Siheyuan: Domineering life

Chapter 14 Brother, Save Me a Room

Chapter 14 Brother, Save Me a Room
Next, Lao Wu took a closer look at the two rooms, measured the dimensions, and confirmed the plan and details with Yang Jun.

"Tomorrow, I will bring someone over. You say hello to the neighbors in advance. When I go back, I will stop by the back to check the location and wiring of the pipes."

Lao Wu then added: "Before digging the pipeline, you just need to coordinate with the street."

"Okay, got it."

Then, Yang Jun personally sent Lao Wu out of the courtyard.

When he came back, he found Yan Jiecheng and his daughter-in-law Yu Li standing at the door of their home, smiling at him as if intentionally or unintentionally.

Yang Jun was stunned for a moment, but without stopping to say hello, he nodded to them and walked away.

He will not let down his guard easily until he understands Yan Jiecheng's purpose.

After returning to the backyard, he went to the second uncle Liu Haizhong's house and took a look at the layout of his kitchen.

The second uncle lives in the west wing near the back room. There is a corridor there. Logically speaking, this corridor belongs to the public area and does not belong to any one house.

Another household close to the corridor is Xu Damao's home. In theory, both families have the right to use the corridor. However, Liu Haizhong took advantage of his status as the second uncle of the courtyard to take the corridor as his own and transformed the corridor into a kitchen.

Xu Damao made trouble for a long time over this matter, and even held a hospital-wide meeting.

As the saying goes: Since ancient times, officials have protected each other.

This is true.

Although Liu Haizhong is not an official, he is the second uncle of the courtyard. The first uncle Yi Zhonghai and the third uncle Yan Bugui secretly colluded and awarded the corridor to the second uncle Liu Haizhong.

After all, if the three uncles want to maintain a transcendent status in the yard, they can't do it without the help of the second uncle.

But Yang Jun was not worried about the corridor in the east wing, because his house was on both sides of the corridor and no one could take it away.

In fact, this situation occurs in every courtyard house. Didn't you notice that the corridors in the middle courtyard and front yard are all occupied by people, either converted into kitchens or storage rooms?

The corridor in the east wing of the front yard was converted into a storage room by the third uncle, where bicycles and fishing gear are usually stored.

That's what happened, but it was inevitable that someone in the yard would take advantage of it to embarrass their family.

Yang Jun was not worried about this. After all, he was also a cadre of the steel rolling mill. If those people working in the steel rolling mill in the yard had not been caught in the door, they would not take the initiative to trouble him. The only variable was the three uncles.

The second uncle and the third uncle are both occupying the corridor. They are covered in hair. How dare they stand up and call others old monsters?
As for the first uncle, if he doesn’t know what he wants and insists on causing trouble for me, there will be many ways to deal with him when the time comes.
As a time traveler who has read the complete version of TV series and novels, and has the eyes of God, he naturally knows that the shit on your butt is not wiped clean.

When they returned to the backyard, the fourth sister Yang Yu suddenly ran out from the side, grabbed Yang Jun, and said to him secretly,
"Brother, after the house is decorated, give me a room."

"What do you want a house for?" Yang Jun asked.

"Of course I'm staying." Yang Yu said coquettishly.

Even if Yang Yu doesn't want her, Yang Jun plans to let her move in.

Yangmei and Yangliu had separate rooms, and it was really inappropriate for her to share a bed with her mother and brother.

But looking at this sister who had been away from Siliu all day, Yang Jun felt dizzy. Seeing her begging for him now, he decided to tease her.

"Isn't it nice to have a mother to take care of you? Isn't there a lyrics that says, only mothers are good in the world, and a mother's child is like a treasure. Why do you still dislike it?"

"Brother, don't accuse me wrongly. I don't dislike my mother. It's's just that I'm already eleven and will go to junior high school after the summer vacation. Besides...and besides, I wet the bed every night and there are stains on my clothes. It's so noisy that I can't hold my head up in front of my classmates." "Brother, my good big brother, please."

Yang Yu put her arms around Yang Jun's neck, looking fawning.

Yang Yu, are you a kangaroo?What's the point of hanging it around my neck?
If I hadn't seen you taking the opportunity to rub your nose on my clothes, I would have almost believed it.

Yang Jun's head ached when he looked at this inconspicuous sister. The Yang family was pretty stable, but it was unknown whether his father had a genetic mutation or something, but when he reached the fourth child, he grew crooked, and he was born with such a thing.

He hangs out with those boys all day long, and is proficient in fighting, skipping classes, climbing trees, and picking out bird eggs. Every day when he comes home, his clothes are torn or his face is scratched with blood.

I don’t know how my mother managed to survive all these years. It’s a good fortune telling if she doesn’t worry about death.

"It's not impossible to share a room with you, have to promise me that you won't play with those boys in the future. Girls should be more reserved."

Yang Jun pretended to think seriously and proposed conditions to Yang Yu.

"No, absolutely not."

Yang Yu denied it, stared at Yang Jun with an angry face and asked,
"Am I, Yang Yu, the kind of unloyal person? You'd better change the conditions."

"No exchange, just this condition, otherwise there is no need to negotiate." Yang Jun refused.

"Really not changing?" Yang Yu asked, tilting his head.

"Don't change!"


"Sure and sure."

Yang Yu suddenly seemed like a different person. She suddenly let go of his neck, slipped to the ground, stared at Yang Jun, and threatened in a tone beyond her age.

"Boss Yang, if you don't give me a room, I will tell mom that you spend money indiscriminately. You not only give money to the third sister, but also to sister Yuyu. Hum!"

"How did you know?" Yang Jun asked in surprise.

What if Wang Yuying knew that she was spending money indiscriminately?

My mother works very hard every day, gluing matchboxes day and night, and can earn up to eight yuan a month. If she knows that she is extravagant and gives away five yuan to outsiders, will the family be in trouble?Can the ears be clean in the future?

It's okay to give money to his own sister. At best, he can get it back afterwards, but what about Yuyu?
Can I still go to my door to ask for it?

"My buddy Banggeng told me." Yang Yu looked proud.

Boss Yang, sisters are also people with brothers. Although I am not with you, your every move cannot be hidden from my eyes.

"Yang Laosi, are you threatening me?"

"Boss Yang, if you insist on thinking so, then...just let it be." Yang Yu's tone became more and more aggressive, his eyes narrowed slightly, as if if you don't submit, I will sue you.

"Yang Laosi, please think clearly before you speak. If you complain, I will be scolded at most. And you have not only offended me, but also offended your third sister and Yu Yu. In the days to come..." Yang Jun deliberately He prolonged his words, but did not say the rest of the words. What he wanted was to give her room to imagine.

Sample, are you going to play this game with me?

Please beg me carefully, maybe I will work hard to let you live in, and if you don't get it, you will turn to threats. Do you really think that I am one of your classmates who can be manipulated?
(End of this chapter)

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