Siheyuan: Domineering life

Chapter 869 Arranged Marriage

On this day, Yang Jun came back from the unit.

He didn't even enter the house, but went directly to the door and lay down on a wicker chair by the river.

Seeing this, Lu Jie quickly brought over the freshly brewed tea and a stack of snacks.

"Thank you!" Yang Jun thanked him.

When Lu Jie heard this, she didn't say anything and smiled at him.

Yang Jun is like this, he is polite to everyone.

Logically speaking, he paid for the nanny to do things, and it was natural for him to enjoy all this, but even so, he had to thank her.

For no other reason than to enjoy the feeling of mutual respect.

You read that right, just enjoy this feeling.

To be honest, the quality of people in this era is really not that good.

That quality... well, I can't say it's not there, it can only be said to be negative.

Walking on the street, there are curses and curses everywhere, and people defecate and defecate anywhere, regardless of gender.

In this case, if you want to enjoy other people's respect for you, I can tell you responsibly, no way!
Speaking of which, Yang Jun is quite mean, spending money to buy the respect of others. The reason why he does this is that when he is alone, he is not so bottomless.

Yang Jun lay on the wicker chair and casually pinched a piece of hornbeam and put it into his mouth.

"Let Master Wei put less sugar next time."

The horn honey is not bought on the street, it is made by Wei Jing.

Not only does this girl know how to cook, but she also makes top-notch snacks.

Yang Jun's family is very happy to have him as a chef at home.


Lu Jie smiled.

"You still ate it out. Mengmeng did it."

Niu Mengmeng is Wei Jing's apprentice. The only condition why Wei Jing agreed to be Yang Jun's home cook was to bring her stupid apprentice with her.

This Niu Mengmeng is a bit stupid, but works very hard.

Others will get bored if they do something three times in a row, but she won't get bored if he does it thirty, three hundred, three thousand times, or even only one thing in his life.

This girl is very hard-working, even though she knows she has no talent as a chef, she always works hard without getting tired of it.

Since he came to Yang Jun's house as a chef, he has wasted a lot of food at home. Yang Jun will definitely not eat the food he makes, so he can only give it to Lu Jie and the others.

"Hey, this Niu Mengmeng, you used to worry me to death, but now are you going to make me sweet to death?" Yang Jun sighed.

"Big boss, this is the snack where Master Wei sits."

Lu Jie magically brought another plate of snacks from behind.

Then, he continued: "Mengmeng said that her skill in making dim sum was almost catching up with her master's. We said you were still far behind. He didn't believe it and wanted to find someone to try it, so she begged me to bring it to you. ”

Yang Jun frowned when he heard this.

"This child works hard enough, but being a chef requires talent. In this regard, she is not good at it."

Lu Jie smiled and said, "Who says it's not the case, but everyone saw her working so hard and didn't want to discourage her, so they left it to her."

Yang Jun heard this and said nothing.

Light a cigarette and think for a while.

"Isn't Madam back yet?"

It has been almost a month since Yi Qiushui went to the south for a business trip, and there is still no news yet.

If Sun Zhaocai hadn't called to report the situation every night, Yang Jun would have thought she was missing.

This girl is so big-hearted that she doesn't even call home when she's busy.

Yang Jun was full of complaints.

"Not yet, but Miss Sun called and said she won't be back until next week." Lu Jie replied.

Miss Sun is referring to Sun Zhaodi.

This girl is Yang Jun's goddaughter and enjoys the treatment of a young lady in this family.

"Isn't this forcing me to make mistakes?" Yang Jun muttered.

Since Yi Qiu Shui didn't come back for such a long time, Yang Jun wanted to go find Yang Qingxiang and the others. Since his wife was not at home, it was a good time to eat secretly.

It's strange for men. In the past, when Yi Qiushui didn't know that he was raising a woman outside, Yang Jun always went out to eat secretly every now and then. But since Yi Qiushui learned about it, Yang Jun's thoughts on that aspect have become less intense, and he even went out to I was too lazy to go out to eat even when I was lying flat.

