Siheyuan: Domineering life

Chapter 947 Sun Dashan’s Spring

Yang Jun let Sun Dashan into the living room.

After the guests and hosts were seated, Yang Jun served tea and snacks.

Ma Xiaocui looked at Yang Jun's home with horrified eyes. She had never seen such a luxurious residence before, which put her in a dilemma. She could neither sit nor stand.

"Xiao Cui, don't be restrained. Brother Yang is not an outsider."

"Even though he is a high-ranking official, he has no airs and is very kind to people."

Seeing this, Sun Dashan quickly motioned for her to sit next to him.

When Ma Xiaocui heard this, she slightly held her belly with her hands and sat down next to him carefully.

Yang Jun took a glance and found that Ma Xiaocui was at least five months pregnant.

The look he looked at Sun Dashan was full of teasing.

"Brother, that's awesome, haha." Yang Jun laughed.

When Sun Dashan heard this, his old face turned red with embarrassment, and he waved his hands repeatedly: "Brother, don't be joking, things are not what you think."

After saying that, he turned back to Sun Zhaocai who was standing aside and said, "Didn't you see me talking to your Uncle Yang? Get out."

There are some things he can't say in front of the juniors, after all, he will still have this old face in the future.

When Sun Zhaocai heard this, his face twitched.

Now that you have a little one, why don’t you want a big one?

The man is really a ungrateful guy, and he doesn't have any good things.


Sun Dashan and Sun Zhaocai have a natural fear.

He had been beaten severely by his father since he was a child. Even if he hadn't been in front of him for so many years, the fear engraved in his heart was still so strong.

Sun Zhaocai could only resist his father in this way.

After that, he twisted his butt and went out.

After he left, Sun Dashan said to Yang Jun: "Brother, this evil beast has caused you a lot of trouble over the years. I am here to thank you."

Yang Jun waved his hand and said with a smile: "Brother, you are out of touch now. It's not like you don't understand me. I like to get along with the beast the most. Listening to the beast talk every day is like listening to cross talk. Not to mention how happy I am. ”

"What is cross talk?"

"Hmm...similar to storytelling."

"Oh..." Sun Dashan looked like he suddenly realized something.

At this time, Yang Jun took out a cigarette and was about to light it when he suddenly remembered something.

"Sorry, there are pregnant women here, I shouldn't smoke."

After saying that, he put the cigarette back with a smile.

At this time, Ma Xiaocui blushed and said, "It's okay to smoke. Lao Sun smokes often at home."

When Yang Jun heard this, he said with a stern face: "Brother, you are wrong. Don't you know that smoking is harmful to health? For the sake of pregnant women and the next generation, we should exercise restraint. Look at you, the cigarette pot is so choking. Aren't you afraid of choking your sister-in-law?"

"You are a farmer, you are strong, and you should be gentle at ordinary times. Especially during my sister-in-law's pregnancy, you have to exercise more restraint. You should tolerate some things and quit when you need to. Don't ruin the next generation by being quick and quick... "

As Yang Jun spoke more, Sun Dashan's face became darker.

Why don't you just smoke a cigarette? What are you talking about?

What does it mean to exercise restraint, endure when you need to, and quit when you need to?

Am I that bad?

"Brother, you misunderstood. The child in Xiaocui's belly is not mine."

When Yang Jun heard this, his mouth opened wide.

He looked at Sun Dashan with a shocked expression.

After a while, he gave a thumbs up.

"Brother, I am impressed by your magnanimity and forbearance."

Sun Dashan had a black line on his face: "What are you talking about? Let me tell you this, Xiaocui is not my mother-in-law."

When Yang Jun heard this, he showed admiration again.

"Brother, I'm really convinced, little brother. I can accept that the child is not yours, but why is my wife no longer yours?"

"Is it possible that your marriage certificate is fake?"

Sun Dashan's face turned red from suppressing his emotions, and then he sighed and said, "Xiao Cui and I are having a fake marriage. We just did it for outsiders to see."

"fake marriage?"

Yang Jun looked at the two of them in shock and suddenly smiled.

"Brother, tell me more specifically and let me eat a big melon."

