Chapter 820
Such a large sum of gold bars must not be sold directly to a gold store, nor can it be sold through black market channels, nor can it be known to the local banking regulatory agency.

Therefore, this money can only be laundered through several large and small banks under Yang Jun's name.

He not only has these few banks, but also has hundreds of branches all over the world. It is easy to launder these tens of thousands of kilograms of gold. These gold bars can be converted into cash by issuing anniversary commemoratives, attracting deposits, and lending.

Gold is hard currency and the first reserve deposit of major financial institutions. It is not popular enough at all.

Therefore, in less than a week, all the 300 kilograms of gold have been converted into cash, and now Yang Jun's company has another [-] billion in cash in its account.

As soon as the cash arrived, Yang Jun transferred [-] billion to companies in the mainland through investment.

As soon as the funds were transferred, he immediately flew back to the mainland from the port city.

As soon as the plane landed, he asked Yang Chengwu to immediately enclose the land and buy it all as long as it was a prime location with a large flow of people.

As soon as the land was acquired, he immediately started building a shopping mall building and preparing to open a home appliance store.

Shopping malls are under construction here in Forty-Nine City, and other parts of the country are not idle either. They have also begun to enclose land and build buildings. In less than a month, there are hundreds of stores under construction across the country.

Yang Jun sighed, after all, it was just the right thing to do.

If capital clears the way, nothing can't be done, and its efficiency is not unusually high.

At the same time, Yang Jun also asked Huang Yani to hurry up and supply goods. On the mainland, Xiaoliu's store would be given priority, and the rest would be pushed to the back.

He must make Xiaoliu's home appliance store popular in the shortest possible time, so that it can form a reputation and create a brand effect.

Now is a seller's market. As long as there is goods, you don't have to worry about selling. Not only are there not enough to sell, but there was also an extreme shortage of goods. Approval notes and letters of introduction were flying all over the place, but there was no goods.

This is a golden age of recovery, and it is also an era of explosive growth in electrical equipment.

Televisions, printers, air conditioners, refrigerators, radios, watches, and various home appliances are in short supply.

Huang Yani's busy work has not been in vain in the past few years. The new products of the electronics company under her name are also developing like a spurt, such as air conditioners. Other companies do not have such products at all. They can only buy finished products from the market and dismantle them after returning home. After studying counterfeiting, the quality of the products she can produce is not as good as the original ones. Although there are imitations on the market, it does not stop her from making a lot of money.

In addition, mobile phone phones were also launched a few years ahead of schedule. The supply of bricks costing more than 1 yuan each was in short supply. It would be more respectable for that guy to put them in the creaking nest.

Yang Jun has the eye of God and has the advantage of a prophet. It is this advantage that allows him to make a lot of money. Even if he does not have such a prophet, as long as he is not a fool, he knows that money can make money.

Yang Chengliu has resigned and is now studying business administration in the adult class of Huaqing University under the arrangement of Yi Qiushui.

Everyone was preparing for the great opportunity of the century, but only Yang Jun chose to lie down.

He doesn't need anything, he wants money, he wants power, he wants women, he has no need to fight anymore.

"Dad, after the demolition of the old city is completed, is it time to build the villa complex you mentioned?"

On this day, Yang Jun was lying on a wicker chair to recharge his batteries in preparation for Yi Qiushui's urging to hand over the public rations in the evening, when Yang Chengwu came in.

Yang Jun took off the book covering his face and glanced at him with squinted eyes.

"Are you well hurt?"

Some time ago, Yang Jun gave him a severe lesson. At that time, the stick was broken several times, and he could not straighten his back for several days.

Hearing this, Yang Chengwu smiled awkwardly.

"My godfather is joking. You are my godfather and I am your godson. It is natural for me to beat my son. How can I hold a grudge against you in my heart?"

When Yang Jun heard this, he threw the book in his hand directly at him.

"You brat, you still say you don't hold any grudge?"

"I asked you if you were healed from your injuries, but you told me you didn't hold any grudge against me. Do you think I'm stupid?"

