Siheyuan: Domineering life

Chapter 58 I'm Not Participating in This Donation

Chapter 58 I'm Not Participating in This Donation

The second uncle Liu Haizhong thought, no matter what, he is also the second uncle in the courtyard, so naturally he cannot fall behind you, Yi Zhonghai, so he took out ten yuan and slapped it on the table.

"Lao Yan, mark it down, ten dollars."

Third uncle: "Second uncle, 10 yuan."

After writing down the name of the second uncle Liu Haizhong, it was his turn for the third uncle.

I saw his old face twitching, his eyelids twitching rapidly, and he reluctantly took out fifty cents from his pocket and put it on the table.

"Everyone knows that I... don't have as high a salary as his second uncle and first uncle. Didn't the first uncle just say that it's more or less a wish... yes... it's a wish."

The third uncle, Yan Bugui, explained dryly and then sat back down.

At this time, it was the turn of his fourth uncle, Yang Jun. Several uncles and everyone in the courtyard turned their attention to him.

Everyone is speculating on how much the newly appointed Fourth Master will donate.

Are they the same as the first and second uncles?Or should I donate a few cents with the third uncle?
Even Wang Yuying and Yang Mei, who were sitting in the crowd, looked at him nervously.

At this moment, they were nervous and didn't know what was going on. They also saw that Yang Jun had been confronting the uncle tonight. If they donated too much, wouldn't they step on the uncle's face and rub it?If the donation is less, how will the Yang family be viewed in the yard in the future?
In the courtyard, everyone focused their attention on Yang Jun.

Under the gaze of everyone, Yang Jun slowly took out 20 yuan from his pocket and placed it on the table.

The whole process was uneventful, but full of challenges.

"Fourth uncle, twenty quick."

When the third uncle saw this, he shouted quickly, his voice obviously rising an octave.

"The uncle is the uncle, and the cadres are the cadres. This awareness is high."

"Fourth uncle, you are so generous. It is enough for my monthly salary."

"Hey, didn't you see that Mr. Yi's face is almost blackened to the bottom of a pot?"

Yang Jun sat there with a calm expression. He did not feel complacent about overpowering Yi Zhonghai.

This is the first contest, and the real battle has not yet begun.

Silly Zhu stood up, walked to the table, took out a wad of banknotes from the pocket of his tunic suit, put some saliva on it, then turned around and smiled,
"Although I, Silly Zhu, am not an elder in the courtyard or a cadre in the factory, we must be on par with the four elders and learn from them. I will also donate 10 yuan."

After Silhu donated the money, he seemed to glance at Ran Qiuye.

Look, this man is also a caring person.

"Hey! Silly Zhu, why don't you follow the example of the fourth uncle, who donated twenty." Xu Damao suddenly shouted in the crowd.

"Hey, Thief Sun, I'm looking for a fight. How can it be the same? I'm a cadre, and I belong to an uncle. Master Qianzhu, I'm just a plain-headed commoner." Silly Zhu opened his eyes and cursed.

"Oh, it turns out you were just bragging." Xu Damao deliberately spoke in a long tone.

"Robinson Sun, I think you are itching to accuse your Master Zhu of bragging. Come on, let your Master Zhu see what you are capable of."

Xu Damao: "Silly Zhu, open your dog eyes and watch carefully. It's up to you, Mr. Mao."

Xu Damao threw the uneaten melon seeds on the ground, clapped his hands, took out ten yuan from his pocket and slapped it on the table.

Just as Silly Zhu was about to sarcastically say something, Xu Damao took out another penny and slapped it on the table.

Xu Damao: "Silly Zhu, what do you think? Your Master Mao is better than you."

Xu Damao finally pushed down Silly Zhu's head and returned to his original position.

Silly Zhu was just about to get angry when he saw Ran Qiuye sitting next to him, so he went back angrily.

Then everyone donated money.

One yuan, two yuan mostly, some fifty cents, but rarely more than five cents.

In the end, when the three uncles combined their accounts, the whole hospital donated a total of 77, almost [-] cents.

Later, the third uncle gave the money and the list to Mrs. Liang on the spot.Mrs. Liang was so moved that she shed tears and forced her two grandsons to kowtow three times to everyone in the hospital on the spot.

After a while, everyone sat down again.

The old man patted the table hard to quiet the noisy crowd.

"Let's make a donation to the Jia family. As per the old rules, I, a great man, will set an example first."

Yi Zhonghai first took out ten yuan and put it on the table. Then he glanced at Yang Jun and took out another ten yuan note.

Third uncle: "First uncle, donate twenty."

As soon as the third uncle finished speaking, people in the yard immediately started whispering.

"It's also a donation, so why are there double standards?"

"Yi Zhonghai always favors the Jia family. Didn't you see that he donates to the Jia family every day?"

"That's too much. Yi Zhonghaigou looks down on others and obviously looks down on Mrs. Liang and her family."

Yi Zhonghai raised the corners of his mouth slightly and stared at Yang Jun with cold eyes. He didn't care what the people in the yard said.

His biggest enemy now is Yang Jun. As long as Yang Jun is moved down, won't these people in the courtyard be at his mercy?
Don't you, Yang Jun, want to overpower me? It depends on how much you donate. Just now you were pretending to be a fool, but now it depends on how you end it.

The more you donate, the better. The more money the Jia family can get, the better this year will be.

When it was the second uncle's turn, I could see the muscles on his face trembling at a speed that was visible to the naked eye.

If it happens again like before, the 20 yuan will be gone tonight. I usually scramble eggs, but I can’t bear to let Guangtian and Guangfu touch them. I haven’t done anything this night, and the 20 yuan will be gone. , which is enough for him to work hard for ten days.

He was thinking at the moment whether he should learn from the Third Master and donate a few cents...

The third uncle's face turned dark at this moment, and he lowered his head and said nothing. Although he had just donated fifty cents, he was so distressed that he was about to be stabbed again before the wound could be healed.

Just when the second uncle and the third uncle were having trouble making a decision.

Yang Jun stood up and motioned for everyone to be quiet.

"I also said just now that donations should be made according to one's ability, but it depends on one's heart. Since the donation is voluntary, then..."

With a smile on his face, Yang Jun turned around and glanced at Yi Zhonghai, seemingly intentionally or unintentionally, and then said to everyone,

"I will not participate in this donation, you can do whatever you want."

After Yang Jun finished speaking, he sat back down with a smile on his face.

Grass is a plant.

The grass mud horse is a mammal.

Yi Zhonghai, since you are so shameless, don’t blame me for draining the firepower.
Fight with me?Yang Jun could only laugh.

Yi Zhonghai sat there, his face as dark as the bottom of a pot. He originally wanted to defeat him, but he didn't expect that he just started playing with you and stopped playing with you.

When the second uncle heard this, he stood up excitedly.

"As the second uncle of the courtyard, I am here to express my position today. I will not participate in the donation to the Jia family. I am doing what I can."

The third uncle, Yan Bugui, was thinking about how to donate less. When he heard that the second uncle and the fourth uncle had expressed their opinions, his face was like a chrysanthemum blooming in autumn.

"The elders in our courtyard have always worked together to do things. As the third uncle, I naturally want to be on par with the second and fourth uncles. I will not participate in the donation today. Didn't Lao Yi just say that voluntary donation... …Yes…it’s voluntary.”

 Tomorrow is the third round of recommendations.

  thanks for your support.


(End of this chapter)

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