Seeking the way to cover the sky

Chapter 110 Passing the Message

Chapter 110 Passing the Message

boom! boom! boom!
On a large ship dotted with stars, a lady wearing glasses and purple eyes knocked on Klein's door.

"Gehrman, we are about to reach the strait where mermaids infest. You can come out and take a look first."

The door opened harshly, and a man with gold-rimmed glasses and a gentle but slightly crazy appearance walked out.

Gehrman Sparrow was wearing a broad coat with brightly colored patterns, which was typical of the West Balam indigenous wear.

Gehrman looked at Star Admiral Cattleya. He wanted to take off his hat and salute slightly, but when he touched the top of his head, he realized that he was not wearing formal clothes. He had no choice but to nod expressionlessly.

"Is it finally here after walking for so long?"

Gehrman Sparrow is the vest of Klein Moretti. He maintains the image of being cold and crazy just to digest the potion through acting.

Suddenly, Hermann paused as he stepped out of the door. He adjusted his gold-rimmed glasses and smiled.

"Ma'am, I suddenly remembered that I still have some things to deal with. I'll be out in a moment."

Cattleya nodded slightly and turned to the deck without saying anything. She only thought that Gehrman was going to prepare tools. After all, Gehrman Sparrow came on the boat to find the mermaid.

Gehrman paused. He watched Cattleya leave before closing the door.

"Who is praying? Why does it last so long? Doesn't it usually just ring in the ears for a while and then end?"

Klein was a little confused. He originally planned to postpone the process. After all, the mermaid was about to be found and he was about to be promoted to marionette master.

But this time the prayer lasted too long, and he suspected that Miss Justice was in danger. After all, she had just met the traveler who was suspected of being a fellow traveler.

Klein tidied up neatly before walking into the bathroom. He walked four steps backwards skillfully.

When Klein opened his eyes again, he had already arrived in a space filled with gray mist. He was still sitting in the Fool's seat.

Klein slowly stretched out his hand to touch the red star, and a picture suddenly appeared in front of him.

In the picture, a blond girl whose outline could only be seen vaguely was praying, and her voice sounded anxious.

Klein's eyes flickered, "It's indeed Miss Justice. What's wrong with her? Why is she so urgent?"

"I have the impression that Miss Justice respects Mr. Fool very much. She is so abnormal this time. Could it be that something urgent happened?"

In the picture, the voice of the blond girl slowly came out, and her voice was no longer as elegant and light as before.

"Mr. Fool, I met the gentleman I mentioned before again. He provided me with some information. I want to tell you face to face."

Klein's heart skipped a beat, "How long has it been since the party ended? Did Miss Justice come to the door so quickly? Could it be possible that even this gray fog can be spied on?"

Klein quickly clicked on the screen, and used mystical methods to cast his gaze over it. However, he did not find that Miss Justice's condition was abnormal, and she was not harmed by mystical methods such as parasitism.

Seeing that there was really nothing unusual about Miss Justice, Klein also breathed a sigh of relief. He finally reached out and tapped the red star that represented Miss Justice.

This hall, which seemed to have remained unchanged since ancient times, suddenly flashed with a red light pillar. The light was dazzling. Klein's expression did not change. He had seen this scene too many times.

As the red light beam disappeared, Miss Justice immediately appeared on the huge stone chair emitting the red light beam.

Audrey only felt that after a flash of red light, she appeared in front of Mr. Fool. Looking at this figure with an aura that was more majestic than the mountain and broader than the sea, Audrey's anxious heart calmed down a little, as if she had found something. Backbone.

"Mr. Fool, I...I met Mr. Yuan again. He told me some unimaginable news. I think I must pass it on to you."

Klein looked confused, "Yuan? Is that his name? Then why did he suddenly come to you again?"

Klein muttered a word that was difficult to pronounce, and it was a bit strange to read the word. It seemed that the word should be spoken in Chinese to make it more fluent.

"Is it Yuan?" After Klein changed the pronunciation to Chinese this time, the weird feeling disappeared.

Audrey was a little surprised, thinking that Mr. Fool indeed had a certain connection with Mr. Yuan, "Yes, Mr. Yuan's pronunciation is the same as Mr. Fool!"

Klein's heart skipped a beat. This familiar pronunciation made him more certain that it was a fellow man wearing a monk's robe.