When Sun Dashan heard this, he looked at Yang Jun dumbfounded.

"Brother, for a leader like you, why do you still like to joke?"

"Hey, it's so cold at high places. Now I only have these few hobbies left."

Yang Jun smiled and said, "Tell me what's going on between you two."

The two of them talked quietly, but even so, Ma Xiaocui still heard them.

At this moment, her face was flushed with embarrassment and she quietly turned her body to the side.

"Hey, it's a long story. This is exactly what I came here to ask you for."

After saying that, Sun Dashan told the story between him and Ma Xiaocui.

It turns out that Sun Dashan is ultimately to blame for Ma Xiaocui's widowhood.

Sun Dashan was pulling a cart of grain to sell in the town. When passing by a steep slope, he suddenly lost control and was about to be crushed under the cart. Fortunately, Ma Xiaocui's husband passed by and pushed him away, and he survived. However, Ma Xiaocui's husband was crushed to death by a heavy grain truck because he saved him.

In order to repay his kindness, Ma Dashan often helped Ma Xiaocui. Over time, gossip spread. Later, Ma Xiaocui's parents-in-law couldn't bear the rumors and kicked Ma Xiaocui out of the house.

Later, in order to completely stop the rumors and take care of Ma Xiaocui, Sun Dashan simply married her.

However, their marriage is the kind of marriage that ends with love and courtesy. On the surface, they are husband and wife, and they treat each other like brother and sister.

However, even so, there were still rumors everywhere in the village, saying that she had killed her ex-husband, and that she was an old man and a young wife, coveting the Sun family's property, so she married Sun Dashan.

Ma Xiaocui couldn't stand the rumors and wanted to commit suicide several times. Fortunately, Sun Dashan found out in time and rescued her.

Therefore, in order to dispel Ma Xiaocui's thoughts of committing suicide, Sun Dashan prepared to change her life in a strange environment.

His children had a bad relationship with him, and he couldn't count on them, so he had no choice but to come to Yang Jun.

"Brother, you are the real man."

After listening to the story of Sun Dashan and Ma Xiaocui, Yang Jun felt sincere admiration.

Sun Dashan is still the same Sun Dashan, loyal, honest and trustworthy. Yang Jun did not misjudge him.

Hearing this, Sun Dashan shook his head in shame.

"What I did is what I should do. I owe it to Xiaocui. It's not worth mentioning."

After speaking, he raised his head and said to Yang Jun: "Brother, I have two things to ask you this time."

When Yang Jun heard this, he said solemnly: "Brother, tell me."

When Sun Dashan heard this, a hint of gratitude flashed in his eyes.

"The first thing is that you help Xiaocui find a job so that she has a stable source of income, and rent a house for her so that she has a place to live."

After hearing this, Yang Jun said directly: "No problem, I will arrange an errand for her in Jiuyuan. Brother, what is the second thing?"

When Sun Dashan heard this, his lips and jaw moved a few times, as if he wanted to speak but hesitated.

"The second thing..."

"Brother, if you have an acquaintance in the government agency, can you secretly dissolve our marriage, so that if Xiaocui meets the right person in the future, she can still get married."

Hearing this, Yang Jun frowned and said, "Brother, it's easy to dissolve the marriage. You just go to the Civil Affairs Bureau for divorce. Why do you want me to help you handle it?"

"Brother, maybe I didn't make it clear."

Sun Dashan organized his words and said again: "What I mean is, can you erase the history of the marriage between Ma Xiaocui and me, so that it will be easier for her to find a man in the future."

When Yang Jun heard this, he opened his mouth and made an "oh" gesture.

"Brother, I can understand your feelings, but is it necessary to do this? Is there any difference between a second marriage and a third marriage?"

If a man loves you, he won't care how married you are or how many children you have. Yang Jun feels that there is little point in doing so.

"Brother, if possible, I would also like to erase the history of my first marriage."

Yang Jun smiled and said: "Brother, if the history of the first marriage is also erased, how can we explain the child in my sister-in-law's belly?"

Sun Dashan was startled when he heard this, scratched his head and said awkwardly: "I was only thinking about her. I didn't think about the child. I was negligent."

