Siheyuan: Domineering life

Chapter 948 The last test

Time flies and fireworks easily get cold.

Time flies by like a flash, and the spring of 1984 comes in a blink of an eye.

Yang Jun is forty-two this year. When he reaches middle age, the real golden time for men has come.

Not only is his career in prime time, but his family ties are also bearing fruit.

Yang Chengliu is married and pregnant, Yang Chengwu has also given birth to a baby, and Sun Zhaodi is also getting good news. Even Ma Juzi successfully gave birth to a boy after taking Yang Jun's medicinal wine. infant.

However, the only thing that made Yang Jun unhappy was that Yang Yu gave birth to a girl.

It's not that Yang Jun favors boys over girls, but that the date of Yang Yu's birth is wrong.

According to the time of Yang Laosi's marriage, she was pregnant with this child when she and Dai Yuhe first met.

Yang Jun was very angry. He was angry that he failed to discipline his sister well.

However, it was a done deal and he didn't bother to worry about it.

However, he also had good news on his side. In addition to Huang Yani, Yang Jun's other women also had good news.

On the one hand, Huang Yani is too old to have a child. On the other hand, she is still helping Yi Qiushui manage business in Hong Kong and abroad, so she has no time to get pregnant.

He had not treated Yang Jun's women badly.

In the past few months, they have been injected with Yang Jun's dragon essence and phoenix blood, and their current physical condition has reached the peak of health.

Their skin is moist and plump, their blood is rosy, their bodies are slender, and they are no different from girls. Their whole bodies are eternally youthful. If you didn't know better, you would think they were unmarried girls.

"Godfather, all the house demolition work has been completed, and a house can be built below."

Yang Jun still lies down every day and is currently listening to Yang Chengwu's work report.

"You didn't use any shady tricks, did you?" Yang Jun asked, squinting his eyes.

Yang Chengwu chuckled and said: "Godfather, you have already scolded me, how dare I do that."

"Don't worry, the demolition money will be compensated according to your instructions. There are no problems with the procedures. We will start the construction drawings next."

Yang Jun glared at him: "You kid, you better do what you said. If I find out that you are doing something shameful behind your back, don't blame me for whipping you."

"Godfather, how dare I?"

Yang Jun rolled his eyes and asked someone to go to his study to get a drawing.

This drawing was drawn in a style that he and his women had spent many months researching.

Of course, it's mainly the styles that his women like.

In front of them, Yang Jun had no say in this matter.

Yang Chengwu took the drawing and looked at it, frowning and said: "Godfather, why does it look like a Chinese garden to me?"

"If that's the case, do you need to rebuild all the courtyard houses you own?"

Yang Jun rolled his eyes when he heard this: "You know what the heck, this is a new Chinese-style courtyard house. The outside style is a courtyard house, but the interior decoration is modern elements, which is the most popular at the moment."

When he originally designed this new Chinese-style garden, Yang Jun expressed his opinions frequently. He combined the elements of the new Chinese-style courtyard houses of later generations with the most popular decoration styles to create his own new Chinese-style courtyard house.

This kind of courtyard is simple and generous, yet graceful. The inside is winding and winding, with yin and yang intertwining, well-proportioned, and can reflect exquisite life.

As soon as this plan was put forward, the girls immediately liked it, and then they polished it carefully to form the final drawing.

There is a thick stack of drawings. The top is the exterior architectural drawing of the garden, and the bottom is the interior decoration style.

Yang Chengwu glanced at it briefly and immediately liked this style.

The way he couldn't put it down made Yang Jun frown.

"This time for snacks, garden design, construction and decoration, must we ask famous domestic experts to know?"

"I know, godfather, are you still worried about me doing things?"

Yang Jun said: "Especially for decoration, you must hire the master craftsmen from the Xiangshan Gang, you know?"

"I know, godfather, I happen to have a few from the Xiangshan Gang. Leave this job to them, and I'm sure nothing will go wrong."


Yang Jun nodded, and then discussed several details with him.

"By the way, I heard that you are currently competing with a man named Zhang Mingli for the development rights of the land in the west of the city?" Yang Jun asked.

