Have I become a nightmare for goddesses?

Chapter 110 The Prince’s Secret

Chapter 110 The Prince’s Secret

"Let's welcome Marquis Jing together."

Zhao Xuan, the crown prince of the Tang Dynasty, who was looking at "Zhongzhou" above his head, raised his hands and said, Xu Hou had no reaction, while Youhou clapped his hands like a lively girl.

"Don't dare."

Wei Buqi looked away from the calm Lan Xihou as if nothing had happened, and returned the salute to the people in front of him.


Xu Hou spoke the words politely. Unlike Prince Xuan and the owner of Youzhou Tu, who did not hide his character, he cherished his words like gold, and his words and deeds were full of restraint. Obviously, he did not want to be recognized for his true identity.

In fact, of everyone present, who treats others with true kindness?Wei Er put on a mask, and the so-called Zhonghou and Youhou were just acting.

Perhaps, the only one who has no pretense is the Crown Princess who transformed into the Marquis of Lanxi.

"Let me end today's meeting with a joke."

Youhou raised his hands happily.


Wei Buqi unexpectedly found that the atmosphere in the hall had become strange. Everyone looked at the graceful woman who spoke, as if they were waiting for her to speak. Marquis Lanxi, who had always been calm and unhurried, also looked over. Her face hidden in the light and shadow seemed to have an expression on her face. Cool color.

"Please say."

The Second Young Master Wei also became a little interested without knowing what was going on.

Youhou made a serious "cough" sound.

She said seriously.

"This matter starts with the Nanfan Rebellion ten years ago."

"His Majesty Emperor Zhenwu, who is now imprisoned in the North Palace, came to the throne and ordered the southern princes to raise troops to quell the rebellion. The rebels retreated steadily within a year, and the Five Southwest Kingdoms were also established at this time."

"One day, a general who rebelled against the party visited the Queen Mother, who was in power in the Tang Dynasty, and asked him to join the fight against the Daqi court. The Queen Mother replied: When I served the late king, if he only put his legs across my body, I would be exhausted. However, if he presses me down with his whole body, I don’t feel the weight, why? Because when his whole body is above me, I am very happy.”

Wei Buqi: "..." This joke is good. What the King of Tang and the Queen Mother meant was why should I do something that is not beneficial?
After Youhou finished speaking, the hall suddenly became silent, but she herself was laughing so hard.


Marquis Lanxi seemed to slam down the table. When everyone looked at her, she had already stood up and disappeared into the light and shadow without saying a word.

"I'm going to leave first, and you two will have a slow chat with Marquis Jing."

Xu Hou was serious about his words, nodded to the remaining people, and left immediately.


Zhonghou Zhao Xuan laughed awkwardly, feeling secretly annoyed.

He never thought that Yun Liao would also be teased about his family's affairs. That was enough.

How should he reply to this? He can't say now, "The King and Queen Mother of the Tang Dynasty you mentioned is my grandmother," right?

"I want to have a long talk with Brother Jing, but I have to go to Chang'an to hunt in His Highness the Prince's place tomorrow."

The prince of Tang Dynasty sighed and said instead.

"If you have any doubts, just ask Miss Youhou. She is the most helpful. I'll excuse you now."

After saying this, Crown Prince Xuan left in a daze. He would not have known that the second son of Wei's pupils shrank sharply when he heard him mention the "Hunting in Chang'an".

'The plot of the hunt in Chang'an in "The Goddess" was brought forward? '

Before he could think deeply, a delicate and clear voice called his attention back.

"You, a newcomer, dare your seniors to speak in a daze?"

Youhou said in an old-fashioned way. "Sister You, do you have any advice?"

Wei Buqi continued to pretend to be innocent.

He didn't know the details of the woman who held the map of Youzhou. The organization of the Princes Association was a big pitfall in the original game.

When the game production team developed the first version of the game, there was insufficient funds, and many important plots were omitted. The line of the Nineteen States Immortal Pictures did not make a complete story. In the later stage, it was directly fast-forwarded to collect the remaining pictures and start the game. The Sage's Relic also revealed the identities of Zhonghou and Lanxihou throughout the process. It is said that the game remake has improved this shortcoming, but it is a pity that he did not have the chance to play it.

"You have such a sweet mouth, you must be a good boy, let me show you the way."

Youhou said with a smile.

"The palace we are in is called Zetian Hall. It was the place where the saint originally envisioned to ennoble the princes of the nineteen states. The owners of the Immortal Map can come here to meet."

She was talking about the way the princes association was run.

"The reason why you can meet with me and a few others today is because Zhonghou held a meeting. He likes to chat with others when he has nothing to do. No one is willing to pay attention to him except us. Otherwise, you would have met at least six seniors. ."

Wei Er knew clearly in his heart that Zhao Xuan, the crown prince of the Tang Dynasty, had been talking about the affairs of the capital, including some secrets. It was not surprising that some people were willing to listen to his chat.

Prince Xuan is very smart. In doing so, he is actually forming a clique, and now three people have become his audience.

However, Marquis Lanxi, whose real identity is the Crown Princess, may want to find out his identity who is also in Beijing.

"Can you tell me about the members who are not here today?"

He nodded and asked humbly.

"I won't tell you. You'll know when you see them. Let's go~"

Youhou laughed and stood up from his seat. She waved her hand to him and then disappeared.


Wei Buqi stood alone on the magnificent golden palace. He read the words that the protagonist Zhao Xuanzhao said before leaving, and a faint light flashed in his eyes.


Yang Shaocheng was pacing in the attic of Prince Kang's Mansion. Next to him was the body of the Second Young Master of Wei. A picture of the country and the mountains with divine splendor hung in the air. Suddenly, a divine soul flew out of the picture scroll and returned to its original form. He opened the eyes.

"Are you all right?"

Wei Buqi looked at Ambassador Yang, who was clearly worried, and said with a gentle smile.

"I'm very good."

Wei Er raised his hand and made a move, and the Jingzhou picture flew down. He held the scroll and was silent.

According to King Kang's words, Zhao Xuan exchanged a huge amount of Hengyu Stone for the Zhongzhou Map. However, Prince Xuan did not know that Zhao Sheng also had an immortal map, which now fell into his hands.

In the original work, the protagonist, Prince Tang, did not get the immortal picture from Uncle Wang. It can be seen that the story of this world line has been rewritten, and he, the villain, cannot act according to the known plot of the game.

"You go prepare the flying boat."

Wei Buqi suddenly raised his head. What he was thinking about was the hunt in Chang'an that Prince Zhao Xuanming of the Tang Dynasty was going to participate in early.

"I'm going to Beijing overnight."

He was not going to care about the special envoy sent by the Crown Princess. Putting aside the female assassin whom he had carved a slave mark on, his top priority was to stop that matter.

"To be precise, I'm going to 'Chang'an Garden' outside Beijing."

When Taizu of the Daqi Kingdom founded the country, he used a vast woodland outside Luojing as an exclusive hunting garden for the royal family. It was called Chang'an Garden. The descendants of the clan and the nobles would keep in touch with each other every summer and hold a festival. Changan is hunting in the field.

In the game plot, it is in this hunting ground that Zhao Xuan grasps the handle of the current prince, and with the help of the East Palace, he develops an emotional relationship with the prince.

Therefore, Wei Buqi must not let him break into the prince's secret.

(End of this chapter)
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