Siheyuan: Domineering life

Chapter 142 Kill the chicken to warn the monkey

Chapter 142 Kill the chicken to warn the monkey

Peng Cheng, the personnel chief, then raised his own question.

"Personnel recruitment is also a big problem. Ordinary employees can be arranged directly. But how to arrange those cadres? Is it possible to assign them positions according to their original levels? What about these cadres in our steel rolling mill? Adjustment?"

Yang Jun nodded, recorded it, and signaled the other section chiefs to tell them all the problems encountered by their sections.

Wang Dezhu, the security section chief, continued: "The security section was already short of people. After the merger, there were more employees, and it will be even more difficult to manage."

Liao, the head of the housing management department, had a long, frowning face.

"I can't solve the problem of employee accommodation. If it were just one or two, I could solve it, but now there are more than 1000 people here, and I really can't do anything."

Yang Jun looked at Lao Liao and felt very unhappy. He had previously asked Sister Cai to apply for employee housing for Yang Mei. Although Lao Liao did not say no, he held off on the grounds that he did not have a house now.

Yang Jun looked at the old Liao who was about to retire, and knew that this was another old man who hung out in the office. He usually put off his work when he could, but when he couldn't, he just did it perfunctorily.

Yang Jun has long wanted to rejuvenate his management team. These old guys talk about seniority all the time, occupy the toilet, and keep suppressing young people. He has always disliked these people and has long wanted to rectify them. However, due to the low status and lack of ability of the people in the past, they turned a blind eye to them.

Although he is now the deputy director of the factory and has the ability to make rectifications, he is not the director of the factory after all, so even if these people are to be touched, it is just to scare the monkeys and pick out a few who like to stand out to establish their authority.

Yang Jun glanced at Yi Qiushui and saw her sitting there quietly, as if everything around her had nothing to do with her.

If it weren't for Yang Jun, according to her indifferent temperament, she would never be the chief of the medical department. Every time there was a meeting, she would treat herself as a little transparent and sit there silently.

"Chief Yi, do you have any difficulties in the medical department?" Yang Jun asked.


Yi Qiushui was stunned for a moment. She didn't expect Yang Jun to talk to her.

Yang Jun repeated: "I ask if you have any difficulties in the medical department?"

Hearing this, Yi Qiushui raised the corner of her mouth slightly and said calmly: "There is no difficulty."

Yang Jun sighed speechlessly after hearing this. Yi Qiushui has this kind of temperament. Her hobbies and interests are not here, so she can avoid work matters as much as she can. So now, all matters in the medical department are under the control of deputy section chief Zhang Daoquan. .

However, Zhang Daoquan did not cooperate with Yi Qiushui's work at the beginning, and even deliberately created problems to embarrass her. Later, after Yang Jun was promoted to deputy director of the logistics department, Zhang Daoquan immediately stood on the same front with him, so Yang Jun allowed him to work on behalf of her. Yi Qiushui manages the affairs of the medical department.

Yang Jun recorded all the difficulties encountered by each department, combined them together, and asked everyone to talk about solutions.

As the saying goes: The butt determines the head.

It used to be that when he was the chief of the purchasing department, he would bring up any difficulties he encountered during every meeting and leave them to the leaders to solve. Anyway, the difficulties were revealed. This was not something that I, the section chief, could solve. It was up to you leaders to take action. Just fine.

However, now that he is sitting in the position of deputy director, he naturally understands what these people below are planning, so he has no intention of solving these difficulties himself.

From now on, the style of doing things in the steel rolling mill must be changed. Those who can do it will be hired, and those who can't will give up their positions.

After the merger of the machine repair shop, the biggest difficulty was still the house.

Without enough workshops, where would all the equipment be placed?If there are not enough houses, where will the workers live?
Yang Jun glanced at Lao Liao and decided to operate on him.

"Chief Liao, is there any way to solve the problem of staff dormitories?"

Hearing this, Lao Liao said: "Director Yang, this matter is not something that I, a small section chief, can solve. A clever woman can't make a meal without rice. Even if you sell me, you won't be able to solve the accommodation problem of so many employees."

Although Lao Liao looked embarrassed on the outside, he was laughing at Yang Jun in his heart.

'Boy, fight with me, you're a little too young. '

Yang Jun glanced at him and said: "Since you are unable to solve the problem, it means that you cannot be promoted to the position of chief of the housing management department. I propose that your position as chief be revoked."

Yang Jun turned around and asked Li Huaide: "Old Li, what do you think?"

Hearing this, Li Huaide put down the pen in his hand and said, "I agree to revoke his position as chief of the housing management section." Li Huaide was not stupid. He could tell at a glance that Yang Jun had murderous intentions. He wanted to operate on Lao Liao today. At the same time, in his heart He also understood that this was not the time to fight with Yang Jun. The merger of the two factories was a major event. If the work was not done properly and the superiors were blamed, Li Huaide would also have to take the blame.

Therefore, he had to support Yang Jun both publicly and privately.

Yang Jun turned back to the union chairman Yan Huaisheng and said, "Lao Yan, what about you?"

"I agree."

"Lao Yuan, what do you think?"

"I agree."

When firing a section chief, only the top leaders have the right to vote. As for the section chiefs, they can only sit there and watch.

Except for Yang Jianguo, the other four members of the top five group all agreed to remove Lao Liao from his position.

The minority obeyed the majority, and a few people withdrew Lao Liao as soon as they spoke.

"Young man named Yang, I don't accept it. When I, Lao Liao, was bleeding and sweating, you were not even born yet. What right did you have to withdraw from me?"

Lao Liao suddenly became furious. He stood up and pointed at Yang Jun's nose and cursed.

Yang Jun has long been accustomed to the face of people like Lao Liao. Once there is no way out, everything will be destroyed, and all consciousness and cultivation will be lost.

Naturally, Yang Jun would not argue with such a person, because there was no rationality at all at this time.

"The surname Yang..."

Just when Lao Liao was about to curse again, wherever his eyes passed, he saw a fist as big as a casserole coming toward him, followed by a burst of sharp pain, and his eyes glowed with gold.

The bridge of the nose was broken, and nosebleeds continued to flow from the nostrils.

Wang Dezhu, the security section chief, crossed over the table and punched him head on.

Old Liao covered his nose with his hand, pointed at Wang Dezhu and wanted to say something.

Wang Dezhu didn't give him a chance to speak, and punched him in the stomach again.

Lao Liao screamed and fell to the ground hunched over like a prawn.

Then, Wang Dezhu waved down from the window.

In less than a minute, I heard panicked footsteps coming from the corridor.

A team of heavily armed security officers rushed in.

"This man openly insulted the leader, take him down and interrogate him."

Wang Dezhu pointed at Lao Liao lying on the ground and said.

Immediately, two security guards rushed over and dragged old Liao out like a dead dog.

Wang Dezhu then ordered the remaining security guards to guard the door of the conference room to ensure that the meeting could proceed smoothly.

After Lao Liao was taken away, everyone present felt sad. Everyone felt insecure, as if they were the next to be taken away accidentally.

Even Li Huaide and the others sat there with sullen expressions and said nothing.

They all understand that in the steel rolling mill, whoever masters the security department can gain a firm foothold.

(End of this chapter)

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