Siheyuan: Domineering life

Chapter 529 We can do it too

Chapter 529 We can do it too
Early the next morning.

Before Yang Jun got up, he heard the sound of clanking and banging coming from the front yard.

It was so noisy that I couldn't sleep, so I simply got up.

After getting dressed and tucking Yi Qiushui into bed, Yang Jun went to the front yard.


Yang Anbang and Ma Juzi were banging their butts on the floor tiles.

"Hey, eighty."


Following the shouts, Ma Juzi and the others were so tired that they were sweating profusely.

Seeing Yang Jun coming over, the two of them straightened up, holding the hammer, and said with a sad face,

"Brother, these floor tiles are too hard and can't be smashed."

Yang Jun knelt down and looked at the floor tiles. Not to mention the quality of the floor tiles.

Except for a few white spots left on it, there was not a single crack.

Instead of being disappointed, Yang Jun was very happy.

You can see the whole thing at a glance. The quality of the floor tiles in the yard is so good, so wouldn't the floor tiles in the house be better? It is conceivable that the quality of the entire house is also leveraged.

"I don't care how you do it, you two just figure it out."

Yang Jun stood up, looked at their grimaces, and then said,

"If it's done, I'll treat you to Quanjude for roast duck."

When Ma Juzi and the others heard this, they immediately became happy.

"Brother, I want to eat two."

"I want ten of them."

When these two guys heard that there was roast duck to eat, they felt full of strength. They raised their hammers and slammed them down.


A crack as big as a house crack opened in the ground.

"It's cracked, it's cracked, try harder."

Yang Anbang shouted happily, swung the hammer and smashed it down.

The crack widened again.



The two of them fell down together, taking turns to smash down.

After a while, the floor tile was smashed to pieces.

Yang Jun took a look and found that the allure of delicious food was indeed amazing.

The steel pile occupies a relatively large area, and a total of four floor tiles need to be broken.

As long as there is a breakthrough, the remaining floor tiles can be easily pried.

Ma Juzi found an iron rod and pried it up, and the other three floor tiles were pried up.

The two worked together to lift the tiles aside, then used shovels to enlarge the hole.

Half an hour later, a large square hole was dug.

Yang Anbang climbed up from the pothole and looked at Yang Jundao,
"Brother, that thing weighs a thousand kilograms at least. Just the two of us..."

After saying that, he looked at Ma Juzi.

Seeing this, Ma Juzi smiled and said, "Brother, yes, do you think we should call An Guo over?"

When Yang Jun heard this, he didn't know what they were planning.

Wouldn't it be better to take this opportunity to reconcile the two of them?

At the same time, this is also an opportunity for Yang Anguo to apologize.

"It's up to you two to decide what to do, but I'll only treat you two to the roast duck."

After Yang Jun finished speaking, he went back to the restaurant to eat.

"Okay, brother."

When Ma Juzi and the others saw this, they responded in succession.

It doesn't matter whether he eats roast duck or not, the main thing is to create an opportunity for Yang Anguo to apologize.

Breakfast was the leftovers from last night.

Yangmei poured all the leftovers into the pot and stewed them in a big pot.

There are some sweet and salty dishes in the cauldron, which are quite unpleasant to eat.

Yang Jun picked up a few pieces and stopped eating. He found a plate from the kitchen jar and picked up a few pickled cucumbers.

However, the rice porridge was freshly cooked. Yang Jun scooped up a thick bowl for Yi Qiushui and brought it to her.

"Let's make do with it. I'll take you to eat roast duck for lunch."

"I also need to go."

Before Yang Jun finished speaking, Yang Laosi suddenly stood up and raised his hands high.

"Brother, I want to go too."

Yang Huai saw that the fourth sister had raised her hands, and he was not far behind. He stood on the chair with his hands raised, seeming to surpass Yang Laosi.

"Everyone goes, everyone goes, you can eat as much as you want, it's enough." Yang Jun said.

"Oh, let's have roast duck for lunch."

The two cheered in unison.

Wang Yuying rolled her eyes and said, "Just spoil them. When the time comes, you will spoil them if they become naughty."

"Isn't it just two mouths? It's not like I can't afford it, so I just treat it as two pets."


When Yang Laosi heard this, he immediately became unhappy and his chubby little face dropped.

"Brother, we are not pets. Don't forget, we are brother and sister."

"Yes, yes."

Yang Huai didn't understand what he meant. Seeing what Yang Laosi said, he started to make fun of him.

"Eat my food, drink my food, can't you let me say a few words?"

Yang Jun took advantage of them not paying attention and gave each of them a violent shock on the forehead.

"Brother, your sneak attack is too bad."

"Ha ha!"

When the family saw this, they all laughed, and everyone was touched by the friendship between their brothers and sisters.

After breakfast, Yang Jun was about to go back to the backyard to lie down for a while, when he heard voices coming from the front yard.

If you listen carefully, it seems to be Sun Zhaodi's voice.

Yang Jun turned around and walked to the front yard. When he looked up, he saw Sun Zhaodi and Yang Anguo chatting.

This girl is still as heartless as ever, smiling at everyone she sees.

When he saw Yang Jun, without saying a word, he knelt down and shouted angrily,
"Uncle Yang, I wish you a happy old age."

After saying that, he kowtowed three times.

When Yang Jun saw this, he was instantly moved.

A biological daughter is nothing more than this. "You kid... get up quickly."

Yang Jun reached out to help her and patted the dust on her body.