Hearing this, Yang Jun smiled secretly in his heart: "This is not the only thing you are negligent about. Once a woman's things are lost, they cannot be retrieved. Others will eventually know about it."

"Okay, brother, I'll listen to you. I'll have the marriage records between you and your sister-in-law be destroyed later."

"Thank you so much, brother."

Sun Dashan thanked her profusely, and then said: "Brother, please stop calling me sister-in-law."

"Xiao Cui and I have no actual relationship as husband and wife. From now on, you and her can go their separate ways."

"Xiao Cui is only in his early twenties, half younger than you. From now on, I'll call you Uncle Yang. What do you think?"

Yang Jun said: "I have no problem."

"If this is the case, shouldn't Xiaocui call you uncle?"

Sun Dashan laughed awkwardly when he heard this.

"It doesn't matter what you call me, just call me Lao Sun."

After saying that, he turned back to Ma Xiaocui and said, "Xiaocui, your Uncle Yang has agreed, and you can start your life again in the future."

Unexpectedly, when Ma Xiaocui heard this, instead of being happy, she cried bitterly.

"Old Sun, have you ever asked me if I agree with this?"

"Um...haven't we already discussed it at home? We are going to have a fake divorce and we will do countless things." Sun Dashan said anxiously.

"Although it's a fake divorce, but...I...I have always regarded you as my man." Ma Xiaocui was about to cry.

" can't be helped. There is such a big age difference between us. Didn't I hurt you?"

Ma Xiaocui: "You are obviously kind to me, why did you harm me?"

At this time, Yang Jun, who was watching the excitement, also saw the way out.

The two of them were affectionate and righteous to each other, but Sun Dashan didn't want to delay Ma Xiaocui, and Ma Xiaocui felt that it would be difficult to meet such a good man again if he missed Sun Dashan.

Sun Dashan tried his best to hope that Ma Xiaocui could start his life again, but Ma Xiaocui disagreed and insisted on being with him.

"Brother, I think you might as well just live together."

Yang Jun said: "You see you are so old, it would be good to have someone around to take care of you."

Sun Dashan: "I..."

Yang Jun didn't give him a chance to speak, and continued: "Where's Xiaocui? She comes from a woman's family, she is all alone, and now she is pregnant with a child, and there is no one around to take care of her. If you don't want her now, aren't you pushing her into a pit of fire? "

Sun Dashan said anxiously: "I didn't say I wouldn't care about her. Even if we get divorced, I will take care of her for the rest of my life. Of course, it's the kind of help that repays a favor."

Ma Xiaocui cried: "I don't want you to repay your kindness, I want to live with you, and you can never abandon me in this life."

Yang Jun rolled his eyes when he heard this.

Other girls have said this, why are you still stubborn?   Yang Jun was really worried about him.

"Brother, other girls have said this, are you embarrassed to refuse?"

"If you don't want her anymore, what's the difference between letting her die?"

"If you really want to repay her kindness, then take care of her for the rest of your life and never let her go."

Ma Xiaocui: "Yes, Uncle Yang is right. If you really want to take care of me, then live a good life with me."

Yang Jun: "Brother, Xiaocui has said so, what else do you say?"

"If you're a man, just be more relaxed. Can you live your life?"

Sun Dashan: "But... I am over sixty, and Xiao Cui is only in her early twenties. Didn't I harm her?"

"Don't talk about age, just ask if you agree or not?"

When Yang Jun said this, he suddenly whispered: "Brother, don't worry, I have a secret recipe that I can keep for you to restore your virility as a man."

"Go away, the more you talk, the more nonsense you get." Sun Dashan rolled his eyes.

Ma Xiaocui over there also blushed inexplicably, as if she guessed what they said.

"Don't worry, Old Sun, even if we don't have children of our own in the future, I will provide for you in your old age."

When Sun Dashan heard this, his head turned black.

"Is this a child thing?"

Yang Jun smiled and said: "Since it's not the child's business, then there is no problem."

"Today, I testify to you that your marriage is real and valid, and I wish you a long and lasting marriage. Well... a happy marriage for a hundred years, and a son soon."

