Siheyuan: Domineering life

Chapter 272 Building Steel Piles

Chapter 272 Building Steel Piles

Although the three of them did not write their names,
However, Yang Jun still recognized Yang Yu's paper at a glance.

Because her handwriting is the ugliest, like a dog's tail.

Yang Qun's calligraphy is the most neat, one stroke at a time, horizontally and vertically, and the scroll surface is also the cleanest.

Although Yang Ling's handwriting is neat and neat, it looks stiff and immature. Moreover, due to her slow writing, she has not finished the two major questions at the end.

Teacher Gao is very fast in correcting papers. In less than 1 minute, he has finished correcting one paper.

He wrote the final score on the paper and handed it to Yang Jun.

Yang Jun quickly put down the teacup, took the paper and looked at it, 99 points.

After reading the scores, a satisfied smile appeared on his face.

However, after laughing, he immediately looked for deductions on the paper.

He looked at it and found out that he had done wrong in the previous two questions about reading pinyin and writing words.

It's not that she did something wrong, but that her handwriting was too sloppy and she wrote the words into one character. No wonder Teacher Gao typed it wrong for her.

To be honest, Yang Jun is quite satisfied with this result.

He didn't expect that Yang Laosi had made such great progress in just two months.

You know, when she was in school, she often failed. One-digit numbers were common, and two-digit numbers were miracles.

"Teacher Gao, you have worked hard during this time."

When Yang Jun was proud, he did not forget to thank Gao Jingtao for his hard work in the past two months.

Gao Jingtao said while correcting the test paper: "I'm not worried about my academic performance. The main thing is this word..."

He shook his head and said: "Starting from next week, I plan to spare half an hour every day for them to practice big calligraphy."

When Yang Jun heard this, he agreed very much and immediately said,

"Okay, Teacher Gao, I will have paper and pen ready in advance when the time comes."

You know, paper and pen are also a big expense, especially paper, which is not something that ordinary families can afford.

In general, if a child wants to buy an exercise book, he or she has to discuss it with the parents a week in advance. The parents become impatient before they agree to spend five cents to buy an exercise book.

When students study, they are reluctant to buy, let alone fountain pens and ballpoint pens, even ordinary pencils. Sometimes, two people share a pencil, and they are reluctant to throw it away until the pencil is only as long as a fingernail.

To practice big calligraphy, blank paper is essential.

Teacher Gao put forward this suggestion just to make Yang Jun mentally prepared in advance. After all, it would be a big expense to persist for so many years.

While the two were talking, Teacher Gao finished grading the other two test papers.

Yang Jun took it and took a look.

Yang Qun scored 94 points and Yang Ling 62 points.

He is very satisfied with the results of his three children.

Yang Qun loves to study. He is only eight years old this year. If he goes to school according to the normal age, he should be in fourth grade. A fourth grade student can score more than 90 points, which is considered very good.

As for Yang Ling, she is only seven years old this year. This paper is indeed a bit over the top for her, but if she can pass the exam, she is considered to be relatively good.

Yang Jun did not expect that the children of his old Yang family were all gifted in learning, including Yang Liu, Yang Yu, Yang Ling, and Yang Qun.

If everything goes as expected, I will definitely be able to get into college in the future.

Yang Jun couldn't help but wonder if he would also pick up textbooks and get a college diploma in the future, but when he thought about his endless practice of answering questions every day in his previous life, he immediately felt cold all over.

He gave up the idea immediately.

Don't make yourself miserable.

When Yang Jun saw the math results of the three people came out, he was so happy that he didn't know how to express his feelings.

Yang Yu and Yang Qun got perfect scores, and Yang Ling got 84.

All three of them got good grades, and even Gao Jingtao had a smile on his face.

In fact, he hopes that these three children will do well in the exams more than anyone else, otherwise he will feel sorry for the salary offered by Yang Jun.

At noon, Yang Jun stayed at home to accompany them after lunch before returning to the factory.

As soon as she arrived at the office, Wang Erwa chased after her.

"Lao Yang, kill Pan?"

As soon as Wang Erwa came in, she pointed to the chess track under the coffee table.

"No time, I have something to talk about."

When Yang Jun thought that he had done nothing in the morning and had a lot of documents to deal with, how could he be in the mood to play chess with him.

"It doesn't matter if it doesn't come down. Can you take out your tea leaves and make a pot of tea?" Wang Erwa said with a smile.

Yang Jun rolled his eyes. It turns out that your kid playing chess is fake, but his desire to win tea is real.

He silently opened the drawer and found that the 'Lao Ban Zhang' was gone. This time he remembered that this guy was wiped out last time.

Helplessly, he put his hand into his trouser pocket, and when he took it out, there was a bag of tea in his hand.

"Hey, no wonder I can't find it. Is it hidden with me?"

Wang Erwa grabbed the tea leaves and brewed a cup for himself first. Looking at the remaining tea leaves, he rolled his eyes, found a piece of scrap newspaper, and left some for Yang Jun.

When Yang Jun saw this, he didn't say anything.

Although this kid always takes something from him, at least he still leaves some for him.

"Are you okay Corey? Why did you come to my place to hang out?"

While Yang Jun was correcting the document, he pushed the tea cup over and motioned for him to make himself a cup of tea.

"There must be something wrong with you."

Wang Erwa came over, carrying a thermos bottle and pouring water: "Ma Wumei brought eight people over and said it was you who arranged it. Is this the case?"

