Siheyuan: Domineering life

Chapter 870 Taking in Sister Hong

On this day, Yang Jun went shopping with Yang Qingxiang.

Yi Qiushui was away on a business trip, which gave him the opportunity to eat secretly.

No, my back was sore from lying at home, so I went out shopping with Yang Qingxiang.

Yang Qingxiang worked hard for this shopping trip, and she almost fell to her knees in front of Yang Jun.

I have been with Yang Jun for more than ten years, and I have never gone shopping together. Seeing other people go shopping in pairs makes Yang Qingxiang greedy.

Because of her persistence, soft and hard tactics, and attentive service, Yang Jun reluctantly agreed to accompany him shopping.

Of course, the two of them cannot go shopping openly.

Yang Jun's identity is different. If people see him shopping with a strange woman, it may be detrimental to him.

Shopping is like this, Yang Qingxiang is walking in front, and Yang Jun is following behind in disguise. Even if it is shopping like this, Yang Qingxiang is very happy.

Today, Yang Jun was wearing ordinary clothes, sunglasses, a scarf, and a cap on his head, with only a pair of eyes exposed.

But even so, he was worried to death and kept looking around to see if he met anyone he knew.

Yang Qingxiang walked and walked in front with her son Yang Chengcai, sometimes stopping to look at the stalls on the roadside, sometimes looking back at Yang Jun behind.

When I see Yang Jun dressed like that, I can't help but cover my mouth and chuckle.

Seeing this, Yang Jun just smiled and nodded.

He tried his best to pretend to be passing by, not going to crowded places, and not making any weird moves, so as not to attract other people's attention.

At this time, Yang Qingxiang suddenly walked towards him.

Yang Jun was stunned for a moment, not knowing what to do.

"What are these girls doing? It can't be..."

Seeing Yang Qingxiang approaching step by step, Yang Jun panicked.

"Lao Yang, why don't you just go shopping with us two? No one will recognize you dressed like this anyway."


Yang Jun refused without thinking.

"Don't be afraid of [-] in everything, just in case."

It would be troublesome if someone recognized him.

Be careful, it's better to separate.

"I really don't recognize him, so just go shopping with us."

Yang Qingxiang held his hand and kept pleading.

"Let go, or I'll whip you?"

Yang Jun said solemnly: "Is it because the whip hasn't hit you recently that you feel itchy?"

Yang Qingxiang's face turned red and her chest straightened out.

"It's just itchy, so go ahead and lick it."

Yang Jun was startled and took a step back reluctantly.

"Okay, I'll let you do it. When I get back, I'll whip you hard with a whip dipped in salt water until you beg for mercy."

Yang Qingxiang's face turned red and she said coquettishly: "I hate it, why don't you think I'm afraid of you?"

"Lao Yang, just stay with us and my mother. My son just said that he was very happy today. This is the first time that my father has chatted with us. He is happy even if he follows us from a distance."

"Hey, Qingxiang, if you do this again, then I'd better go back."

After saying that, Yang Jun turned around and left.

"No, I won't force you."

Yang Qingxiang saw this and quickly grabbed him.

"Okay, I won't force you anymore, just follow us two from afar."

After finally asking for the opportunity, she also knew that she could no longer push Yang Jun.

"Well, I didn't match you well today. I'll make it up to you tonight."

After Yang Jun finished speaking, he looked at Yang Qingxiang's shy look and added: "The little whip will serve you."

"I hate it, I don't care about you."

Yang Qingxiang smiled sweetly and ran away shyly.

Then, the three of them continued shopping.

The two of them were enjoying themselves, picking out this and looking at that. They had no intention of going back when they were tired. However, Yang Jun, who had never gone shopping before, was a little tired and squatted down on Lu Ya on the roadside. on the bed, and then leaned on the sycamore tree.

After two lifetimes, this was the first time he went shopping with a woman. He had never accompanied Yi Qiushui when she went shopping.

