Siheyuan: Domineering life

Chapter 819 Gold Cash Out

Chapter 819 Gold Cash Out
The second mother, Qin Xiuzhi, was buried in the cemetery where Yang Jun's father, Yang Gui, was.

The whole alley finally became quiet, the dust settled, and everyone finally returned to normal life.

From then on, Yang Jun could lie down and bask in the salted fish normally.

On this day, he was lying on a wicker chair with his eyes closed, and he vaguely felt someone walking towards him.

I opened my eyes slightly and took a look. It turned out to be Yang Chengliu.

The moment Yang Jun saw her, he actually felt afraid of seeing her.

How about the feeling?

It was as if he had done something wrong behind her back, and he felt a little sorry for her.

But after being slightly panicked, he finally calmed down.

I didn't do anything wrong, why should I be afraid of her?

Besides, I am an elder, and there is no reason for elders to be afraid of juniors.

"Girl, here we come."

Yang Chengliu came over, hugged his arm and started acting coquettishly.


Yang Jun was confused for a moment.

Is this an effort to hold people accountable, or is it a curved line of accountability?

"Xiao Liu, my godfather knows that you have been wronged. If you have any dissatisfaction, feel free to vent your anger on your godfather." Yang Jun patted her arm and said.

When Yang Chengliu heard this, his nose felt sore and tears flowed down unsatisfactorily.

"Godfather, I already know what happened."

After Xiaoliu finished speaking, he burst into tears.

"Girl, if you want to blame it, blame your godfather. Godfather is sorry for you."

Yang Jun stood up, held her in his arms, and gently stroked her head.

His goddaughter is very well-behaved and sensible. She never asks for anything or causes trouble to others. She is just a transparent person on weekdays, making her presence almost invisible.

In a blink of an eye, I found that she had grown into a big girl.

However, due to the experience of begging for food when she was a child, this girl has a very low self-esteem, and she has not been able to change over the years.

Currently, this girl is assigned to work in a government unit by Yang Jun. Although she is a department-level cadre, she has no leadership airs, so many subordinates dare to contradict her face to face.

Those subordinates who contradicted her became much more honest after being beaten by Xiao Wu, and now everyone in the same department can get along in peace.

The character of Xiao Wu is not suitable for being an official, let alone doing business. According to later generations, such a child is suitable to stay at home, do nothing, and do not need to go out to meet strangers.

"Daddy, I don't blame you, I only blame myself for my bad life." Xiao Liu choked.

Yang Jun felt sad when he heard this.

Isn't this just a disguised form of blaming him?

"He is Aunt San's ex-boyfriend. You two... are not suitable for each other. It's not too late before you are together. Otherwise, how will you get along with your aunt in the future?"

"You also have to think about Third Auntie. Besides, I also know that man named Peng. I have been dealing with him for more than ten years. He is the kind of person who follows people and seeks power and wealth. Such a person is not worthy of being entrusted to him for the rest of his life. Let’s take this opportunity to break up with him.”

It's not that Yang Jun deliberately slandered Peng Sanwan, but that Peng Sanwan is just such a person.

In the past, in order to cling to the Yang family, he chased Yang Liu. Later, after being separated by Yang Jun, he chased several powerful girls. However, those people saw his true face and ignored him. Later, he wasted no time. When I was in my thirties, I finally met Yang Chengliu, who was relatively easy to fool. Seeing that they were talking about marriage, Yang Jun unexpectedly interfered with her.

"Godfather, please stop talking, I will leave him." Yang Chengliu said with rain.

It can be seen that she is very affectionate and still has Peng Sanwan in her heart.

She could leave Peng Sanwan, but she didn't want Yang Jun to say such things to him.

It's not that she believes in Peng Sanwan's character, she just hopes to leave a good memory. After all, this is her first love, and she hopes that this sweet memory will always be so perfect.

"Xiao Liu, don't be sad. There are a lot of good men. I'll ask your godmother to introduce you to a few more later."

Yang Jun sighed, after all, he is a young man, and he always has so many good hopes in his heart.