Immediately, Klein slowly leaned back on the chair and placed his hands casually on the table. He looked extremely comfortable and gave people an unfathomable feeling.

"Then Miss Justice, what did the so-called Mr. Yuan say to you? How could he make you so anxious?"

Mr. Fool's casual attitude infected Audrey.She took a deep breath and finally calmed down.

"Mr. Fool, just after the party ended, I saw Mr. Yuan. He was sitting not far from me, reading books casually."

"He knows that I have come to your Kingdom of God, and even knows about the Tarot Society you formed. He seems to be able to peek into your Kingdom of God."

Although it was rude to say this in front of Mr. Fool, Audrey no longer cared about it. She wanted to tell Mr. Fool all the information as soon as possible.

Audrey looked at the Fool sitting at the top. He was still so calm and calm, as if he was holding a pearl of wisdom.

However, what she didn't know was that Mr. Fool was already panicking at this moment. Even Amon, who had such a high status, wanted to test him through his clone. However, someone who seemed to be a fellow villager could actually peek directly into the gray mist. This was unimaginable to him. This Mr. Yuan is surprisingly powerful.

Audrey took another careful peek at Mr. Fool, and he was not angry because of her little offense, which made her even more convinced that Mr. Fool was a good god.

The figure sitting high and ethereal finally spoke, without any change in his tone.

"He didn't hurt you, and he didn't seem to have any ill intentions, so why did he come to you?"

When Audrey saw Mr. Fool still sitting firmly on the Diaoyutai, her heart suddenly became more stable.

"Mr. Yuan must have taken a fancy to my noble status and my relationship with you, Mr. Fool, so he came to ask me for a favor."

Audrey asked the leader Mr. Fool for instructions and began to materialize. A piece of white paper appeared on the table, and beautiful words slowly appeared on the paper.

Within a moment, a dense number of words were recorded on the white paper. Audrey then stopped manifesting, and then rushed to the top figure and nodded to indicate that the manifestation was complete.

Klein remained silent. He stretched out his hand, and the white paper flew into his hand lightly.

'Social democracy?It is almost impossible for anyone in this era to come up with such an idea that goes against the upper ruling class. Does Mr. Yuan want to subvert the world? '

As Klein browsed, the contents on the white paper became more and more familiar to him. At this point, he was almost certain that Yuan was his fellow countryman.

Not long after, Klein finally put down the paper in his hand. He suppressed his inner excitement and kept a calm tone. "Social democracy? Interesting idea. No wonder He came to you. This kind of thing would be much easier with the help of nobles."

"However, this idea, although advanced, is not suitable for this era, in which democracy is almost impossible to achieve."

Klein paused and chuckled before speaking again, "Unless there is a war, only the emergence of a major war can reshuffle the cards, otherwise it will take dozens or hundreds of years of development."

Audrey's eyes suddenly lit up, her eyes were sparkling, and her admiration almost overflowed.

'Sure enough, Mr. Fool is simply omnipotent. Could he have guessed this step without too much information? '

The corner of Klein's mouth twitched slightly. Although he didn't know what Miss Justice was thinking specifically, he knew that Miss Justice must have imagined something.

"Mr. Fool, do you still remember the Great Smog Incident? You also sent the Beloved to prevent the evil god from coming and saved Backlund."

Audrey's expression became serious when she got down to business, and her tone became a little more serious.

These words were so meaningless that even Klein was slightly startled. "Of course I still remember that it was just a small matter. Even if I don't take action, the church will take action. No one wants to see the unstable evil god walking normally." in the world.”

Audrey's heart skipped a beat. Mr. Yuan was right again. Even Mr. Fool was kept in the dark by George III.

"Mr. Fool, there are actually deeper reasons for the great smog incident. That disaster actually hid the plans of many big figures."

"Mr. Yuan told me that the great smog incident was just an opportunity to launch a reasonable war, and the war sweeping the world is what those people really want."

"Mr. Yuan told me that both George III and Adam needed that war. It was their godhood ceremony. They wanted to ascend to the throne of God without telling the Seven Gods!"

Audrey's voice was trembling. Even in Mr. Fool's Kingdom of God, she was a little scared to say such heavy news in person, which gave her the illusion that she was in big trouble.

After Audrey said this shocking news, she looked up at the top. The fog that enveloped Mr. Fool trembled and seemed a little boiling.

