Da Qin: I asked you to touch the jade seal, but you touched a woman?

Chapter 486 Chu people return to their hearts, the assessment begins!

Chapter 486 Chu people return to their hearts, the assessment begins!
Xiao He then took the opportunity to tell the news that the policies of Chu and other parts of Daqin were consistent from now on. With such a combination of punches, even the Chu people who wanted to pick stabs would have nothing to pick.

And Xiao He's original Chu identity has also changed from an initial obstacle to a benefit.

When some people came to ask whether Da Qin really did not pursue their crimes of resisting Qin in the past, Xiao He directly used himself as an example.

"Fathers and folks, I, Xiao He, am also from Chu!"

"A few months ago, I took part in the imperial examination, and I didn't suffer any difficulties because of my status as a Chu person!"

"I even got the number one scholar! I have the same roots as everyone, if I lie to you, I won't even recognize my ancestors after I die!"

People in this era have inexplicable trust in such words.

After hearing Xiao He's words, many people's hearts changed.

Who doesn't want to live a peaceful life?

Although a small number of Chu people did have great hatred for Da Qin, the reason why most Chu people resisted Da Qin was because they were afraid that Da Qin would not accept them.

Now, these worries have disappeared, and the vast majority of Chu people try to integrate into Daqin.

Seeing this, Xiao He quickly launched a series of measures to stabilize the Chu people's minds.

For those who are still stubborn and even provoke troubles secretly, Xiao He is not merciful, and directly pulls these people out to let the people of Chu make their own decisions.

As the saying goes, cannibals have short mouths and soft hands.

At this time, most of the Chu people had already eaten and taken, and they already had a great sense of identification with Daqin.

These people are enraged at the thought of the imminent stability of their lives, likely to be wiped out by a handful of disgruntled, deliberate discordants.

Xiao He took advantage of the situation to deal with these people, and Chu Di soon stabilized.

Ying Zheng was overjoyed when he saw the memorial letter that Xiao He wore back.

"Xi'er, look, Xiao He did a great job!"

Ying Zheng told Ying Xi as if showing off.

Ying Xi smiled and nodded. His trust in Xiao He was much earlier than Ying Zheng.

It was precisely because he knew Xiao He's abilities that he recommended him to Chudi.

It has been a month since Ying Xi returned to Xianyang.

The New Year is approaching, and the entire city of Xianyang is in peace.

The ministers also breathed a sigh of relief. Although this year was not ordinary, it was much better than last year.

Except for killing another group just after the new year, their lives were saved for the next half a year.

But they had just let go of their hearts, but they raised them again in the early morning of a certain day.

Ying Zheng looked at the ministers with a puzzled smile on his face.

"Three months have passed since the implementation of the assessment system, and it's time for the first assessment."

As soon as Ying Zheng's words fell, the hall became lively with a bang.

Maybe it's because the past few months have been so comfortable, they even forgot about this thing!

How to do?
In the past three months, they have been adhering to the idea that one thing more is worse than one thing less, and they have done almost nothing.

But now it seems that he made a big mistake!

Because the assessment standards were clearly stated at the beginning, those who fail to meet the standards must either leave or be held accountable.

Either of these two is unacceptable to them.

They wanted to say something nice to see if Ying Zheng could cancel this rule.

But when they saw Yingxi on the side, they couldn't move their feet.

Ying Xi had only wiped out hundreds of thousands of troops not long ago, and killing them was just a matter of convenience.

"Prime Minister, let's start with you." Ying Zheng ordered Li Si's life. "I obey the decree."

Li Si stood up and told what he had done in the past three months.

Listening to Li Si's reports one after another, the hearts of the ministers became colder and colder.

Li Si had already said dozens of things, and any one of these things was a big deal in their opinion.

But Li Si had accomplished so much without knowing it?

Li Si quickly finished speaking, Ying Zheng did not evaluate, but looked to the side of Ying Xi.

"Prince, what do you think?"

Ying Xi's face was serious: "It's okay, it can be regarded as barely completing the task of the job, so you can stay in the job."

The ministers were dumbfounded.

Did they hear it right?

After doing so many things, Li Si just barely finished his job?
It's over! It's over!

They are done!

Li Si didn't expect that he only got a fair evaluation after talking so much.

But when he thought of Ying Xi's achievements in the past three months, he immediately felt that there was no problem.

The sum of all these things he has done can't compare to any one of Ying Xi's credits!
Ying Xi didn't want to beat Li Si, but he felt that as a prime minister, these things were indeed his job.

After asking Li Si, Ying Zheng looked at a minister standing in the same row as Li Si: "Jiao Lu, what about you? What have you been doing for the past three months?"

The minister named Jiao Lu quickly knelt down: "Your Majesty, old minister... old minister..."

After talking for a long time, the veteran did not say anything.

There's no way, for the past three months, he's been happy every day for having lived one more day, and there's nothing he can do.

Seeing the other party's plain corpse meal, Ying Zheng didn't even need to ask Ying Xi's opinion, and said directly: "Take it down and wait for it!"

Han Xin immediately came in with two guards, and took the shivering Jiao Lu down.

Then came another minister.

The minister was also trembling and his teeth were chattering, but he was a little better than Jiao Lu, and said, "Your Majesty, I helped a farmer solve a small problem a month ago."


Yingzheng was a little surprised. Most of these ministers were from aristocratic backgrounds. How could they help farmers solve their problems?
Although the matter was small and not considered his job, Ying Zheng admired it quite a bit, so he looked at Ying Xi and wanted to plead for the minister.

However, the serious expression on Ying Xi's face remained unchanged, and he asked lightly, "What did you help?"

When Ying Zheng heard this, he also looked at the minister curiously. He also wanted to know.

But the minister's face turned pale, and then he hesitated, ambiguous and refused to speak clearly.

Ying Zheng knew there was a problem as soon as he heard it, and was about to ask, but Ying Xi said: "You said to help, did you buy their daughter?"

When the minister heard this, he fell to the ground in fright: "His Royal Highness, please forgive me! Please forgive me, Your Majesty!"

After Ying Zheng listened, he immediately glared at the minister.

Before that, he had listened to Ying Xi's analysis and promulgated the prohibition of buying and selling people.

But this minister actually knew the law and violated the law, it's so daring!
"Drag it on, cut it off!" Ying Zheng said mercilessly.

At this time, Ying Xi added: "Father, that farmer also needs to be punished."

Yingzheng was a little puzzled. That farmer was clearly a victim, so why should he be punished?

"Because the farmer was too lazy to work, and after seeing his neighbors getting enough food and clothing through labor, he thought of selling his daughter to live a better life."

(End of this chapter)

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