Siheyuan: Domineering life

Chapter 36 Accept the mission

Chapter 36 Accept the mission
The person presiding over the meeting was Deputy Director Li. When he saw Yang Jun arriving, he motioned for everyone to be quiet and the meeting began.

Yang Jun looked at the dozen or so people participating in the meeting and cursed. It turned out that he was the last one to arrive.

He quickly opened his notebook, took off his pen cap, and looked ready to listen.

It doesn't matter what you remember, what matters is your attitude.

"Seeing that the Chinese New Year will be here in a few days, the work of various departments must not be relaxed..." Deputy Director Li took a sip of tea and said.

The content of the meeting is nothing more than to deliver the last batch of steel safely and on time before the year. It is hoped that various departments will cooperate with each other to ensure safe production and other things.

At the same time, Deputy Director Li also criticized the existing problems among various departments at the meeting and ordered them to be rectified within a time limit.

Yang Jun took a closer look and found that most of the people being criticized were not members of Deputy Factory Director Li. Instead, Deputy Factory Director Li even verbally praised a few people in the departments he was responsible for, and the Procurement Department that Yang Jun was responsible for praised. among the list.

Yang Jun had to admire Deputy Factory Director Li for his skillful methods and his ability to exclude dissenters without affecting the overall situation.

The meeting lasted for more than an hour, and all the chatter was done back and forth, either raising issues or making rectifications within a deadline, forcing a certain leader to issue a military order in public. If the task was not completed, he would automatically take the blame and resign.

Yang Jun kept writing in his notebook. No one could understand which language he was writing in. The only thing that could be read clearly was the date of the meeting and the name of the host. Even he himself could not understand the rest of the content.

Yang Jun didn't speak either, sitting quietly in the corner in front of a small audience.

"Let's discuss one last thing today."

Deputy Director Li patted the table to signal everyone to be quiet, took a sip of tea, then glanced at the people present, and then glanced at Yang Jun sitting in the corner.

Yang Jun looked like he was taking notes seriously, but the corner of his eye never left Deputy Factory Director Li. Now he saw Deputy Factory Director Li glanced at him unintentionally.

He realized that what Deputy Factory Director Li was going to say next was related to him, so he cheered up and sat up straight.

"Isn't it the end of the year soon? According to tradition, the factory must provide some benefits to all employees every year, and this year is no exception. After unanimous negotiation among the factory leaders, it was decided to allocate a sum of money to purchase a batch of grain, oil , non-staple food and the like as employee benefits.”

Deputy Director Li glanced at Yang Jun again, then changed the topic and continued,

"But... it's hard for a clever woman to make a meal without rice. As we all know, the past few years have not been very good. If you have money, you can't buy food at all. Although we have cooperated with the supply and marketing cooperative, they have to provide so much food at once. It’s difficult, so this procurement task falls on our Procurement Department.”

Deputy Factory Director Li said directly to Yang Jun: "Chief Yang, as the head of the Procurement Section, I hope you will catch this matter. You must complete the remaining procurement tasks before the year."

"Chief Yang, are you okay with this?"

When Yang Jun saw Deputy Director Li calling his name, he thought for a moment and then asked,

"Director Li, I wonder how much we still need to purchase?"

Upon hearing this, Deputy Director Li lowered his head, turned over the materials in his hand, and then replied,

"Our factory has more than 2 employees. According to the ration of five kilograms per person, it is about 13 kilograms. Now five supply and marketing cooperatives have solved part of it for our factory, and we can only rely on ourselves for the remaining [-] kilograms. Is there any problem here?"

When Yang Jun heard this, a black line suddenly appeared on his forehead.

Do you think there is any problem?
Five supply and marketing cooperatives can only handle [-] kilograms. I will handle the bulk of the work together.

That's [-] jins of grain, not [-] jins of sand. It's not that easy to get.

However, this was the first time that Deputy Director Li had given him a task, and it was also an assessment for him, and he could not refuse it yet.

Yang Jun has known for a long time that it is not easy to be the head of the purchasing department. The key to this position is whether you have enough network resources and can handle the factory's material procurement at any time, and the price is lower than the market price.

The reason why Deputy Factory Director Li originally agreed with Yang Jun to be the chief of the purchasing section was because of his status as a battalion-level cadre. Now most of the leaders of various factories and units are cadres who have returned from the army, and many of them include Yang Jun. comrades, as long as Yang Jun operates, it is not difficult to obtain various supplies.Not to mention, Yang Jun does have several comrades who serve as leaders in the Food Bureau and Materials Bureau. It is not difficult for him to get these grains.

Yang Jun thought for a while and decided to bargain.

"Fifty thousand catties is no problem, ninety thousand catties is enough."

Deputy Director Li: "Eighty thousand catties."

Yang Jun: "Sixty thousand catties."

Deputy Director Li: "Seventy thousand catties."

Yang Jun: "Okay, just [-] kilograms."

Yang Jun thought for a moment and realized that 13 kilograms of grain would be fine, let alone [-] kilograms of grain, but he didn't want to give the leader the impression of being capable.

If he can get food easily this time, the leader will see that you are so capable, so he won't be allowed to give you more money in the future?

He, Yang Jun, was not a superman, and he had to repay favors. He didn't want to live such a tiring life.

"That's it. After the meeting, you discuss the purchase details with the Flower Section Chief of the Finance Department."

After Deputy Director Li finished speaking, he announced the adjournment of the meeting.

Yang Jun didn't know how he got back to the office. He was confused all the way, thinking about how to purchase this batch of grain.

Seventy thousand kilograms of grain is not a small amount.

There is only one kilogram of various grains in his space. To collect [-] kilograms, it will take at least eighteen days. Seeing that there are only twelve days until the New Year, it will definitely be too late.

Besides, even if there is enough food in the space, he has no intention of using this batch of food for delivery. There must be a source for so much food, and he doesn't want anyone to find out about the space.

If he wants to secure his position as the head of the Procurement Section, he still hopes to rely on his own ability. If he really can't solve the problem, he will rely on space.

Of course, space is only an auxiliary to Yang Jun.

"Boom! Boom!"

The door rang.

"Come in."

The person who came was Old Wei, and he said to Yang Jun mysteriously.

"Section Chief, I heard that you promised Deputy Factory Director Li [-] kilograms of grain?"

Yang Jun was stunned: "You know everything?"

It only took about ten minutes to go from the conference room on the third floor to the office. How could Old Wei know it so quickly?He didn't attend the meeting, so why did he find out in such a short time? Could it be...

Seeing that Yang Jun looked at him unkindly, Old Wei quickly put away his cheerful expression and explained,

"Section Chief, don't think too much. I'm not Deputy Director Li's spy. Just now, Xiao Li from the Finance Department came to deliver the purchase list to you, but I stopped him. Otherwise, I'll do it for him. Come here."

(End of this chapter)

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