Have I become a nightmare for goddesses?

Chapter 109 The New Sufferer and the Crown Princess

Chapter 109 The New Sufferer and the Crown Princess
"You protect me."

Wei Buqi walked into an attic of Prince Kang's palace with the immortal picture in his hand, and sat on a jade platform with his personal guard standing beside him.

"You are going to..."

Yang Shaocheng asked doubtfully. After the female assassin escaped, the second young master took out the flickering scroll and did not mention returning home. Instead, he found this hidden pavilion and took matters into his own hands.


Wei Buqi laughed, and the scroll in his eyes came out of his hand, radiating with divine light.


Officer Yang's eyes contracted violently, and when he saw the center of his eyebrows glowing with light, his spirit flew out.

"I'll be back when I go."

Mr. Wei's soul was about to fall into the hanging scroll when an urgent voice stopped him.

"Second Young Master, you must not do this. This picture was left by the rebellious party of the Ten Thousand Dharma Immortal Alliance a hundred years ago. You must not put yourself in danger."

He said nervously that the human soul is more dangerous than the heart. In his eyes, Wei Er's behavior at this time was tantamount to going up a mountain of swords and under a sea of ​​fire.

"I have my measure."

Wei Buqi responded, and his soul flew into the ancient painting without hesitation, and the rolled-up silk painting suddenly unfolded with great brilliance!

An ingenious landscape painting appeared in Yang Shaocheng's eyes. He opened his eyes wide and sank into the painting.

He walked into the world as if in a dream, and it took him a long time to return to the divine way in shock.

"Picture of Jingzhou?"

The Second Young Master of Wei was flying in the sky, looking around, the infinite scenery was fascinating.

He was not distracted by the magnificence of the mountains and seas, and flew towards the edge of the world. The scenery changed until a vast expanse of white came into view.

Facing the pale scene, he raised his hand and touched the invisible barrier. Without hesitation, he ran straight into the white world. He suddenly heard something.

"Are they having a meeting?"

Wei Buqi smiled knowingly. Everything he saw seemed to be what he expected. He suddenly raised his hand and saw a twisted light and shadow.

He didn't pay attention to the changes in his body. Looking around, he saw beautiful buildings and jade buildings rising up in succession.

Before he had time to think too much, his eyes were attracted by a majestic palace in front of him.

"Zetian Palace——"

Wei Er looked at the golden plaque on the main entrance of the palace and softly read out the awe-inspiring handwriting of the letter.

His spirit floated to the top of the palace, and faint conversations came from below, and the sounds gradually became clearer.

Suddenly, his eyes passed through the glazed tiles, and the main hall came into view. A round table with nineteen thrones appeared, with four people sitting on it.

"Zhongzhou, Xuzhou, Youzhou, Lanxizhou..."

Wei Buqi looked at the four people in the hall. Their figures were blurred by the strange light and shadow, and they could barely be recognized as two men and two women.

The person with the name "Zhongzhou" on his head is a tall man, and the man with the name "Xuzhou" next to him is of medium build, and his age cannot be discerned.

The beauty under the word "Youzhou" is tall and tall, and the slender woman in the last place has "Lanxizhou" on her head.

"Have you heard? There is a big case in Li'an Mansion!" The man from Zhongzhou spoke, his voice sounded quite young, and his cheerful tone also confirmed his youthfulness, "The only one who is the current emperor My brother, His Royal Highness King Kang, actually colluded with the Demon Cult to murder Wei Ge Lao’s second son, Wei Jue, and this matter spread in the capital."

Wei Buqi: "..."

He didn't expect to hear comments about himself as soon as he arrived. Seeing that the few people sitting there didn't notice him, they weren't in a hurry to show up.

"We're not in Beijing, how could we hear the news?"

"Xuzhou" answered, his voice was lazy, as if he had just woken up.

"You, the eldest young master of the capital, tell me some interesting things about Luo Jingzhong. I want to hear it~"

The Youzhou woman cheered like a little girl.

"I also heard from hearsay that King Kang invited a magician with great magical powers to attack and kill Wei Er, but in the end he offended his teacher, and everything was in vain."

"Zhongzhou" said vaguely, as if he didn't know much about the matter.

"Master Wei Buqi, ask the master of the Sword Sect? She indeed broke the Seventh Heaven Pass. Mr. Wei Ge broke up with the Immortal Sect in order to push her to the position of Supervisor."