Do you think this person is really weird?

Yang Jun suddenly thought of a saying from ancient times.

A wife is not as good as a concubine, and a concubine is not as good as stealing.

I think it was because Yi Qiushui knew about this that Yang Jun no longer felt like he was stealing, and the passion in his heart was much weaker.

"Big leader, what did you say?"

Lu Jie was stunned for a moment.

"It's nothing."

Yang Jun waved his hand and said, "You go down and rest, I'm going fishing."

When Lu Jie heard this, she wanted to smile.

Everyone in Jiuyuan, including Yang Jun's family, down to the nannies and chefs of each family, all knew how Yang Jun fished.

Tell me, if you're fishing, just fish. What's the point of just throwing it into the water without hanging bait?

"Yes, big leader."

Lu Jie held back her laughter and turned around and left.

After she leaves.

Yang Jun closed his eyes and began to think about things.

Recently, things have not been peaceful at home.

First, the second uncle Yang Dong caused this trouble, then Yang Chengliu was imprisoned, and then his niece was kidnapped abroad. These things happened one after another, and all his energy recently was wasted. among these trivial matters.

Although trivial matters continued, they were not out of control. Now that everything was settled, he began to focus on work.

In fact, work went quite smoothly.

In Yang Jun's aloof position, he can be said to be the most leisurely person. Naturally, he has a secretary and a few deputies to complete the work in the unit. As for the above matters...

Although Guo Caochao is no longer here, Yang Jun's career is still going smoothly.

A person in a high position like Yang Jun no longer needs a background at this time, or he has a more solid background. However, from another aspect, Yang Jun himself is very capable, and he does not expect others to be his superiors now. Backstage, but in turn, being the backstage for others.

If you rely on the backstage, you won't be able to survive for a long time. Only by embracing everyone and building your own interests can you survive by relying on this big group.

He is not worried about his career. Looking at it, there are few people in the country who are as young as him and in high positions. If nothing unexpected happens, his life will definitely be smooth and his career will be smooth.


There was a slight hum from behind.

Yang Jun opened his eyes and looked back.

Yang Laosi rolled his eyes and looked at him with disdain.

Yang Jun smiled when he saw this.

Then he turned around and continued to sleep with his eyes closed.

Ever since he beat up Dai Yuhe last time, this Yang Laosi has never given Yang Jun a good look. He either rolls his eyes or snorts coldly every day.

"Hey, Boss Yang, why don't you ask me what I'm here for?" Yang Jun said.

Yang Laosi snorted and rolled his eyes, just wanting Yang Jun to talk to him.

However, the more you ignore her, the more she feels lost.

Especially Yang Jun's picture of a dead pig that is not afraid of boiling water, looking like a scoundrel.

Yang Jun raised his hand and waved weakly.

Don't speak and keep your eyes closed.

This moment drove Yang Laosi crazy.

This disregard for people is simply intolerable.

"Boss Yang, you are going too far. When I talk to you, you always ignore me."

Yang Jun didn't speak, and even the expression on his face was very calm.


Yang Laosi came to Yang Jun and suddenly looked at him face to face.


Yang Laosi made a sound of spitting.

Yang Jun heard this and suddenly opened his eyes.

Yang Laosi's saliva flowed down tens of thousands of millimeters from his lips, and landed on Yang Jun's face within half a meter.

"Believe it or not, I will whip you?" Yang Jun was furious.

When Yang Laosi saw this, he quickly tilted his head and the saliva fell to the ground.

"Hehe, if you can, don't open your eyes?"

Yang Jun rolled his eyes when he heard this.

He adjusted his body to a comfortable state and said helplessly: "Let go!"

"What?" Yang Laosi asked in shock.

Hearing this, Yang Jun rolled his eyes again.

This Yang Laosi is far worse than Yang Anbang. As long as he says to let go, Yang Anguo will speak immediately.

"That's what I meant." Yang Jun explained patiently.

This time Yang Yu understood.

One said, the other put, the two words were combined, and she immediately thought of that indecent word.