"Yes, godfather, what's wrong?"

"I'll give it in if I can. His old man has approached me several times and hopes to exchange the three thousand acres of land in the north of the city for the development rights of that land."

Yang Jun said quietly: "Mr. Zhang is my man, and I still have to give him the face he deserves."

When Yang Chengwu heard this, he was unwilling.

"Godfather, since he is yours, this land cannot be given to him."

"Just think about it, how can a slave compete with his master for meat? Has he eaten the heart of a bear or the gall of a leopard?"

When Yang Jun heard this, he looked like he hated iron.

"You don't understand what's going on at the top. You can't always use sticks and carrots. In short, give him that piece of land."

"You won't suffer any loss. After all, you will have thousands more acres of land, and you can also earn favors."

Yang Chengwu: "I don't. He, Zhang Mingli, relies on his power and his grandfather's high position to steal the cake from me. Why should I give him this face? My godfather is more awesome than his grandfather."

Yang Jun glared and said, "I'm trying to reason with you, but you won't listen, right?"

"What's the difference between the way you are now and his arrogance? If I didn't protect you, do you think others would negotiate with you?"

"Godfather, I finally got that piece of land, but I'm really unwilling to hand it over to you," Yang Chengwu said.

"Let me ask you again, do you want to hand over this land or not?" Yang Jun said.


Yang Chengwu's face was filled with pain: "You have said so, what else can I say."

When Yang Jun heard this, he waved his hand.

"To attract wealth, plate him."

"Ah?" Yang Chengwu was stunned for a moment and shouted: "Godfather, I promised you to hand it over, why are you still beating me?"

Yang Jun said quietly: "Because you talked back just now."


At this time, Sun Zhaocai crossed his hands, stretched his muscles, and walked towards him with a smile.

"Xiaowu, don't resist. The more you resist, the more excited I will be."

"You idiot, if you dare...ah!"

Naturally, Sun Zhaocai would not let go of this opportunity to beat someone upright. Yang Chengwu was ridden under him like a little chicken, and he used his hands to shoot left and right, frying meat with crackling bamboo shoots, and beat him until he howled like a ghost.


Yang Jun is very free every day now. His secretary Tan Qin helps him with the work in the unit. Apart from fishing and lying down every day, he just goes to see his pregnant women.

"Lao Yang, do you want a son or a daughter?"

Yang Jun was surrounded by Yang Qingxiang and the others, stroking his slightly bulging belly and looking at Yang Jun with a sweet look on his face.

Hearing this, Yang Jun smiled bitterly and said, "What's the point of asking these questions now?"

He has a son and a daughter, and it’s hard to say whether he prefers a son or a daughter. He likes both of them as long as they are his own.

"Oh, just say it, we want to know whether you prefer a son or a daughter."

When Yang Jun saw this, he knew that if they didn't say anything today, they would never give up.

He pondered for a moment and said, "Son, I like my son."


Hearing this, everyone looked at him in surprise.

Usually, Yang Jun likes his daughter very much. With so many children together, he never cares about his son, but only for his daughter, no matter how much pain he feels, he can't get enough.

They thought Yang Jun liked his son, but they didn't expect to hear Yang Jun say he liked his son today, which was beyond their expectations.

Yang Jun sighed and told them.

"The distinction between concubines and concubines has been around for a long time. This concept has been deeply rooted in people's hearts and has been passed down for thousands of years. It is reasonable to exist. Since it can be passed down for so many years, it naturally makes sense."

"Whether it is in terms of social status, occupation, class, or hierarchy, men often occupy a more advantageous position than women. They play a role in promoting social development that women cannot."

"There is also the concept of surname and bloodline, which makes this inheritance more deeply rooted in people's hearts. Even in today's society, Confucian ideas will be passed down through words and deeds. We are all influenced by this concept to a greater or lesser extent."

"Although you keep shouting about equality between men and women all day long, have you ever been truly equal for a moment?"

Hearing this, the women couldn't help but nodded.