When Yang Jun heard this, he immediately felt happy.

Ma Wumei led eight people to report. He guessed that other brothers must have followed, which was a big help.

"That's what happened. What do you think of those people?"

When Wang Erwa heard this, her eyes suddenly lit up. She put her butt next to the table and said excitedly,
"There's nothing to say about those people. If you pick one out of a hundred, you can tell he's from a Lian family." Wang Erwa pushed him: "Old Yang, where did you get these precious lumps?"

"Now that we know it's a baby bump, we should go through the onboarding procedures quickly. Oh, by the way, they will directly enjoy the benefits of formal employment."

Several of Ma Wumei's senior brothers also had formal jobs. If they were given the treatment of probationary workers, it would definitely not be justified, so Wang Erwa was asked to go through the entry procedures directly according to the standards of formal workers.

Later, Yang Jun told him about his visit to Mazhanshan's home last night.

After hearing this, Wang Erwa opened her mouth and said in surprise,
"Lao Yang, you have regressed. If you had been earlier, you could have broken the stake with just one kick."

Yang Jun rolled his eyes, smiled bitterly, and sighed,
"Women waste their bodies."

The color is a bone-scraping steel knife.

Since getting married, people have become lazy.

He also felt that he was not as diligent as before. He only ran five kilometers every day and then ended the training hastily. He did not do the kicking movements before.

When he thought about kicking, he immediately thought it was time to install a stake at home so that he could practice kicking after running every day.

When he thought of the pile, he immediately couldn't sit still.

Today, the stakes must be settled.

Of course, wooden stakes will definitely not work. They will break after just a few kicks. We must get iron stakes.

He remembered that when he was a child, he used an iron stake to practice kicking. Later, when he joined the army, the iron stake was sold by Wang Yuying as scrap.

Now, he is going to the workshop to ask the master to get him an iron stake.

He thought about it and was about to do it.

He put down his pen and led Wang Erwa to the workshop.

Came to the first workshop and found the workshop director Shao Deming.

When Yang Jun told him the situation, Shao Deming immediately took him to the warehouse to select suitable materials.

Arriving in front of a pile of steel pans, Shao Deming patted one of the steel pans.

"Director, what do you think of this?"

Yang Jun was even more satisfied when he saw that the material was made of steel.

Compared with iron pillars, steel pillars are less likely to rust, and there will be rust stubble on them, making it less likely to hurt your legs.

There is a cylindrical hole as thick as a thumb below the steel plate, which is used to place bearings.

He stretched out his hands, spread his fingers, and measured the size with two fingers. It was about thirty centimeters in diameter, which was very consistent with the standard of a pile.

"That's it." Yang Jun said with satisfaction.

Of course, it is definitely not possible to directly use steel plates as columns. They must be modified before they can be used.

Later, Yang Jun told him the parts that needed to be changed.

Weld a one-meter-long steel column with the thickness of an arm to the lower end of the steel column, and then weld four legs around it to fix the frame.

Shao Deming listened and took notes in his notebook carefully.

"Director, I can get it done for you in two hours. When you see it, where will I send it to you?"

Yang Jun thought for a while and said: "After it's done, you don't have to worry about it. I'll just ask the driver to come and pull it."

"Okay, director, I'll do it right away."

"Wait a moment."

Yang Jun stopped him.

"Open a delivery order and I'll go to the finance office to hand over the money."

"Director, this is not necessary. I will just fill in the scrap form when the time comes." Shao Deming looked flattering.

"Director Shao, this is for my personal use. It is not required for the factory's production. Why did you fill out the scrap form?"

Yang Jun scolded him with a serious look on his face: "Pay more attention to your work and don't think about evil things all day long."

"Yes, yes, director, I was wrong. I will issue a warehouse order for you right away."

Shao Deming wiped the sweat from his forehead and walked away dejectedly.

When Wang Erwa saw this, she curled her lips, looked at Shao Deming's back and said,
"Lao Yang, do you want to check on him?"

Yang Jun rolled his eyes and said angrily: "Just check."

It is normal for subordinates to fawn over their superiors. You can't check someone just because of a scrap bill, not to mention that they just say so and don't do that.

If he really asked Wang Erwa to investigate, who would work for him in the future?

"Go back and ask Ma Juzi to borrow a truck from the driver's class and bring me the steel piles back and bury them."

After the steel pillars are welded, the car will definitely not be able to pull them down, so they can only use trucks. Moreover, after pulling them back, they have to dig a hole in the yard and bury them. And he doesn't want people to know his home address, so this can only be done. Let the pony do it.

"Okay, no problem. I'll let Ma Juzi and Yang Anguo go back together then."

In this factory, only Wang Erwa knew that Yang Anguo and Yang Jun were cousins, so there was no need to be secretive when speaking in front of him.

The two waited for a while and saw Shao Deming delivering the delivery list.

Yang Jun took the order and went to the finance office to pay the money.

The steel column weighed four to five hundred kilograms. Shao Deming made the bill based on the price of the finished product. Yang Jun paid 450 yuan in the finance office before getting the payment statement.

After coming out, he called him really expensive.

It's almost a dollar a pound.

"Didn't you get the tea? Why are you still following me?"

Yang Jun frowned when he saw Wang Erwa following him wherever he went.

Wang Erwa smashed her mouth and smiled at him, saying,
"Lao Yang, that 35-year-old daughter Hong..."



(End of this chapter)

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