Yang Laosi was about to get angry, but after looking at Yang Jun's rogue appearance, he immediately sighed.

"I'm going to the South China Sea for my honeymoon. It will take about more than a month to return."

When Yang Jun heard this, he blinked a few times.

Isn't the honeymoon your business?

Why are you telling me this?
Do you want me to be a light bulb?
"I'm not a light bulb."

Yang Jun waved his hand to refuse.

Yang Laosi was startled when he heard this, and then burst into laughter.

"Oh, Boss Yang, you are really thick-skinned. Why are you joining in the fun when we are on our honeymoon?"

"Then why are you telling me this?" Yang Jun rolled his eyes.

"You are my leader, I am not allowed to ask for leave from you?"

Yang Jun was startled, then smiled and said: "I am your leader in some way. I have not been the leader of your First Machinery Department for many years. How can I ask for leave?"

"I don't care anyway. I'm going on my honeymoon, so I have to ask for leave from you."

Yang Yu continued arrogantly and unreasonably: "Also, our mother is not at home. You should tell her later to prevent her from worrying again."

"Why didn't you tell mom yourself?"

"Mom is not at home. She is taking care of the children at the third sister's house."

"Then you won't go to her?"

Yang Jun said that if he came to him for everything, how could he lie down?

"I'm too late, I have to rush to the airport."

After that, he looked at his watch and left without looking back.

"Hey, I haven't agreed yet..."

Yang Laosi ignored him, even afraid that Yang Jun would catch up and run away.

"This girl..."

Yang Jun shook his head and continued to lie down.

This girl has become more and more disrespectful of him since she got married.

Women are outgoing, and as soon as they meet a man, they forget how Yang Jun has taken care of him for so many years.

Water poured out by a married daughter.

No wonder this sentence has been circulated for thousands of years. It seems to be not unreasonable.

As soon as he got married, he immediately forgot about the person who raised him.

Not to mention the loss of family ties that led to the current result.

There is no family relationship here, it's just about human nature.

People are selfish.

No matter how good the relationship is since childhood, once they get married, they immediately become two families. Since they are two families, it is not too much to spend some time on their own home.Yang Jun did not complain that these younger brothers and sisters were ungrateful. On the contrary, as a man of two generations, he had already seen through it all.

He doesn't ask for anything in return.

He just does what he should do, and he doesn't care at all whether he gets anything in return or not.


There was a sudden sigh from beside him.

Yang Jun looked back and saw that it was Sha Zhu.

The freighter was on duty today, and he was guarding Yang Jun.

"You idiot, you sleep when you're full and eat when you're full. Even the old sow is jealous of you. Why are you sighing?" Yang Jun teased.

Hearing this, Ding Erzhu rolled his eyes.

He pretended not to hear Yang Jun's cynicism.

I have been following Yang Jun for several months and have a deep understanding of this new boss.

This is a mean-mouthed boss who feels uncomfortable if he doesn't quarrel with others for a day. Which of the people who follow him has not been quarreled by him?

At first, because of Yang Jun's status as the boss, he felt that it was appropriate to quarrel with him, so he tolerated it. Now... Yang Jun is still the boss, and he still doesn't dare to talk back. He has gotten used to it.

"Hey, are you mute? Chat with me." Yang Jun said.

Yang Jun usually doesn't joke with the security guards in Xiaomian, but this Ding Erzhu is an exception.

This guy is like a boring gourd. You say ten sentences and he only replies once. Like Yang Jun, he doesn't even bother to reply.

In addition, he was so silly that he always made jokes. Yang Jun felt that chatting with him was a pleasure.

"no talking."

Ding Erzhu refused directly without thinking.

The more powerful a person is, the more evil he is. When chatting with Yang Jun, he always feels like he is cheating him, and he often falls into his prepared pocket without paying attention.

After Ding Erzhu suffered several losses, he was no longer willing to chat with Yang Jun.

"Talk about fifty cents?"

Hearing this, Ding Erzhu rolled his eyes and turned his head to one side.

"Ten dollars."

Yang Jun increased the price to ten yuan again.