If it wasn't to make up for the debt he had owed to their mother and father for so many years, Yang Jun wouldn't be punished.

Light a cigarette and start smoking leisurely.

"Mr. Yang..."

Before he finished smoking a cigarette, Yang Jun heard someone calling him.

Looking back, he saw a familiar and bloated female figure standing in front of him.

He looked closely and was surprised.

Isn't this Sister Hong?Yang Jun lowered his voice and said.

We haven't seen her for several years, why have she become so old? If he hadn't called her by her name, Yang Jun wouldn't have recognized her at all.

He was recognized, but Yang Jun couldn't admit it.

"Sister, have you admitted the wrong person?"

Sister Hong was startled when she heard this, and then smiled.

"Mr. Yang, others can admit their mistakes, but you will not."

"We have known each other for more than ten years. You are transformed into... Well, no matter how well you dress up, I can recognize you just by looking at your back."

Sister Hong raised her orchid fingers and smiled playfully.

Yang Jun sighed after hearing this.

"That's it, that's it."

Yang Jun said: "Dressed like this, I didn't expect to be recognized by Sister Hong."

Yang Jun took off his sunglasses, pulled down the scarf around his face, and showed a harmless smile.

"Hey, if I hadn't met an acquaintance, I might not have recognized him."

After saying that, Sister Hong glanced forward intentionally or unintentionally.

At this time, Yang Qingxiang and her son happened to look back, and they smiled at him.

Yang Jun understood immediately.

Sister Hong didn't recognize him at all, she just thought he looked familiar. Together with Yang Qingxiang, she was sure that the person in front of her who covered herself so tightly could only be Yang Jun.

Because she recognized Yang Qingxiang.

She had witnessed that little cabbage following Yang Jun, and since Yang Jun had mysophobia, it was impossible for her woman to talk and laugh with others.

"Sister Hong, do you still understand the rules?"

Yang Jun's identity was exposed, and his relationship with Yang Qingxiang was also recognized by Sister Hong.

At the moment, he said with face.

"Mr. Yang, I understand the rules. I promise you that you will not talk nonsense."

Sister Hong immediately squatted on the ground and whispered.

Yang Jun nodded after hearing this.

Sister Hong used to be Wang Guozheng's housekeeper, and she was considered to have seen the world. Even if Yang Jun didn't tell her, she wouldn't say anything nonsense.

Yang Jun's identity was unusual. If he knew that she was the one who revealed their relationship, Yang Jun would definitely not let her go.

Although she was engaged in a dishonorable job, she had not lived enough.

At this time, Yang Qingxiang saw Yang Jun chatting with a woman, and this woman looked very familiar.

When she remembered who this woman was, her expression immediately changed.

In the past, before she followed Yang Jun, she worked under Sister Hong. Although she was innocent, the fear engraved in her bones would not be forgotten as time goes by.

The young lady is afraid of the madam, just like a student who meets his teacher. Even after many years, the fear in his heart is still there when he meets again.

Yang Qingxiang has already recognized Sister Hong.

She didn't dare to step forward and stood there hesitantly.

Besides, her son Yang Chengdao was also here, so she couldn't even go forward.

How will he introduce it then? Could it be that he gave it to Yang Jun in the first place?
If that were the case, how could she, a mother, raise her head in front of her son?

When Yang Jun saw this, he guessed Yang Qingxiang's embarrassment.

So, he waved his hand and signaled the two of them to go back first.

Yang Jun has been recognized by others. He can't guarantee whether more people will recognize him if he stays here any longer. Therefore, he can only let Yang Qingxiang and his son go back first.

When Yang Qingxiang saw this, she quickly pulled her son away quickly.

After the two of them left, Yang Jun looked at Sister Hong again.

After not seeing each other for several years, Sister Hong has become older and older, but she still refuses to accept aging. She has a thick layer of rouge on her face, and Bai Cencen's face looks horrified.

"Mr. Yang, I'm sorry to disturb your interest. If you don't mind, I can treat you to tea."

