Siheyuan: Domineering life

Chapter 530 Daydreaming

Chapter 530 Daydreaming
Everyone was busy all morning and finally finished the work at hand.

Yang Jun fulfilled his promise, and the whole family (except Yang Anguo) took the bus from the factory to Quanjude.

When he arrived in Quanjude, Yang Jun first took out a deposit of 100 yuan and slapped it on the counter, asking the waiter to pay the money.

The price of roast duck has increased now. It used to be three and a half yuan a piece, but now it has gone up to four yuan.

However, whether the price increases or not is not important to Yang Jun at all.

He has nothing else but money.

Except for Yang Jun, basically no one present has ever eaten roast duck. I brought them here today to let them try it.

The whole family was divided into three tables, and the children naturally sat around their parents' table.

Yang Jun avoided Ma Juzi's table and sat with Wang Yuying, Yi Qiushui and the others.

After a while, the roast duck came.

Three were served to each table first, along with complementary foods such as sweet noodle sauce and lotus leaf pancakes.

The whole family had never eaten roast duck before. As soon as the roast duck was served, everyone stretched out their chopsticks to pick up the sliced ​​duck meat.

After a few chopsticks, a plate of roast duck was completely gone.

Yang Jun and Yi Qiushui looked at each other, and both pursed their lips and smiled.

Fortunately there are two roast ducks on the table.

Yang Jun took a piece of lotus leaf cake, first spread a little sweet noodle sauce, put on some green onions, cucumbers, and carrots, rolled it up and handed it to Yi Qiushui.

"Eat while it's hot."

Yi Qiushui blushed and glanced at everyone, then shyly took the lotus leaf cake.

"Don't patronize me, you eat too."

When everyone saw this, they realized that the roast duck was eaten in a roll.

They politely put down their chopsticks, picked up the lotus leaf pancakes, and rolled them up to eat.

Afterwards, everyone chatted while eating.

At this time, Ma Juzi, who was sitting at another table, suddenly said to Sun Zhaodi,

"Zhao Di, how much New Year's money did your aunt and grandma give you?"

When Sun Zhaodi heard this, she glanced at Yang Jun and Yi Qiushui with a blushing face, and whispered,
"Auntie gave me one hundred, and grandma gave me fifty."


When everyone heard this, they all took a breath.

Counting the one hundred yuan given by Yang Jun, Sun Zhaodi got a total of 250 yuan in new year's money.

"Hey, it's more than what I earn in a year." Ma Juzi sighed.

His monthly salary is 27 yuan, and even a frugal person cannot save so much money in a year.

Yang Jun and Yi Qiushui were so kind to this girl, they were even closer to her than their biological daughters.

In fact, the New Year's money given to Sun Zhaodi has exceeded that given to his younger brothers and sisters.

Yang Mei and her younger brothers and sisters only received 40 yuan in new year's money. It was obvious that Sun Zhaodi's status in Yang Jun's eyes was high.

Ma Juzi was not the only one present to eat, the second mother Qin Xiuzhi looked very ugly.

He lowered his head and whispered to Wang Yuying,
"Sister-in-law, no matter how much money Jun'er can make, he can't spend it like this. If he treats an outsider so lavishly, he won't be able to keep his family fortune no matter how big it is in the future."

Wang Yuying was unhappy when she heard this, and took over the conversation and said, "This girl is not an outsider. Didn't you hear her call me grandma?"

"Besides, I haven't seen Jun'er spend much money, but he bought one apartment after another in this courtyard house."

Qin Xiuzhi listened, but Nuonuo remained silent.

She finally saw that Wang Yuying regarded that silly girl as one of her own, and her relationship with her was far better than that of her family.

You know, they are a family.

The advantage she could not get was taken advantage of by an outsider, which made her feel a little uncomfortable.

"Yes, my sister-in-law is right, but after all, I can't write two Yang characters in one stroke. I hope my sister-in-law can say a few nice words in front of Jun'er. Anguo and Anbang are his biological brothers."