When the two heard this, their faces turned red with embarrassment.

Sun Dashan sighed and said, "That's all, in that case, let's just make do with it together."

"However, Xiaocui, if you regret it at any time, this marriage can be dissolved at any time."

Ma Xiaocui wiped away her tears with a determined look in her eyes.

"No, Old Sun, I will never regret it. I am willing to spend my whole life with you."

Yang Jun laughed loudly when he saw this.

"Is this right? The most beautiful marriage in this world is mutual understanding. Since you both have each other in your heart, then the marriage is perfect."

The two of them were said to be a little embarrassed.

"Brother, I'm so sorry. You're so busy. I shouldn't come here to cause trouble for you."

Yang Jun waved his hand and said with a smile: "Brother, what you said is wrong. As the saying goes, it is better to demolish ten temples than ruin one marriage. I am lucky enough to make a couple today, which can be regarded as a good deed. I should thank you. That’s right.”

"Ha ha!"

Sun Dashan laughed loudly when he heard this.

"By the way, brother, don't go back this time."

"I'll give you a villa. You and Xiaocui can live here so you don't have to go back and listen to the gossip in the village. What do you think?"

Sun Dashan was a little hesitant when he heard this.

However, it can be seen that he has this intention.

After all, for an old man and a young wife, he married a young widow in her early twenties, so it would be strange if no one would gossip about her.

In the past, he might not care, but now it is different. He is the one who is ready to live with Ma Xiaocui, so he naturally has to consider Ma Xiaocui's feelings.

For Ma Xiaocui and the child in her belly, he had to make changes.

"Is this... not too much trouble for you?"

Yang Jun waved his hand and said, "It's too much trouble."

"I don't have a villa to give you. Zhaocai and Zhaodi have several villas in their hands. Just give you any villa. You can live there in peace."


Sun Dashan thought for a while and still refused.

"Brother, I'm a face-saving man. The reason why I hid from the village is to be quiet, but I don't want to cause trouble to my son and daughter. If people know that they have a crooked father, how will they behave? ah?"

"Do they dare? Can't they be beaten to death?"

Yang Jun said: "Brother, this is a good thing to save lives. If they don't understand, then they are not worthy of being my son. If they dare to dislike you, I will not welcome them here."

Sun Dashan: "Brother, that's what you say, but doing it is another matter. I've already buried people around my neck, so I won't cause trouble to my children, so as not to be hated even after I die."

Yang Jun heard this and thought for a moment.

I think what he said makes sense.

Before, Sun Zhaocai and Sun Zhaodi did not object to Sun Dashan marrying a widow. That was because they were far away in the countryside and could not influence them. But it is different now. If they are allowed to live in Jiuyuan, it will not always remind them that they still have this problem. Are you a reliable dad? Then don’t think about being stable in the future.

"Brother is right, I didn't think carefully."

Yang Jun said: "Well, I have a lot of real estate in my name, so I will find a house for you in the suburbs. In addition, if my sister-in-law wants to work, I will arrange a job closer to you."

"Brother, don't say anything else. Thank you, brother."

"Thank you, Uncle Yang." Ma Xiaocui said with a blushing face.

Hearing this, Yang Jun smiled and said: "Stop shouting Uncle Yang, otherwise your grandson will not be happy later."

When Ma Xiaocui heard this, her face turned red with embarrassment and she quickly turned aside.

"Yes, yes, we can't call you that anymore. Now we feel that we have to live a good life and everything must follow the rules." Sun Dashan said with a smile.

At this time, Yang Jun suddenly came up to him and said, "Brother, I still have a few bottles of good stuff in the house. Do you want to bring them to you later?"

When Sun Dashan heard this, his old face turned red with embarrassment.

"You'd better keep it for yourself. We farmers can't do anything else. We don't care about our health. Even if we lie down on the board one day, we'll be in trouble."

"Ha ha!"

The two joked unscrupulously, making Ma Xiaocui so embarrassed that she almost found a crack in the ground and crawled in.

After chatting for a while, Yang Jun ordered someone to open the banquet.

