Siheyuan: Domineering life

Chapter 57 Donate to the Jia Family

Chapter 57 Donate to the Jia Family

The second uncle who was about to speak saw Yang Jun coming back from outside and quickly ordered,

"Guangfu, Guangtian, go and move a chair for your fourth uncle."

Guangfu and Guangtian were bragging with Yan Jiekuang and the others. When they heard what the second uncle said, they got up quickly and ran home quickly.

"I'm sorry, I'm late, I'm sorry everyone."

As Yang Jun said this, he turned around and bowed to all the young and old in the hospital.

"I said Fourth Master, can I call you Fourth Master now? Why are you so polite? The conference hasn't started yet?"

In the crowd, Xu Damao and his daughter-in-law Lou Xiao'e were sitting on a bench eating melon seeds. Seeing Yang Jun being so polite, they made a joke.

"Yes, yes, the fourth uncle was working overtime in the factory just now. It is understandable that he came back a little late. I can testify to this." Yan Jiecheng next to him also shouted.

"Xie Cheng is right, and I can also testify. Brother Junzi went back to the yard in the afternoon, and then went to the factory to work overtime." Silly Zhu stood up quickly and said he could testify.

"His fourth uncle is a cadre in the factory. He spends all day looking for food and pork for us employees. He came late. It's normal."

"Yes, yes."

Yang Jun held his forehead, and the black line on his forehead made him dumbfounded. Just because of this, everyone in the courtyard made excuses for him.

I couldn't help but sigh in my heart: It's good to have power. Even if you don't say a word or even a look, those flattering people will have already removed the obstacles for you.

That's the benefit of entitlement.

"Thank you for your understanding, thank you!" Yang Jun apologized again.

The first uncle, Yi Zhonghai, saw that everyone in the hospital was on Yang Jun's side. He simply didn't pay attention to him as the first uncle. He only saw him pretending to smile and said,
"Since the Fourth Master is here, let's have a meeting."

At this time, Guangtian and Guangfu came over from home carrying an official hat chair.

The second uncle and the third uncle looked at each other, then stood up at the same time and gave up their positions to Yang Jun.

Yang Jun signaled that they didn't have to do this, then placed the chair next to the second uncle and sat down.

Grandpa Yi Zhonghai: "Since everyone is here, then..."

"Ha ha!"

"Ha ha!"

Before the first man could speak, the people below burst into laughter.

The four uncles looked at each other, not knowing what was going on. They turned their heads to each other, you looked at me, I looked at you.

It doesn't matter at this glance, I immediately discovered the trick.

It turned out that the seating arrangement of the four uncles was a bit weird. Yang Jun made official hat chairs and sat upright, while the other three uncles sat on temporary square stools.

The square stool is in the middle, and the official hat chair sits horizontally at the bottom.

The style of painting is quite strange.

His fourth uncle, Yang Jun, looked like he was presiding over the meeting.

The second uncle hurriedly patted the table: "Quiet, quiet, what's so funny, everyone should be quiet and prepare for the meeting."

Everyone laughed for a while and then started to quiet down.

The second uncle stood up, holding his pregnant belly, and spoke seriously: "Let me tell you, this hospital-wide meeting was initiated by the first uncle. The specific content of the meeting... I'll let the first uncle talk about it."

The old man glanced at Liu Haizhong with some dissatisfaction.

He did not stand up and said calmly: "The thing is like this. The content of this meeting is to donate money to the Jia family, which is the most difficult in the whole hospital. Isn't it the end of the year? Jia Geng's tuition has not been paid yet. This is not the school's teacher." I came here to urge you. We are all neighbors, so those who are able can contribute, and those who are rich can contribute money..."

Before Yi Zhonghai could finish speaking, Yang Jun stood up and interrupted: "Master, isn't this right? You just said that you were donating money to the most needy families in the hospital. Why did it involve the Jia family again? Our hospital is the most vulnerable. Isn’t it Mrs. Liang’s family who is in difficulty?”

Yang Jun and Yi Zhonghai have long been at odds with each other.No matter what his elder said or did, he would oppose it.

Old Mrs. Liang lives in the front yard. She has lost her son and daughter-in-law, and lives alone with her two grandchildren. She has no job. Like Wang Yuying, she lives by sticking matchboxes, and her life is miserable.

"Hey, don't tell me. The fourth uncle is right. Mrs. Liang's family is the most difficult family in our hospital."

"Now that you said it, I remembered that Mrs. Liang's family is indeed not as good as the Jia family."

The first man's words were interrupted and he became angry immediately, but he did not show it because Yang Jun was right. When it comes to the most difficult family in the yard, it is really Mrs. Liang's family.

The first uncle: "The fourth uncle is right. We know that Mrs. Liang's family is indeed in difficulty, but doesn't the sub-district office give her family a monthly living allowance for hardship? And the Jia family does not enjoy this subsidy. "

Yang Jun turned around and asked, "Why didn't the Jia family enjoy this subsidy?"

Then he spread his hands and said: Isn't this obvious?Because the Jia family does not have this qualification, it means that the Jia family has a better life than Mrs. Liang's family.

"I dare to ask, sir, should we make a donation to Mrs. Liang's family?"

At the end of his speech, Yang Jun walked around the table, held his hands on the tabletop, bowed forward, and faced Yi Zhonghai face to face.

Yi Zhonghai leaned back subconsciously. He saw a trace of murderous intent in Yang Jun's eyes. The look made him feel cold and gave him goosebumps all over his body.

Yi Zhonghai suddenly felt that this was inappropriate, how could he be intimidated by a young boy like you, so he straightened his body quickly,
"Old Mrs. Liang's family is having a hard time, and the Jia family also needs help. Teacher Ran is still waiting for donations to collect tuition fees. His fourth uncle, we can donate to both of them at the same time. Do you think this will work?"

As Yi Zhonghai spoke, he looked at Ran Qiuye, who was sitting next to him, and signaled Yang Jun not to push for an inch. I have already given in to donate to Mrs. Liang's family, and you can't stop me from donating to the Jia family, otherwise we will fall apart.

If Mrs. Liang and her family cannot donate enough money, where will you, the newly appointed Fourth Master, put your face?
When Yang Jun heard this, he rolled his eyes and immediately agreed.

"Success, do as you say."

The corners of Yi Zhonghai's mouth raised slightly, and he said proudly: Boy, you are still a little too young to fight with me.

When the second uncle and the third uncle saw that Yang Jun had reached an agreement with the first uncle, they stopped saying anything.

The third uncle found a pen and paper and prepared to record the donation.

Donations are not anonymous. Every donation must be written down clearly. Just like weddings, each donation must be recorded clearly. This is also a part of human relations. Afterwards, it will be recorded This donation list is given to the recipient so that he or she knows how to be grateful.

The first man stood up, cleared his throat and said: "Now donate to Mrs. Liang's family. Everyone will do what they can and according to their own thoughts. As the first man in the courtyard, I will first express my stance. I will donate 10 yuan."

The third uncle, Yan Bugui, took note and shouted: "First uncle, 10 yuan."

Yi Zhonghai took out a wad of money from his pocket, took out a black ten and threw it on the table.

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