Siheyuan: Domineering life

Chapter 564 Returning to School

Chapter 564 Returning to School
Zhong Yuemin encouraged Yang Jun to invest in the winery just to make medicinal wine.

He felt embarrassed every time he took wine from Yang Jun, and there were only two bottles at a time, so he couldn't drink enough and didn't have much fun.

He thought that it would be great if he could make wine in batches. From now on, he would no longer be controlled by others and could drink as much as he wanted.

After hearing Zhong Yuemin's useless words, Yang Jun and Wang Guozheng were speechless.

This unrealistic idea is destined to fail to come true.

It's okay if you make wine at home, but forget it if you want to open a brewery.

Seeing his persistent look, Yang Jun said,

"Yuemin, I will not invest in the winery. If you need that kind of wine, I can give you the secret recipe. What do you think?"

When Zhong Yuemin heard this, he was immediately elated.

The reason why he took a roundabout way from Yang Jun to buy a stake in the winery was to get the secret recipe in his hand.

With the secret recipe in hand, he didn't bother to invest in any more wineries.

"Brother Junzi, is what you said true?"

"You are my savior. My brother's happiness for the rest of his life depends on you."

Yang Jun saw that his nose was full of tears and he was rubbing his body. He retracted his hand in disgust, then waved his hand and said,
"Don't be too eager to be happy. Tell the truth. I don't have the secret recipe. If you want to get the secret recipe, you have to find another way."

He really didn't have the secret recipe for brewing the wine.

At first, Sister Cai only gave him a small bottle of medicinal wine, but did not give him the secret recipe.

If Zhong Yuemin wants to get the secret recipe for medicinal wine, he can only find a way from Sister Cai.

"Brother Junzi, please stop playing tricks on me. You can't just give me hope and then let me fall into despair, right?"

Yang Jun's eyes dropped and he scolded: "I really don't have a secret recipe. The secret recipe belongs to others. You have to spend money to buy it."

"Then... who has the secret recipe? I will buy it no matter how much it costs."

"The secret recipe belongs to a cadre in the steel rolling mill. I can introduce you to it, and you can talk about the rest yourself."

Upon hearing this, Zhong Yuemin urged: "Where does he live? I will go find him tonight."

Yang Jun and Wang Guozheng both rolled their eyes.

The Kingdom is regretting bringing this pig teammate here tonight, it has completely embarrassed him.

"What are you looking for? Are you in such a hurry? Isn't it possible tomorrow?"

When Zhong Yuemin heard this, he felt that he was indeed a little impatient, so he said to Yang Jun,
"Brother Junzi, I will go to the steel rolling mill to find you early tomorrow morning."

"OK, no problem."

At this point, Yang Jun paused and said with a solemn expression: "The ugly words come first. If they don't sell it, you can't force them, let alone bully them. Do you understand?"

"I got it, brother Junzi, don't worry, I won't force him. At most, I'll just pay more."

Yang Jun listened and nodded.

"As long as you know."

After talking about the secret recipe of the medicinal wine, a few people chatted for a while, and Wang Guozheng and the others left.

Before leaving, Zhong Yuemin repeatedly asked Yang Jun to help him.

In order to get rid of Zhong Yuemin's entanglement, Yang Jun could only agree to him.

After sending Guozheng and the others away, Yang Jun returned to the yard.

As soon as he entered the living room, he saw Wang Yuying walking around the two boxes with her hands behind her back.

Yang Jun was shocked. If Wang Yuying found out so much money, he didn't know how to scold him.

He walked over quickly.

"Mom, why don't you turn around and I'll take the box to your room?"

Last time, Wang Yuying was so interested in those two boxes that she had to bother Yang Jun to deliver them to her house in the middle of the night.

"Humph! Don't!"

Wang Yuying said with disdain: "I would be curious about such a cheap box, and I don't care what kind of furniture our family is using now."

After hearing this, Yang Jun wanted to laugh but didn't dare.

You were the one who liked this kind of box before, and now you are the one who dislikes this kind of box.

However, it's no wonder she dislikes this kind of box.

The furniture they currently use is either sandalwood or mahogany furniture, which cannot be compared to this kind of acacia wood boxes.

The materials used in these two boxes are almost the same, and they are also very heavy.

"Yes, Mom, if you don't like it, I will ask Meizi to move away another day." Yang Jun said.

"Don't be disgusted with Meizi. Your sister is not short of furniture, so I'd better give it to your second mother and the others."

When Yang Jun heard this, he felt dizzy.

Are people in the family so high-minded now? They even dislike brand-new boxes.

"Okay, don't give it away randomly, just put it in the warehouse."

Yang Jun thought, keep it idle, wait for someone to get married or warm up a house or something, and use it as a gift.

"It's up to you, just throw it in the warehouse."

After Wang Yuying finished speaking, she no longer cared about what she was thinking about and was about to go back.

When he walked to the door, he suddenly remembered something and turned back to Yang Jun and said,
"Please remind your wife and let her not forget Liu'er's blind date on the weekend. I saw her writing and drawing all day long and didn't take the blind date to her heart."

"Mom, don't worry about this. Qiu Shui has already informed us, and the man has agreed to meet this weekend."

"That's fine, that's fine."

Wang Yuying felt relieved as if a stone had fallen to the ground, and seemed to want to marry Yang Liu as soon as possible.


the next day.

After breakfast, Yang Jun did not rush to work. Instead, he made a pot of good tea and sat in the living room in the front yard.

Today is the sixteenth day of the first lunar month, and it is also the day when children go back to school.

Teacher Gao is coming today, and Yang Jun feels that as the head of the family, it is necessary to do something to show respect for Teacher Gao.

After a while, I heard a car parked in front of my house.