As everyone knows, hope is the most terrifying thing in the world.

There is no love in this world, it is just the physical beauty left by the first meeting between a man and a woman in love.

The so-called love is just the dream or the best expectation in each other's hearts, which happens to meet most of the coincidences.

The so-called love is all bullshit.

The ultimate goal of life is to be dull. The so-called love slowly turns into family affection due to long-term relationship.

Although Yang Jun doesn't believe in love, he believes in family affection.

"Thank you godfather and godmother."

Xiaoliu did not refuse, not wanting other girls to behave shyly after hearing this.

This child is introverted, but not confused. She is very aware of her own shortcomings and can face her own shortcomings, so she did not reject Yang Jun's proposal.

"Good boy."

Yang Jun's eyes were red and he kept touching her head with his hands.

Xiaoliu is so sensible, so sensible that it makes people feel distressed.

He has so many godsons and daughters, but this girl is the most painful.

"Girl, we are a family. No matter what happens, you don't have to keep it in your heart. If you feel uncomfortable, you can speak out."

"Daddy, I'm fine. There's nothing uncomfortable." Yang Chengliu smiled.

"Is the work going well?" Yang Jun asked.


Yang Chengliu was about to say smooth, but paused.

When Yang Jun saw this, he immediately asked: "If we are not happy, we will resign."

Hearing this, Xiao Liu blushed and nodded.

"Godfather, I don't want to stay in the agency anymore. I'm so tired of scheming and deceitful all day long. My daughter doesn't want to do it anymore."

Yang Jun waved his hand and said: "Okay, no problem. If you don't want to do it, just don't do it."

"Whatever you want to do, tell your godfather and he will help you arrange it."

"In other words, it doesn't matter if you don't do anything. No matter what you do, your godfather will support you unconditionally."

Yang Chengliu also looked excited after hearing this, and his face turned red with excitement.

"Godfather, can I do anything?"

"of course."

Yang Jun patted his chest and promised, "You can do whatever you want."

Hearing this, Xiaoliu tried hard to control his excitement and said tremblingly: "Godfather, I want to have a company that belongs entirely to myself. I am the boss and I can do whatever I want without having to look at other people's faces."

When Yang Jun heard this, he agreed without saying anything.

He thought Xiaoliu was going to do something earth-shattering, but he didn't expect that he just wanted a company of his own.

He, Yang Jun, doesn't have much else but a lot of money.

As long as Xiao Liu is happy, he will help him unconditionally.

"Well, Xiaoliu is ambitious. Since you want to do something big, your godfather supports you unconditionally."

Yang Jun continued: "Have you ever thought about what you will do specifically?"

Yang Chengliu blushed and bravely said: "Dad, that's what I think. All kinds of electrical appliances are selling very well outside now. I want to open an electrical appliance store specializing in selling all kinds of home appliances. Look at this May I?"

"An electrical appliance store?"

Yang Jun said to himself: "What a great idea. I didn't expect our Xiaoliu to be really forward-thinking and think of this great idea. Not bad, not bad."

Xiaoliu's awareness is really ahead of his time. Electrical appliance stores are an industry that emerged after the 20th century. Unexpectedly, it was [-] years ahead of schedule.

Once this electrical appliance store opens, I'm afraid the business of major shopping malls and supply and marketing cooperatives will be robbed.

Just imagine, a home appliance store is full of sellers of home appliances. Not only do they have a complete range of products, but they also have a wide range of choices. Unlike this kind of state-owned enterprise monopoly industry, they also like to show off and decide whether to buy or not.

Therefore, electrical appliance stores will definitely be prosperous.

"Okay, let's start an electrical appliance store."

Yang Jun said excitedly: "My godfather will take care of the initial investment, you just need to do a good job in management."

"Godfather, how can I use your money? You have given me a lot of money over the years. I think I will pay for the opening of this store myself. You only need to help me deal with industrial and commercial tax issues. I will do the rest myself. Come."

"You kid, why don't you let your godfather tell you what you're good at? If we want to do it, let's do it big. It's boring to make small fuss."

