Siheyuan: Domineering life

Chapter 273 The grain store was robbed

Chapter 273 The grain store was robbed
Got off work that night.

As soon as Yang Jun returned home, he saw a steel stake standing at the entrance.

This steel stake was erected at the corner of the entrance and the east wing. This was specially instructed by Yang Jun.

This place does not occupy the yard area and is far away from the main house. Yi Qiushui will not be woken up when kicking piles in the morning.

Yang Jun shook the steel pile a few times and found that it was quite strong, so he kicked it a few times on the spot.

Not to mention, steel piles are more resistant to kicking than wooden piles. However, when kicked up, the bones will clack and hurt.

So, he confessed to Ma Xiangxiu.

Ask her to sew a cotton tube around the steel pile tomorrow when she is free, so that she won't hurt her bones when she kicks.

At this time, Yang Anguo and Ma Juzi came over.

Every few days, Yang Jun always finds a few people and asks them to come to his place to have toothpaste rituals. They are all his closest relatives, and Yang Jun doesn't want them to live in too much panic.

Moreover, as the months went by, Ma Xiangxiu's health became more and more unfavorable. She called them over because she wanted Zhao Hongmei and Zhou Miaomiao to help her cook together.

Yang Anbang was an honest man who didn't like to talk. When he had nothing to do, he always liked to hide alone and smoke cigarettes. But Yang Anguo and Ma Juzi were different. They looked at the steel pile and were eager to try.

In their hometown in Shanxi, when these two guys had nothing to do, they often got together to wrestle with the young people in the village. They were all martial arts lovers.

Especially, after Ma Juzi told about Yang Jun's kick that broke the wooden stake yesterday, Yang Anguo couldn't hold back anymore. He kicked the steel stake with a 'ha' sound.

Then, everyone can imagine the result.

Yang Jun looked at Yang Anguo, who was squatting on the ground holding his legs and grinning in pain, and smiled from ear to ear.

Several children were running wildly in the yard. When they saw Yang Anguo winking, they were very curious. They gathered around and shouted at the steel pile with their little fists.

Unsurprisingly, the steel pile left an indelible shadow on their childhood.

Yang Anbang smoked dry cigarettes, burning pot after pot. He was very addicted to smoking.

Unexpectedly, he started smoking dry cigarettes at such a young age, and he looked like an old man in his 80s or [-]s.

Yang Jun had nothing to do, so he took out the chess and played two games with him.

"Brother, I feel like something is going to happen in the store tonight."

Yang Anbang was playing chess absent-mindedly and said with a solemn expression.

Yang Jun was shocked when he heard this and asked hurriedly: "What's going on?"

Yang Anbang blew out a puff of smoke and said thoughtfully,

"In the past two days, I have always felt that someone is secretly watching our store. I checked several times and never found this person."

"you sure?"

Yang Anbang didn't speak, but nodded heavily.

Yang Jun knew that Yang Anbang was a stable person, and he would not speak out if he was unsure about something.

Since he noticed something was wrong, the grain store must have really been targeted.

"More than 200 kilograms of grain were harvested today. Someone is probably eyeing this batch of grain." Yang Anguo analyzed while playing chess.

When Yang Jun heard this, he remained calm and smoked.

When he heard that the grain store was being targeted, his first reaction was not about the safety of the food, but about worrying about the food being discovered.

If the food is lost, it is lost, but no one can see where it came from.

In this day and age, no one really dares to blatantly rob a grain store, but it doesn't rule out someone stealing in the middle of the night.

But no matter which case it is.

This is not what Yang Jun wants to see.

"No more, hurry up and eat."

Yang Jun threw the chess pieces on the table and said.

Then, regardless of whether Ma Xiangxiu and the others had cooked the food, she asked her to serve it to the table.

Seeing that Yang Jun and the others seemed anxious, Ma Xiangxiu didn't dare to ask, so she had to bring over the already cooked porridge.

