Siheyuan: Originally I just wanted to be a little transparent

Chapter 214 It’s all because of exhaustion

Chapter 214 It’s all because of exhaustion
After returning to the ministry, Minister Fang immediately started writing a formal report, and then took the report to the office of Minister Sun, the top leader of the Metallurgical Ministry, and reported the good news to Lin Shengli and others about the success of the new Sikun rolling mill research and development replica project.

After reading the report sent by Minister Fang, Minister Sun stood up excitedly and shouted three times in a row, "Okay! Okay! Okay!"

"Lao Fang, have you seen the results of their project with your own eyes?"

Minister Fang nodded very seriously and said, "Yes, I have seen it with my own eyes and it is absolutely true!"

"There is hope for the rise of our industry!"

"Yes, there is hope! After so many years, we can finally stand up straight and say that we can do it ourselves!" Minister Sun said excitedly.

The excited Minister Sun took a deep breath, calmed down his excitement, then grabbed the report on the table and said, "Let's go, Lao Fang, we have to report this good news to our superiors immediately!"

Not long after, Lin Shengli received a call from Minister Fang.

On the phone, Minister Fang told Lin Shengli that his superiors wanted to see him, and told him that someone would contact him shortly, and asked him not to go away for the time being, but to stay by the phone.

After saying this, Minister Fang hung up the phone without saying anything more.

After Lin Shengli waited by the phone for a few minutes, the phone rang.

After Lin Shengli answered the phone, what came on the phone was Dean Song's voice.

"Shengli, my superior asked me to contact you. You should come to the entrance of our hospital at eight o'clock in the evening."

Dean Song's words were also concise and to the point, and he hung up the phone immediately after finishing speaking.

Lin Shengli answered two calls in a daze. Apart from knowing that the boss wanted to see him, he didn't know anything else!

The key is, I can’t figure out why Dean Song contacted him last!
Regardless of whether he could figure it out or not, Lin Shengli obediently followed the instructions above and arrived at the door of President Song's hospital at eight o'clock in the evening.

When Lin Shengli arrived, the special car that came to pick them up was already waiting there.

After Lin Shengli arranged for Master Wu to drive back first, he got on the special car that came to pick him up and Dean Song.

In the car, Lin Shengli finally found out that it was an old leader from his superiors who was very concerned about our country's industrial development who wanted to see him.

After arriving at the place, the old man kindly asked about Lin Shengli's work situation and said many words of encouragement to him.

Dean Song, who brought Lin Shengli here, was busy checking the old man's health.

The old man also knew that Dean Song had asked the relevant superiors for instructions when he came to check his body. Of course, he would not embarrass Dean Song, so he got up and sat on the sofa.

Lin Shengli was nearby and quickly held his breath for fear of disturbing Dean Song's physical examination of the old man.

After Dean Song checked the old man's body, his expression was serious and his brows were furrowed.

Dean Song's expression did not mean that he had checked out the old man's physical condition.

But it was precisely because nothing was found that made Dean Song look serious and frown.

It turns out that just yesterday, the old man suddenly felt unwell...

The doctor on duty checked the old man's body, but found no reason for the old man's sudden physical discomfort.

Although the old man said it didn't matter, the doctor on duty felt that if he didn't know the cause, there would be no way to treat it. If he left it alone, no one dared to think about the consequences that would eventually occur!
Therefore, the doctor on duty reported the situation to a certain health committee.

A certain health committee reported this situation to its superiors, who asked a certain health committee to find out the specific reasons.

After discussion, a certain health committee assigned Dean Song to conduct a detailed examination of the elderly person.

Dean Song made an appointment with the old man in advance for a physical examination, which happened to be the time when the old man wanted to see Lin Shengli.

Out of the protection of Lin Shengli and the time arrangement, I asked Dean Song to contact Lin Shengli and bring Lin Shengli with her when she came over.

Now, when Dean Song did not find any problems, Dean Song suddenly glanced at Lin Shengli who was sitting next to him. He now had an idea.

"There is no doubt about Lin Shengli's attainments and level in medical medicine."

