Chapter 532
"Why, are you unwilling to marry me? Xue'er!"
There was a hint of displeasure in Ying Xi's tone.

"Xue'er, do you dislike my property? Don't worry, as long as I live for a day, I won't treat you badly!"
Win interest continued.

"Cher is not so"!
Cher shook her head.

"Xue'er, I know your current mood, and I can understand it. You will definitely not be able to accept my feelings for a while now. Don't worry, I will give you a period of adaptation!"
"When you get used to it, you will fall in love with me!"
Winning said swearingly.

Xue'er raised her head, her eyes were a little moist.

For so many years, she was used to wandering outside alone, but at this moment, she realized that there was someone who cared about her, and she was a little excited in her heart.

Xue'er lowered her head, sobbing softly.

Seeing that Xue'er was crying, Ying Xi hurriedly stretched out his hand and touched Xue'er's head.

"Baby, why are you crying?"

While talking, Yingxi wiped away the tears from the corners of Xueer's eyes with his hands.


Cher choked up.

"Okay, don't be sad, don't worry, I will take care of you for the rest of my life, and I will think about it after you get used to it!"
Win said with a smile.

Cher nodded slightly.

Xue'er was filled with emotion. Without the young master, she would not dare to imagine where she would be now.

"Xue'er, you can order first, and see if there is anything you like, I remember your taste!"
Yingxi handed the menu to Xueer.

Xueer took the menu and started to flip through it.

Although this restaurant is newly opened, the food inside is very good and the price is relatively favorable.

Xueer quickly ordered the dishes.

Ying Xi looked at what Xueer ordered, and was a little surprised: "Xueer, these things you ordered are very expensive"!
"It's okay, master, I'm not afraid to spend money"

Xueer smiled and put the menu on the table.

Xue'er looked at Yingxi, and sighed in her heart, the identity of the young master is really not worthy of her, her background is there, and she almost killed the young master, and now she has become like this It looks like Xueer really has no confidence at all.

"Okay, don't think about it, your cooking skills are very good. After a few days, I will invite a chef to teach you how to cook. In this way, I can cook for you every day, and I can save some money." .

While talking, Ying Xi scooped up a spoonful of soup with a spoon and put it into his mouth.

After Xue'er heard this sentence, a look of embarrassment flashed across her face.

She has never cooked a meal for the young master.

"Master, I will learn how to cook, don't worry, there is no need to hire a chef!"
Xueer lowered her head and said.

"Okay, since Xue'er said so, then I won't force it, I just hope that the things you make in the future will not be too unpalatable"!
Win said with a smile.

After hearing these words, Xueer's heart ached even more.

How could she have the taste that the young master said.

Seeing Xue'er's ugly face, Ying Xi also knew that he had said something wrong.

"Okay, Xue'er, don't be angry, don't worry, if I have a chance in the future, I will definitely cook a dish for you, make sure it is delicious, okay?"
Ying Xi looked at Xue'er with a grin, with a fawning look on his face.

"Master, I don't blame you"

Xueer said softly.

"Xue'er, you are such a kind girl, I really like you so much"

Win said with a smile.

Hearing Ying Xin's words, a red cloud flew on Xue'er's cheeks. She buried her head shyly and said in a low voice: "Master, it's getting late. I... I have to leave first."

"it is good"!
Cher stood up, ready to leave.

"Xue'er, don't avoid me anymore. From now on, I will be your boyfriend, so don't refuse me!"
Said with a domineering expression on Ying Xi's face.

Hearing these words, Xueer felt a little hesitant.Now, Cher has no choice.

Seeing that Xueer didn't answer, Yingxi opened his mouth and said.

"You can think about it slowly, don't be in a hurry, I won't force you"!
Xueer agreed softly.

After Xueer left the restaurant, she went straight to the bus station.

"Hello, beauty, can I ride in your car?"

Ying Xi suddenly walked up and stood in front of Xue Er.

"Master, no need, you go to work first, I'll take a taxi home."

Xue'er's voice was very low, but Ying Xi could still hear it clearly.

Win interest's eyes lit up.

Xue'er finally admitted her identity. Although it was only in name, he was still very happy.

"Okay, I'll keep in touch when I'm free!"
Ying Xi looked at Xue'er excitedly.

Xue'er's face instantly turned red up to her ears, she nodded hastily, and left the restaurant as if fleeing.

Seeing Xueer's leaving back, a smile appeared on Yingxi's face.

"Xue'er, this time, you finally don't resist me anymore, so you can stay by my side."

Win interest said to himself.

"Master, what are you talking about?"
The waiter came over and asked.

"Oh, it's nothing, just now Xue'er told me that she is going to work, so I will send her off by the way"!
Win interest said lightly.

"Then I wish you a pleasant meal!"
The waiter bowed slightly, then backed away.

Winning watched the waiter leave, the smile on his face gradually disappeared, replaced by a gloomy face.

This woman dared to disobey his order, she simply didn't want to live.

It seems that this woman must know about the relationship between the two of them.

"Xue'er, since you don't want to be with me so much, don't blame me for being rude"!
Ying Xi's face was full of indifference.

He decided that this time, Xue'er must be firmly tied to his side.

Ying Xi returned to the office and began to process the documents in his hands. An hour later, Ying Xi raised his head and looked at the clock. There was still half an hour before class.

After tidying up his desk, Yingxi walked to the computer, entered the password, and logged in to QQ.

After 1 minute, Yingxi saw a message.

Win interest click to open.

【Master, you are still not a man, but you actually drugged a little girl, you are really embarrassing to me"!
Winning frowned.

He types.

[Who are you talking about as the little girl? Xueer is already 24 years old, five years older than you. Also, I just need to know about this matter, and I can take responsibility. As for other people, I don’t need to worry about it. Don't you think, don't involve other people in the affairs of the two of us? 】

The other party quickly sent an angry expression.

Winning shook his head helplessly.

"Okay, I don't want to quarrel with you, if you have time, go and check the information of that old woman for me."

Looking at the message sent by the other party, Win interest immediately replied to the other party.

After Win interest has sent the message, it continues to work.

Time passed by second by second.

Half an hour passed quickly.

(End of this chapter)

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