Seeking the way to cover the sky

Chapter 111 Meeting with Mr. Fool

Chapter 111 Meeting with Mr. Fool
Somewhere in a hidden place, a man was exuding chaos energy. As he breathed, the sources surrounding him were turning into powder visible to the naked eye.

The entire secret room was filled with imperfect light, with blue formations flashing, covering up all strange phenomena.

If it were not blocked by formations, a ray of chaotic energy here could crush mountains and rivers at will, which would be enough to cause a catastrophe to the outside world.

Ka Ka ~

As Xu Cheng suddenly opened and closed his eyes, cracks in the void appeared where his eyes, as deep as the stars, were looking.

The void here is so fragile that Xu Cheng can even see a colorful world like an oil painting through the cracks in the void.

The Void Barrier in this world is not the real void, but a strange oil painting-like world, which is very gorgeous and is called the spiritual world by people in this world.

In this world of mysticism, the spiritual world is the projection of the real world. As long as there is no great being deliberately covering it up, traces of everything that happens in the real world can be found here.

The divination ability in occult science also relies on the spiritual world. Diviners can predict the past, find people and objects, and even predict the future based on the trajectory of the real world in the spiritual world!

There are many special creatures in the spiritual world, and most of them exist in the spiritual world as spiritual bodies. Sending letters in mysticism is completed through spiritual creatures.

Even the teleportation ability of travelers and others is to enter the spiritual world from reality, and then exit from the spiritual world, achieving the effect of taking a shortcut.

As Xu Cheng focused his gaze, the trajectory of the connection between the spiritual world and reality began to become chaotic. Even the strange creatures in the spiritual world were shocked. Although they had low intelligence, under the gaze of this suspected great being, They all fled.

Xu Cheng even saw a blue light mixed with the strange creatures and quickly leaving. Although he knew that it might be the seven lights of the spirit world, Xu Cheng ignored it, and he didn't need to ask questions.

Lan Guang was so frightened that his lips trembled, "How could I be so unlucky to be discovered by a great being? Fortunately, He doesn't care about me, otherwise I wouldn't be able to escape."

"Who is that person? Why is there no trace of madness and chaos in Him? Even His aura is so strange, and this aura has never existed in the entire spiritual world."

Just one look caused the entire spiritual world to fall into chaos, which is enough to show that Xu Cheng's inner world has expanded and become more complete.

"It's almost over. The rapid growth period of Inner World has passed. All that's left is to slowly polish it."

"The Secret Realm system is about to reach its peak. We only need to wait for the war to break out and lead the people to complete the revolution before we can go back."

Xu Cheng withdrew his eyes from the spiritual world, his eyes were extremely deep, "I think this kind of legend that almost subverts the world should be able to successfully enlighten him and me, right?"


In the star realm, a suspicious voice came from a dark kingdom of God, and a woman with a distant and strange aura suddenly appeared in the kingdom of God.

That was the goddess of the night. She was wearing a long black dress. The long dress was overlapping but not complicated. Light spots that looked like stars and bright moons hung on her long dress, as if they were surrounding and setting off her.

The face of the goddess of the night is shrouded in darkness, and ordinary people cannot see through her true appearance under her hidden authority.

"What's going on? Why did the spiritual world pause for a moment? Has any friend entered the spiritual world?"

The goddess of the night felt a little irritable for no reason. In this world of mysticism, she would not take any chances and directly began to trace the source of the fluctuations in her heart.

Scenes suddenly flashed in his eyes. He was the first to see Dwayne Dantès who was trying to sneak into the church. He placed a heavy bet on Klein, so naturally he often paid attention to this survivor of the old era.

"Huh? How come his fate is so messed up? Why did his fate take such a big turn in just a few days? Could someone have intervened?"

Although Klein's established destiny has not changed and everything is still developing in a good direction, this still makes the goddess of the night suspicious.

He looked at the point that disturbed Klein's fate, and a beautiful noble girl appeared in front of him.

"The change in his destiny came from this noble girl? Then who changed this girl's destiny?"

"She joined the Psychological Alchemy Society. Could it be that Adam took action? But this shouldn't be the case. Hasn't everything already developed in the direction he wanted? Why should he do anything extra?"

The goddess of the night suddenly shone with starlight. She raised her hand and Audrey's fate line suddenly appeared in her hand.

He followed Audrey's fate line to observe and search. This time he was obviously having a hard time. It was obviously not easy to find the person behind the scenes.

