i'm not a bad man

Chapter 8 Renran’s complaint

Chapter 8 Renran’s complaint

After leaving the mall, I returned to where the RV was parked.At this time, it was already dusk. I was sitting on the stone pier next to the RV, and I couldn't help but feel a little melancholy...

In the past year and a half in Qingdao, I have never been melancholy at dusk, because I have always been clear that my nights belong to bars, but today, I will definitely not be able to go to the bar, because I don’t want to be with Zuo Xiaowei anymore. Meet.

I really didn’t like this feeling of having nothing to do, so I walked from the RV to the beach, lit a cigarette, and stood in the wind looking at the sea...

Feeling the boundlessness of the sea, I want to leave more and more, and I want to get back the feeling of driving the RV on the road and speeding side by side with the wind.


The setting sun was almost level with the sea. I was still staying at the beach, not knowing what to do, so I made up my mind to wait for the last night in Qingdao at most. If Qin Minhong hadn’t come up with a solution when I got up tomorrow, As for the solution to the problem, I will leave on my own...

"Han Chao, why are you standing here alone in a daze?"

I looked back and saw that it was Ren Ran who was talking to me. I never wanted to bring her to my RV, but she found it on her own... Qin Minhong was right, as long as you are intentional, it is not difficult to find someone.

"How did you find me here?"

Ren Ran looked around and replied with a smile: "You are really good at finding places. I have been in Qingdao for so many years and I never knew there was such a place that is not a scenic spot but has such a beautiful scenery!"

"you have not answer my question yet."

"I'm going to say...I followed you last night...do you believe it?"

I was a little surprised, and then said with a smile: "Last night, after you got off my car, you went to sit at the entrance of the shopping mall for a while...for about 10 minutes, and then you took a taxi and left...I just Keep following that car, it's a white Toyota sedan, right?"

"You're really following me!"

"I used to think that there was no need to know about your life, and we could just be fair-weather friends... But last night, I don't know what happened, maybe it was a whim, and I suddenly wanted to see how you live... In this world, Can anyone really live in an RV without working or having a relationship?"

I looked back at the RV still parked there, then smiled and replied, "Now you see it."

"I saw it. This RV is even shabbier and smaller than I thought."

I took out a cigarette from the cigarette case, lit it, and took two puffs silently, without choosing to respond.

After a brief silence, Ren Ran suddenly said to me: "Han Chao, I want to change myself."

I stopped smoking and turned to look at Ren Ran. She didn't seem to be joking with me, but in the more than a year we've known each other, she never talked to me about anything other than eating, drinking and having fun, not even her husband. There is a mistress outside, I heard about it from others.

"Why did you suddenly have this idea?"

"Do you think my life is good?"

After a brief silence, I replied: "If we were strangers and met by chance on the street, I would definitely think that you are the happiest woman in the world..."


"I have never seen a few women in Qingdao who are more beautiful than you. Your appearance is given by God, so this is God's preference for you... Then, you drive a luxury car, wear famous brands, or have your own family background Being superior means marrying a rich man, which is fate's preference for you... Looking at it, how many women can be favored by both God and fate at the same time?"

Ren Ran smiled and smiled, but his face turned sad: "Unfortunately, we are not strangers... You should have heard about my messy things in the bar, right?"

"know a little."

"What you know is enough for me to feel embarrassed..." After a pause, Ren Ran sighed again and asked: "Do you know why I know that my husband has another woman outside? Do you still have to endure all the hardships to be with him?"

"It must not be because of love, right?" "There is no such humble and bottomless love in this world."

"What's the reason for that?"

After saying that, I looked at Ren Ran. Her face no longer had the heartless smile of the past.I don’t know what’s wrong, it seems like last night was a breaking point. After last night, everyone suddenly became unhappy... However, when I carefully thought about what the problem was, I found that everyone except me was ruthless. Zuo Xiaowei gave me a hard time, and nothing special happened again... So, what is the problem? Even I have the idea of ​​leaving Qingdao.

Ren Ran made a gesture asking for a cigarette: "Give me a cigarette."

