Chapter 37

Lao Cai said, handing the purchase list to Yang Jun.

Yang Jun looked at the list and felt that Old Wei was not the kind of duplicitous person, so he looked at the contents on the list carefully.

Fifty thousand jins of white flour and [-] jins of stick noodles, a total of [-] jins of grain, and another [-] jins of pork are needed.

When Yang Jun saw an extra [-] kilograms of pork on the list, his head was spinning. What was going on?
Didn't we just agree to purchase [-] jins of grain? Why did we end up with [-] jins of pork?

Grain is easy to get. You can get it by asking an old comrade from the Grain Bureau, but where can he get [-] kilograms of pork?
These days, there are quotas for raising pigs.

For example, every commune has a task of handing in fifty pigs every year. If you fail to complete it, there will be corresponding penalties. If you raise sixty pigs, you only need to hand in fifty pigs, and the remaining ten will be paid. , you can dispose of it privately.

But think about it, these days, people don’t have enough to eat, how can there be extra food to raise pigs?
The quota of fifty pigs is rigidly allocated to each production team, and then the costs are shared collectively. If one pig comes out, it will be good if you don't lose money, don't think about making money.

Even if there are extra pigs, they have already been reserved by the buyers from the supply and marketing cooperative half a year in advance. If you temporarily add [-] kilograms of pork, won't it cost Yang Jun his life?
"What do you think about this?" Yang Jun threw the purchase list to Lao Wei and asked casually.

"Then it's up to you, Section Chief, to accept this order." Old Wei said with a smile.

"Sit down, Lao Wei, talk to me."

Seeing that Old Wei looked confident, Yang Jun patted the sofa and said hello.

The year-end employee welfare task was a military order issued by Yang Jun at the meeting in front of Deputy Director Li. According to Old Wei, is there something fishy about this purchase list?
"Section Chief, let me tell you what's going on here, and then you can decide whether to accept this purchase list."

Lao Wei turned around and closed the office door, then sat next to Yang Jun and said in a voice that almost only the two of them could hear,

"The factory's annual employee welfare purchases are all purchased by the cooperative supply and marketing cooperatives. Logically speaking, they have already purchased enough, and the items on the purchase list were purchased personally by Deputy Director Li in the name of the factory. "

"Personally purchased? Why does he need so much food?" Yang Jun asked in confusion.

"What else can I do? Give gifts to various factories, but what he gives is not food, but favors. Think about it, it's so easy to get food these days, and which factory doesn't wait to pay benefits to its employees at the end of the year? Deputy Factory Li If the chief sells these grains to them at a flat price or at a premium, he can not only gain favor but also benefit the steel rolling mill. He can achieve multiple things with one stone, so why not do it?"

After listening to Lao Wei's explanation, Yang Jun understood that he would work with him for a long time, and all the benefits would go to him, Deputy Factory Manager Li.

"How did the Procurement Department handle this matter in previous years?"

Old Wei spread his hands and said, "What else can I do? I'll just take the orders as usual and just hand over some food to take care of the errands. Anyway, Deputy Factory Manager Li knows you can't complete the task, so he won't really blame you."

At this time, Yang Jun completely understood that it was best to complete the tasks assigned by Deputy Factory Director Li. It didn't matter if he couldn't complete them. Think about it, what the supply and marketing cooperative couldn't do, he still expects you, the head of the purchasing department, to complete it?
Of course, it won't be completed until it's done, so you can't just do nothing. You have to get a few thousand kilograms to fool him no matter what.

However, Yang Jun did not intend to fool him by just finding some food as Lao Wei said. He decided to complete the task in full as stated at the meeting.

For no other reason than for his position as the head of the purchasing department, he also wanted to get [-] kilograms of grain.

What Lao Wei didn't understand was that Deputy Factory Li could let him go if he couldn't complete the task in the past. That was because he was not the head of the purchasing department, but was only temporarily in charge of the purchasing department on a contract basis.

Now that he, Yang Jun, has become the section chief, do you think that deputy director Li will still let the purchasing department go as he did before?

What Li Huaide wants is capable subordinates, not so-called members of his own family who eat, drink, and talk to him as brothers. He controls the logistics area to the letter, so he naturally has his unique leadership charm, otherwise he would not be working with Yang Factory now. The long court protested.

To say that the most capable person in "Siheyuan" is none other than Li Huaide. A person who started from the grassroots and climbed to the position of director of the steel rolling mill is no accident or good luck, but he is well versed in the rules of the workplace. , understand the way to choose, use public resources to pave the way for yourself, and gain both fame and fortune without breaking any laws or regulations.

After the wind started, do you think that as long as the flag is changed and the slogan is shouted, Director Yang can be ousted?
If it weren't for Li Huaide's ability, how could there be so many people around him supporting him.

Later, he went into business and prospered, and Xu Damao and Liu Haizhong followed him to flatter him.All in all, Li Huaide is not the kind of person who disappears from everyone.

Yang Jun decided to complete the tasks assigned by Deputy Director Li no matter what.

He doesn't have to worry about fifty thousand kilograms of pork. Yesterday he put half a fan of pork into the copy space, weighing at least 130 kilograms. In just nine days, no... ten days, he can copy nearly eighty thousand kilograms of pork. In a hurry, I will definitely be able to do business before the Chinese New Year.

"Old Wei, let all Corey's staff go out immediately, whether they are clerks or buyers, and ask them to look for grain and pork, as much as they can find."

Although Yang Jun didn't expect them to find much food, the superficial work had to be done, right?

When Old Wei saw that Yang Jun had adopted his opinion, his old face suddenly smiled.

"Section Chief, don't worry, I'll get them all out right away."

Old Wei patted his chest in assurance and went back in a hurry.


For demobilized soldiers, before each person leaves the team, an address book of comrades will be issued, which records the work units and contact numbers of comrades in the same unit after they have transferred to local positions.

Yang Jun flipped through his address book and picked up the phone on the table.

"Hey! Lao Li..."


The gate of the food station.

"Hello, comrade, I'm here to see your station commander."

Yang Jun rode to the grain station, smoked a cigarette, handed it over, and said to the guard.

"Oh, your surname is Yang, right? Our webmaster has told us that when you come, just go in directly."

The guard pointed to Yang Jun's stationmaster's office.

Yang Jun thanked him and got in.

Push open the door to the webmaster's office.

"Haha! Li Gangtou."

As soon as Yang Jun entered the door, he shouted to the middle-aged man who was about the same age as him sitting behind the desk.

"Haha! Sheephorn wind!"

When the middle-aged man heard this, he immediately became excited and quickly stood up and hugged Yang Jun tightly.

His name is Li Tiezhu, and he and Yang Jun originally stayed in the same company for a period of time. At that time, he was the company commander and Li Tiezhu was the instructor. The two worked together for a long time.

(End of this chapter)

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