Yang Jun glanced at Yang Anguo and Ma Juzi, then signaled, and the few of them took a few mouthfuls of rice porridge while eating wowotou.

After finishing the meal, he asked Zhao Hongmei to stay here with her children tonight and not to go back to the store for the time being. So, Yang Jun and his party drove to the grain store.

At this time, it was dark.

Yang Jun did not park the car at the entrance of the grain store, but parked directly at the entrance of a public institution two alleys away. He said hello to the gatekeeper, and then he took Yang Anbang and the three of them back quietly. Go to the grain store.

The four of them did not enter through the main entrance, but touched the outside of the grain store's courtyard wall.

With a quick start, Yang Jun jumped onto the wall, and then waved for the three of them to come up.

These three guys didn't have Yang Jun's skills, so they had to squat on the ground and let one person step up on their shoulders, and then the other person pulled them up from the wall.

The four people entered the yard and hid in the room in the backyard without turning on the lights.

Several people were smoking, but no one spoke.

Until one o'clock in the morning.

Just when everyone's eyelids were fighting with each other, they heard a slight noise coming from the yard. Yang Jun suddenly lost all sleep and pushed them gently.

Then, he immediately took out the pistol from his waist and quietly walked to the door, listening to what was going on outside.

Seeing this, Ma Juzi also pulled out his pistol and stood on the other side of the door, forming a pincer attack with Yang Jun.

Brothers Yang Anbang and Yang Anguo did not have guns. One held a kitchen knife in his hand, and the other followed nervously behind them with a rolling pin in his hand.

Yang Jun lay on the crack of the door and looked out. At this time, there was a man squatting in the corner of the yard. It was too dark to see his face.

This man looked like a veteran. He was not in a hurry to take action, but squatted in the corner and listened to what was going on in the room.

After a few minutes, the dark figure saw that there was no movement in the house, so he quietly walked towards the shop in front.

After about a few minutes, five or six people came into the shop at once. They all had dicks in their hands, which were shining brightly in the moonlight.

Yang Jun originally thought that the purpose of those people was the food in the store. Unexpectedly, a group of people quietly came to the backyard.

Several people were stunned and suddenly realized that it was very dangerous.

One of them leaned on the door and listened for a while, and then you started to pull the door bolt with your knife in your hand.

Yang Jun realized that something was wrong. These people were not here for food tonight.

They gave up the food in the shop in front and went straight to the main house in the backyard, presumably for people.

The door bolt was pulled open.

Yang Jun suddenly opened the door, ignored Sanqi 21, and fired two shots into the sky.



"No one is allowed to move." Yang Jun kicked the man facing him to the ground, then stepped over and blocked the group's retreat.

The huge gunshots obviously frightened the group of people. They didn't expect that there were so many people hiding in the house, and that the way back was blocked.

They were panicked and wanted to flee, but Yang Jun held a gun to their heads.

"Hold your head in your hands and lie on the ground."

Ma Juzi roared and kicked one of them to the ground.

The group of people were really frightened. They threw away the guys in their hands and lay on the ground obediently with their heads in their hands.

Yang Anbang turned on the light and found a large sum of straw rope from the grain store in front.

Several people worked together to tie up the hands and feet of these seven people.

Then, Yang Jun took a look at the group of people. They were all masked, three of them were holding sharp knives, and a few others were holding sticks and other things.

"Tell me, who sent you and what are you doing here?"

Looking at the fat man who looked like the leader, Yang Jun pulled his hair and asked.

"Brother, please forgive me, we...we are just here to get some food, no one is sending us."

"You're a liar, the food is in front, why are you running behind? Tell me!" Yang Jun pulled his hair and slammed it on the ground.

His head suddenly started bleeding profusely.

"Brother, stop fighting. I tell you everything."

The fat man looked like a coward at first glance, so he just gave him up without even a beating.

"We are not here to get food, we are here to get money and tickets."

Yang Anbang looked at Yang Jun in shock.

