?

Lin Shengli thinks that it's good now. He won't attract too much attention and gets a lot of benefits. What else is he not satisfied with?

After getting a reply from Lin Shengli without any objection, Dean Tang reported today's events to his superiors after he returned.

A few days later, the superiors' promotion of the Longteng No. [-] rolling mill finally came to a conclusion.

The credit for successfully developing my country's first new rolling mill falls on the entire Metallurgical Department.

In the report, Red Star Steel Rolling Mill only appeared as one of the assisting units.

As for who took the lead, who developed it, and who produced it, there was no mention of it.

In short, he is the collective credit for this matter!
Although on the surface of the report, the Red Star Rolling Mill does not seem to have much credit, in reality, as a contributor to assisting Lin Shengli in developing and manufacturing a new rolling mill, the entire rolling mill has received countless benefits.

First of all, the Ministry of Metallurgy allocates 20.00% more funds to Hongxing Steel Rolling Mill every year than before.

Secondly, as the production base for the future production of Longteng No. [-] rolling mill, Director Yuan's fourth branch plant has begun extensive construction expansion.

The Fourth Branch Factory, including the entire Hongxing Steel Rolling Mill, also started a large-scale recruitment drive.

Hongxing Steel Rolling Mill is making great strides towards becoming a very large enterprise.

As for the relevant leaders of the Red Star Steel Rolling Mill, no one is missing out on the praise they deserve and the rewards they deserve.

(End of this chapter)

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