Chapter 406 Mr. Xun, times have changed

Could it be that he subconsciously supported Ying Xi's actions?
how can that be!

Xunzi didn't dare to admit his thoughts, and shook his head repeatedly.

"I must have made a mistake, it must be!"

Xunzi was almost insane and muttered to himself halfway, he couldn't accept it, his inner thoughts turned out to agree with Ying Xi.

Ying Xi was not surprised.

Although Xunzi in history was also a Confucian, he was different from the general Confucianism.

He has his own little judgment.

Although it is only a little bit, it is already extremely rare in the Confucian system.

It is also based on this that Ying Xi knows that Xunzi is not as hopeless as other Confucians.

Although he didn't expect Xunzi to "turn back and be right", if Xunzi's attitude could be changed, it would be of great benefit to his next behavior.

"Mr. Xun, you have to face your own heart."

Ying Xi's voice was like a devil, which made Xunzi's head ache.

"Mr. Xun, the thought of Confucianism was hundreds of years ago."

"As time goes on, likewise, the rules of the whole world must also develop forward."

"Why should I get rid of Confucianism? It's not because I have any hatred with Confucianism, but because Confucianism is no longer appropriate in this era."

"In this era, do you know what is the most important?" Ying Xi asked suddenly.


Xunzi asked subconsciously.

After listening to Ying Xi's words, he also asked himself in his heart, is the Confucianism really outdated?
But after much deliberation, he couldn't figure out whether it was true or not.

But Ying Xi's question seemed to light a guiding lantern for him.

That's right, as long as you find the answer to this question, the Confucian way will be able to know whether it is suitable or not, and whether it is out of date!

"People." Ying Xi spat out two words lightly.


This answer surprised Xunzi.

How could it be the common people?

Isn't that the object of exploitation by the nobles?

How can they be the most important?
Can they still turn the sky upside down?
Xunzi couldn't figure it out, so he could only look at Yingxi in confusion.

It wasn't that he suddenly believed in Ying Xi, it was just that what Ying Xi showed had completely confused him.

Even Ying Xi knew the evil thought in his heart, it was hard for him to imagine what Ying Xi didn't know.

It is precisely for this reason that Xunzi has a kind of trust in Ying Xi that he is not aware of.

Ying Xi didn't explain directly, but asked rhetorically, "What is the biggest change in this era compared to hundreds of years ago?"

Xunzi thought about it, and finally came up with an answer that he had never paid attention to.

"There are more people than before!"

In the Zhou Dynasty hundreds of years ago, there were only a few million people at that time.

But now, in Daqin alone, there are more than ten million people!

This is the biggest change in the past few hundred years!

"Mr. Xun, you have said a lot. The biggest change over the years is that there are more people!"

"The most direct impact of more people is that their power has become stronger!"

"Although it will not affect us, if they are always in a state of dissatisfaction and restlessness, let me ask you, is this dynasty the era that Confucianism wants?" Ying Xi's few rhetorical questions made Xunzi fall silent.

Their Confucianism has been committed to making the whole world peaceful from the very beginning.

There were not many people in the past, and they could take some of their dissatisfaction as an example.

But it's different now.

A small number of people is already a lot!
It's not what they Confucianism thinks!
"So, in this era, what matters is the common people!"

Ying Xi's few words were like a thunderbolt from the blue sky, which made Xunzi's head buzz.

Ying Xi pointed out something that he hadn't seen or ignored all this time.

The shock it brought him was like a bolt from the blue!

Ying Xi raised his hand at this moment, dropped a black stone next to the white stone that Xunzi had just dropped, and said, "Mr. Xun, the times are advancing, and you can't stick to the rules."

Xunzi finally couldn't take it anymore, and spat out a mouthful of blood.

What Ying Xi said completely broke his previous persistence and belief.

A crack appeared in his Dao heart at that moment!
This is something he can't believe!

When he first condensed his Dao heart, he was very sure that his Dao heart was so strong that it would never be destroyed.

But now, his Dao heart is already showing signs of being destroyed!

Xunzi was still unwilling to give up his idea, and kept expulsing what Ying Xi had just said from his mind.

However, no matter how he expelled it, Ying Xi's words seemed to take root. The more he tried to expel them, the clearer those words became.


Xunzi held his head and snorted.

Ying Xi raised his hand at this moment, pointing at the brightly lit places outside Xianyang Palace.

"Mr. Xun, just look at that."

Xunzi looked in the direction Ying Xi was pointing, and saw scholars shaking their heads in the dimly lit place, reciting books.

"This is the benefit of the imperial examination system. Mr. Xun thinks, if it is a feudal system, when will these common people take the initiative to study?"

"When will the self-cultivation, self-cultivation, family governance and world peace advocated by your Confucianism be realized by the common people?"

"At this time, I don't think I know, and Mr. Xun may not be able to tell."

"But the imperial examination system made this wish come true now!"

Ying Xi's words were like a tempered hammer, hitting Xunzi's Dao heart with one right and one right.

Xunzi's face became paler, and traces of blood continued to flow from the corner of his mouth.

His Dao heart has reached the verge of collapse!

In the side hall, Cao Changqing, who was reviewing the memorial, seemed to be weakly aware of it. He looked up at the roof, and then looked away.

Actually talking about ideals with His Royal Highness the Crown Prince?

What's the difference between sending it to death?
On the roof, Xunzi looked at the chessboard, at the people reading in the distance, and at Yingxi with a holy light on his face, he couldn't accept what he saw more and more.

In his whole life, he spread ideas, accepted apprentices and taught them. Isn't the so-called creating the ideal world in his heart?

But for so many years, he has not achieved anything at all.

Instead, Ying Xi, who he always felt was doing something wrong, just used a simple imperial examination system to realize the scene in his dream!
He really can't accept it!
"I don't believe it, you must have deliberately arranged for me to see this!"

Xunzi was still sitting and struggling for the last time.

Ying Xi shook his head: "Stubborn."

Then, as soon as Ying Xi raised his hand, he grabbed Xunzi's shoulder, and then jumped off the roof to a dark place on the street.

(End of this chapter)

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