I don't believe you won't be moved.

When Ding Erzhu heard this, he didn't even move, and the expression on his face didn't even change at all.

"one hundred."

Yang Jun gritted his teeth and directly raised the price to one hundred.

This hundred is almost worth one month's salary, I don't believe you will be indifferent.

Unexpectedly, Ding Erzhu blinked a few times, snorted slightly from his nose, and rolled his eyes with a look of disdain.

"Ten thousand."

When Yang Jun saw this, he felt insulted.

This was the first time I was ignored.

In order to make Yang Jun give up, Ding Erzhu simply turned his back to him without looking at him, leaving him with only a proud look on the back of his head.


There is nothing in this world that 100 million cannot solve. If there is, then another 100 million will be needed.

Ding Erzhu remained unmoved.

"Wocao, do you regard money as dirt, or do you have no specific concept of money?"

Ding Erzhu drove Yang Jun crazy, let alone one million in contemporary times, even one million in later generations was still overcrowded and overcrowded.

"Of course... I have no specific concept."

Ding Erzhu didn't want to answer, but he suddenly stopped.

"Uncle Yang, how much did you just say?"

Yang Jun was stunned for a moment.

He thought this guy treated money like dirt, but it turned out he was slow to react.

"Hehe, fifty cents." Yang Jun said with a smile.

"No, you just said 100 million," Ding Erzhu said.

"Did I say so?"

Yang Jun muttered to himself, then shook his head firmly: "I never said that, but you misunderstood."

"No, you just said 100 million."

Ding Erzhu is not stupid. Although he doesn't know how much money 100 million is, he knows that it must be like a hill.

He was just slow to react, not something wrong with his ears.

Just now Yang Jun clearly said 100 million.

"Uncle Yang, you must have said that just now."

Ding Erzhu scratched his head: "I obviously heard it correctly, how about we start over again?"


Yang Jun smiled and said: "Silly Zhu, want to chat with me?"

"no talking!"

Ding Erzhu didn't even want to refuse.

He remembered clearly what he said just now.

After saying that, his eyes flashed and he stared at Yang Jun closely.

Unexpectedly, Yang Jun lay on the wicker chair and had no intention of chatting with him, and even closed his eyes.

"Uncle Yang, please continue talking?" Ding Erzhu urged.

Yang Jun said directly without even opening his eyes.

"You said we don't want to talk anymore, what else can I say?"


Ding Erzhu was stunned for a moment.

Why is the big leader like this? He is starting to act rogue.

That's obviously not what I said just now.

However, there is nothing he can do if the big leader is acting rogue. Is it possible that he can be picked up from his chair and beaten?
"Ha ha!"

Seeing Ding Erzhu's confused look, Yang Jun laughed so hard.

It's really interesting to chat with this guy, especially Yang Jun, who really likes to see him like this.

This guy wasn't chatting with him just now. Didn't he still chat for a long time?
After teasing Ding Erzhu, Yang Jun was in a much better mood and would not even be angry for the next ten days.

Ding Erzhu was also very angry when he saw this.

If Yang Jun hadn't been his boss, he would have beaten him into a pig's head.

He sat directly on the ground like a child, tilting his head and ignoring him.

Seeing him like this, Yang Jun smiled even more unscrupulously.

He just liked to see Ding Erzhu's look like he wanted to hit him but didn't dare to.

"Hey, Silly Zhu, come and chat with me... Haha!" Yang Jun said.

This time, Ding Erzhu ignored him.

When Yang Jun saw this, he smiled even more happily.

"Last night, Zhaodi called me and said that she..."

When Yang Jun said this, he suddenly stopped.

When Ding Erzhu heard this, his heart clenched.

Yang Jun saw his appearance from the corner of his eye, and his heart was already filled with joy.

Ding Erzhu was a little interested in Sun Zhaodi. Every time he mentioned Sun Zhaodi, his eyes would always shine and he would shed tears.

Seeing that Yang Jun had no intention of continuing, Ding Erzhu pushed Yang Jun.

"Uncle Yang, what happened to Zhaodi? Did she say when she would be back?"