When Wang Yuying heard this, she felt a little unhappy.

She was still angry with her second uncle's family for the money. Although she didn't break her face, there were still some soft nails.

"Jun'er is already able to take care of Anguo and Anbang brothers. If it weren't for Jun'er, they would probably still be farming in their hometown."

When Qin Xiuzhi heard this, he was speechless.

We have already reached this point, and if we continue to dwell on it, I am afraid it will be self-defeating.

So they stopped talking about it and focused on eating roast duck.

The roast ducks were served one after another, sometimes two by two, but as soon as they were served, they were all snatched away in the blink of an eye.

Everyone is not a fool. They know clearly which one is better, lotus leaf cake or roast duck.

Since roast duck is enough, who wants to eat it wrapped in lotus leaf pancakes?

Yang Jun was not angry when he saw everyone eating, and directly took a roast duck for him and Yi Qiushui to eat.

The two of them looked elegant, as if they were concentrating on something important.

No matter how delicious the roast duck was, the two of them still slowly ate the lotus leaf pancakes with dipping sauce and garnishes.

Seeing this, other people were too embarrassed to grab their plate of roast duck.

If you have it, eat it; if you don’t have it, just wait.

Fortunately, the roast duck is served very quickly. One stove can roast dozens of ducks, and the chef can only serve them in a piece of duck.

After eating the meal for more than an hour, everyone came out of Quanjude, stroking their bulging bellies.

Yang Jun went to the counter to settle the accounts and ate a total of eighteen roast ducks.

It cost four yuan each, and the total meal was 72 yuan. The deposit was deducted, and 28 yuan was returned.

Since Quanjude is a large dining establishment, the food stamps and meat stamps have a fixed amount and have been registered, so there is no need to pay additional food stamps and meat stamps.

As for the skeletons of the eighteen roast ducks, they were packed up and taken back to stew in soup.

When he came out, Yang Jun spent another four yuan to pack a roast duck.

The roast duck was wrapped in oil paper with a straw rope tied to it, and was dangled in the hand.

Yi Qiu Shui was shy about eating. Since she was not full in front of so many people, Yang Jun thought about eating again when he went back in the evening.Back at his home, Yang Jun handed the roast duck to Wang Yuying, turned back to Sun Zhaodi and said,
"Girl, go next door and move your bedding over here."

All the luggage of Yang Jun's family was moved here, but Sun Zhaodi's was not moved.

The Yang family did a good job of respecting other people's privacy. They did not move Sun Zhaodi's house. After all, there were many private things in the girl's room.

"Okay, Uncle Yang, I'll move it right away."

Sun Zhaodi responded with a smile, turned around and walked to the next door.

"Zhao Di, aunt will help you."

Yi Qiushui saw this and chased after him.

Yang Jun's heart jumped out of fright when he saw her trotting all the way.

Just as she was about to persuade her, Sun Zhaodi stopped her.

"Auntie, you need to rest more now. There are not many things. I can move them all in one trip."

"Auntie won't move anything, so I'll go with you." Yi Qiushui said.

Seeing this, Yang Jun hurried over and advised: "You should rest more now and do as little activity as possible."

"Oh, I just want to spend more time with Zhaodi, and I don't have to move anything, so you don't have to worry."

Yi Qiu Shui frowned and said coquettishly: "If you are really worried, you can go with us."

Yang Jun thought for a while and shook his head.

"Forget it, I won't go there. You should pay more attention."

Then he turned back to Sun Zhaodi and said, "Zhaodi, don't let your aunt move things, do you hear me?"

"Got it, Uncle Yang."

Yang Jun thought that as soon as he passed by, his second mother would definitely drag him and chat endlessly.

After thinking about it, I still can’t get over it.

After watching Yi Qiushui go to the yard next door, Yang Jun did not go home. Instead, he squatted at the gate and smoked.