Xiao Wu caught the book thrown at him and put it on the stool next to him with a smile.

"Godfather, look at what you said, isn't that what you mean?"

"You asked if the injury was healed, and then you must ask if I remember you. Didn't I get it right in one step?"

Yang Jun smiled and scolded: "You are so smart, you have already figured out what I am going to say next."

"Hehe, otherwise the person who loves me the most in this world is you, my godfather."

"Godfather, there is no need to be like this. Although we are not biological father and son, I have always treated you as my biological father. You don't have to feel guilty for beating me. It is natural for me to beat my son. After that, keep doing whatever you have to do.”

Yang Jun was a little moved when he heard this.

This child is very sensible and can actually guess his thoughts. His exquisite thoughts are really heartbreaking.

Yang Jun smiled and scolded: "You are such a stinker, how can you tell that I feel guilty? I wish I could beat you every day."

"Hey, my godfather will definitely be reluctant to part with you."

After a few jokes, the little misunderstanding between the two parties disappeared, as if nothing had happened.

"Daddy, how are you going to build this villa?"

When Yang Jun heard this, he motioned to him to wait a moment, and then he went back to the study to get a stack of design drawings.

"I have already drawn the blueprints. You can ask your people to design and build according to this blueprint."

Yang Chengwu took it and took a look.

Although he never went to school and was illiterate, after working in real estate for such a long time, he could more or less understand construction drawings. He took a look and found that the design drawing was very advanced, the craftsmanship, and the design concept. It's definitely not what's popular nowadays.

How to put it, this is a design concept like an ancient large manor, with a larger villa in the middle and some small courtyards scattered around, combining Chinese and Western styles.Very ingenious, both ancient and modern.


Seeing Yang Chengwu's hesitant expression, Yang Jun rolled his eyes.

"There is something to say, there is fart."

Yang Chengwu pouted dissatisfiedly.

If someone else had spoken to him like this, he would have been beaten until he could no longer take care of himself.

But this man was Yang Jun, his godfather, so he didn't dare.

"Godfather, are you planning to let everyone in your family live in this manor?"

"Hey, what's the problem?"

"Godfather, I know what you are thinking is that you want the family to live together and take care of each other, but have you ever thought about whether they want to live with you, or whether they want to move out and live alone? .”

Yang Jun was stunned for a moment when he heard this.

In the past, I just thought that even if the family is separated, they must live together, especially the five brothers and sisters who cannot be separated.

Although the idea is beautiful, it is just his wishful thinking, and he doesn't know what they think.

Yang Chengwu took advantage of Yang Jun's deep thought and continued,

"Just like a few aunts and uncles. They are not only independent leaders now, but also rich men with a net worth of tens of billions. They definitely don't want to live under your protection forever. They have grown up. I definitely want to fly higher and go farther one day, don’t you think so?”

Yang Jun was shocked when he heard this.

If Yang Chengwu hadn't reminded him, he would have never considered the truest thoughts of his brothers and sisters.

All of them are rich men worth tens of billions. If they can't live with money, why should they crowd under one roof and live by their faces? What's more, they are all big leaders on their own now. The worst thing is Yang Laosi, she is also the director of the steel rolling mill now. She looks like she moved out before she got married. How could she be willing to live in the same yard and watch Yang Jun's face?

There are also Yang Anguo and Yang Anbang who are doing well and are now senior leaders of government agencies. They also have their own privacy, their own social circles, and their own plans.

"Hey, it's just wishful thinking on my part after all." Yang Jun sighed.

Yang Chengwu: "Godfather, first of all, I am very willing to live with you."

Yang Jun rolled his eyes: "If you are not afraid of being beaten, then move here."

"Hey, no need to, I... don't want to disturb the world between you and your godmother."


Yang Jun continued: "In the evening, call everyone together and hold a meeting to see if they are willing to live together, and then discuss the next house building plan."

"I know, godfather, I'll let you know shortly."


In the evening, Yang Jun's family gathered for dinner.

The long-awaited excitement has finally returned.

