Chapter 533

Xue'er got up from the bed, seeing the marks all over her body, she felt aggrieved.

"Xue'er, I know you're here, hurry up and come out to me!"
An angry voice sounded at the door.

Xueer was startled when she heard the sound.

She hurried to the window and looked out.

I saw that the winning car had already parked downstairs.

Xue'er's face suddenly turned ugly.

This guy, didn't you let yourself have a good rest, why are you still here!
No, he can't let him see his ugliness, otherwise, he will definitely be ridiculed to death.

Xue'er thought of this, quickly put on her clothes, and escaped.

When she saw the winning interest, there was a surprised expression on her face.

"Xue'er, it turns out that the person you really like is Lin Yixuan!"
A murderous intent flashed in Yingxi's eyes.

"Win interest, you."

"Why, I've seen it all, do you still want to deny it?"
Win interest said in a cold voice.

"Win interest, what do you want?"
"It's simple, I want you to disappear forever"!
After winning the interest, he turned around and prepared to leave.

"No, I will absolutely not allow you to hurt Lin Yixuan!"
Xueer blocked the way to win interest.

"Xue'er, I'm here for real this time"!
Ying Xi's tone was a little cold.

Xueer froze there.

"Do you know? Xue'er, I always thought that the only person you like is me, but the picture I saw today told me that the person you like is Lin Yixuan, why did you treat me like this?"
Ying Xi questioned Xueer.

Xue'er's eyes were red, and tears almost flowed down.

She didn't dare to look up, for fear that Yingxi would see her tears.

She was afraid that Yingxi would misunderstand her and Lin Yixuan.

"Win interest, who I like has nothing to do with you, who I like, you don't need to worry about it"!
"I'll tell you right now, I don't like you at all, I don't like you at all, so just give up, I can't do it with you"!
Xueer said firmly.

"Xue'er, you are so cruel. We have been together for more than five years, and you can treat me so cruelly. You really chill me!"
Yingxi's voice was full of mourning and loss.

Xue'er felt very uncomfortable when she heard Yingxi's words.

More than five years of relationship.

She couldn't believe what she heard.

"I like Lin Yixuan"!
Before Xue'er finished speaking, Ying Xi interrupted her.

Xueer was taken aback.

"What I'm saying is true. We grew up together. Our previous relationship was that of relatives. Xue'er, I really don't know why you suddenly fell in love with Lin Yixuan. I really thought you liked him before. People will be me"!
"I always thought the person you liked would be me".

"You said that I was the first boy you fell in love with. I thought you would be my fiancée, but now I realize that I was so wrong!"
"Yingxi, the person I like is not you, and I don't like you either, the person I like is Lin Yixuan"!
Xueer said without hesitation.

"Impossible, Cher, you're lying"!
Ying Xi's face paled instantly when he heard Xue'er's words.

He has always claimed to be smart, but now he suddenly finds that he doesn't understand Xue'er's heart at all.

The person Xue Er likes is actually Lin Yixuan.

Why doesn't she like him?
Why not him?

Could it be that she fell in love with Lin Yixuan's excellence?

"Win interest, don't lie to yourself, I never liked you, the person I like is Lin Yixuan, so please don't pester me in the future!"
"Why? Why can't it be me"?
Winning asked in pain.

"Because, I don't like you"!
"The person you like is Lin Yixuan, right? Cher, tell me why, why do you like him? Is it because you fell in love with him?"
"No, you're wrong, it's because I don't like you"!
Cher shook her head and said.

"I don't believe it, I don't believe it, Cher, I don't believe you don't like me, don't like me"!
Yingxi grabbed Xue'er's shoulder excitedly and shook it.

"Win interest, don't force me"!
"Please let me go, okay?"
Xueer cried and begged for interest.

Ying Xi let go of his hand and took two steps back.

"Let's go"!
Ying Xi said calmly. "Thanks"!
Xue'er lowered her head and said softly.

Then she turned around and was about to leave.

"Xue'er, since this is the case, then let's end it completely!"
"From now on, we are no longer friends, nor have any relationship, you go!"
After Ying Xi finished speaking, he turned around and walked towards the door.

Xue'er was shocked when she heard his words.

She paused for a second, and quickly caught up.

"Wait a moment"!
Xueer hugged Yingxi from her back.

"Let go"!
Yingxi's voice was extremely cold, and he stretched out his hand to break Xue'er's hands around his waist.

Cher let go of her hand.

"Remember, what I told you once, don't do things that you regret, otherwise, I won't let you go!"
After winning interest, he opened the door and walked out.

Xue'er stood in the room blankly, not knowing what to do.

She didn't understand why winning interest became like this.

The two of them lived together for three full years.

Their friendship has surpassed the love between men and women.

But why did the relationship between them evolve into what they are now?

What do you think about winning interest?

Cher doesn't know.

All she knew was that she seemed to have lost a precious thing now.

This loss is a spiritual failure.

"I should find a time and ask him out to have a good talk."

Cher sighed.

When Ying Xi returned to the dormitory, Lin Yixuan happened to be in the dormitory.

"Master Win, where is Xueer?"
Lin Yixuan asked suspiciously.

"You don't know? After she said goodbye to me last night, she went back to the dormitory. Early this morning, I saw her packing her luggage, as if she was going to move."

Win interest said.

Lin Yixuan was startled, he didn't expect Xueer to leave last night.

"Xue'er is gone, didn't she say goodbye to you?"
Lin Yixuan asked in disbelief.

"She said, she won't see you again, so, just go"!
Lin Yixuan screamed.

His face instantly became heavy.

"Is what she said true"?
Winning nodded.

"No, I have to go to Xue'er, I have to make it clear to her"!
"Don't worry, I'll help you find her!"
Ying Xi comforted Lin Yixuan and said.

Yingxi took out his mobile phone and dialed Xueer's number.

"Xue'er, I'm Yingxi, where are you now, I'll go find you."

Lin Yixuan took the phone.

"You are? You are Lin Yixuan!"
"I'm Yingxi, and I want to meet Cher."

"I don't know, you better not see her!"
Ying Xi frowned slightly when he heard Lin Yixuan's words.

"Lin Yixuan, what do you mean, Xue'er is my fiancee now, do you still want to intervene between us?"
Win interest said.

"Fiancee? Hehe!"
"Winxi, are you mistaken? I never admit that you are my fiancé. The person I like is Xiaofeng, and I like him."

Lin Yixuan said.

(End of this chapter)

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