The threshold of the door has been sawed off. Although it is not as powerful as before, there is no need to worry about tripping when walking.

Moreover, the door is wide enough, so you can drive your car into your home in the future.

Yang Jun looked at the two cars parked on both sides of the gate, then got up and drove the car home.

He first drove his Paris Jeep back and parked it in the east wing, and then drove Yi Qiushui's Hongqi car in and parked it in the open space in the west wing.

Not to mention, parking two cars in the yard does not seem crowded at all. There is a small distance of three meters in the middle, which is enough to easily get in and out.

After the car parked, Yi Qiushui and Sun Zhaodi came back.

Yang Jun glanced at them and was immediately amused by their appearance.

Sun Zhaodi was seen carrying large and small bags of things, and Yi Qiushui followed behind with a leisurely look.

Although Sun Zhaodi is a girl, she is no different from a boy. She has very few things, including no cosmetics or anything.

A bed roll wrapped in a sheet hung around his neck. One hand was carrying a bamboo and rattan box, and the other hand was carrying a washbasin, teapot and some sundries.

"There are many rooms, so you can stay in whichever one you like." Yang Jun said.

"Then let Zhaodi live in the backyard. It will be easier for me to talk to her."

Upon hearing this, Yi Qiushui quickly suggested.

When Yang Jun heard this, he was very unhappy.

Even Wang Yuying and the others rushed to live in the middle courtyard, not to mention Sun Zhaodi.

It's not that he doesn't like Sun Zhaodi, but he doesn't want anyone to disturb his and Yi Qiushui's world.

Sun Zhaodi did not respond directly, but stood in the yard and looked around, then pointed to the west wing and said,

"Auntie, I'd better live here."

Seeing that Yi Qiushui was about to object, she quickly explained: "Auntie, it's good for me to live in a courtyard by myself. I live here and can help look after the door."

Yang Jun was very satisfied after hearing this.

Although this kid is not very bright at ordinary times, he is not confused at critical moments.

There really needs to be someone in the front yard, otherwise you won't even know someone is knocking on the door.

The middle courtyard and the backyard are too far away from the gate. Unless the cannon is fired at the door, you can't hear it at all.

It's nice for Sun Zhaodi to live in the front yard and help look after the house.

"Where can we live? It's not like there's no house in the backyard. Let's live in the backyard." Yi Qiushui said.

This woman was very doting on Sun Zhaodi, almost to the point of being mindless.

Her thoughts were very simple and she just wanted to make Sun Zhaodi live a more comfortable life.

Yang Jun was speechless after hearing this. He was afraid that Yi Qiushui would be stubborn, so he quickly said,

"Okay, let's respect Sun Zhaodi's wishes. If she likes to live in the front yard, she can live in the front yard. Besides, someone does need to live in the front yard, otherwise she won't know what is happening outside."

Yi Qiushui was a little unhappy after hearing this.

Now she just wanted Sun Zhaodi to live in the backyard. Seeing Yang Jun's objection, she said angrily,
"Hmph! I still don't know what your plan is, isn't it just..."

Seeing that she was speaking freely, Yang Jun quickly covered her mouth.

"Auntie, why are you saying everything to others?"

After Yang Jun finished speaking, he looked at Sun Zhaodi.

Sun Zhaodi was accustomed to the two of them playing around, so she laughed, then carried her luggage to the west wing.

Yi Qiushui was speechless and faltered. She was so angry that she hit Yang Jun's chest with her small pink fist.

He stamped his foot fiercely, causing Yang Jun to scream.

"Yang, just like that song goes, I'll make you stand and wait for 3000 years."

When Yang Jun heard this, he said with a grimace: "No, I remember when I taught you this song, I lay down and waited for you for 3000 years."

"Just lie down and daydream."

Yi Qiushui went to Sun Zhaodi's room angrily.

(End of this chapter)

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