Chapter 563
Today is the Lantern Festival, and the factory has done some welfare activities only for the festival.

It was decided that all employees in the factory would get off work two hours early.

Yang Jun is not a workaholic, and there is no need to set an example of a hard-working cadre in front of the entire factory.

He is very good now and no longer wants to label himself as conscientious of his duties.

He got off work half an hour earlier than others.

As soon as he got home, he saw the whole family waiting for him.

Yesterday was a weekend dinner, and today is a Lantern Festival dinner.

The second mother's family also came over.

The meal has been prepared, and Wang Yuying has asked Zhao Juhua to go home early for the festival.

Not to mention, Zhao Juhua's craftsmanship is indeed good, which makes Yang Jun's family taste like a restaurant.

The reunion dinner was nothing more than chatting about household chores and setting up dragon gate formations. Yang Jun didn't like these things, especially Yang Anguo and Ma Juzi who could drink a glass of wine until dawn.

Yang Jun was too lazy to chat with them, so he went back to the backyard.

The original bustle of the middle courtyard has returned to the tranquility of the backyard.

As soon as Yang Jun entered the room, he found Yi Qiushui still there solving problems.

Yang Jun smiled and didn't stop him.

It was better for her to do something than nothing. Yi Qiushui was already stunned. The paper she used to do the questions these days was enough to light a fire and cook a meal.

At the beginning, there was still some hope, but as I continued, I felt more and more heartbroken.

The original idea of ​​​​solving the problem is completely gone, and my brain is like a mush.

Yang Jun poured her a cup of tea, placed it next to her, and then sat next to her to accompany her.

"I heard you went out today?"


"What are you doing?"

Yi Qiushui glanced up at him, puffed out her cheeks and said,

"I'm going to go out and ask for help, are you going to laugh at me again?"

"will not."

Yang Jun's voice was very long, and then he said with a smile on his face: "Don't say you can't solve it. It means that all the top mathematicians in the country can't solve this problem even if they get together for a month."

"Hmph! Bragging, I don't believe it."

"I can make a bet with you."

The corner of Yang Jun's mouth curled up: "If you can solve this question, I will never touch you in my life."

When Yi Qiushui heard this, she immediately said seriously: "Do you mean what you say?"

When Yang Jun saw this, he held his forehead and was speechless.

This girl really wants to be a monk for the rest of her life.

However, for the sake of happiness in the rest of his life, he said seriously,
"Don't you think you're punishing yourself if that's the case?"


Yi Qiushui is no longer a novice on the road. She can understand more or less what Yang Jun means every time he drives.

Yang Jun couldn't bear the sight of her working so hard, so he said.

"How about I solve this problem for you?"


Yi Qiushui shook her head and said, "It's better to find Fourth Sister than you."

When Yang Jun heard this, he was furious.

It turned out that in Yi Qiushui's mind, his mathematical level was not as high as that of Yang Laosi.

Yang Laosi is very arrogant now. He can score [-]% in every exam, and his status in the family has also skyrocketed.

However, seeing Yi Qiushui's unwillingness to admit defeat, Yang Jun decided to let her suffer for a few more days.

At this time, Sun Zhaodi called at the door of the living room.

"Uncle Yang, there is a man named Wang Guozheng looking for you at the door. He also has two boxes with him."

When Yang Jun heard this, he quickly responded.

"Okay, I see."

When he was about to get up and go to the door to greet him, he heard Yi Qiushui say,
"Why do you keep hanging out with him recently? Is it possible that you are planning to introduce Wang Tao to Liu'er through him?"

"It's nothing. Since you agreed to this matter, how could I go to find him again?"

Yi Qiushui looked at him doubtfully, and then said,

"Be careful what you say. Don't let him know about Liu'er and Wang Tao in advance."

"I know, why should I mention this to him if it's okay?"

After Yang Jun finished speaking, he went to the front yard.

As soon as they arrived at the door of the compound, they saw Wang Guozheng and Zhong Yuemin standing at the door and looking at the house.

"Brother Junzi, this house is nice. Can I spend at least ten large yellow croakers?" Wang Guozheng said.

"Fifty." Yang Jun responded casually.

This house and the encryption room cost a total of [-] yuan.

"What? Fifty large yellow croakers?"

Wang Guozheng and Zhong Yuemin exclaimed.

The two were stunned by the value of the house, and also shocked that Yang Jun had such a large family fortune.

What is the concept of fifty large yellow croakers?

The equivalent of RMB is about 15 yuan.

What is the concept of 15 yuan?
If the kingdom continues to do this, it will take two years without food or water to save enough.

"Brother Junzi, what a big deal."

Guozheng and the two of them gave a heartfelt thumbs up.

"Haha, I just said a few words. In fact, I bought this house for five large yellow croakers."

Yang Jun realized that he shouldn't be so high-profile, so he changed his tune.

"Hey, let me tell you, the best courtyard house in the entire Sijiu City is not worth this price. This house is only about five large yellow croakers."

The kingdom is breathing a sigh of relief.

"Five large yellow croakers are quite a lot. After so many years of wandering around, I only saved one large yellow croaker." Zhong Yuemin was a little bit amused. "Who are you blaming? If I hadn't focused on women, I would have saved up enough money for a courtyard house." Wang Guozheng retorted.