The women helped in the kitchen, the men chatted and spanked, and the children ran wildly all over the yard.

Yang Jun briefly told everyone about the house renovation plan, and asked for their opinions on whether to live together.

After Yang Jun finished speaking, he lay down directly on the chair.

He wanted to give them enough time to think about it. After all, this was a big matter and should not be discussed carefully.

Sure enough, as soon as he finished speaking, there was a buzz in the yard.

This is a tough question.

They couldn't figure out why Yang Jun would ask this. After all, they must be reluctant to leave after living together for so many years, but they also want to move out. It sounds contradictory anyway.

"I suggest living separately."

The first person to speak was Yang Yu.

This girl almost grew up under the suppression of Yang Jun's blood. She wished she could live separately as soon as possible and move far away from Yang Jun.

Yang Jun sneered when he heard this and said nothing.

It is expected that Yang Yu wants to live separately, and I am afraid that Yang Huai will be next.

"I agree with Fourth Sister's opinion. It's better for everyone to live separately."

Sure enough, Yang Huai was the second to object.

As soon as the two of them finished speaking, they felt a pain in the back of their heads.

Looking back, Wang Yuying was standing behind them at some point.

"You two bastards want to rebel?"

He turned back to Yang Jun and said, "Jun'er, I made the decision for them and agreed to live together."

"Mom, they are not children anymore, just..."

Before Yang Yu could finish speaking, Wang Yuying raised her hand to hit her.

"shut up."

"You have no place to speak here. As long as I don't die, you brothers and sisters are not allowed to separate. If anyone objects, don't blame me as a mother for disowning him."

Yang Yunuonuo didn't speak. Facing the unreasonable Wang Yuying, he became unreasonable even though he was reasonable. This was bloodline suppression.

"Well, Mom, you are right. As long as you are still here, no one is allowed to mention the word separation."

Yang Jun agreed.

Everyone rolled their eyes when they heard this.

Yang Jun, who had always been domineering and outspoken, actually learned to flatter him, and he did so willingly. They admired his magnanimity.

Wang Yuying was stunned for a moment.

However, she was quite satisfied with Yang Jun's performance.

In other families, no one listens to the words of parents as old as hers. Let alone being the master of the family, they have no choice but to give you food or not.

At her age, don't talk about the majesty and dignity of your elders. If your descendants don't contradict you, it will be a high-profile matter.

Wang Yuying is quite satisfied with her children.

At least it's filial.

"Mom said so, I definitely have no objection." Yang Mei said.

In fact, it doesn't matter to Yang Mei that the family is separated.After all, she has been living with Yang Jun's family for so many years, and she is not used to the sudden separation. If we build a villa group and everyone can live in the same yard in the future, that would be quite good.

"I have no objection either." Yang Liu said.

Yang Liu has her own big villa, and I heard there are several manors. She doesn't live with Yang Jun and the others. Agreeing or disagreeing makes no difference to her. Anyway, she wants to have him in the villa after it is built. thing.

"We also agree."

Yang Anguo, Yang Anbang and others said in unison.

They definitely have no objection.

Don't give up the villa for free.

Besides, in order to invest in building that winery, they invested almost all their wealth in it. They had no extra money to buy a house, so they definitely agreed with Yang Jun's suggestion.

As for Yang Chengwu, Yang Chengliu and Wang Xiaoxiao, they had no objections.

They are both Yang Jun's godson and goddaughter, and they are even less likely to raise objections.

Yang Jun saw this and opened his eyes slightly.

"The minority obeys the majority. In this case, let's build a villa group. Everyone will still live in the same community in the future, but..."

At this point, Yang Jun paused.

“However, let’s not demolish my courtyard house. Instead, use my courtyard as the center and build a group of villas around it.”

Yang Jun explained: "This courtyard house is very representative. I want to keep it as a souvenir. What do you think?"

"We have no opinion."

Yang Jun has said this, how can they disagree?

"OK, that's it."

