Chapter 497 Meet Wang Shangshu

"But isn't General Yan guarding there? Why did you arrange for General Meng Tian to go there?"

"General Yan can suppress ordinary small wars, but what if the various regions of Tatar really unite? Maybe General Yan will immediately write a letter to the court, and then he will naturally arrange for Meng Tian to go. "

"At that time, after sending Meng Tian out, will the garrison force in Xianyang City be empty now?"

"Impossible, he won't be so stupid when he wins, and even if Meng Tian leaves, he will definitely make all the preparations here in case of discomfort."

"Then, my subordinates don't quite understand. If you do this, what's the point?"

After hearing this, Yingxi just smiled.

He just laughed at his ignorance, and actually didn't pay much attention to his own thoughts.

What's more, the chick knows the ambition of the swan.

"Okay, you don't need to inquire about this matter any more, you just do your own thing well, and you don't need to take care of it anymore."

"Yes, that subordinate will retire."

After finishing speaking, that person left directly from here.

At this time, he just sat in this position and took a deep breath.

In fact, this idea has gradually begun to form in my mind.

However, I am afraid it will take some time for him to truly complete this.

However, since he has decided to do this, he must continue to lurk here, and only in this way can he achieve his ultimate goal.

"The wages are all ready, people have already brought them over for you, now you are waiting outside."

"Okay, let her come here."

After finishing speaking, he just nodded, the current arrangement of Lian Er is the most important point.

When he looked up, a dignified and virtuous woman had appeared in front of him again.

If he really didn't dress up, then he really couldn't see that Lian'er was hiding something in his heart at this time, and he was deeply surprised by the scene of Lian'er at that time.

It seems that this Lian'er did not deceive herself. At that time, she should be a young lady from a poor family.

"Okay, very good."

Looking at Lian'er's appearance at this time, he just repeated it three times.

"My lord, I don't know if Lian'er's attire can satisfy you, my lord?"

"Okay, very satisfied."

"Then what can Lian'er do for the young master now?"

"You don't need to do anything. In these two days, I will teach you some etiquette in the palace, and this is something that every woman needs to control after entering the palace. Those women outside may not have this opportunity. "

"What? Etiquette in the palace? Young Master, you, what do you mean?"

Hearing this, Lian'er felt a little surprised.

She originally thought that she was going to dedicate it to Fusu, and after seeing Fusu at that time, she was indeed very satisfied.

But he didn't expect that he had other ideas.

"Why, didn't she tell you about it?"

"Master, I haven't had time to tell Lian'er, I just told her to meet my son first."

"Oh, that's right. Do you know about the Oiran Contest that will be held in Xianyang City soon?"

"The Oiran Competition? Oh. I've heard of it after I came here, but what does this Oiran Competition have to do with me?"

"I'm going to use this oiran competition to send you to the top three."

"Top three? What do you mean?" "Only in this way can you have a chance to meet the current emperor."

"Young master, you, you want me to see the present majesty?"

Hearing this, Lian'er just widened her eyes in surprise.

I never thought that an ordinary daughter of the people would have such an honor.

"If you can really win the emperor's favor, then your entry into the palace will be just around the corner."

"It's just that the little girl is unclear about one thing."

"Even if you say it."

"Dare to ask my lord, if I really enter the palace, then how will you arrange Lian'er next step?"

"After entering, I will find a way to contact you at that time. You have monitored the emperor's every move in the palace. Do you understand?"

"Lianer understands."

"Okay, you can take her down first, and let her go back to her room to get ready. In one day, the Oiran Contest will start, so you must maintain the most perfect state."

"My lord, Lian'er will leave first."

After finishing speaking, the two left directly from here.

Before, a good wing room had been specially prepared for Lian'er.

At this time, the servant girl has also been brought over. It is estimated that there should be no major problems in the past two days.

"Young master, do you think she has this chance of winning?"

"That's right, the chances of winning are great. In addition, before doing this, I must seek another person's helper."

"Oh, son, tell me."

"Do you still remember, Lord Shangshu Wang?"

"Lord Wang? Oh, I still remember, but he seems to have resigned from his official position in the palace now."

"That's right, he has indeed resigned, but his son is currently taking over all of this, and the commander of the oiran competition this time is his son."

"You mean you want to use him, and then send Lian'er into the top three?"

"Yes, without their help, I'm afraid we would not be able to complete this matter at all."

"But, if you do this, don't you want to expose your identity?"

"Master Wang is different from other people. Moreover, I was kind to Mr. Wang back then. I believe that he should be able to help me keep this secret."

"The subordinate understands, then I will invite him here now."

"No, I'm going to visit in person."

"However, there is a massive search outside. If you go out at this time, don't you want to expose yourself?"

"No, no one will recognize me if I simply pass through Qiao Zhuang's dressing up. Do you think my appearance at this time has not changed much from that of two years ago?"

After saying this, he just nodded, and then he looked Fusu up and down.

That's right, compared with the previous two years, Fusu's current state is indeed much down and down.

With his current state, even if he walked outside, I am afraid that no one would notice.

"Okay, then let the subordinates accompany the company to go."

After finishing speaking, the two of them just split up and finally got into the carriage waiting outside.

After traveling for a while, the carriage stopped before a door archway.

(End of this chapter)

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