Sister Hong saw Yang Qingxiang leaving and knew that Yang Jun had something to confess.


Yang Jun narrowed his eyes and said.

Wang Guozheng was gone, and Yang Jun wanted to verify some things with Sister Hong. Even if he didn't meet Sister Hong today, he still wanted to find an opportunity to chat with her.

"That's a good feeling."

Sister Hong's old face was extremely flattering, and when she smiled, the remaining folds on her face could trap mosquitoes.

"I happen to have opened a teahouse nearby. You might as well come over and have a try."

When Yang Jun heard this, he stood up and patted the dust on his body with a smile.



After saying that, Sister Hong walked in front and led the way.

She knew that Yang Jun had a special status, and she was a person in the quagmire, so they couldn't be seen walking together.

The two kept a distance of three steps and walked to another street one after the other.

After walking for about half an hour, the two came to a courtyard.

Yang Jun looked up and saw the words Four Seasons Tea House written on the lintel of the courtyard.

Since the policy was opened up, many people have become more active and have gone out to do business.

There are many courtyards that have been converted into tea houses, cloth shops, and restaurants. This kind of courtyard is large and elegant. The front yard is used for business and the back yard is used for the owner. It can be said that it kills two birds with one stone.

"Four Seasons Tea House, a good name." Yang Jun said: "Sister Hong, are you planning to start a tea business?"

Hearing this, Sister Hong blushed and said, "Mr. Yang, this is just a place to drink tea and also sell some tea."

"Not bad, not bad, this business is very good."

Yang Jun is not just saying flattery, the teahouse has made money. Ever since those people who went to sea made money, they have begun to enjoy it. Businesses such as teahouses, farmhouses, and restaurants are very good.

"Hey, I'd like to lend you some kind words."

When Sister Hong spoke, her face looked a little ugly.

Nowadays, people are not that rich, and the business in the teahouse is also very nervous.

Then, the two entered the courtyard.

There are more waiters than tea drinkers in the tea house.

I saw that the yard was full of fashionably dressed young women. They were wearing cheongsams, holding round fans in their hands, folding their arms, leaning against beauties, and fanning themselves elegantly.

"I met Mr. Yang."

Everyone was stunned for a moment, and when they recognized Yang Jun, they all came over to say hello.

Hearing this, Yang Jun took off his sunglasses and scarf and said awkwardly: "Do you all recognize this?"

He originally thought that Sister Hong could recognize him because of Yang Qingxiang, but he didn't expect that he would be recognized by these women in the yard with the same dress.

Most of these so-called 'waiters' are old faces. Yang Jun is a regular customer of Wang Guozheng. He often greets these girls on weekdays. He usually talks, laughs, and cuddles, so he can be considered a familiar person.

What Yang Jun didn't expect was that after Wang Guozheng died, all the young ladies in his yard would come to the teahouse.

"Mr. Yang, you are joking. We have had a... physical friendship. If we don't recognize you, no one will be able to recognize you."

At this time, a young lady who thought she looked coquettish came over and deliberately rubbed Yang Jun with her snow peak, and kept ogling him.

When Yang Jun heard this, he trembled with fear.

"Auntie, please don't talk nonsense. Our friendship is not that deep."

Yang Jun has a mysophobia, and he never touches things that others have touched.

The so-called friendship over... the body is all nonsense.

Can he still not understand these girls? If they really have that friendship, then they still have to stalk them?
"I hate it, I'm only eighteen this year."

The young lady pretended to be angry. Although she said she was angry, she kept leaning against Yang Jun.

At this time, several other young ladies also came over.

Seeing that he was about to be surrounded, Yang Jun said quickly: "Take out your ID card and show it to me. If you are serious, I will make an exception and take you in tonight."

These young ladies are not vegetarians. They are the main ones in every meal. If they really get entangled with them, Yang Jun will probably be eaten to the core.

The reason why he said this was to hope that they would be self-aware.