Yang Jundao: "Let's open a few stores in Sijiu City first, and then open stores across the country. We want to be a national chain store. Every province, every region, every county, every town must have our store. Our stores should cover all parts of the country.”


Yang Chengliu screamed in surprise, opened his mouth and said, "Godfather, how much does this cost?"

Yang Jun waved his hand and said with a smile: "You don't have to worry about money. If your godfather comes out, I will help you build the largest chain of home appliance stores in the country. This can be regarded as some compensation from your godfather."

Yang Chengliu said shyly: "Thank you, godfather."

"Silly boy, we are all one family, no need to thank you."

Then, Yang Jun said again: "You resign first, and then ask your godmother to arrange classes at school. First, study business administration. Leave the matter of opening a store here to your godfather. In less than a year, we will We can open stores throughout the entire Forty-Nine Cities.”

"Okay, godfather, everything is up to you."

Opening a store is not that easy, at least you have to have a store.

A national chain store like this should at least be opened in a place with a lot of traffic.

In the current market economy, buying a house and opening a store is the best decision to preserve and increase value. Even if you can't make money by opening a store, at least these houses will have a lot of room for appreciation in the future. If nothing else, the house can increase at least ten times.

Of course, opening a store also requires a large capital investment.

At present, Yang Jun's funds are not that abundant. Some time ago, he completed all the plans for the next ten years, and the funds in his account cannot be used. He can only find other ways to finance the store.

However, as long as it is a matter of money, it is not an issue.

There is not much else in his space, except money.

Various banknotes piled up into mountains, and there were also dozens of mountains of gold and silver.

A little cash can be enough to pay for opening a store.

Banknotes cannot be moved casually. Many of the codes in them are repeated, so the only way to move them is to move the money.

He plans to go to Hong Kong City in the next few days to cash in some gold.


On this day, Yang Jun took a large group of guards on a special plane and embarked on the road to the port city.

After Huang Yani became pregnant, she did not raise her baby at home. Now that Qian Fang is not familiar with the company's business, she will have to take care of her for a while.

Now she is flying back and forth between mainland China and Hong Kong.

Fortunately, she was in Hong Kong this time.

As soon as Yang Jun got off the plane, he was picked up by the convoy sent by Huang Yani.

Arriving at the Yani International Hotel he opened, Yang Jun went straight to the presidential suite on the top floor.

As soon as I entered the door, I saw a fragrant breeze blowing over me.

"Lao Yang, I miss you so much."

Huang Yani hung around Yang Jun's neck like a kangaroo, her small cherry mouth kept kissing his face and neck.

Yang Jun dragged her waist with both hands and looked at her with a pampering look. "Do you want me to die, or do you want me to die?"

Huang Yani said angrily: "I hate it, you are still so rude."

Then, the two closed the door and walked to the bathroom in tacit agreement.


An hour later, Yang Jun lay on Simmons' bed and entered the sage moment.

Huang Yani was lying on the side, lying on his chest, holding a cigarette for Yang Jun with one hand, and drawing on his chest with the other hand.

"Lao Yang, I feel like the happiest woman in the world now."

Huang Yani stroked her belly gently and said happily.

When Yang Jun heard this, he subconsciously glanced down at her flat belly, and a feeling of guilt arose spontaneously. He felt sorry for Huang Yani, and even sorry for Yang Qingxiang, Meng Wenya and the others.

He felt like a scumbag because he couldn't give them status.

"Yanni, if you have a child in the future, whether it's a boy or a girl, let the child have your last name." Yang Jun said.

Huang Yani was stunned for a moment.

Then he suddenly raised his head and looked at Yang Jun in disbelief.

"Lao Yang, are you telling the truth? Are you kidding?"

Who doesn't want their children to take their surname, especially a woman like her who has no name or status? It was easy to handle when she was young, but if she gets old in the future, she also hopes that her children will stay with her to provide for her until the end of her life.

"Hey, I never joke about things like this."

Yang Jun held him tightly in his arms: "You also know me. You are not the only woman beside me. You can't be too selfish. If you follow me without seeking fame, you can't leave nothing behind, right?"

