Chapter 75
As soon as Qin Huairu saw Sha Zhu, she felt as if she had met a savior. She quickly stepped forward and grabbed Sha Zhu's arm and said.

Silly Zhu glanced at him, then silently took two steps back, and then his spirit was shaken.

"That old bastard Yi Zhonghai was caught? He deserves it!"

With a smile on his face, Silly Zhu said excitedly to Qin Huairu: "Sister-in-law Jia, you come to me... to celebrate together?"

Qin Huairu's face darkened when he heard this, and he reprimanded: "Zhuzi, why are you like this? After all, we are all neighbors. If you don't help, why are you still gloating about others' misfortune?"

"In the past, I always took good care of you. Why do you say such things? It really disappoints me."

When the silly Zhu heard this, he was immediately unhappy.

"Grandma, do you think that old bastard Yi Zhonghai is taking care of me? He just wants to covet my money and use me as a gunman."

"That old guy can't change his habit of eating shit. He only earns 99 yuan a month and wants to take advantage of others all day long. Now it's okay. He was caught stealing someone's bicycle. He really deserves it."

The first uncle Yi Zhonghai secretly left the living expenses of Sha Zhu and Yu Yu. Everyone in the compound knew about it. Qin Huairu also heard about it and knew that there was an irresolvable grudge between Sha Zhu and the first uncle.

Therefore, she came here today, hoping that Shazhu would help the uncle because of their past friendship. Unexpectedly, Shazhu was worried about this matter. Not only did he have no intention of helping, he also thought about how to add insult to injury.

"Zhuzi, you don't have to help me, but can you... don't call me Sister-in-law Jia anymore."

Qin Huairu saw that Si Zhu was unable to make any progress, so she changed her strategy. Suddenly, she saw her eyes turned red, her face was covered by her sleeves, and her shoulders were hunched, looking pitiful.

She thought that Silly Zhu would just take advantage of her.

This trick definitely works.

When Sha Zhu saw this, he really couldn't bear it, but when he thought that he had Ran Qiuye, his compassion for Qin Huairu became much lighter at this moment.

Compared to Qin Huairu, Ran Qiuye is younger, more beautiful, and educated. More importantly, she is a young lady, especially her dimples, which make her smile so beautiful.

"Sister-in-law Jia, brother Dongxu and I grew up together. I used to be ignorant and shouldn't be like your brother and sister in private. I was wrong about this. I promise that I will never do it again in the future."

Silly Zhu looked at Qin Huairu with red eyes and no tears at all. The original compassion in his heart suddenly disappeared, and then he said with a serious face,

"As for the uncle, Sister-in-law Jia, I'm sorry. It would be nice if I didn't add insult to injury. Forgive me, I'm not generous enough to forgive him."

After Si Zhu finished speaking, he turned around and went back to the kitchen.

When Qin Huairu saw that Sha Zhu was gone, she immediately put away her performance, her face instantly returned to its original state, and she stared blankly at the background where Sha Zhu had disappeared.

Silly Zhu has changed, and is no longer the Silly Zhu she knew before.

The relationship between them will never be the same again, and Silly Zhu will never bring food to their home again.

At the same time, she was also thinking about what Silly Zhu said, whether the first man was still the fair, selfless and upright Yi Zhonghai. These recent events had made her view of Yi Zhonghai slightly change.

The two incidents of being greedy for Zhu Zhu's money and stealing bicycles gave Qin Huairu a huge impact. She felt that the old man was no longer the old man she knew before.

At this moment, she was thinking about whether she still needed to help him.


The courtyard at this time.

The aunt was like crazy, holding the wooden box containing the money and looking for help everywhere. First she went to Wang Yuying, then to the street office, and even the steel rolling mill and the police station, but no one helped.

Over at the subdistrict office and police station, with Wang Xuemei and Li Jianguo present, it was absolutely impossible to lure people away. Wang Yuying had never been Yang Jun's family and was helpless. Over at the steel rolling mill, although Yi Zhonghai was an employee of the mill, But the police station has already taken over this case, so it's hard for them to get involved.

The aunt held the wooden box containing the money and sat blankly on the drum stone at the door of the yard.When the people in the yard saw this, they wanted to come forward and say a few words of comfort.

As soon as I heard that this matter involved the fourth uncle Yang Jun, I immediately gave up this idea.

Who doesn't know that the first master and the fourth master are not at odds with each other? Now that the first master has been arrested, who dares to come forward to offend Yang Jun?

Rolling mill.

a canteen.

A tail-burning banquet is being held for Yang Jun here tonight. All the leading cadres from the factory, large and small, are here. Even Director Yang, who never participates in such activities, is here.

There were three tables full of people. Yang Jun and several factory directors sat at one table, and others such as section chiefs sat at the other two tables.

At the same table as Yang Jun was Yi Qiushui. As the leader, she was specially asked to take care of her, so she was naturally qualified to sit at this table.

The two sat together, and several leaders saw that they were a good match and praised them for their talents and looks. Everyone was generous with their compliments.

Yang Jun turned on the space mode again. No matter who was toasting, he drank it all in one gulp and frequently returned the toast. When everyone saw that he had drunk more than two kilograms of white wine, they all retreated as if nothing was wrong.

The first one to slip away was Factory Manager Yang, who excused himself to leave beforehand, then Deputy Factory Manager Cao, and then the Chairman of the Trade Union. Later, Deputy Factory Manager Li saw that there were fewer and fewer people at the table, so he announced that the banquet would be here tonight. Finish.

Yang Jun smiled when he saw this.

This is the effect he wants, that is, he wants to drink like this until you are all afraid, so no one will ask him to drink in the future.

Yang Jun started the car and was about to take Yi Qiushui back, but was called aside by Deputy Director Li to talk.

"Brother Yang, I want to discuss something with you."

"Brother Li will do whatever you want, why are you so polite to me?" Yang Jun deliberately pretended to be drunk and said with his big tongue out.

Li Huaide pondered for a moment, and then said: "Isn't this, the last batch of goods is about to be delivered at the end of the year? There are not enough manpower in the factory, and there are still a large number of high-precision parts to be delivered. Ordinary workers cannot make them. Do you think... can you Let Yi Zhonghai come back first?"

Yang Jun was stunned for a moment when he heard this.

He did not expect that Li Huaide would plead for Yi Zhonghai. His mind was spinning rapidly, thinking about the relationship between the two of them. If Li Huaide was considering factory production, he would not mind letting Yi Zhonghai go. If the two of them had a personal relationship, "Hou," Yang Jun said, "I really don't want to give him this face."

"Brother Li is familiar with Yi Zhonghai?" Yang Jun asked with a smile as he narrowed his eyes.

"I'm not familiar with him, I just know him."

Li Huaide's face didn't show much expression, he just said calmly.

Yang Jun knew that there were several eighth-level workers in the factory who had made amazing achievements in fitters, forgers, welders, riveters, etc. They were all treasures in the factory and knew the leaders. It makes sense.

Ever since Yang Jun decided to reorganize Yi Zhonghai, he had investigated how many fitters there were in the factory and how many levels there were. He even knew exactly how many eighth-level fitters there were.

Yi Zhonghai is indeed the only eighth-level fitter in the factory, but there are also several seventh- and sixth-level fitters below. The parts produced in this batch do require high-precision technical support, and eighth-level fitters like Yi Zhonghai are indispensable.

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(End of this chapter)

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