The so-called equality is only under certain specific restrictions, and it is also a narrow equality granted to women by men. This seemingly fair equality is actually a kind of charity. In fact, it has never been true equality.

Especially for men, when he is in a good mood, you can talk to him about the equality of men and women. If he is in a bad mood, or when he is angry, he will use force to solve the problem. At that time, equality is nonsense.

This is not only the equality endowed by the so-called Confucian culture for thousands of years, but in fact it is also related to the physical structure and physiological structure of men and women. Women are inherently weak, so there is no equality.

"After my death, twenty years, fifty years, three hundred years, one thousand years, five thousand years, my son's son's surname will still be Yang, but what about my daughter?"

"From the day they got married, they became members of someone else's family. The children they gave birth to were not named Yang, so how could they pass on the inheritance?"

Yang Jun shook his head: "It's not that I don't like my daughter, it's just that this must not be the case."

"Of course, this kind of liking has nothing to do with family affection, but belongs to true family affection."

When the girls heard this, they did not come out from Yang Jun's remarks just now.

They were thinking about Yang Jun's words and the real meaning behind them.

Just like them, they have no relationship with their natal family since they followed Yang Jun, and the children they gave birth to have no relationship with their natal family. How can something like this be regarded as inheritance?

"Hey, it seems I must work hard this time to try to conceive a boy."

Nalan Qingmeng gently stroked his lower abdomen.

Like thousands of women, she hopes she is pregnant with a boy.

Her first child was a girl, and she very much hoped that this time she would be pregnant with a boy.

She is still young now and cannot see the seriousness of not having a son, but when she gets older, her son will still be the most important.

No matter how unfilial his son was, it was definitely not his daughter who would wrap her up in sackcloth and send her to her grave in the end.

This is the difference between a daughter and a son.

Hearing this, Yang Jun smiled and stroked her belly.

"It's okay. You're still young. This time it's not a son. Just keep having children until you give birth to a son."

"Hate, you treat me like a pig, you don't understand my hard work at all." Nalan Qingmeng said coquettishly.

"Haha, just tell me if you want to have a son?" Yang Jun said with a smile.

"Of course I'm going to give birth." Nalan Qingmeng said coquettishly: "Old Yang, this is what you said. If I can't give birth to a son, I will keep giving birth."

"I said, you can have as many children as you want."

After Yang Jun finished speaking, he turned back to Yang Qingxiang, Meng Wenya and the others and said, "The same goes for you. You can have as many children as you want. Anyway, I can afford to support you."

"Lao Yang, you have to work hard to make money, otherwise you won't be able to support our mothers."

"Don't worry, this won't happen to me."

Yang Jun said that what he lacks most is money.

With the existence of the heaven-defying replication system, he still worries about being able to support them?

"Lao Yang, it's not convenient for us sisters to serve you these days, so you should spend more time with Sister Yani." Meng Wenya said.

Because Huang Yani was too old to have children, they felt they owed her, so they took the initiative to give Yang Jun to her.

"What do you mean?" Yang Jun rolled his eyes: "Don't even think about putting up a war-free card." "Huh! I didn't know who had been avoiding us before, and I didn't dare to come to the door for half a month." Nalan Qing Meng smiled.

"Yes, and the excuse he made up is terrible." Meng Wenya made a last-ditch attack.

Yang Qingxiang was about to open her mouth, but was frightened by Yang Jun's look and shrank back again.

"Sister Qingxiang, why are you afraid of him? We are his women, can Lao Yang eat you up?" Nalan Qingmeng said.

"That's right, you're just afraid of him. Do you think any of us are afraid of him?" Meng Wenya said.

Yang Qingxiang's face turned red when she heard this.

First he glanced at Yang Jun, and then whispered: "I don't know, anyway, I am afraid of him from the bottom of my heart."

Yang Jun smiled and said: "You are not afraid, you respect me."

Yang Jun stroked her face and smiled: "Don't imitate them. I like your style very much. I hope you can keep it up."

His words caused the girls to roll their eyes, but Yang Qingxiang nodded obediently.