"Old Yang, thank you."

When Huang Yani heard this, tears burst into her eyes.

She hugged Yang Jun tightly and kept sobbing.

Yang Jun didn't care at all whether the child had his own surname or not.

Even if the child has a different surname, it is still his own child. This blood relationship cannot be broken. But Huang Yani and the others are different. Especially a famous businessman like Huang Yani. If he has a child inexplicably, and the child is not Having the same surname as his own would be a big stain on his reputation. Yang Jun already felt very guilty towards them, so he couldn't bring any more pressure to their lives.

Fortunately, Huang Yani is about to take a back seat, and all the company's affairs are going to be handed over to Qian Fang. However, Qian Fang is not very familiar with the company's business, so she will take him with her for a while until he is qualified for this job. Then you can truly retreat.

When love is strong, people feel haggard, but when love is deep, there is no regret.

The two of them stuck together again.

It wasn't until the lights came on that the two of them lazily got up to eat.

Wine and food were delivered to the presidential suite.

The two of them sat on a long table, with two candles lit on it.

Sitting opposite each other, sipping red wine and eating steak, the atmosphere is full of atmosphere.

After the passion subsided, the two began to talk about business.

"Lao Yang, the company's stall has been too big recently, and the funds in the account can't keep up. Let's see if you can think of a way to make some money."

Some time ago, the stalls were too big, and the company's capital turnover was a bit difficult.

Tens of billions of dollars have been invested in real estate and logistics alone. Coupled with investments in communications, education, transportation and other aspects, Yang Jun's total investment in the mainland has exceeded 700 billion.

You know, this is real cash. Apart from Yang Jun, there are probably very few people in the world who can handle so much money at one time.

Although the market value of Yang Jun's company has already exceeded 2000 billion, this money is the valuation, which is the total amount of fixed assets, intangible assets, etc. He also needs to run his companies around the world, and 700 billion is what he can The largest amount of funds has been mobilized.

"You don't have to worry about money. I just sent money to you this time." Yang Jun said while eating.


Huang Yani was surprised.

"Lao Yang, how much money did you bring this time?"

Yang Jun said: "How many do you need?"

Yang Jun can have as much money as he wants in the space, it depends on how much Huang Yani needs.

"At least 200 billion." After Huang Yani finished speaking, she continued: "Of course, the more, the better."

"Okay, let me give you 300 billion first. If you need it later, let me know."

"Wow, Lao Yang, you are so capable." Huang Yani's eyes were filled with admiration.

Yang Jun had a wicked smile on his lips: "You know best whether I can do it or not."



Three days later, Yang Jun drove to a warehouse at the dock with his guards.

The warehouse belongs to the company and is used for temporary storage of goods.

However, this time it was used by Yang Jun to prepare for the temporary release of gold.

After getting off the bus, Yang Jun ordered Luo Xiaojun to lead people around the warehouse and inspect it carefully.

"Uncle, no problem."

After the inspection found no problem, Luo Xiaojun reported to him.


Yang Jun nodded: "Contact Secretary Huang and see where she is."

"Okay, uncle."

After saying that, Luo Xiaojun went to the car, took out a mobile walkie-talkie and started to communicate.

After a while, he ran over to report.

"Uncle Master, Chairman Huang said we can get here in about 10 minutes."

"Okay, I see."

Yang Jun continued: "Xiaojun, take your people to guard the exit of the warehouse and don't allow anyone to approach."

"Yes, uncle."

Then with a wave of his hand, dozens of guards immediately formed a formation and blocked all exits of the warehouse, making it impossible for even a fly to fly through.

Seeing this, Yang Jun nodded, and then plunged into the warehouse.

After arriving at the warehouse, he closed the door and stood in the middle of the warehouse.

This warehouse is very large, as large as [-] square meters. It is usually used to temporarily store bulk items. At this time, due to temporary requisition, Huang Yani notified people three days ago to empty the goods inside.

Looking at the empty warehouse, Yang Jun had an idea.