"To be able to write a comprehensive medical book like the Barefoot Doctor's Manual and prepare world-leading drugs, how can this level of medical care be so low?"

Dean Song believed that Lin Shengli's medical level in some aspects had surpassed those of them, experts from a certain health committee.

If she couldn't detect the situation, Lin Shengli might be able to.

However, her idea was a bit too abrupt, but for the sake of the elderly's health, Dean Song decided to give it a try.

"Dear old man, I haven't found any problems here for the time being, but~"

Seeing that Dean Song seemed to have something to hide, the old man said kindly: "Comrade Chunping, if you have anything to say, you can tell me directly."

Dean Song glanced at the old man, and then said with determination: "Old man, for the sake of your health, I want Comrade Shengli to check your body again. Is that okay with you?"

Hearing Dean Song's words, the old man smiled and said, "Comrade Chunping, when you said that, I remembered it."

"Our Comrade Shengli is not only a highly skilled scientific and technological worker, but also a medical worker with excellent medical skills."

"Comrade Chunping, you think it is necessary to ask Comrade Shengli to check me again. Is there anything wrong with this? I agree."

After getting the old man's consent, Dean Song turned to Lin Shengli and said, "Shengli, come and check the old man."

Lin Shengli was a little confused when he heard what Dean Song said. He didn't expect that Dean Song would ask him to check the elderly man's body.

Did Dean Song misunderstand something? Lin Shengli's medical and medical skills were all based on the books carried by later generations. He considered his medical skills to be average.

What's more, he was facing someone who was respected and loved by everyone. Lin Shengli would be lying if he said he wasn't nervous.

Lin Shengli was about to refuse, but a sudden flash of inspiration occurred in his mind. Although he thought he had average medical skills, he was a dangerous person!
Moreover, he had compiled all the old man's life information for later generations, and some of the old man's physical conditions were clearly recorded on it.

Thinking of this, Lin Shengli didn't hesitate anymore and said to Dean Song: "Okay, Dean Song." After that, he stood up and walked to the old man slightly nervously.

When the old man saw Lin Shengli coming over, he was afraid that he would be too nervous, so he chatted with Lin Shengli about his daily life. His cordial attitude made Lin Shengli feel like spring breeze.After chatting for a while, Lin Shengli didn't dare to waste time, and the topic turned directly to physical examination.

The old man smiled and said: "Actually, I know that there is no big problem with my body. It's just that comrades are too worried and nervous."

Lin Shengli smiled and nodded and said: "I sincerely hope that you will be in good health and live a long life. I will just give you a brief check-up to save comrades from worrying."

After saying that, Lin Shengli began to take the old man's pulse.

Dean Song was at the side, not making a sound, watching all Lin Shengli's movements with concentration.

Lin Shengli took the pulse, then took Dean Song's stethoscope and checked the old man.

After all the inspections were completed, Dean Song asked cautiously: "How is Shengli? Did you find anything?"

Lin Shengli nodded: "The old man's health is caused by the long-term hard life and some sequelae left over from the past."

"But that's not the most important thing. The most important thing is that the old man's heart is now in some hidden dangers."

"This is caused by staying up late for a long time and working around the clock. If it is not prevented and treated in advance, if it is left unchecked, it will slowly develop into heart disease in the future."

"In addition, because his work and rest schedule may not be regular enough, and possibly due to work reasons, his urinary system (that is, the bladder) may also have some minor hidden dangers."

"Although this hidden danger won't have much impact for the time being, if you don't pay attention to conditioning and treatment, big problems will occur in the future."

Lin Shengli recorded in his mind for later generations some of the diseases that affected the health of the elderly many years in advance and told them all in one go.

I hope this will attract the attention of the elderly and lead to early prevention and treatment.

In fact, to put it bluntly, the diseases that the old man gradually developed in the future were all caused by his exhaustion and exhaustion at work day and night.

"Is there a hidden danger in the heart? Will it gradually develop into a heart disease? Is there also a small problem in the urinary system? Will it develop into a big problem in the future?" Dean Song did not doubt Lin Shengli's diagnosis at all, but after she heard this, his mood , it suddenly became heavy.