"Sister Qingxiang, don't mention Lao Yang, he is trying to scare you."

Yang Jun glared at Huang Yani and said, "I like obedient women. I will love whoever is obedient."

After saying that, he picked up Yang Qingxiang.

"Go, let me love you."

"Lao Yang, please put me down quickly, I'm so embarrassed."

As Yang Qingxiang spoke, she buried her head in Yang Jun's arms, her shy little pink fists dancing wildly.

Despite the fierceness of her resistance, the two neighbors hugged Yang Jun's neck tightly and refused to let go.

"Lao Yang, you are too partial..."

Behind him, a group of women complained.

"Haha, if you have the ability, come with me."

Yang Jun is like a god, he can do whatever he wants, and he doesn't have to worry about women being jealous. The women he has found are all good, and they have a relationship foundation with him, and they respect each other.

Since ancient times, capable men have worried about the unrest in the back house, the incompatibility of wives and concubines, and the incompatibility of concubines and concubines. Palace fights are staged every day, fighting to the death.

But Yang Jun is not worried about this happening at all. These women of his are like sisters, caring for each other and not jealous because of favoritism.

And Yang Jun also put a lot of thought into the back house, trying his best to get along with each of them attentively, exchanging sincerity for sincerity, and achieving great harmony.

Even if the women are pregnant, Yang Jun cannot withstand the battle.

He couldn't stay with them for two days, and he sneaked back early in the morning when they weren't paying attention.

As soon as I got home, I happened to meet Yi Qiushui who was about to go to work.

"Lao Yang, you are finally willing to come back."

When Yi Qiushui saw Yang Jun coming back, she came out again with her half-drilled body.

When Yang Jun saw this, he ran away.

"Go to work quickly, don't be late."

When Yi Qiushui saw this, she stamped her feet angrily.

"Young man named Yang, let's see how I deal with you when I come back in the evening."

After saying that, he got into the car angrily.

Yang Jun watched her leave from behind the gate and then breathed a sigh of relief.

He was really afraid that he would be forced to pay public rations just after supporting construction. He was really overwhelmed by this kind of continuous heavy physical labor.

When I came to the restaurant, I had breakfast first, and then I leisurely came to the riverside with my teacup in hand.

As soon as he sat down, he saw Lao Wuyang Huai walking towards him.

Yang Jun frowned when he saw this.

He knew that he would not be able to fish well again.

None of his brothers and sisters gave him any peace of mind.

"If it's about money, don't talk."

After saying that, Yang Jun closed his eyes.

"Hey, brother, is it possible that this is the image of my younger brother in my mind?"

Yang Huai sat on the small stool next to him with a playful smile.

When Yang Jun heard this, he sneered and said, "You'd better not mention money, so as not to make you uncomfortable."

Although Yang Huai has changed a lot during this period, Yang Jun still has a deep-rooted belief that Yang Huai's purpose is not pure.

When Yang Huai heard this, he smiled awkwardly.

"Brother, do what you said before still count?"

"Of course it counts. If my words, Yang Jun's, don't count, there will never be another upright gentleman like me in this world."

When Yang Huai heard this, his face twitched.

Have you often gone back on your word?

In other words, you can only praise yourself as a gentleman.

Hey, forget it, I have something to ask of him today, so don’t make him angry at this moment.

"Yes, who doesn't know that my brother is a soldier? You must mean what you say." Yang Huai said with a smile.

Hearing this, Yang Jun opened his eyes and glanced at him.

"Don't think I don't know what you're thinking."

"Tell me, what do you want from me?"

Yang Huai smiled coquettishly, then took out something like a manual from his pocket and patted it in Yang Jun's hand.

"Brother, what do you say?"

Yang Jun was stunned for a moment, then opened the manual and took a look.

It turned out to be a nationally unified fitter grade certificate.

Yang Huai's name was clearly written on it, and it was marked on the back that he was a second-level fitter.

"Oh, you really took it down, didn't you buy it?"

When Yang Huai heard this, he rolled his eyes and said, "Brother, can you stop peeking through the crack in the door?"