The goddess of the night did not give up. She slowly increased the intensity of her abilities, trying to find out the restless people.

"It is so difficult to find the source. It seems that it was not Adam who took action, so who could it be? Could other gods have intervened?"

Finally, when the goddess of the night almost exhausted all her strength, the inconspicuous point of disturbance in Audrey's fate was finally found by her.

"Finally found you, let me see who you really are."

It was too difficult to peek at the person behind the scenes. The goddess of the night even used her authority to finally follow the disturbance point and look over.

The goddess of the night's face suddenly changed slightly, and there was a trace of solemnity in her eyes. She had not had such rich emotions for a long time, but the scene in front of her was really unimaginable.

He followed the path of destiny and saw a man. The man was dressed in the clothes before the Great Destruction. His long hair was scattered casually. The rich chaos completely covered the man. Even he couldn't see through the white-robed man. true appearance.

"How is this possible! Is that... Taoist robe?"

The goddess of the night has already stirred up huge waves in her heart. After becoming a god for many years, this is the first time that she has almost lost her composure after becoming a god.

"How is it possible? Klein has fallen out of Origin Castle, so how is it possible that there are still people from the old era appearing in this world!"

The goddess of the night suddenly opened her mouth, and an even more bizarre scene appeared in front of her. Under his perception, the man just sat there like the largest gathering of fate in the entire world.

"How is it possible? How can fate revolve around a person, as if everyone is inseparable from him? Although this feeling is very weak, it is indeed a fact!"

The mind of the goddess of the night went blank. There was no such path in her knowledge. Even a god who specialized in the monster path of destiny could not do this.

"Is it a way that I don't understand? So he is an alien god? But how could an alien god come in through the barrier? And his aura can't keep up with the old days."

The goddess of the night quickly searched the memories in her mind, trying to find some clues from the memories.

Suddenly, his eyes flickered, and his expression became even more incredible and uncertain.

"This doesn't look like fate at all, but more like the cause and effect in the legends of the old days."

"But isn't such an illusory thing as cause and effect a concept in the myths of the old times? Does it really exist?"

"It seems that there is really no trace of extraordinary material in his body. Is it because of his special extraordinary path or..."

The first subversion of the goddess of the night's worldview was the emergence of extraordinary power and the passing of the old era. Now, after a long absence, she feels that her worldview is being subverted again.

He thought of an ancient word, a word that only appeared in myths, legends and novels when He lived in the old days. "Could he be an immortal! An immortal from the legend of ancient China!"

"How is this possible! Do immortals really exist in this world?"

The goddess of the night looked in disbelief. She had already believed seventy-eight percent of her speculation. After all, even extraordinary powers could appear, so why couldn't immortals appear?

Just when the goddess of the night was in a brainstorm, the man wrapped in chaos in the picture seemed to be aware of it. He turned around and looked at the goddess of the night from a distance.


Cracks suddenly appeared on the screen. After just one breath, it could no longer hold up and suddenly collapsed, turning into a large amount of starlight and dissipating.

Xu Cheng frowned slightly. He originally wanted to continue practicing and directly reach the peak of Zhan Dao, but suddenly a gaze fell on him, so he could only fight back.

"Is she the goddess of the night? She can actually spy on me. The gods in this world are really weird."

Xu Cheng's eyes suddenly reflected two glazed lamps. He looked upstream of the river of time with almost all his strength, trying to trace the reason for being spied on.

After a while, Xu Cheng looked strange. He didn't expect that the reason why the goddess of the night peeked at him was because he glanced at the spirit world.

Even other gods and angels who noticed the fluctuations in the spiritual world were trying to explore the cause, but they all failed, except for the goddess of the night who succeeded.

Xu Cheng was a little confused. He was a little unhappy about being interrupted in retreat, but the reason happened to be his own, so he couldn't go directly to the door to hold him accountable.

"That's all, in that case, let's go out and take a look. Counting the time, the war is coming soon."

After Xu Cheng calmed down, he stood up slowly. He reached out and grabbed it, and all the formation patterns gathered together and turned into a corner formation disk.

Xu Cheng gently waved his hand, and all the free chaos energy was rolled back into his body. After all, the chaos energy was too heavy, and a single ray could destroy an entire land.

After doing all this, Xu Cheng took one step and disappeared. He was following Audrey's position.


At this moment, Klein, who was wearing Dwayne Dantès' vest, was talking to a blond girl.