The old man didn't take the results of the diagnosis too seriously. It wasn't that he kept his illness under wraps and avoided medical treatment, but that he always prioritized his work!
Many doctors have also advised him not to be so tired. Some doctors even directly suggested that he put down the work at hand and find a place with beautiful scenery and suitable for rest and recuperation to take good care of his body.

However, if he doesn't deal with all the matters in time, how much will be delayed?

The old man never thought that he would delay his work because of his own affairs!
Dean Song calmed down his heavy heart, looked at Lin Shengli and asked: "Shengli, since you can find the problem, you must also have a way to solve the problem, right?"

Dean Song shouldn't have asked this, but she asked anyway.

Lin Shengli actually discovered that his respected family member had hidden dangers in the heart and urinary system, so he should be able to solve it, right?

Lin Shengli nodded, thought for a moment and said, "Fortunately, these symptoms were discovered in time, and these symptoms are only mild symptoms in the early stages."

"There is no need for special infusions or medication. It only needs to be adjusted with special medicinal diet, plus massage every once in a while."


Lin Shengli hesitated for a moment. He didn't know whether it was appropriate to say something or not.

Seeing Lin Shengli start to hesitate in speaking, this made Dean Song very anxious. Dean Song quickly asked: "Shengli, what is it? You should hurry up and say it!"

"No matter what is wrong, you must say it out. You must not hide anything!"

The old man also heard Lin Shengli's words, but he was relatively calm and did not ask out loud. However, he also looked at Lin Shengli curiously.

Lin Shengli nodded and said, "Okay, all I'm saying is that if you want to have a healthy body, you must have a healthy routine and appropriate physical exercise."

"Elderly people must try their best to adjust their work and rest schedules. It is best to ensure that they have no less than six to seven hours of rest every day."

"Otherwise, if he continues to overdraw his body, even with medicinal diet and other medical methods to regulate and treat him, I am afraid that he will not be able to maintain his health forever!"

In fact, these words of Lin Shengli are all clichés. Lin Shengli estimates that the elderly have heard them countless times...

Lin Shengli had already said everything that needed to be said. Afterwards, Lin Shengli took the pen and paper and carefully copied the medicinal formula recorded in an ancient book that could calm the mind, nourish the brain, help sleep and strengthen the body, and handed it to Song. Dean.

Then he gave instructions on how to prepare this medicinal meal.

Lin Shengli followed Dean Song to the kitchen at the back. With the help of Dean Song, he cooked a pot of medicated food with physical strengthening potion.

After the elderly man finished eating the medicinal food, Lin Shengli used the massage techniques described in the book, plus his knowledge of human body acupuncture points, to slowly massage the respected person to relieve his stress.

When it was almost 10 minutes, the side effects of the physical strengthening potion took effect (8 hours of high-quality sleep). The respected person was already lying on the bed and fell into a deep sleep.

Lin Shengli greeted Dean Song, and the two walked out quietly.

Dean Song was a little puzzled as to why Lin Shengli didn't come for massage every day.

Lin Shengli couldn't answer Dean Song's question about the physical strengthening potion, so he could only find some other reasons to explain it.

So, Lin Shengli said to Dean Song: "Dean Song, you also know that although the use of medicated diet for treatment is a mild way of supplementing food, this medicated diet is also medicine after all."

"You understand the principle that medicine is three parts poisonous. You don't need me to explain it."

"These hidden dangers found in the elderly are all mild symptoms in the early stages. If we detect them early, they do not need to follow conventional treatment methods and require daily medication."

"And I come over every once in a while to perform massages on the elderly. It is based on the changes in the elderly's body that I can provide further physical conditioning to the elderly..."

Dean Song thought for a while and felt that Lin Shengli was right. Since Lin Shengli felt that it was not necessary to undergo treatment every day, it was really unnecessary.

"Well, okay, then when the time comes, when you want to come over every week, you contact me in advance. We will still be the same as today, and I will take you over."

"Okay." Lin Shengli nodded and replied.

After saying goodbye to Dean Song, Dean Song had someone drive Lin Shengli back to the courtyard.

(End of this chapter)

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