The Xuzhou man sighed.

"I think Mr. Wei Ge is going to stumble this time. The position of Supervisor of the Xuntian Prison has been held by the headmaster of the winning sect in the Cloud Ladder Conference for thousands of years, and only the Four Immortal Sects can participate in this grand event. Mr. Wei It is arrogant to try to change the laws of our ancestors and allow the Four Dao Sects to participate in the meeting!"

"Youzhou" said with a smile.

"Since the founding of Daqi Kingdom's Tiantian Prison, it has been controlled by the Four Immortals Sect. Wei Ge Lao subdued the Wenjian Sect and Xuanyin Sect among the four sects, intending to redefine the method of the Cloud Ladder Conference and seize the position of Supervisor. This is to Dig the foundation of the Immortal Sect.”

"Everyone knows that the capital is under martial law. This is the trouble caused by Mr. Wei Ge. He got involved in the Cloud Ladder Conference and cornered the Four Immortal Sects. All the powerful Immortal Clan came to the capital to confront the Wei Party. Now the Emperor cannot control the situation. "

"Why were they quarreling? Did they start fighting?"

"Zhongzhou" smiled.

"I heard from my friends that the Immortal Sect will never allow the Four Dao Sects to participate in the Cloud Ladder Conference. They are taking issue with the Ten Thousand Fa Immortal Alliance. A hundred years ago, that senior made those Immortal family masters still fearful. We can sit here and talk too. Because of that person."

The woman from Lanxi Prefecture who had been silent suddenly raised her head and shouted coldly.


Her words shocked the others in the meeting. Before they could say anything, a tall figure descended from the sky and landed in the hall. Above his head hung the word "Jingzhou".

"Are you the newcomer who got the Jingzhou map?"

"Zhongzhou" looked at the visitor in surprise.

"A new picture has appeared."

"Xuzhou" whispered, his voice brisk, obviously in a happy mood.

"We are one step closer to our goal of gathering the Nineteen Provinces Immortal Map."

"Youzhou" was full of excitement when he spoke.

"This is where?"

Wei Buqi stood still and looked at the four people on the round table subtly. The light and shadow obscured his expression, allowing him to easily portray the image of an ignorant young man who strayed into a mystery.

"Let me explain this brother."

"Zhongzhou" volunteered and stood up politely.

"Who are you?" Second Master Wei's voice was full of vigilance, and no one saw the smile on his lips.

"Please listen to me. Just like you, we are the ones who have obtained the fragments of the Immortal Map. As you can see, I have the Zhongzhou Map."

He spoke with great emotion and raised his finger to point at the characters floating above his head.


Mr. Wei was at a loss.

"You don't even know the Nineteen Provinces Immortal Map, right?"

"Youzhou" asked with a smile covering his mouth.

"I got a wonderful picture."

"Zhongzhou" was also surprised when he heard Wei Er's confused words as if he had no experience in the world, but he did not mock his ignorance, but became more enthusiastic.

"Let me explain to you that the fragment of the scroll you got is part of the Nineteen States Immortal Map refined by Saint Zetian of the Ten Thousand Fa Immortal Alliance a hundred years ago."

Wei Buqi exclaimed in unison, horrified.


The man holding the Zhongzhou map was very satisfied with his reaction, chuckled, and continued.

"You heard it right. The Ten Thousand Fa Immortal Alliance is one of the four sects under the Four Immortal Sects. It is alongside Wenjian Sect, Xuanyin Sect and Duobao Mountain. Sage Choetian was born here."

The second young master of Wei pretended to be confused and humbly asked for advice.

"Why haven't I heard that there are saints in the four gates?"

When Taizu of the Great Qi Kingdom founded the country, he ordered the Seven Saints who followed him to establish a sect, which created the current situation in which the emperor and the Seven Holy Lands jointly rule the world. This shows the dignity of the saints who broke the eighth heaven barrier.

Among the seven holy places, there are four Immortal Sects composed of Taoist cultivators, which are called the Four Immortal Sects. There are four affiliated Taoist sects under the Immortal Family.

Daozong can hardly even see those with great supernatural powers, so how can it be said that it is a saint?However……

"If you don't read the classics, it wouldn't be surprising if you don't know the name of the Saint Chosing Heaven."

"Zhongzhou" sighed, seeming to have great respect for the person he spoke of.

