Chapter 496
"My lord, I just made some inquiries in the city, and I said that it is full of hidden clues, and everyone is searching for your whereabouts, lord."

"What did you say? Search for my whereabouts? This, this is impossible."

"Normal speaking, it is indeed impossible. We have just arrived here, and it is only a day. Why, did they get the news so quickly?"

"Are you sure, he is looking for my whereabouts? Or, because of the oiran contest, the troops in the city have been strengthened?"

"Originally, they didn't name you when they searched, but everyone in the dark knows that they should be looking for you, young master."

"What the hell does he want to do?"

"Young Master, it's obvious that he did all this for you. If he is really caught, then our situation will be even more troublesome."

"I understand. It seems that he really wants to kill them all."

Having said that, Fusu just sat down on the chair.

Originally, he wanted to borrow this woman to get a better night's sleep, but he never expected that Ying Xi would be the first to do it.up
"Young Master, what should we do now? Otherwise, let's go back to the mountain again, so that we won't attract attention."

"I have to go back to that ghost place on the mountain. I mean I won't go back without saying anything."

"However, if they continue to search like this, won't they find this place?"

"It doesn't matter. I haven't been back to Xianyang City for two years, so I haven't contacted anyone. Even if they come here, you two can deal with it casually. I believe that you can handle it. "

"If this goes on like this, it's not a long-term solution at all. If he can't find it, I believe they will look for it more carefully."

"Don't worry, I know his style of doing things very well. Who is this person who led the troops to look for?"

"According to the spies' report, it should be someone arranged by General Meng Tian."

"Okay, I didn't expect Meng Tian to be used in this aspect. It seems that he is really worried that I will compete with him for the world."

"Okay, this subordinate should hurry up and prepare. Besides, if there is no special situation, you'd better not go out casually these few days."

"Don't worry, I didn't intend to leave this house. The reason why you arranged the house so similar to the palace is actually to experience the scene of the palace, understand?"

"My subordinate understands."

"Okay, you go back first."

After speaking, he just waved his hand.

However, when Fusu turned his attitude again, he found that he was still standing here in a daze.

"What's the matter, what else?"

"Subordinate, there is one thing I don't know."

"Oh, what's unknown?"

"Before, Mr. Fusu won the hearts of the people in Xianyang City, and peaches and plums were all over the world. At that time, there were almost a hundred students under your sect."

"Yes, there are indeed so many, but it has long been a passing memory, now, what's the point of mentioning these?"

"No, I want to say that some of these disciples have become important roles now, and they are all supported by you back then."

"so what?"

"If, young master, you ask them for help at this time, how can they stand by and watch?"

"You mean, you want me to rely on the power of those people?" "Yes, we still have the information about these disciples. Some have become ministers in the court, and some have become generals. If it is true, If you want to call on these forces, I think it should be possible."

"No, you're wrong. Once the emperor and the courtiers, now, at this time, they will definitely not work hard for me."

"Back then, the reason why I sacrificed my life was because they thought I was the best candidate to inherit the throne, so they won the election."

"But son, if we don't even try now, how would you know the result?"

"Some results are pre-determined. If I go to them now, I'm afraid that I will bring myself a fatal disaster. One more thing is worse than one less thing. Therefore, these people cannot be trusted at all."

"I understand."

After speaking, he just nodded.

Although I feel a little regretful, there is no way. Their current situation should be to save their lives, and other things can be left aside for the time being.

However, at this moment, it seemed that his words had indeed reminded him.

If these people are not available, then are those people outside also useless?

"Now, what about the Tartars?"

Fusu remembered that when the first emperor was in power, the most difficult thing to deal with was that these were all Tatars.

"Oh, when I went out this time, I heard from the outside that the Tatars have surrendered to Qin, but they may still have some complaints in their hearts."

"Oh, why are you still complaining? Now, letting them submit to our Qin State, wouldn't it be able to protect their country and the people?"

"No, it seems that at the beginning, they were heavily taxed, and they had to pay a certain amount to the Qin State every year. Therefore, resentment had already accumulated in their hearts."

"Then why, don't you dare to rebel?"

"Because they don't have this ability at this time, the General Yan who guards the border of the mainland, I'm afraid his reputation alone is enough to make these people frightened."

"General Yan? You mean Yan Da?"

"That's right, it's him."

"Hehe, when I left, he was just a small army commander, but now he has become a big general. It seems that this profit has really reused him."


"I remember that the Tatars once contacted us secretly. Do you still have any impression of this matter?"

"Oh, my subordinates still have the impression that when we were in trouble in Xianyang City, it was indeed us who sent someone to send a letter, but it was indeed rejected by you at that time."

"Then this letter, is it still there?"

"Don't worry, son, we have carefully put it away. Now, if I need to use it, I can find it right away."

"Find out that letter, and then, look at the person who wrote this letter to me at that time, and his current position in Tatar. If you can establish contact with him, then try to find a way to contact him as soon as possible."

"Young master, you mean to say that you want to use the power of the Tatars to destroy Xianyang?"

"No, no, you're wrong, it's not yet to the point of destroying Xianyang City, I just want to use them to start a war on the border, if this is the case, in order to quell the war, I will definitely send Meng Tian to suppress it .”

(End of this chapter)

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