While drinking, Yang Jun asked people to clean out the house in the suburbs of Beijing and buy furniture.

After eating, Sun Dashan did not go to his children's home. Instead, he and Ma Xiaocui went directly to the home arranged for them by Yang Jun in the suburbs.

Sun Dashan can't go back to his home in the countryside, at least not in a short time.

He must avoid the limelight, and when things get better, it won't be too late to go back.


In the evening, Wang Yuying went home with a happy face.

"It's done, it's done, another worry is over."

Seeing her grinning from ear to ear, Yang Jun knew that Yang Chengliu's marriage was set.

In the past, Wang Yuying always complained that Yang Jun had no daughter and could not marry Wang Xuemei.

Now, the two families are finally getting married, and their wish for so many years has been fulfilled.

From friends to besties, and from besties to in-laws, it can be said that we are closer to each other.

"Jun'er, do you think you can live until all your grandchildren get married?"

Wang Yuying asked happily.

The old man's wish is very simple. He hopes that his children and grandchildren can get married and live happily.

"Mom, you will definitely live to be a hundred years old."

"Your grandchildren will still be counting on you to say goodbye in the future."

Yang Jun whispered: "However, this must not be premised on the Qiushui River."

Wang Yuying rolled her eyes: "Do I need your teaching? I'm not stupid."

Yang Jun smiled bitterly when he heard this.

How long has it been since I was confused, and I was resurrected with full health?

When I was confused and couldn't remember anything, I didn't cause any trouble to Yang Jun. Now that I'm sober, I started to cause trouble for him again.

Yang Jun shook his head, wasn't he looking for trouble?

However, no matter what, Wang Yuying's disease is cured, which is better than anything else.

"By the way, Mom hasn't seen my precious grandsons and granddaughters for a long time. Starting from tomorrow, I'm going to hurt them one by one." Wang Yuying said.

"Yes, it's time for you to visit them. They missed you a lot during your confusion," Yang Jun said.

"You need to be beaten, don't you? When has mom ever been confused?" Wang Yuying rolled her eyes.

"Yes, yes, you are not confused, I am confused."

Yang Jun really regretted that he didn't find a tape recorder or camera to record her previous confused scenes so that she could see how confused and funny she looked.

However, even if you show it to her, she will most likely not admit it.

After dinner, as soon as Yang Jun returned to his old house, Yang Chengliu followed him.

"Xiao Liu, here we come."

"Daddy, I want to talk to you."

Hearing this, Yang Jun nodded, and then took her to the study.

"Even if you don't come to see your godfather today, he still wants to talk to you."

Yang Jun said: "What do you have to say about this marriage?"

"Actually, you don't have to agree to this marriage for some reason. Since your godfather has released you, he won't lock you up anymore."

"If you are not satisfied with this marriage, you can raise it and your godfather will give you another idea."

When Yang Chengliu heard this, he lightly touched the messy hair beside his ears with his little finger and said with a smile,

"Daddy, I have no intention of accommodating you, let alone complaining to you."

"I'm quite satisfied with this marriage."

"The Li family is a powerful family. It is natural for a daughter to marry into the Li family."

"Godfather, I am very satisfied with this marriage."

Yang Jun: "As long as you are satisfied, oh, by the way, why are you looking for me?"

Hearing this, Yang Chengliu said solemnly: "Godfather, can you tell the Li family to let Li Huan live here in Jiuyuan?"

"Oh, I just live here, not my son-in-law. The child will still be named Li in the future."

Yang Jun was startled when he heard this, and then seemed to understand her intention.

"Xiao Liu, my godfather said that since he has released you, he will no longer interfere with your freedom. There is absolutely no need for you to do so."

"Godfather, I understand, but I'm not willing to leave you. There are godfather, stepmother, grandma, brother, and fifth brother here. All my relatives and friends live in Jiuyuan. I can't live outside. That doesn’t make sense either.”

"Godfather, do you think so?"

After speaking, Yang Chengliu looked at Yang Jun with a smile.

Yang Jun smiled when he heard this.

After a moment of thought, he said, "Okay, now that you've decided, I'll tell the Li family about it later."

"Thank you godfather."

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