After a while, the leader finally returned to his original state, but just a slight abnormality could show that Mr. Fool's heart was not at peace.

Audrey calmed down and seemed to think of something again. She continued to add.

"Mr. Yuan said that it would be useless to report this matter to the Seven Gods. The Seven Gods need a Black Emperor to appear, but they don't know who to choose yet."

"But now that the war is inevitable, Augustus George is fully prepared, and it involves Adam's godhood ceremony. The Seven Gods can only acquiesce in George III's ascending to the throne and will not stop it."

After hearing the news brought by Audrey, Klein was already in a panic, but he used his clown ability to suppress his body movements and facial changes.

'There were so many calculations after the great smog incident?Am I actually involved in the games between many angels and gods? '

'Although I did not succeed in preventing a large number of deaths in the East End population, I was extremely conspicuous in that incident. Have the big shots noticed me? '

'No, no matter what happened before, I was saved by Mr. Azir in that incident. It must have been extremely conspicuous in the eyes of big people, and I must have been watched. '

'The Great Smog Incident was a stepping stone on the road to godhood for George III and Adam, and they were already preparing for the godhood ceremony! '

'George III coming to Black Emperor?What about Emperor Russell?If a new Black Emperor really appears, there is almost no possibility of Emperor Russell being resurrected. '

'Why do the Seven Gods need the Black Emperor to appear?Is there an enemy that even the Seven Gods can't fight against?Do they need the Black Emperor to appear to help them? '

'Is this kind of person who regards human life as trivial actually going to become a god?The Seven Gods have already acquiesced to his behavior, so how can I stop it?Those who died in the smog always need an explanation! '

It took Klein a while to recover, but he tried hard to maintain his composure and behaved calmly.

"I know, this news is really important to me. Madam, you can think about what kind of reward you want."

Mr. Fool's tone did not change, and Audrey couldn't help but sigh at the psychological power of the gods, who could not change their expressions despite such news.

You must know that almost all the Seven Gods have stopped walking in the world since the Fourth Age, and now two new gods are about to emerge. This cannot make Mr. Fool lose his temper. Audrey can no longer imagine how powerful Mr. Fool is.

"Mr. Fool, Mr. Yuan asked me to spread the ideas on paper first. He seems to also want to use this war to reshuffle the upper ruling class."

"Mr. Yuan said that this war will truly realize democracy, and that he will personally take action to crush all forces that stand in his way."

"Mr. Fool, what should I do? Do I want to follow Mr. Yuan's instructions?"

Klein came back to his senses and looked at the girl who had given him too much shock with a complicated expression.

"Miss Justice, what do you think of Yuan?"

Audrey was a little surprised. In her opinion, Mr. Fool seemed to be really curious about people like Mr. Yuan, but she still evaluated him truthfully.

"Mr. Yuan is very easy to get along with. He is very casual and seems approachable, at least on the surface."

"I don't understand why he would want to promote social democracy, but from this point of view, it seems that he really wants to help the common people at the bottom."

At this point, Audrey paused, a trace of uncertainty flashed across her face, and she spoke again after considering her tone.

"Mr. Fool, you shrouded yourself in gray mist to protect us. After all, it has always been a recognized truth in the world of occultism that you cannot look directly at God."

"And Mr. Yuan has always appeared in this world in his true form, so I won't be adversely affected by staring at him. I don't even feel too much pressure."

"So I'm not sure whether Mr. Yuan is a great being like you, but his various performances prove that there is no doubt about his power."

Klein nodded slightly, "I understand. Just do as Yuan said, but be sure not to put yourself in danger."

"That's it. You can go back and think about the reward you need."

Audrey breathed a sigh of relief. She felt a lot more at ease after passing the news to Mr. Fool. At least it made her feel that a great being was bearing the pressure with her.

Under Klein's gaze, Miss Justice lifted up her skirt and saluted, and was wrapped in a red light and disappeared into the Source Castle.

Klein rubbed his tired head. The news from Audrey made Klein more anxious than ever before, and he became even more eager for promotion.

"No matter what, after this successful promotion, I need to go to Backlund to meet that fellow countryman."

Having been delayed for a long time in Sefirah Castle, Klein became more and more anxious after thinking about the mermaid he was about to find.

As Klein imagined falling, he also disappeared into this ancient palace, and this gray mist returned to its eternal calm, as if nothing had happened.

(End of this chapter)

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