Siheyuan: Domineering life

Chapter 76 Meeting to Discuss Yi Zhonghai

Chapter 76 Meeting to Discuss Yi Zhonghai
Yang Jun couldn't tell whether Deputy Director Li's plea for Yi Zhonghai was public or selfish.

However, he could not let Yi Zhonghai go with just one word from Deputy Director Li.

Yang Jun rolled his eyes and said: "Brother Li, I personally express my full support for your work, and I am also willing to show you a letter of understanding. But after all, the police station has already filed a case. It is no longer my fault that the matter has developed to this point. Forget it, look..."

Deputy Director Li thought for a while and felt that what Yang Jun said made sense, so he said: "Let's have a meeting with our leaders tomorrow to unify our opinions, and then communicate with the police station in the name of the steel rolling mill. Look at this Is it done?"

"Sure, I will listen to Brother Li in everything."

Yang Jun said it didn't matter. In fact, he was secretly amused. He sent all his close friends Li Jianguo to discuss this matter.

Then the two ended their chat, and Yang Jun drove Yi Qiushui back.


Early the next morning.

As soon as Yang Jun went to work, he was notified of a meeting.

There were only five or six people sitting in the small conference room on the third floor. Several factory directors and top cadres in the factory were also present.

The moment Yang Jun entered the conference room, his state of mind changed drastically. Once upon a time, he had also joined the ranks of senior leaders.

He had never dared to think about a meeting of this level before.

Director Yang sat in the middle, and Deputy Director Li sat horizontally.

When Director Yang saw everyone gathered, he signaled to Li Huaide that he could start.

Li Huaide coughed dryly, then cleared his throat and said,
"Today's meeting has only one content, which is to discuss how to get Yi Zhonghai back."

When Li Huaide spoke, his eyes glanced at Yang Jun, and then continued,

"Everyone knows that the batch of goods at the end of the year has high technical content and requires an eighth-level fitter like Yi Zhonghai to be in charge. So we all agree on our opinions and then discuss it with the comrades at the police station to see if we can be given a lighter sentence. Disappointed."

After listening to this, the other leaders all pondered, wondering what Li Huaide's plan was. Although the technical content of this batch of orders at the end of the year was high, the sixth- and seventh-level fitters in the factory were not incompetent. Why must they do it? Where is Yi Zhonghai coming back?

No one knew what the relationship was between Yi Zhonghai and Li Huaide, so it was not easy to speak out rashly. Everyone looked at me, and I looked at you, but no one was the first to express an opinion.

Seeing that everyone was silent, Li Huaide turned his attention to Yang Jun.

"Deputy Director Yang, what do you think about this matter?"

When Yang Jun heard this, he was slandered in his heart. How can I watch it? I just sit and watch.

However, Li Huaide has already named everyone, so it would be useless if he doesn't express his opinion.

After all, he is the senior leader of the factory and a party to this case.

They had communicated privately about this matter last night, and he also knew Li Huaide's plan. He thought about it all night yesterday and knew that it was not appropriate to offend Li Huaide prematurely.

Compared with his own future, Yi Zhonghai is nothing. He will not offend Li Huaide for Yi Zhonghai. Besides, there will be many opportunities to deal with Yi Zhonghai in the future.

"For the production tasks of the steel rolling mill, I personally agree with Deputy Director Li's opinion and am willing to issue a letter of understanding, but..."

When Yang Jun said this, he paused, then looked around at everyone and said: "Yi Zhonghai, as an eighth-level fitter in our factory, is a sign of our factory. Now he has discredited our factory. Even if the comrades in the police station let him go, we He must also be punished accordingly.”

After listening, several people felt that what Yang Jun said made sense and nodded.

Director Yang knocked on the table with his hand: "Theft of bicycles is an extremely bad thing. I suggest that Yi Zhonghai be fired."

Deputy Director Li: "Lao Yang, is this punishment too severe? If he is to be fired, who will complete this batch of orders?"

Factory Director Yang: "Then it won't be too late to fire you after completing this batch of orders." Seeing that Director Yang would not let go, Deputy Factory Director Li turned his attention to Yang Jun and motioned for him to say a few words.

Seeing this, Yang Jun pretended to be thoughtful, then raised his head and said to Director Yang,

"The purpose of our factory has always been to 'treat illnesses and save lives, and avoid past mistakes to avoid future ones.' Although Yi Zhonghai made mistakes, he must be given a chance to correct his mistakes. If he is beaten to death with a stick, he will lose the spirit of humanistic construction. For those who are about to make mistakes, The wrong person loses another warning function.”

"My personal opinion is to downgrade it to use, which can save Yizhonghai without delaying the factory's order production. What do you think?"

After Yang Jun finished speaking, he looked at everyone present.

This idea suddenly came to Yang Jun. He felt that if he killed Yi Zhonghai at once, it would be easier for him. If he made his life worse than death for the rest of his life, that would relieve his anger.

Deputy Director Li expressed satisfaction with Yang Jun's attitude, and he was very interested in the idea of ​​downgrading the use.

"I think Deputy Director Yang's opinion is good. What do you think? Old Yang."

Factory Director Yang leaned back on his chair and thought for a while, then turned back and asked Yang Jundao,

"How to downgrade."

Yang Jun smiled and said: "Since it is a downgraded use, naturally we cannot impose light punishments like before. After all, bicycle theft is an extremely bad incident."

"My opinion is that Yi Zhonghai should be dealt with a serious demerit and the entire factory should be informed of the criticism. As for the job benefits... let him enjoy the benefits of a first-level worker, but he must continue to work as an eighth-level worker."

Factory Director Yang: “Deputy Director Yang’s opinion is more pertinent, so let’s leave it at that.”

Deputy Director Cao: "This is a good idea, and it is in line with our factory's purpose of 'treating illnesses and saving lives, and avoiding past mistakes to avoid future ones'."

Chairman Wang: "That's it. After all, it's not easy for the factory to train an eighth-level worker."

After hearing this, everyone nodded in agreement.

Deputy Director Li originally thought that the punishment for Yi Zhonghai was too severe, but when he thought that everyone agreed with this suggestion, if he objected again, it might backfire.

Deputy Director Li: "Then... let's do it like this."

Li Huaide looked at everyone, and then fixed his eyes on Yang Jun.

"One guest does not bother two hosts. Deputy Director Yang is the leader of the factory and a party to this case. How about... how about you represent the steel rolling mill and negotiate with the people at the police station?"

When Yang Jun heard this, he readily agreed.

"Okay, no problem, I'll go right away."

Director Yang then emphasized the steel rolling mill's opinions on production safety and then adjourned the meeting.

Yang Jun returned to the office and first poured a cup of hot tea to warm himself up.

Then I called the street office again.

It took Yang Jun more than an hour to set off, and he deliberately slowed down the car on the way. The journey of more than ten miles took him more than 40 minutes.

Upon arriving at the police station, Li Jianguo took him to his office.

Yang Jun told him the results of the discussion at the steel rolling mill this morning and expressed his plans.

He did not intend to kill Yi Zhonghai immediately, but to make his life worse than death for the rest of his life.

(End of this chapter)

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