Da Qin: I asked you to touch the jade seal, but you touched a woman?

Chapter 487 Yingzheng is furious!Xunzi traveled the world

Chapter 487 Yingzheng is furious!Xunzi traveled the world

"Bold! Really bold!"

Ying Zheng waved his hand: "Cut that couple too! Then tell the world, and dare to buy and sell people, kill without mercy!"

When it was the No. 3 minister, that minister was still thinking about one or two nonsense things, but after learning from the previous minister, how dare he talk nonsense?

Did you not see His Royal Highness the Crown Prince knowing everything?

Soon, one after another, the ministers who were sitting on the corpse table were dragged down to wait for processing.

It wasn't until Zhang Liang and Chen Ping got another fair evaluation from Ying Xi.

After the early court ended, there were still many ministers in the hall, and there were less than ten people including Ying Zheng and Ying Xi.

Seeing this scene, Ying Zheng was gasping for breath.

This is his Daqin minister?
Everyone just takes their salary and doesn't do anything!

Ying Xi had expected this for a long time, but he was not in a hurry, because today only ministers who are officials in Xianyang will be assessed.

Starting tomorrow, officials from all over the Qin Dynasty will come to Xianyang to report on their duties, and that is the time when demons dance wildly.

Ying Zheng returned to Qin Palace, still aggrieved.

Looking at Ying Xi who followed, his face was full of puzzlement.

"Xi'er, tell me, why do these people come to court every day with peace of mind?"

Ying Xi didn't speak, and he couldn't understand the hearts of these people.

But he knew that these people needed to be dealt with.

Ying Zheng was silent for a while, and then said: "Xi'er, tell me first, how many officials from various places can stay?"

He had to be mentally prepared first, so as not to be pissed off in the next few days.

Ying Xi didn't speak, but stretched out five fingers.

Seeing this, Ying Zheng couldn't help being overjoyed: "Fifty percent? That's good too!"

It has far exceeded his expectations.

However, Ying Xi shook his head: "Less than one-fifth."

Ying Zheng's face that had just been beaming with joy immediately sank.

Less than one-fifth!

This means that out of ten officials, less than two can complete their duties!
"Then... how many can be promoted?"

When Ying Zheng asked this question, he was already trembling a little.

Ying Xi didn't let Ying Zheng guess this time, and gave the answer directly.

"One percent."

Hearing this number, Ying Zheng was so angry that he slapped the book case, and the letter rolled all over the floor.


"Only one percent can be promoted! These people are not worthy of being my Daqin officials!"

Ying Xi was not as pessimistic as Ying Zheng. He smiled and said, "Father calm down, and one percent of your momentum can be promoted, which is already a lot."

Now there are more than [-] officials from all over the country in Daqin.

One percent is twenty.

It sounds like a small number, but now there are only about forty major cities in Daqin.

In addition, this is the first assessment, and many people don't know the strength of it. A promotion rate of [-]% is enough.

After listening to Ying Xi's persuasion, Ying Zheng's anger calmed down a little.

But he was still a little disappointed.

In his mind, Daqin is going to become a prosperous age in his hands.

But at this speed, he might not be able to see this scene until he died.

Especially since the beginning of winter this year, he has always felt uncomfortable.

But after checking the breath, there was no abnormality.

"Okay, Xi'er, you can go back."

Thinking of this, Ying Zheng waved his hands with a gloomy look on his face.

Ying Xi was not affected by Ying Zheng's emotions, but now he was full of fighting spirit.

Today's Great Qin is a blank slate.

Everyone is born an artist, and although Ying Xi has a half-immortal cultivation level, he is no exception.

He is extremely happy to be able to draw what he wants to shape on this white paper.

Returning to the Prince's Mansion, Ying Xi saw Xunzi waiting outside with several disciples. "Mr. Xun, why don't you go in and sit down?" Ying Xi smiled and walked forward.

"See Your Royal Highness!"

Xunzi saluted Ying Xi with a kind of student.

After the approval last time, Xunzi brought many more students to spread New Confucianism.

After several months of study, these students have almost learned Confucianism.

This time, he came to bid farewell to Ying Xi.

"Mr. Xun is leaving Xianyang?"

Ying Xi was a little surprised after hearing this.

Xunzi nodded: "New Confucianism cannot be limited to Xianyang, it must be spread throughout the Great Qin."

"What about the New Confucianism here in Xianyang?"

"I have given Fu Nian the responsibility."

Ying Xi understands that Xunzi's ambition is so great that it is impossible to stay here in Xianyang forever.

He is also very supportive of this.

Looking at these disciples handed over by Xunzi, Ying Xi understood that this was to spread Confucianism throughout the Great Qin.

This is a good thing!

"Okay, then I wish Mr. Xun a smooth journey."

"Thank you, Your Highness!"

Seeing Xunzi's leaving back, Ying Xi smiled.

In Daqin now, everything is developing in a good direction.

Just when the backs of Xunzi and his party disappeared completely, a roar suddenly came from the side.

"Win the breath and die!"

A cold light pierced towards Ying Xi.

However, this cold light finally stopped at a place three feet away from Yingxi.

Holding a sword, Yan Lu's burnt face was full of resentment.

"Kill you! I'm going to kill you!"

Ying Xi turned his head to look at Yan Lu, without any warmth in his expression.

"Tell me, besides Chu Nangong and Xiaoyaozi, who else sealed me last time?"

Yan Lu's angry expression changed drastically after hearing Ying Xi's words.

Ying Xi knew all about this!
He suddenly thought of Xunzi: "Did that old thief Xunzi tell you?"

Ying Xi didn't bother to answer Yan Lu. If he had to ask Xunzi about this matter, then he really didn't deserve to be the prince.

But Yan Lu has already confirmed that he was betrayed by Xunzi.

"Old thief Xunzi, I am at odds with you!"

"You recognize a thief as your father and betray Confucianism, and you will eventually be abandoned by the Dao of Heaven!"

Yan Lu cursed again and again, making Ying Xi frown.

At the end, Ying Xi waved his hand directly: "Shut up."

Yan Lu suddenly couldn't make any sound, and looked at Ying Xi with resentment.

Ying Xi sneered: "If you really want to scold Mr. Xun, just go and scold him in front of him. What do you call it here?"

"You want to use Mr. Xun to save your life?"

"Are you overestimating Mr. Xun's face, or underestimating my cruelty?"

Ying Xi's words made Yan Lu tremble all over.

Ying Xi was right, he did this to save his life.

After seeing that Great Qin became more stable and New Confucianism more prosperous, he knew that his hope of revenge no longer existed.

So he wanted to make a desperate fight.

If it succeeds, it is naturally the best.

Even if it is unsuccessful, as long as you can save your life, it is not a loss.

Unexpectedly, Ying Xi saw through all of this.

(End of this chapter)

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