I saw a mountain of wooden boxes of the same size appearing in the previously empty warehouse.

The box was full of gold, which Yang Jun had specially copied to hold the gold in order to make it easier to take it out.

Each box contains about three to four hundred kilograms of gold. These one thousand boxes contain about thirty to forty thousand kilograms of gold. Based on the market price of two hundred yuan per gram, these more than 3 kilograms of gold are approximately more than 300 billion yuan.

In fact, this gold is still the tip of the iceberg in his space. If he hadn't considered that putting it on the market at one time would cause fluctuations in gold prices, Yang Jun would definitely have withdrawn more.

After taking out the gold, Yang Jun stepped forward to open a box and take a look.

As expected, it was all filled with gold. All the gold was pure gold. It turned out that the gold was obtained from Xu Damao. At that time, in order to deceive the guy into raising the gold, he specially asked for three large yellow croakers. Later, several large yellow croakers were copied from these three large yellow croakers. A golden mountain.

After covering the box, Yang Jun turned around and walked out of the warehouse door.

after awhile.

A row of bank escort vehicles drove up in the distance.

Leading the way were several Rolls-Royce cars.

"Gah!" stopped at the door of the warehouse.

Huang Yani and Qian Fang got out of the car, followed by several middle-aged men in suits and uniforms.

"Old Yang."

Huang Yani called out and walked quickly towards him.

Yang Jun nodded, and then led her, Qian Fang and the men in the middle into the warehouse.

Yang Jun opened a box.

"The 300 billion you want is all here."

The moment the box was opened, everyone's eyes widened.

Huang Yani, a billionaire boss, had never seen such money before, so she couldn't help but stepped forward, took one and weighed it in her hand.

If there were no outsiders here, she would have wanted to put it in her mouth and take a bite.

The middle-aged men who came with him were the general managers of various banks under the group. They sent out the escort vehicles and escort Yuanquan that could be mobilized in the bank in order to transport this batch of gold.

When these managers saw the gold, their eyes gleamed and they stared at the gold. They were in charge of the gold in the vault. They had never seen so much gold in their lives. At this time, they were standing there dumbfounded.


Huang Yani coughed dryly, and the group immediately stood up straight.

"Let me introduce, this is my boss, Mr. Yang, and also your boss."

When everyone heard the words, they looked at each other in dismay.

They only knew that Huang Yani was their boss, so they didn't understand why Mr. Yang came out all of a sudden.

Seeing them in a daze, Qian Fang said calmly,

"Chairman Huang only manages the company's business for Mr. Yang. The real boss of our company is Mr. Yang."

"Everyone, stop being stunned and meet Mr. Yang quickly."

When everyone saw what Qian Fang said, they believed that Mr. Yang in front of them was the real boss of the group.

"Hello, Mr. Yang."

Everyone shouted respectfully.

Yang Jun glanced at them with his hands behind his back and said calmly.

"Hello, everyone."

"Since this is the first time for everyone to meet, let me say a few words."

Yang Jun paused and said calmly: "Everyone here is a leader in the industry. I won't say much about business capabilities and professional ethics. You are all businessmen. Those big words in the mall are like It’s pointless to say more, so I’ll just tell you something about officialdom and the underworld.”

When Yang Jun said this, he paused again and continued: "If you follow me honestly, you will have meat to eat, wine to drink, and money to take. If you do it half-heartedly, don't blame me for making his life worse than death."

After speaking, Yang Jun took out the gold from the box and gave each person a gold bar.

However, when the gold bars looked smooth and flat, when they got into their hands, there was an inexplicable five-finger paw print on the gold bars.

Yang Jun forcefully grabbed the gold like five dragons holding a pillar.

When everyone saw this, they were all shocked, and then Jin Niao's hands trembled.

"Thank you, Mr. Yang."

Everyone thanked them in unison.

Yang Jun showed both kindness and power.

If you are obedient and obedient, drinking heavily, eating meat, and taking gold bars, if you are disobedient and half-hearted, it will be like this gold bar, and you will not even recognize the gold bar as a gold bar.

(End of this chapter)

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