"Hey, buddy, I can't control my hobby." Zhong Yuemin said with a wry smile.

"Brother Junzi, speaking of this, I have a good business that I want to cooperate with you."

"What business?" Yang Jun asked.

"It's not convenient here. Let's talk after we go in."

Zhong Yuemin smiled mysteriously and motioned for Yang Jun to go in before talking.

Yang Jun led them in with one hand.

Seeing this, Wang Guozheng waved to the people following him to move in the two new boxes on the floor.

When Yang Jun saw this, he didn't say anything.

He knew that it contained money for this transaction of supplies.

The total amount of materials in this transaction was only 100 million kilograms, which was about more than [-] yuan.

Originally it could fit in one box.

However, there are also things to pay attention to when sending boxes. Boxes are like bowls and chopsticks. You cannot send single items, only pairs.

Therefore, two boxes are not that heavy.

Yang Jun led them to the living room in the front yard and personally made two cups of tea for them.

Wang Guozheng took a sip of tea, then put the cup down and took out a piece of paper from his jacket pocket.

"Brother Junzi, please take a look at the list."

Yang Jun didn't refuse and took it directly.

I glanced at it casually and put the list aside.

"The number is right."

Wang Guozheng saw that he was not very interested in it and stopped urging him to take a closer look.

After all, this is not the first transaction, so there is still some trust.

So he walked over and opened the two boxes in the living room.

"Brother Junzi, the money is here. The total is 12 yuan and 54 yuan."

Looking back, he saw Yang Jun sitting still and laughed at himself: "You must be too lazy to take stock. If there is anything wrong afterwards, you can always come to me."

Kingdom was closing the box and returning to his seat.

Yang Jun raised his hand casually: "Brother Wang does things openly, brother, I have nothing to worry about."

Yang Jun is really no longer interested in money. Compared with what he has in his space, this little money is not even a drop in the bucket.

"Just now Yuemin said that he wanted to discuss a big business with me. I wonder what kind of business it is?"

When he mentioned this, Zhong Yuemin's eyes suddenly lit up, as if he had met a peerless beauty.

"Brother Junzi, this is a big business. I guarantee you a huge profit."

At this time, Wang Guo, who was sitting aside, was wondering,

"Yuemin, why don't you come to me if you have such a good business?"

Hearing this, Zhong Yuemin said sarcastically: "Guozheng, it's not that I don't want to cooperate with you, but it's that only brother Junzi can do this business."

After hearing what Zhong Yuemin said, Wang Guozheng became more interested in his so-called profitable business.

"Yuemin, what you said is true. Is it possible that Brother Junzi's money is money, but my money is not money?"

Of course, Kingdom Jung was only joking.

He doesn't really think that Yang Jun is robbing him of his business.

At this time, Yang Jun became more and more interested.

There is no business that cannot be done without him.

"Yuemin, tell me, what kind of business is this?" Yang Jun asked curiously.

When Zhong Yuemin heard this, he immediately said excitedly,
"Brother Junzi, it's like this. I have a good friend who is the director of a winery. I want you to become a shareholder with the formula of medicinal wine..."

"Not interested in."

Before Zhong Yuemin could finish speaking, he was interrupted by Yang Jun.

He thought it was a good business, but he didn't expect it to be this business.

Yang Jun suddenly lost interest.

Even Wang Guozheng, who was sitting aside, couldn't help but roll his eyes.

Only then did he understand why only Yang Jun could do this business. It turned out that Zhong Yuemin was interested in the medicinal wine formula in his hands.

Let’s not talk about whether the wine has sales or not. The policy alone does not allow it.

What age is it now?
People don't have enough to eat, so how can there be extra food for you to make wine, let alone medicinal wine.

Wang Guozheng was completely speechless towards Zhong Yuemin now.

My guy thinks about these dirty things every day, and just now I wanted to take a look at him.

Unexpectedly, dog meat will not be on the table after all.

Upon hearing Yang Jun's refusal, Zhong Yuemin suddenly became anxious.

"Brother Junzi, don't refuse in a hurry. The sales of this wine will definitely be huge in the future. Let's talk about our compound. There are at least a dozen people like me who need medicinal wine, and then how many are there in the entire Sijiu City? How many are there in the country? The sales volume is definitely not that big."

After hearing this, Yang Jun looked at Wang Guozheng and smiled.

"Blame me, blame me."

Yang Jun said sadly: "It's all my fault for ruining the atmosphere. Can't I change it?"

If he hadn't often sent medicated wine to big leaders, Zhong Yuemin wouldn't have mistakenly thought that medicated wine had a bright future.

"You must not change it. How can I live if you change it?"

Zhong Yuemin threw himself at Yang Jun's feet, hugged his legs and cried bitterly.

This matter was related to his happiness. He finally thought of a way to get the best of both worlds, so how could he give up so easily.

Seeing Zhong Yuemin's useless look, Wang Guozheng felt ashamed.

"Yue Min, can you have some potential? How can you die if you don't touch women?"

"Can die."

Zhong Yuemin nodded seriously: "And life is worse than death."

(End of this chapter)

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