"You can ask Fourth Sister if you bought it. She awarded it to me personally."

"is it?"

Yang Jun muttered: "Isn't it your fourth sister who deliberately let off steam?"

Yang Huai looked at him with a wry smile: "Brother, can you be more professional? The fitter certificate is issued uniformly across the country. The fourth sister can't help you even if you want to let it go?"

Yang Jun banged and banged and said, "So what if I pass, I'm not an eighth-level fitter."

"Brother, you don't care if it's level eight or not. You said it yourself back then, as long as I can become an official fitter, you can consider giving me 10 billion. You don't want to go back on your word, do you?" Yang Huai said.

A second-level certificate is enough. With this certificate, you are considered a real fitter.

For this fitter certificate, Yang Huai has endured a lot of hardships over the past year. Every day he and his wife Yuan Erni go to the steel rolling mill to drive screws. The whole person has suffered a lot. The reason why he works so hard is to prove it to Yang Jun and prove him. Not useless trash.

Now, he finally proved himself.

"Brother, I have proven myself, is it time for you to fulfill your promise?"

Yang Jun rolled his eyelids: "As you said just now, this is just a test, and there will be several more tests to come."

"Brother, you are also a big leader after all, so you can't just keep your word." Yang Huai was about to cry but had no tears.

Over the past year, in order to prove that he is not a waste, he has suffered a lot. His whole body has suffered a lot, and he has suffered many hidden injuries.

Yang Jun was going to regret it now, and he couldn't accept it for a while.

"The last test."

Yang Jun said: "I promise this is the last test. As long as you pass this test, I will immediately let you take charge of 10 billion."

Yang Huai was so angry that he waved his fists, looking unwilling to do so.

Who knows what test Yang Jun will propose this time. If there is a test that he cannot complete, wouldn't it mean that he will never get the 10 billion in this life?

However, the right to speak is in Yang Jun's hands, and there is nothing he can do if he doesn't accept it.

"Okay, Boss Yang, I hope you mean what you say this time."

Yang Huai said angrily: "Tell me, what kind of test is it?"


Seeing Yang Jun's cannibalistic eyes, Yang Huai quickly changed his words and said with a smile: "Brother, please give me the task of the test."

Yang Jun felt good after hearing this.

"Well...just keep it simple."

"You just need to take good care of our mother for a month. After one month, if our mother says that you have done well, I will hand over 10 billion to you without saying anything."

When Yang Huai heard this, he was happy.

This inspection mission is too simple, right?

Even if he doesn't do anything, Wang Yuying's temperament of loving him and pampering him doesn't mean he can do it.

"Brother, do you keep your word? You must not go back on your word this time."

"Of course, but the premise is that it must be approved by our mother."

"Success, that's it."

Yang Huai and Yang Jun high-fived and vowed: "I will go back, pack up, move here, and take care of our mother for a month starting from today."

After saying that, he ran away in a hurry.

As soon as he left, there were rustling footsteps behind him.

Wang Yuying sighed and said, "Do you want me to refuse or do you want me to refuse?"

When Yang Jun heard this, he stood up from the wicker chair with a smile.

He gave up his position to Wang Yuying and said with a smile: "Hey, it depends on whether you really wish him well or want to harm him."

Wang Yuying sighed after hearing this: "I know the flesh that has fallen off my body. Over the years, Lao Wu has been spoiled. He has never experienced the hardships of life. It is difficult not to be defeated when encountering things. What he is doing now Everything is for that 10 billion."

"Hey, your own children understand themselves."

Wang Yuying sighed and lowered her head in silence.

Yang Jun smiled and said: "So, now you know why I gave you this decision-making power, right?"

Wang Yuying rolled her eyes: "You brat, you are forcing me to be a villain."

Yang Jun smiled and said, "You can also choose not to be this evil person."

"Of course, if you are not afraid of harming him, I don't care."

Wang Yuying rolled her eyes angrily: "Get lost, don't make me angry."

Yang Jun bent down slightly and saluted her.


"Lafayette, if nothing is wrong, little Yangzi is going down."

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