Chapter 405 Those who stop me, die!
Although Ying Xi asked about pawns, Xunzi was not stupid. He knew that what Ying Xi was talking about was his current situation.

It can be said that his life and death are in Ying Xi's hands.

Just like the white piece on the chessboard.

Although it was just the beginning, all his escape routes had been blocked.

The only difference is whether to die fast or die slowly.

From the heart, of course Xunzi wanted to live.

But he also had a nobler mission.

"Of course I want to live. But it's not me." Xunzi said.

With that said, Xunzi placed another white stone in a large empty space.

Ying Xi didn't follow Luozi this time, but looked at Xunzi.

"Mr. Xun wants Confucianism to survive?"

"That's right!" Xunzi nodded.

When talking to smart people, you don't need to hide.

However, just after Xunzi finished speaking, Yingxi's black stone landed next to the white stone he had just landed again.

Xunzi shrank his pupils, of course he understood what Yingxi meant.

He looked at Ying Xi with some unacceptable: "His Royal Highness, in your eyes, Confucianism must be destroyed?"

This is also one of the purposes of Xunzi's trip.

He wanted to know why Ying Xi had to get rid of Confucianism.

Even if you die, you have to die to understand!
"It's simple."

Ying Xi smiled faintly, and Kong Kong connected his three sunspots on the chessboard together, and then pointed to the two sunspots that Xunzi sandwiched between them.

"Because they got in my way."

"I don't know!"

Ying Xi's answer was within Xunzi's expectation.But he didn't understand.

The idea of ​​Confucianism is to teach people to cultivate themselves, govern the family, rule the country and bring peace to the world, which can make Great Qin stronger.

The purpose of Yingxi is also to make Daqin stronger.

Since the two sides have the same purpose, why did Ying Xi insist on destroying Confucianism?
"Because Confucianism and my philosophy are different."

Ying Xi said indifferently: "Although some things he said are correct, those are trivial details."

"One thing, if the whole direction is wrong, even if the details are right, what's the use?"

Xunzi was not stupid, so he immediately thought of what Ying Xi was referring to: "His Royal Highness is talking about the imperial examination system?"

"Mr. Xun is smart."

Ying Xi smiled faintly: "It's the imperial examination system."

Xunzi frowned suddenly.

In his opinion, although the imperial examination system has certain advantages, it is far inferior to the enfeoffment system!
Because he believes that those talents selected by the imperial examination are not necessarily all interested in Daqin, and it is completely impossible to use all their energy in one direction.

But enfeoffment is different.

Those in charge of the fief are all His Majesty's clan relatives, and it is absolutely impossible to have two hearts.

This is the only way for a dynasty to have long-term stability!

Knowing that at this time, Xunzi still held his point of view, Ying Xi shook his head in disappointment.

"Mr. Xun, let me ask you a question. You think the enfeoffment system is the best solution. May I ask where the Zhou Dynasty that used the enfeoffment system is now?"

Xunzi was at a loss for words.

The Zhou Dynasty was the last dynasty in history to use the enfeoffment system.

But in the later period, all the vassal states did not listen to the edict of the emperor at all, but each wanted to be king and emperor!

"That's because... because those people are not good-natured." Xunzi argued.

"Have a bad temper?"

Regarding Xunzi's reason, Ying Xi shook his head.This is really a reason why I have nothing to say.

"Mr. Xun, do you think that my Daqin implements the enfeoffment system, and those people's dispositions can be improved from generation to generation?"

After Ying Xi finished speaking, he thought Xunzi would realize the absurdity of what he said, but unexpectedly Xunzi nodded instead.

"Of course!"

Ying Xi couldn't help laughing when he heard the words: "Mr. Xun, do you agree with what you said?"

Before Xunzi could speak, Ying Xi continued, "As far as I know, Mr. Xun seems to have a point of view, but he never said it out?"

"Because this point of view is contrary to your previous Confucian point of view, am I right?"

Hearing Ying Xi's words, Xunzi's expression changed for the first time since he came to the roof.

Not allowing Xunzi to deny it, Ying Xi said again: "Mr. Xun, do you think human nature is good or evil?"

"I know you Confucians believe that human nature is good. But in Mr. Xun's view, human nature seems to be evil, right?"

Ying Xi's words made Xunzi unable to bear it any longer: " did you know that!"

This is something he has never said to outsiders.

Even his disciple Fu Nian never revealed half of it.

Because he knows how much impact this point of view will have.

But now, this point of view has been uttered by Ying Xi!

How did he know?
Xunzi panicked for a while.

If this point of view is revealed, he will be spurned by all Confucian disciples who once believed in him!
Ying Xi saw Xunzi's nervousness, but smiled and comforted him.

"Don't worry, Mr. Xun, I won't tell outsiders about your point of view."

After finishing speaking, Ying Xi asked again: "Do you know why?"

Xunzi shook his head. He didn't understand that Ying Xi was clearly going to deal with him, but now he actually protected him.

He didn't understand what Ying Xi was thinking.

Ying Xi smiled lightly and said, "Because I also agree with this point of view."


Xunzi was taken aback. He never expected that Ying Xi would give this answer.

"Very surprised?"

Ying Xi smiled: "Mr. Xun, I thought you would have thought of it a long time ago."

"Think about it, why do I want to kill those nobles? I even want to kill their nine clans?"

"Because I firmly believe that human nature is evil! These people have brought evil to the extreme, and there is no possibility of turning back."

"For these people, death is the best way to make their evil disappear."

"That's why I didn't do anything to Mr. Xun during the day, because I know that to a certain extent, we still have some common views."

After finishing speaking, Ying Xi seemed to say something insignificant, and then said: "Okay, it's time for Mr. Xun to settle down."

Xunzi was extremely flustered at this moment, he was frightened by what Ying Xi had just said.

It turns out that Ying Xi also believes that human nature is evil?
In such thoughts, where does he have the energy to think about how to play chess?Just a random point on the board.

And this one landed just beside Ying Xi's sunspot in Tianyuan.

Seeing this, Ying Xi laughed again.

"Mr. Xun, it seems that in your subconscious mind, you support me."

Xunzi was taken aback when he heard the words, and quickly denied, "Who said that?"

Ying Xi pointed to the chessboard: "Mr. Xun, watch for yourself."

Even Xunzi himself was taken aback when he saw that his unconscious pawn fell beside the Yingxi Tianyuan pawn.

How could he be in that place?
Although it was an unconscious behavior, Xunzi knew that it was also his subconscious.

(End of this chapter)

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