If it's not Chinese cabbage, don't go up there.

Sure enough, when the girls heard this, they all rolled their eyes at him.

They knew Yang Jun to some extent. He had very high requirements for women, and women like them were not attracted to him.

When they saw this, they had no choice but to retreat angrily.

Sister Hong stood aside and watched everything with a smile.

She didn't stop those young ladies from misbehaving, she just took this opportunity to see Yang Jun's character.

Seeing that Yang Jun was still the fun-loving Yang Jun before, her hanging heart finally dropped.

Since Guozheng's death, these women have become homeless ghosts. If they hadn't saved up some money over the years, they would have ended up living on the streets.

"Mr. Yang, are you serious about this?"

When she heard Yang Jun mention eighteen, Sister Hong walked over with a smile.

"I have a 16-year-old girl here."

At this point, Sister Hong came closer and whispered: "Don't worry, the cabbage heart is still there."

After saying that, he blinked at Yang Jun a few times.

"Sister Hong, you can't joke about this."

When Yang Jun heard that there was a 16-year-old Xiao Baicai, his heart that had been silent for a long time began to move again.

The word "loving the new and hating the old" may not be appropriate to use here, but Yang Jun does belong to this kind of person.

Ever since several of his women gave birth to children, he no longer enjoyed life. When he went to their place every day, the most talked about topic was always the children. Yang Jun felt that his status in their eyes had become inferior. It was so important, but even that kind of thing was passive and slow, which made Yang Jun very unhappy.

If Sister Hong really has a 16-year-old cabbage here, then...

"Big leader, if you have it, you have it, if you don't have it, you don't have it. Who am I to joke with you about this?"

After finishing speaking, he whispered: "This is what Mr. Wang left behind. Since Mr. Wang died, Xiao Baicai has nowhere to go, so he can only follow me."

"Let's go to the private room in the backyard to drink tea first. I'll arrange for her to serve you later."

Yang Jun grinned when he heard this.

"Sister Hong, be sensible."

"Thank you for the compliment, Mr. Yang. These are what I should do."

Sister Hong told a young lady next to her a few words, and then went to the backyard with Yang Jun.

The backyard is a private residence and is not open to the public. There is a wooden sign hanging on the archway of the front yard and middle yard with the words "Visitors Stopped" written on it.

Although the backyard is not open to the public, Yang Jun is different. He is not an ordinary guest. He can change people's destiny. Therefore, such a distinguished guest is worthy of anyone making an exception.

When I came to the private room, I pushed the door open and entered.

A simple and luxurious atmosphere greets you.

The decoration of the elegant rooms is particularly simple, but it is simple yet luxurious, giving people a complementary feeling.

There were many flowers in the room, and a stick of sandalwood was burning on the low table. The smoke was wafting through the exquisite spherical box.

"Mr. Yang, please wait a moment, I'll be back as soon as I can."

After inviting Yang Jun to sit down, Sister Hong asked him to sit for a while.

Then, she left the private room.

After a while, Sister Hong came back again.

I saw that she was holding a beautiful box in her hand.

The box is black with white paint and looks very expensive. The box is engraved with auspicious patterns of dragons and phoenixes, making it look very solemn.

Sister Hong carefully opened the box, revealing a box full of yellow and white things. There was also a house book on the yellow and white things.

After Sister Hong opened the box, she suddenly knelt down to Yang Jun.

"Mr. Yang, this is my deepest wish. Please accept it."

Yang Jun was stunned for a moment and quickly helped Sister Hong up.

"Sister Hong, what are you doing? We are all acquaintances. If you have anything to say, just tell me, why are you giving such a big gift?"

Sister Hong got up and stood in front of Yang Jun respectfully.

"Mr. Yang, to be honest, I want to surrender to you on behalf of many sisters. Please accept it."

Yang Jun heard this and thought for a moment.

In fact, just before following Sister Hong here, he had guessed what Sister Hong meant.