"You have to pay for chatting with me." Yang Jun said quietly.

This time it was Yang Jun's turn to ask for money.

Didn't you just pretend to be noble and look down on 100 million?

"Uncle Yang, Fang Zheng, my salary is all paid by you. If you want more money, just deduct it directly."

Ding Erzhu urged: "Tell me quickly, when will Zhaodi come back?"

Sun Zhaodi and Yi Qiushui had been on a business trip for more than a month, and he missed them very much.

Yang Jun sighed after hearing this.

Not only is this guy slow to react, he also seems to have no idea about money.

In order to get the news about Sun Zhaodi, he even refused the salary that he relied on every month to survive. It was really generous.

Yang Jun was teasing him on purpose just now.

He didn't mind the two of them being together.

Since the incident between Yang Liu and Wang Tao, Yang Jun has taken everything lightly and no longer insists on anything if they are well-matched. As long as the two of them live happily, that is better than anything else.

Sun Zhaodi is an honest and kind girl, and she is loyal to them. For such a goddaughter, Yang Jun also hopes that she will live happily, and this Ding Erzhu is a good person. In addition to being a bit silly, he is very kind-hearted, especially when he is right. After being alone, you must be completely devoted to that person. If the two of them get together, it will be a good ending.

"Are you interested in recruiting girls?" Yang Jun asked with a smile.
Hearing this, Ding Erzhu blushed, scratched his head, and said with a naive smile: "Well, that's right."

"What do you like about her?" Yang Jun asked.

Ding Erzhu shook his head: "If you ask me what I like about her, to be honest, I don't know. Anyway, I just like her."

When Yang Jun heard this, he was stunned for a moment.

Is this the so-called love at first sight?
Then, Yang Jun shook his head.

There is no such thing as love at first sight in this world. It is nothing more than a physiological reaction between men and women.

However, Yang Jun was moved by Ding Erzhu's simple thoughts.

That's okay, it's better to like someone than to be liked.

If Sun Zhaodi could be liked by Ding Erzhu, she would definitely be happy throughout her life.

If this is the case, Yang Jun will forget his wish.

There is no parent in this world who doesn’t want their children to find a good home.

"You really like her?"

Yang Jun suddenly sat up straight and said with a solemn expression: "This time I am not asking you as a big leader, but as Sun Zhaodi's godfather. I hope you will answer truthfully."

Seeing this, Ding Erzhu quickly got up from the ground and stood there respectfully.

"Uncle Yang, I, Silly Zhu, never lie. I really like Sun Zhaodi. These are all from my heart."

"Please Uncle Yang, please marry Zhaodi to me."

After saying that, he stared at Yang Jun with an expectant expression.

When Yang Jun heard this, he laughed.

"You idiot, do you think it's still the old days? This is a new society, and parents don't practice arranged marriages anymore."

"If you like Zhao Di, then be brave and pursue her."

Shazhu's face turned red when he heard this.

It seems to be the case.

It's just his wishful thinking. He doesn't know whether Sun Zhaodi is willing to do it.

"Uncle Yang, Zhaodi is your goddaughter. She will definitely listen to what you say. As long as you marry her to me, I will recognize you for the rest of my life."

"You idiot, I told you this is not an arranged marriage..."

Yang Jun waved his hand and said: "Forget it, you don't understand even if I tell you this. I will communicate with Zhaodi after she comes back."

Not to mention, this idiot Ding Erzhu really doesn’t know what love is. If he were to pursue it, it would probably be a world-class problem for him.

Fortunately, he is there. Ding Erzhu is a good kid with a kind heart and is indeed a good match. When the time comes, he will ask Sun Zhaodi what he means. If he is willing, then so be it. If not, he cannot force it.

"Haha, thank you Uncle Yang."

"No, thank you godfather."

When Yang Jun heard this, his face darkened.

"Fuck you, you haven't even written your horoscope yet."

Yang Jun suspected that this guy was pretending to be stupid, otherwise he wouldn't be able to climb up the pole. (End of chapter)

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