Then he took out a wad of money from his pocket, counted ten black fish and handed it to her.

"Take it, this is the New Year's money given to you by Uncle Yang."

Sun Zhaodi looked embarrassed when she saw so much money.

"Uncle Yang..."

"Okay, hurry up to the backyard and wish your aunt and grandma a happy New Year."

When Sun Zhaodi heard this, her eyes turned red and she bowed to him.

"Thank you Uncle Yang!"

"Go quickly."

Yang Jun waved her hand and told her to go to the backyard quickly.


Sun Zhaodi went to the backyard with a silly smile.

After Sun Zhaodi left, Yang Anbang and the others looked at him with red eyes and envy.

Yang Jun turned around and saw this, curled his lips and said a few words.

"A bunch of idiots."

If they were as smart as Sun Zhaodi, who would have given Yang Jun New Year greetings as soon as they met yesterday, how could Yang Jun treat them badly?

It's not that Sun Zhaodi is smart, the key is that this girl is sincere and respects Yang Jun from the bottom of her heart, so it is natural for her to kneel down and kowtow.

Yang Jun glared at them, then turned around and prepared to go back.

"Brother, we can do this too."

Yang Anguo shouted.

Kneel down, kowtow three times, and say "Happy New Year" to you, and you can easily earn 100 yuan, so why not do it.

They are younger than Yang Jun, so kowtowing is not a big deal. Besides, who has money to worry about?

100 yuan is enough for their salary for several months. No wonder they are jealous.

"I want to eat shit, so hurry up and get to work."

Yang Jun snorted coldly, scaring them to work quickly.

The steel piles were relatively heavy, so the three people finally found two trucks to transport them, and they were now preparing to bury them in the ground.

Yang Jun did not leave at this time, but helped them remove the steel piles from the truck.

It's easy to move up, but much more troublesome to lift down.

The four people tried it, but they felt something was wrong. The cart was too high and they couldn't use their strength.

"Wait a minute, I'll call Hongmei and Xiangxiu over to help."

Yang Anbang signaled everyone to stop, and then said to Yang Jun,
"Brother, if it doesn't work, just remove the frame of the pallet truck."

When Yang Jun saw this, he signaled that he didn't need to go, and then turned around and shouted from the backyard.

"Zhao Di, come here and help."

When several people heard this, they immediately raised their eyebrows, wondering how they had forgotten this silly girl.

Zhao Hongmei and the others together are not as strong as her. With her help, these are not a problem.

As soon as Yang Jun finished speaking, he saw Sun Zhaodi and Yi Qiushui coming in succession.

Sun Zhaodi took two quick steps and came to Yang Jun.

"Uncle Yang, what's wrong?"

Yang Jun pointed to the steel pile and said, "Help unload it. We can do morning exercises again tomorrow morning."

"Okay, Uncle Yang."

Sun Zhaodi didn't say anything, just rolled up her sleeves and got to work.

Yi Qiushui saw her reckless look and said worriedly,

"Zhao Di, slow down, don't hurt yourself."

Yang Jun felt sad after hearing this.

He felt that Yi Qiushui was better to Sun Zhaodi than to him.

Yi Qiushui loved Sun Zhaodi very much and treated her as her own daughter.

She clung to everything delicious and fun, and sometimes even Yang Jun couldn't help but eat the wrong food.

"Auntie, don't worry, I'm fine."

Sun Zhaodi turned around and smiled at Yi Qiushui to reassure her.

"Why don't you tell me to be careful?" Yang Jun muttered.

When Yi Qiushui heard this, her face turned red and she said angrily,
"How old are you, and you still compete with your children for favor?"

When Yang Jun heard this, he almost fell down.

What is fighting for favor?
Yi Qiushui's words shocked him so much that he couldn't breathe.

Yang Jun shook his head, said nothing, and signaled everyone to work quickly.

Yang Anguo and the others had already fixed the steel piles with ropes. They were divided into two teams and stood on both sides.

With a whistle, the steel pile slowly lifted the car.

Sure enough, it would be different with the addition of Sun Zhaodi.

The steel pile was lifted off the pallet truck, rested for a while, and then lifted into the dug hole.

Two people held on to the steel piles while the remaining people began to fill in the soil.

After filling the soil, it was tamped down with wooden sticks.

Yang Jun pointed to the exposed surface around the steel piles and said to Ma Juzi,

"Juzi, get some cement and smooth it out to make it stronger."

"Okay, brother, I happen to have half a bag of cement over there. I'll bring it over and smooth it out later," Ma Juzi said.

Yang Jun nodded and looked at the gate.

There is a high threshold there, and you have to lift your legs when passing by.

Sometimes, if you lift your legs too low, you might trip. Yang Jun doesn't like this kind of door with a threshold very much.

"Also, the door sill has to be sawn, so that the car can be parked in the yard from now on."

The door is wide enough for cars to enter and exit easily.

Yang Jun thought that the car would be parked in the yard from now on, so as not to park outside, which would not be enough for the children in the alley.

"Brother, if the threshold is sawn, it will be more convenient, but it will lose its momentum." Ma Juzi said.

The main reason why the courtyard is grand is the threshold.

Even though the threshold is only twenty centimeters, there are two completely different worlds inside and outside.

Just like a siege, people outside want to get in and people inside want to get out.

"Why do you need momentum? How can you feel comfortable?"

Seeing that Yang Jun had said this, what else could Ma Juzi say.

"Okay, you are the boss, I will listen to you."

(End of this chapter)

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