Now that I am in a position, who wouldn’t rush to fawn over me?

After arriving here, entering the elegant room, being a distinguished guest, and contributing some cabbage, Yang Jun already understood what Sister Hong was going to do.

Do you think opening a teahouse is that easy?

If there is no one to support you, do you think the business can be done?

In the past, a kingdom was supporting them. As long as they followed Mr. Wang wholeheartedly, they would have no worries about food and clothing. But it is different now. Mr. Wang is dead, their backer has fallen, and they can only rely on themselves for the future.

Besides, who is Yang Jun? He is a big leader and holds a high position of authority. Every time he stamps his feet, the whole city will tremble.

Yang Jun's words can make Wang Guozheng understand him willingly. What a thick thigh he has. Even Wang Guozheng dare not offend someone, so why shouldn't they rush to fawn over him?

As long as they surrender to Yang Jun, they will have hope for the rest of their lives.

"Since Mr. Wang's death, our group of sisters has completely lost support. We also want to take this opportunity to be good, but life is cruel. We sisters have no skills and can't do anything. Moreover, we are looked down upon everywhere. We can't move forward. ."

"After trying to find a job failed, a dozen of us sisters decided together that we would no longer depend on others' faces. We all spent all our savings over the years, bought this yard, and opened a teahouse."

"You don't know if you don't try. You'll be shocked if you try. People say this is a golden age. As long as you work hard, you can make money. But the truth is a slap in the face. Instead of making any money, we actually lost everything. The people who collect money on the street, those who eat and drink, those who collect taxes in the government agencies... they are watching us like flies, and we can hardly hold on."

After Yang Jun heard this, he said quietly.

"So, didn't we meet by chance on the street today?"

Hearing this, Yang Jun would be really stupid if he couldn't guess what was going on.

How can there be such a coincidence in this world? Even my own mother may not be able to recognize myself in such a way. How could Sister Hong and the others recognize me at a glance on the street?

Sister Hong smiled awkwardly when she heard this.

He nodded and said: "Mr. Yang, you guessed it right, we did not meet by chance today."

"Actually, it's a chance encounter."

"In the past few months, I have been wandering around the streets every day, hoping to meet you one day. Unexpectedly, I was lucky enough to meet you today."

After saying that, he smiled sheepishly at Yang Jun.

Her smile was smug.

Look, I'm lucky.

"Your luck is not a good thing for me." Yang Jun rolled his eyes.

"Tell me, how do you want me to help you?"

According to Yang Jun's current status, it can be said that he has basically no desires and demands now. There is no need for him to take any trouble from these women.

However, this is not the case.

In any case, he and Sister Hong have been friends for more than ten years. Although it is not the kind of friendship that lasts for a day, they can't watch them living on the streets.

Besides, the reason why they became like this has nothing to do with themselves.

If he hadn't forced Wang Guozheng, Wang Guozheng would not have committed suicide, and these women would not have to worry about their lives.

When Sister Hong heard this, her hanging heart finally dropped.

What is Yang Jun's identity, and what are their identities?
If this matter had been left to others, they would have been far away from them long ago. No one would want to get involved with bad women like them.

Before, she wandered around the streets every day, just hoping to run into Yang Jun.

What she didn't expect was that Yang Jun actually agreed to join the group of sisters.

For a moment, she felt like she was dreaming, it felt too unreal.

"Mr. Yang, you don't have to do anything, just let your people come to drink tea often." Sister Hong said.

Yang Jun's status is not suitable for frequenting such a place. If he is asked to greet everyone, it seems to be a bit overkill. After thinking about it, he came up with this method.

Whoever follows Yang Jun is not a stand-alone figure. As long as they come here to drink tea, they can naturally keep most troubles out. In addition, if these people bring distinguished guests to drink tea, won't the business be booming? Getting angry?

This is a two-in-one thing.

Yang Jun pondered for a moment: "Let's do this. I'll ask Xiao Wu to come and sit down later." (End of Chapter)

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