"Appreciate further details."

Wei Buqi seemed to be attracted by the story he told, and he listened attentively.

"I won't start with Panhuang's creation of the world. Saint Zetian is only a hundred years away from us, so you don't have to regard him as a myth or legend."

"The Ten Thousand Laws Immortal Alliance under the Four Immortals Sect advocates teaching without distinction. There is a mixture of fish and dragons in the sect, and there are many mountains, until the saint of choosing heaven turns out to be born."

"It only took him 30 years to achieve magical powers and unify the Immortal Alliance. Then he traveled around the world, took the essence of heaven and earth, and refined the Immortal Map of the Nineteen States. He stepped into the Holy Land and made the Seven Holy Saints tremble."

The Second Young Master Wei knew the outcome, but still asked.

"Then what happened?"

"Xuzhou" spoke up at this time, and he took the lead in speaking.

"Sage Zetian was dissatisfied with the superiority of the Four Immortal Sects, and led the Ten Thousand Fa Immortal Alliance to rebel against Tiangang, intending to open up the Eighth Holy Land. He attacked Xuandu Cave Heaven, known as the head of the Immortal Sect, and I, the Great Saint Xuan Ni, the First Saint of Great Enlightenment, took action... "

Wei Buqi's blood seemed to be boiling and he kept asking questions.

"How is the result?"

"Youzhou" saw no one said anything, so she answered seriously.

"Sage Choetian was defeated and tried to destroy people. The Ten Thousand Dharma Immortal Alliance was in ruins."

"Zhongzhou" coughed dryly and changed the subject.

"Dear brother, do you understand the situation?"

The Second Young Master Wei said "Ah". In the eyes of others, it took him a long time to come back to his senses.

"You are all members of the Ten Thousand Fa Immortal Alliance."

The Zhongzhou man shook his head. He finally got to the point.

"You, him, and I are all destined to have obtained the Immortal Picture Fragment. We are all gathered here for one goal."

Wei Er nodded, indicating for him to continue.

"Before his death, Saint Zetian exiled the broken Nineteen States Immortal Map to the world. He left an edict and his inheritance can be found by collecting the remaining maps."

He looked around His Highness and said.

"There are four of us here today, but one person is not here. In fact, eight immortal pictures have appeared, including you, there are nine pictures. The saint's legacy is not far away from us."

Wei Buqi put on the mask and didn't take it off, he said with great interest.

"What do you call your colleagues?"

Seeing that he agreed with everyone's ideas, "Youzhou" suddenly became energetic, raised his arms, and started making noises with high morale.

"I have opened up the country to two capitals and 19 states. Saint Zetian traveled all over the land and created the Immortal Map of the Nineteen States. He once made a great wish that on the day the Holy Land is built, he will entrust the princes of the Nineteen States. We are formed according to his will." The princes will meet'."

Mr. Wei listened to her second-rate remarks and echoed them.

"it is good!"

"Zhongzhou" spoke again, he pointed at himself and said with a smile.

"We each hold immortal pictures, and we use the state title as a proxy. I am the 'Zhonghou', this is the 'Xuhou', she is the 'Youhou', and she is the 'Lanxihou'. You hold The picture of Jingzhou is called 'Jinghou'."

Wei Er looked at the gathering of princes, and his eyes were more focused on the so-called Zhonghou. His eyes seemed to have passed through light and shadow, and he could clearly see the appearance of the man in front of him.

"Prince Tang's Crown Prince..."

Wei Buqi knew that the person with the map of Zhongzhou was the protagonist of another world line in "The Record of Goddess", Zhao Xuan, the crown prince of Tang Dynasty!

This king is also a son of luck. The Zhongzhou map is different from the other residual maps. This is the main map set by the Choetian Sage and has its complete scriptures and Taoism.

He is the crown prince of the Tang Kingdom among the Five Southwest Kingdoms, and is now a hostage in Luojing. As a descendant of the Saint, he is not a pawn to be manipulated. In the game plot, except for his beloved princess sister who lost her virginity to a Wei thief, he has almost no one else. He didn't suffer any setbacks, kept racing all the way, and finally became the emperor of Daqi Kingdom...


The Second Young Master of Wei looked at the taciturn Marquis Lanxi. She was a quiet woman, and the corners of the evil man's lips curled up into a slight smile.


(End of this chapter)
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