Siheyuan: Domineering life

Chapter 13 Preparations Before Renovation

Chapter 13 Preparations Before Renovation
Yang Jun learned from the TV series that the deaf old lady was called the ancestor of the courtyard, and the people in the courtyard cared for her even more.

At that time, he didn't understand why no one in the courtyard dared to mess with her. He later found out after searching the Internet for information.

The reason why she is called an ancestor is not because of her age or seniority, but because the courtyard house where they all live was donated to the country by the deaf old lady. The people in the courtyard are grateful for her kindness, so they all respect her. he.

The deaf old lady is a descendant of the royal family and comes from a noble family called Hesheli. It is not surprising that she owns a courtyard made of "gold bricks".

In fact, she is not the kind of martyr soldier described on the Internet. For some unknown reason, she has never been married in her life, and she has no children.

Yang Jun glanced at the place where the deaf old lady lived. This was a woman with a story.

The two main rooms are one large and one small. The larger one is about 40 square meters, and the smaller one is about 20 square meters. The two rooms add up to nearly [-] square meters. In later generations, it can be regarded as a small apartment. Two bedrooms.

"Both rooms were converted into second floors, and partitions were added in the middle."

There are not enough rooms, so we have to make up the number of floors.

He has long wanted to change like this. His family has a large population. If he gets married and has children in the future, how can he still have a place to live?

Haven't you seen the third uncle's family of seven people crowded into two rooms?
Before Yan Jiecheng got married, it was enough for men and women to live in separate rooms. After Yu Li married into the Yan family, they could only allocate one room to the young couple. The wealthy Yanbu couple and their three children crowded in. In another room.

"No problem, the height of the house is completely sufficient." Lao Wu looked up at the height of the house.

Siheyuan pays attention to style. The net height of the house is four meters outward. If the slope of the eaves is not included, the height can be up to five meters.

Even if a layer is added in the middle, each floor will be more than two meters high and can be moved freely. Even in cities where land is at a premium in later generations, the height of commercial housing is only about three meters. As long as you are not too tall, it will not affect your life at all.

"We will create another partition downstairs. A small one will be used as a study, and a larger one will be used as a living room and dining room. There will be no need for partitions upstairs. Then we will build a few wardrobes."

"The other room can be divided into layers without partitions. All floor tiles will be replaced with floor tiles, and the walls will need to be repainted."

Then Yang Jun added: "Open the windows a little wider, at least four times the original size, and install them all with glass."

In the houses in the courtyard, the windows are very small and the lighting is not very good. Sometimes people are inside the house and no one outside can be seen.

I am used to living in commercial housing with floor-to-ceiling windows, but now living in a courtyard house with poor lighting, I always feel a little depressed.

Lao Wu thought for a while and said with an embarrassed look on his face: "Everything else is fine, but this glass..."

"What happened to the glass?"

"Glass is difficult to get." Lao Wu scratched his head and explained: "Small pieces can be bought at any time at the department store, but such a large piece is probably not available."

Yang Jun thought for a while and felt that what Lao Wu said made sense. Large pieces of glass were difficult to transport and easy to break. Even if it was installed, if it was accidentally smashed by a naughty child one day, it would be difficult to repair it.

"Then don't make such large windows, just divide them into two or four windows, so that there is no delay in lighting."

Lao Wu's eyes lit up. It was really a good idea. Why didn't he think of it when he was decorating it before?

"It's feasible. If you find a better carpenter and have enough materials, you'll be fine."

"I don't know, man, do you want a full package or a half package?" Lao Wu paused and asked tentatively.

Since ancient times, decoration has been divided into full-package and half-package. Full-package means that the construction party pays for the labor and materials. As long as the money is enough, you can be the boss, and you don’t have to worry about the rest. You can just wait for the final acceptance. become.

Half-package means that the work is contracted but no materials are included. The builder is only responsible for the construction and the owner prepares the materials himself.

Of course, full package will cost more, and most people choose half package for decoration. On the one hand, when you go to the market, you can pick and choose and bargain. For those who have connections, you can also get the internal price. After decorating a house, you can save a lot of money. Old and young money.

Yang Jun thought for a while, but still felt that it would be easier to do it all. He didn't understand the decoration aspect, not to mention that decoration also involved a lot of trivial matters such as plasterers, carpenters, stonemasons, purchasing materials, etc. He would go to the steel rolling mill in a few days. When he was at work, he didn't have the time, let alone the time to run errands and buy ingredients in person.

"All inclusive."

Just spend some money, just to save trouble. Besides, is he short of money?
"It's a bit expensive if it's all-inclusive." The muscles on Lao Wu's face wrinkled together, looking embarrassed. "Tell me the number."

"At least 230 yuan." Lao Wu calculated in his mind and then quoted the price.

230 yuan?

That's it?Do you dare to say it’s expensive?

"two hundred."

Yang Jun opened his mouth to counteroffer.

It's not that he is reluctant to spend the extra 30 yuan, but he has to bargain. In business, there are comings and goings. You can't just pay what others say. If he agrees rashly, it will make Lao Wu think that others are not willing to pay. A fool has a lot of money, he is soft-tempered and easy to bully, and he may cut corners during construction.

"220 five, it really can't be any less. If it's less, I can't do this job."

Yang Jun felt funny in his heart when he saw Lao Wu's attitude of not taking the job if you negotiated the price.

Did you get the sample?
I’m afraid this year would be difficult without my business.

"220, let's each take a step back."

"Sure, just two hundred and two." Lao Wu looked distressed, as if he had lost a hundred million.

"But, man, the rules in the industry are to pay [-]% of the money first and settle the balance after the completion."

Although Yang Jun doesn't know much about decoration, he also knows that for all-inclusive work, he usually pays half of the advance payment. Lao Wuduo wants [-]% of the advance payment, mostly to pay off debts.

He didn't expose it, after all, everyone has trouble memorizing words sometimes, and it would be helpful if he could help.

"If you don't have enough money, I'll pay you seventy first, and I'll give you the rest tomorrow."

Yang Jun took out seven black tens from his pocket and handed them over.

It's not that he doesn't want to pay it all in one lump sum, but that he can only take out seventy at most. No matter how much he pays, he will be easily discovered.

Lao Wu took the money, counted it, looked over it several times, and then put it in his arms.

"to make."

After all, this is a lot of money, who would keep so much spare money at home?Isn’t it good to let the bank earn interest?Always give people time to withdraw money.

"Can it be completed before the end of the year?"

Yang Jun asked again.

There were less than 20 days before the Chinese New Year, and he didn't want to sleep on the floor every day.

In fact, there was another reason why he wanted to move into the new house early. He didn't want to hear the sound of his mother getting up at night with his younger siblings.

How embarrassing.

"No problem. I'll just hire more people when the time comes. I'll try to finish it within ten days."

Lao Wu thought for a while and gave Yang Jun a positive answer.

He also wanted to finish the project as soon as possible, after all, he was still waiting for the money to pay off his debts.

(End of this chapter)

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