"Brother, today the flower section chief sent next month's money and tickets. How did they know?"

Yang Jun was shocked when he heard this. He didn't expect that the grain store was being targeted, and he knew exactly when the money and tickets were delivered.

He felt that this matter was by no means as simple as the fat man said.

"How did you know that someone sent money and tickets today?"

Yang Jun slapped him and asked sharply.

The fat man was obviously afraid of being beaten and trembled all over.
"Someone hired us. They said that the store just sent 400 yuan and [-] kilograms of food stamps today. They said that when the deal is done, we will split it half and half."

"What's that man's name?"

"I don't know the name, but I remember the man's appearance. He was bald, fat, in his 40s, and always had a smile on his face when he spoke."

Several people were shocked when they heard this.

Bald, fat, over 40 years old, smiling...

Who else could this be if he wasn't Hua Haitian?

Combined with the fact that these thieves knew the exact amount of money and food stamps, there was no one else but Hua Haitian.

Yang Jun threw the gun to Yang Anguo and said,
"I'm going to call someone. If anyone moves, jump right away."

"Okay, brother."

Yang Anguo threw away the kitchen knife in his hand, took the gun, and stood happily where Yang Jun originally stood.

Yang Jun came out of the grain store and went directly back to the parking place.

He borrowed a phone from the guard and called the security department of the steel rolling mill.

After a while, Zhao Haifeng, who was working the night shift, drove two trucks and led more than 20 security guards over.

They jumped out of the truck and rushed to the store to take away the seven thieves.

Zhao Haifeng wanted to say something, but Yang Jun motioned for him to go back to the factory first.

Afterwards, the troops were divided into two groups. Zhao Haifeng pressed the six people to gather at the factory, while Yang Jun led the team to arrest people at Hua Haitian's house.

When they arrived at his house, Hua Haitian was not at home.

Hua Haitian's wife said that he went home after get off work, then went out and never came back.

Yang Jun led the people back to the factory angrily.

When no one was seen at Huahaitian's house, Yang Jun understood.

He escaped.

He must have been near the grain store when the incident occurred.

When something happened to the grain store, he saw that something was not going well and ran away quickly.

Just in case, Yang Jun left two people standing guard near his home.

Back to the factory.

Yang Jun asked Zhao Haifeng to interrogate him overnight.

Before I could ask, those people poured the beans into bamboo tubes--all of them were discarded.

Their explanation was the same as what the fat man said. They only paid 400 yuan and [-] kilograms of food stamps to wash people.

The seven of them are either street hustlers or alley hangers-on. They usually do not have a serious job and do not work seriously. They make money by fishing for side jobs.

A few days ago, Hua Haitian came to them and told them that the grain store had recently made a huge sum of money and asked them to grab the money and they would split it in half.

What they didn't expect was that they thought that this kind of thing would be easy for them. As long as they scared the people in the grain store, they would obediently hand over the money and food stamps. Unexpectedly, they had a bad time and encountered Yang Junsi who had ambushed them in advance. people.

Therefore, they deserve to be unlucky.

In less than midnight, they all confessed everything and signed and signed, and then Zhao Haifeng temporarily locked them in the detention room of the Security Department.

Yang Jun looked at the time and saw that it was already five o'clock in the morning. The sky was already turning white, so he was too lazy to go back and went straight to the office to lie down for a while.

Jiang Haitao didn't wake him up until work time when he came to his office to deliver documents.

"Has Hua Haitian come to work?"

Yang Jun washed his face and asked.

"No, I have already said hello to the guard. As soon as he shows up, I will take it down immediately."

As the secretary to the director of the steel rolling mill, nothing in the factory could be hidden from him. He heard about it as soon as he got to work. In order to get the news in time, he made special arrangements.

"Tell the security department, issue a notice, and ask the police station to cooperate in the investigation. I don't believe he can still fly."

"Okay, director."

Jiang Haitao responded, put down the documents, turned and left.

(End of this chapter)

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