Yang Jun turned back to Yang Chengwu and said: "Xiaowu, I leave the building of the villa group to you. You have to re-plan and re-design. The design and construction of the house must take into account all factors. For example, you can't just When building a house for your own family, you should also take into consideration the factors where your children will live in the future.”

Yang Jun gave an example: "For example, if Sun Zhaocai has three sons, he will build three more villas, and their children will also live here in the future."

Sun Zhaocai was grabbing snacks from the children behind the crowd. Suddenly he heard Yang Jun mention his name, and he raised his hands stupidly and said,
"Uncle Yang, thank you."

Yang Jun rolled his eyes, unhappy that this guy interrupted him.

"shut up."

"I heard that you spanked your child again the day before yesterday? Let's see how I deal with you later."

When Sun Zhaocai heard this, his neck shrank in fear.

The scene of Yang Jun being tied to a pillar and frozen for two days and nights was still vivid in his mind. He almost froze to death that time. When he heard this, he felt sad and murmured to himself in a low voice,

"I didn't, I didn't..."

Yang Jun stopped paying attention to that guy and turned around to continue talking to Xiao Wu,
"Find more construction teams, don't be afraid of spending money, and we must build the house in the shortest possible time."

Then he turned back and said to them: "In addition, everyone has started to move in the past two days. Those who have a place to live will move out, and those who have no place to live will move to my house and Meizi's house first. Everyone squeezes in first, and the house must be secured. Once it’s demolished, we’ll try to move into a new home before summer.”

"Got it, brother."

The crowd responded in unison.

Immediately afterwards, Yang Jun explained a few more things.

Afterwards, everyone began to make plans and put forward opinions and suggestions.

Then, someone called for dinner from the kitchen, and everyone ended their conversation.


At night, after Yang Jun paid the public rations, he lay on the bed panting.

Holding Yi Qiushui in his left hand and holding a cigarette in his right hand, the two of them were lying on the bed watching TV.

Since color TVs came on the market, Yang Jun also installed one in his bedroom.

It's not that he likes watching TV, but he always likes to turn on the TV and turn the volume to the maximum every time he does something bad. There is no other reason than that his son is older and he doesn't want to be heard.

At this time, a documentary was playing on the TV, telling the story of a courtyard house.

This courtyard covers an area of ​​[-] acres, which is comparable to the Forbidden City. The owner of this courtyard is the corrupt official He Shen.

The TV tells the story of He Shen's luxurious life. It talks about one of his houses. A golden nanmu pillar in it is worth 27 billion, and any chair can be moved out to replace it with ten Hongqi cars.

At the same time, there are real scenes on TV, and the decoration inside is so beautiful that it is dazzling.

"Husband, do you think the pillars in our house are made of golden nanmu?" Yi Qiushui asked coquettishly, lying in his arms.

"do not know."

Seeing that Yang Jun's answer was perfunctory, Yi Qiushui pinched him gently.

"Don't embarrass me. I really don't know. Even if the golden nanmu is placed in front of me, I won't recognize it."

Yang Jun really doesn't understand this aspect.

Not to mention the golden nanmu, even if the yin wood was placed in front of him, he wouldn't know the goods.

Besides, it has nothing to do with him whether it is made of golden nanmu. No matter how good the antique is, if it cannot be cashed in, it will be a dead thing.

Besides, he was not interested as long as money was involved.

"Hey, you said it would be great if the pillars in our house were made of golden nanmu." Yi Qiushui sighed.

Although she is not interested in money, it does not mean that she is not interested in making money.

Yang Jun felt funny when he heard this.

According to Na Wuye, the former owner of this courtyard house, this house was built in the Republic of China. Although the construction materials were sourced from all over the country, they were not luxurious enough to use golden nanmu. Besides, in the war years, transportation conditions did not allow it. Those who can afford golden nanmu must be rich or noble, and they cannot be a playboy like Na Wuye.

At the very least, there must be a side house, a front house, a stable, an east-west courtyard, an east-west wing, a rockery, flowing water, a small bridge, ancient books, and other gossips. There are dozens of large and small courtyards, and the area must be hundreds of acres. That's it. The current third entry into the courtyard obviously does not meet the standards.