"Lao Yang, it's the Chinese New Year, and I'm coming to your house to work as a long-term worker again."

As soon as he finished speaking, Wang Erwa walked in with a bedding on her shoulders and a suitcase in her hand.

Not to mention, with his big bag and small bag, he really looked like he came to work as a long-term worker for the landlord's family.

Behind him was Wang Xiaoxiao, who was carrying a schoolbag.We haven't seen this girl for a few days, and her originally chubby face has become thinner again.

With Wang Xiaoxiao here, Yang Jun didn't want to scold him.

Rolling his eyes: "You ran away before you finished your work a year ago. How dare you come back?"

Wang Erwa put her luggage on the ground, looked at the brewed tea on the table, and poured herself a cup.

After drinking it for a few gulps, he wiped the water stains on his mouth and said,
"You still have the nerve to say that I have worked for you for free for a year. In the end, you will still lose five yuan. Who am I to ask for explanation?"

"piss off."

Yang Jun saw that he had a nose and eyes, and finally couldn't help but burst out.

"Hello Uncle Yang, my niece wishes you a happy old age. I wish you good health and a better career."

Wang Xiaoxiao saw that the two of them were arguing endlessly, so he knelt on the ground and gave Yang Jun three nooks.

"Look, look, if you had a child who was half as sensible, I wouldn't be so worried about you."

While Yang Jun took out a red envelope from his arms and handed it to Wang Xiaoxiao, he was furious with Wang Erwa.

"Thank you, Uncle Yang."

After Wang Xiaoxiao received the red envelope, he bowed to Yang Jun again.

"You're welcome, Xiaoxiao. Uncle, there are many rooms here. You can stay in whichever one you like." Yang Jun said.

Wang Xiaoxiao said without thinking: "Uncle Yang, I want to live with Yang Yu."

"Okay, Yang Yu lives in the middle courtyard, go find her."

"Okay, Uncle Yang."

After saying that, Wang Xiaoxiao was about to move his luggage.

"Xiaoxiao, you go find Yang Yu first, and then your second uncle will help you move your luggage." Wang Erwa said.

Wang Xiaoxiao tried to move the luggage, but failed, and finally gave up.

"Okay, second uncle, I'll go over first."

"Go." Wang Erwa waved her hand.

After Wang Xiaoxiao left, Wang Erwa began to complain,

"Lao Yang, you are so shameless. You didn't ask us to warm the house when you moved to a new house."

House warming is a kind of human interaction that costs money. Yang Jun didn't want to involve too much energy in this aspect, so he moved several times without inviting his comrades and colleagues to warm the house.

"Oh, I didn't see that you still have this kind of consideration for your salary. Tsk tsk, it's really rare." Yang Jun mocked.

"Hey, you're so kind as a donkey. If you don't invite me, I'd rather you."

Wang Erwa raised her nostrils to the sky.

After saying that, without waiting for Yang Jun to speak, he carried his luggage and went to the middle courtyard.

Yang Jun had no choice but to follow.

There are two cross-courtyards in the middle courtyard.

Yangmei's family lives in the Dongkua Courtyard, and Wang Yuying and her fourth and fifth children live in the West Courtyard.

Since Wang Xiaoxiao and Yang Yu were good friends, they were unwilling to separate and had to live in the same room.

Parents can only agree to this wish of their children.

Fortunately, the bed is relatively large, so it doesn't feel crowded if two people live together.

Yang Jun and Wang Erwa helped Wang Xiaoxiao spread the quilt.

He looked at Yang Laosi and Wang Xiaoxiao hiding aside and whispering, sometimes smiling, sometimes laughing heartily.

Yang Jun glared at Yang Yu.

"Yang Laosi, look at what time it is, why don't you go to the front yard?"

Yang Laosi was chatting happily, but was a little unhappy when someone interrupted him.

He made a face at Yang Jun, looking reluctant.


After saying that, he took Wang Xiaoxiao's arm and jumped away.

The place where classes are held is in the front yard, and Yang Jun specially packed up a room as a classroom.

The classroom space is large and the layout is very elegant. Yang Jun arranged it according to the private school style in ancient times.

There is a table for each child. The table is very large and can not only put down paper, ink, pens and inkstones, but also has the remaining space for lying down and sleeping. The children like this arrangement very much.

As soon as I arrived in the front yard, I saw Teacher Gao and his wife coming.

Today is the first day of school, and the couple came together to meet everyone.

However, they did not enter the classroom at this moment, but stood chatting with Yi Qiushui in the yard.

They were holding a piece of paper in their hands, and Teacher Gao was writing and drawing.

He kept frowning and didn't relax for a long time.

When Yang Jun saw this, he couldn't laugh or cry.

Yi Qiushui must have asked someone for help on that calculus question.

She had always been dissatisfied with Yang Jun, thinking he was exaggerating, and didn't believe that Teacher Lian Gao and the others couldn't do it.

"Teacher Gao, Teacher Qian, you are here."

Yang Jun hurried over to say hello.

"Mr. Yang, happy New Year."

Gao Jingtao and his wife came to say hello at the same time.

"Okay, okay, happy new year everyone."

Yang Jun glared at Yi Qiushui, and then said to Gao Jingtao and his wife,
"Teacher Gao, don't rush to class now. Let's go to the living room and have a cup of tea."

Yang Jun did this to show respect for them.

If things had gone by in the past, Gao Jingtao would definitely have agreed, because he could always drink top-notch Pu'er at Yang Jun's place.

However, now he refused.

"Mr. Yang, don't be in a hurry to drink tea. Let me solve this problem first and then talk about it."

After saying that, Gao Jingtao nodded apologetically, then returned to the classroom and lay down on the desk to start solving problems.

(End of this chapter)

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