"Good morning, beautiful Miss Audrey."

Audrey heard the sound and walked over with a hint of surprise on her face, "Good morning, Mr. Dawn, are you back from the Southern Continent?"

Klein pressed his hat and nodded with a smile, "As you know, I went to West Balam this time mainly to cooperate with the military."

Audrey's eyes twitched slightly, and she muttered in her heart, 'Isn't it an arms deal?Mr. World can actually speak in such a fresh and refined manner, as if he is really doing something good. '

After the idlers left under the influence of extraordinary power, Miss Justice and Mr. World of the Tarot Club finally began to talk about business.

Klein straightened his bowler hat and looked at the blond girl in front of him with his blue eyes, "It's been several months. Hasn't Mr. Yuan come to see you yet?"

Klein took the Fool's order as an excuse. He, Mr. Fool's favored one, wanted to see Mr. Yuan on behalf of Mr. Fool.

Audrey was a little helpless. Mr. World standing opposite had already expressed his intention to come, but she had no guarantee that she would be able to see the mysterious Mr. Yuan.

Ever since Xu Cheng asked Audrey to find some intellectuals to teach social democratic ideas, Audrey had not seen that big shot for several months.

"There is no way, Mr. Yuan didn't leave any honorary name, so even if you want to pray, you can't do it."

Klein sighed lightly. After various investigations, he had basically confirmed the accuracy of the information provided by Xu Cheng.

He originally wanted to meet the fellow villager with anxiety, but several months had passed and the fellow villager was still missing.

Suddenly, Audrey in front of Klein covered her open mouth and stared directly behind Klein with a pair of emerald eyes. She was obviously frightened.

Klein's pupils shrank, and a burst of red light flashed. He suddenly disappeared from the spot, and appeared next to a light as if he was teleported.

Not only that, he already held a silver talisman in his hand, and in the other hand he already held a revolver with a caliber beyond the normal.

boom! boom! boom!
Several gunshots rang out in succession, tongues of fire spurted out from the muzzle, and several special bullets with strange power were shot out instantly, flying straight to Xu Cheng's face.

The bullets flew very fast, and these extraordinary bullets with extremely powerful lethality arrived in front of Xu Cheng in an instant.

A scene that was unimaginable to Klein occurred. The bullet hit Xu Cheng's body and turned into powder.

Klein finally came to his senses after seeing the appearance and features of the person clearly. He was startled and worried, fearing that the man in white robes in front of him would take action without giving him a chance to explain.

Audrey's mouth twitched slightly. She really didn't expect that Mr. World would suddenly shoot. After observing her as a senior audience member, Klein's action of pulling out the gun was completely subconscious.

'As expected of Mr. World, he is a crazy adventurer who does not hesitate to draw a gun and shoot if he disagrees with him. This evaluation is indeed not groundless. '

She complained in her heart, but Audrey still defended Klein very thoughtfully, "Mr. Yuan, don't be angry, Herman... He just had some overreaction, please forgive him for his offense."

Klein was also beating a drum in his heart. No matter what, the man in white robe standing in front of him who looked like a god was a big shot after all. He was afraid that he would be crushed to death without explanation.

"Mr. Yuan, please forgive me for my offense. My reaction was indeed excessive."

"You know, I have been in the chaotic southern continent before. This is a habit I developed in that dangerous continent."

Under Klein's anxious gaze, Xu Cheng smiled slightly and nodded calmly. He had no intention of pursuing the responsibility, and it was impossible for this weapon to harm him. It's just that Klein's reaction was a little beyond his expectation. .

Seeing that Xu Cheng did not pursue the case, both Klein and Audrey breathed a sigh of relief, and Audrey was praising Mr. Dollar's broad-mindedness in her heart.

Suddenly, Xu Cheng waved his hand without warning, and the blond girl sat back on the chair. After careful observation, Klein confirmed that she was just lying on the table and fell asleep.

Klein was a little confused. The man in white robe in front of him deliberately made Miss Justice faint. He obviously wanted to talk to him alone.

'Shouldn't Mr. Yuan have something to discuss with Miss Zhengyi?After all, he has given the task of promoting social democracy to Miss Justice. Why would he want to talk to me alone? '

Xu Cheng didn't pay attention to Klein's doubtful gaze. He raised the corners of his mouth slightly and spat out a few words very clearly.

"Good morning, Mr. Fool!"

(End of this chapter)

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