I came back to my senses, quickly took out a cigarette from the box, put it between her two fingers, and lit it for her. After she took a hard puff, she finally said to me: "I have been married to him for five years. , in the past five years, he will give me anything I want, so he has never wronged me financially... But do you know? He is a super pervert, and his purpose for doing this is just In order to make me unable to live without this kind of luxurious life, I knew that he had a mistress outside, but I still had to tolerate him... What he likes is the pleasure of having people inside and outside the house... I haven't thought about it. I divorced him, but I consulted a lawyer. If I choose to divorce now, I will not get a penny, because he has already transferred the common property that should belong to us through means... All I have is a penny. He gave me a card. As long as I divorce him and he freezes this card, I will have nothing... I can't bear to have nothing, because before marrying him, I also lived a decent life. Woman... In the past five years, I have lost the ability to work, and I have become accustomed to driving a luxury car every day and going to various high-end places. Even if I go to a bar, I will always choose the most expensive drinks... As long as everyone happy……"

I never thought about spying on Ren Ran's life, but when she expressed her grievances in person, I still felt worried for her... Isn't the most difficult thing in life just living in this kind of contradiction?

Ren Ran has been tortured to the point of losing her dignity by this contradictory state, so, like me, she drinks to drown her sorrows every day and numbs herself... But today, I finally made up my mind to leave Qingdao, and she also said she wanted to change herself. .

I sighed softly: "Yes, all of us were drunk by your wine...but in the end, you are the only one who is unhappy."

"So, I don't want to live like this anymore... I want to have my own business... Han Chao, before I came to you, I had already registered a company that specializes in decoration business... He is in real estate and decoration It is a derivative of real estate, so I can use his connections and resources to start this business... When I have my own business, I will divorce him and then reborn... However, I am the only one who runs this business. I can't get up because I need to socialize too much. I'm actually not a person who is good at dealing with interpersonal relationships, and my drinking capacity is limited... So, I came to you because I hope you can be by my side to help me deal with those social and drinking games... I I have been to so many bars, and I have never seen anyone who drinks better than you. Your eloquence is enough to cope with those drinking parties... When we build a business together, I will buy you a house and a car in Qingdao... This, I I can guarantee it with my personality.”

After saying that, Ren Ran looked at me with a very earnest look. I don't know how other people view houses and cars, but in my eyes, a RV has already satisfied these two needs; therefore, I don't If you're not too excited...if you're not excited, of course you won't have the motivation to do this.

I avoided Ren Ran's gaze, looked forward, then shook my head and said, "I can understand your mood, and I know you will succeed, but I can't do this with you, because last night, I already decided Leave Qingdao and start a new life..."

"You are 26 years old, don't you want to settle down at all?"

After a moment of silence, I shook my head and said with a smile, "Everyone has a different understanding of stability. My stability is running on the road, stopping occasionally, and then... in the city I like, start a journey that doesn't require anything. Love with a shelf life... One day, in every city I like, there will be a woman who likes me, and we will have a wonderful experience... When I am old enough to lie in bed and endure the torture of illness, I will recall my youth. After this period of time, painkillers should be more useful... Because there are no regrets in life. Only people full of regrets will become slaves of genes, marry a wife and have children, and then let the children make up for their life. Regrets... Regrets are regrets. No one can make up for it for you. The only thing you can do is to be more unrestrained when you are young and let all kinds of scenery and people fill your life."

After I finished speaking, I looked at Ren Ran. The way she looked at me had changed, as if she was frightened. After a while, she said, "I think your ideas are more perverted than my husband's..."

I laughed: "I have never said that I am a good man."

Ren Ran shook his head to express his disappointment: "Forget it, just pretend I've never been here... When you leave like this, Xiao Wei should be the most saddened... She gave you everything, but you didn't even give her a title You are unwilling to change...how can I change you with a few words..."

This time, I fell into silence. The silence was because of regret. If I had known that Zuo Xiaowei was the kind of woman who had to have a relationship with her, I would have restrained myself...

It's too late to regret now, so I have to leave Qingdao and leave the mistakes I made.


After Ren Ran left, I watched her come with hope and return with disappointment, and I felt a little uncomfortable...

I stood where we were chatting for a long time, until another car drove over from the intersection full of grass...

I thought it was Ren Ran who left and returned, but when the car got closer, I realized it wasn't Ren Ran.

This time I came to Luxi...

In a daze, she had parked the car next to me. She did not get out of the car immediately, but sat in the car and looked at me...

I was not surprised at all by her arrival, because before leaving Qingdao, only her and I had unresolved matters. In this situation, she should put aside her celebrity status and come to talk to me.

The only thing that surprised me was that her agent Qin Minhong did not follow her. She came alone.

(End of this chapter)

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