Not to mention the common people, even the emperor in ancient times would not be able to live in the golden nanmu.


Yang Jun shook his head and smiled bitterly.

"I think your idea is unrealistic and might as well be more practical than sleeping and dreaming."

"It's so annoying." Yi Qiushui hit him twice with her little pink fist.

"Can't you coax me and make me happy?"

Yang Jun: "There are times in life that must be fulfilled, but there are times in life that are not available, so don't force it."

Yi Qiushui delivered another small punch.

After a while, the girls started to make trouble again.

"No, husband, we have to get up and take a look, just in case the pillars in our house are made of golden nanmu."

Yang Jun smiled bitterly when he heard this.

Before he could say anything, Yi Qiushui got up from the bed and forced Yang Jun to check the pillars in the house.

Yang Jun had no choice but to put on his clothes and accompany her crazy.

Neither of them knew what golden nanmu was.

After strolling around the backyard, the two of them went to the middle courtyard with flashlights.

The golden nanmu was not found, but it woke up Sun Zhaodi and Yang Chengdao.

The two endured their sleepiness and opened the door for Yi Qiushui.

After Yi Qiushui entered, she touched the pillar, then shook her head and went to the front yard.

Yang Jun had no choice but to comfort the two of them with a few words, and then accompanied Yi Qiushui to the front yard.

Arriving at the front yard, Yi Qiushui went straight to the living room.

Not surprisingly, I was disappointed.

Then, the two went to check the stools in the house to see if the stools at home were the kind of wooden chairs inlaid with bricks and gold wire that were used in Heshen's house.

I looked through the chairs in the front and back yards and the east and west wings. Although the workmanship and materials were exquisite, I couldn't find a chair that was priceless.

"Husband, look quickly, is this dwarf made of golden nanmu?"

Yi Qiushui was a little obsessed. She had to find some golden nanmu furniture tonight.

Yang Jun wanted to persuade her not to do this, and also wanted to say that the family was not short of money, but he couldn't resist Yi Qiushui's curiosity.

Seeing that Yi Qiushui was in such high spirits, Yang Jun couldn't spoil her mood.

So, I had to go there obediently.

Pretending to take a closer look, he looked at the table for a while, then lay down and looked at the bottom, and then shook his head helplessly.

"This is made of jujube wood, not golden nanmu."

He knows about jujube wood.

When I was young in my previous life, my family was allocated several acres of jujube land. Later, the jujube trees became worthless, so my father chopped them down and took them home to build tables and chairs. At that time, he helped out, so he recognized the jujube wood at a glance.


Yi Qiushui expressed disbelief.

"Didn't you just say you didn't know?"

Yang Jun looked at her with a wry smile.

"I mean I don't know golden nanmu, but I never said I don't know sour jujube wood."

"I can tell you responsibly that this is made of jujube wood, not golden nanmu."

Yi Qiushui looked at him with some disbelief.

"Husband, take a closer look. This squat material is exactly the same as on TV."

Yang Jun smiled bitterly and said: "You have such good eyesight. They are all painted. You can't classify furniture with the same color as the same kind of wood, right?"

"Then...then they are the same."

Yi Qiushui began to act rogue, insisting on calling a rat a duck.

Looking at her appearance today, it seems that she will never give up until she finds the golden nanmu.

"You must have admitted your mistake. I will ask an expert to take a look tomorrow." Yi Qiushui said.

After saying that, he proudly prepared to go back.

When Yang Jun heard this, he felt a black line in his head.

This bitch deliberately caused trouble for herself. Even though she didn't believe that much, she insisted on forcing others to believe it. She even wanted to leave after saying a disgusting word.

How can there be such a beautiful thing?
"Honey, look, this is low and quite spacious. We have never tried it before. How about..."

After saying that, Yang Jun stared at the two mountains and laughed.

"No, you're going to die."

"Just once..."

"No, I'll ignore you. I'm going back to sleep...ah...let me go."


(End of this chapter)

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