Siheyuan: Domineering life

Chapter 116 Amazing gift money

Chapter 116 Amazing gift money

At this time, the leader's wife was taking a group of female guests to the front yard account table to give a gift.

Due to Yi Qiushui's special status and her parents being gone, these uncles and aunts all treated her as their own daughter, so they were particularly generous in giving gifts.

The leader’s wife was the first to salute.

"Guo Caochao, five hundred yuan."

Xu Damao, as the cashier, read the names of the guests loudly while counting the money.

This is an unwritten rule at the accounting table. The reason why the cashier reads out the name and amount is to remind the bookkeeper and to check with the guests to avoid making mistakes.


As soon as Xu Damao's voice fell, everyone's screams came from around him.

Everyone speculated on the identity of this noble hostess, and looked at her with more respect.

These days, let alone five hundred yuan, even five yuan is considered a heavy gift. I didn't expect that it would be five hundred yuan, which is even more generous than a wedding dowry.

Before everyone could be envious, they heard Xu Damao's voice reporting from the accounting table.

"Money is overflowing, five hundred yuan."

"Wang Shaoan, five hundred yuan."

"Miao Chengdong, five hundred yuan."

"Li Yang, five hundred yuan."

"Li Zhong, five hundred yuan."


As Xu Damao continued to report the numbers, the onlookers had already become numb. Everyone speculated about the bride's background and lamented that Yang Jun had married an amazing wife.

Most of the guests on the bride's side were given heavy gifts of 30 yuan, and even those from the big courtyard were given gifts of [-] yuan. The bride's gift account alone filled five pages.

The third uncle wiped the cold sweat from his forehead with his hand while writing. The hand holding the pen was almost numb. The more he remembered, the more frightened he became. In the past, he only thought that Yang Jun was a capable person who was not easy to mess with. He didn't expect that Yang Jun was a capable person and not easy to mess with. But she kept it secret and married a daughter-in-law whom no one could afford to offend.

He had just seen that those people wearing generals' military coats were all as calm as a mountain. They could not have reached that level unless they had been killed for a long time. Moreover, the female guests who were paying tribute were all noble, judging from their wearers. It’s evident in the way you dress.

Xu Damao didn't dare to sit anymore, so he simply stood up, bent down and respectfully took the gift money from their hands. I don't know whether he was excited or for other reasons, but his counting voice became stuttering...

After the woman's side finished the ceremony, no one dared to do it for a long time.

Everyone is afraid that the little gift money they have will look particularly shabby after someone else's name. Everyone is a shameless person, and no one dares to give a gift.

Ji Demin saw that no one was willing to go up to salute, so he glanced at Li Lixin and the others, and then he was the first to walk over.

"Ji Demin, two hundred yuan."

After everyone heard this, they all looked at Ji Demin.

Although this middle-aged man in Chinese tunic suit did not have as much gift money as those before, no one dared to underestimate him. After all, a gift of two hundred yuan was an astronomical sum for them.

"Li Lixin, two hundred yuan."

"Peng Dehai, two hundred yuan."

"Wang Dezhi, two hundred yuan."

"Yu Shengli, two hundred yuan."


Finally, when it was Li Tiezhu's turn, he walked over with firm steps, took out a thick wad of banknotes from his pocket and slapped it on the table.

When Xu Damao saw this, his eyes widened, he dipped his trembling hands in saliva, and began to count them one by one.

"Li Tiezhu, 1200 yuan."


Everyone screamed again.

Although they saw Li Tiezhu take out a thick wad of banknotes with their own eyes and knew that the gift this time would never be small, they were still surprised when Xu Damao reported the amount.

Finally there is someone who gives more gifts than the woman.

One thousand two hundred yuan.

What is the concept?
No one dared to imagine it, but everyone still compared it privately in their own minds. With their current salary, how many years would it take to save such a large amount of money.Everyone knew in advance that Li Tiezhu offered a gift of 1200 yuan. The two hundred yuan was a gift from his comrades, and the other one thousand yuan was the bet they had made before. Ji Demin and the others knew this, and they would not be upset just because Li Tiezhu offered more than them. angry.

But when they saw everyone's scorching eyes on Li Tiezhu, they felt very proud. The old comrades did not lose face to Yang Jun, and finally there was someone who could give more gifts than the woman.

After the old comrades-in-arms paid their respects, it was the turn of the colleagues at the steel rolling mill.

Director Yang was the first to salute, followed by the leaders of the steel rolling mill.

"Yang Jianguo, two hundred yuan."

"Li Huaide, two hundred yuan."

"Cao Jianhong, two hundred yuan."

In the steel rolling mill, only a few senior leaders paid 20 yuan, and most of the remaining section chiefs and workshop directors paid between [-] and [-] yuan.

Then, there are the gifts between ordinary friends and neighbors.

We are all poor, no one should laugh at anyone.

There were some for 20 cents and one yuan for the first time, but the third uncle gave out a gift of [-] yuan for the first time.

Especially the people in the yard. After everyone saw Yang Jun's ability, no one dared to underestimate him. Most of them were worth one or two.

The second uncle and Xu Damao also paid a gift of ten yuan, and even Yan Jiecheng and Liu Guangqi also paid five yuan each.

It stands to reason that as long as the families are not separated after marriage, they are still a family. Yan Jiecheng and Liu Guangqi do not need to give gifts, but they know that they still need Yang Jun, so they still give a heavy gift alone.

Ran Qiuye also paid a gift of ten yuan. If I remember correctly, she married Shazhu a few days ago, and the Yang family only paid five yuan. Within a few days, they returned the gift of ten yuan. gift money.

In fact, she knew in her heart that with the relationship between Yang Jun and Silly Zhu, there was no need for her to do this. However, she thought that Yang Jun had helped their family so much, and she didn't know how to thank him, so she could only compensate with gifts. .

After a while, the banquet officially started.

The helpers in the yard started serving food like butterflies in flowers.

When all the dishes were served, everyone was stunned and looked at the rich dishes on the table in disbelief.

Twelve meat and twelve vegetarian dishes, a total of 24 dishes, ten cold and ten hot, plus four soup bowls.

The most shocking thing is that out-of-season vegetables can be seen on the table.

Those green vegetables are particularly eye-catching, adding a different style in this bleak winter.

The big leader Guo Caocao took a bottle of Moutai and poured himself a cup. Then he raised the cup and said meaningfully to Yang Jun beside him,
"You are not a simple boy. Qiushui will not live a hard life with you."

"Hey, Uncle Guo, don't worry, if Qiu Shui loses a pound, I will cut out ten pounds of meat myself to make up for her."

Yang Jun understood the meaning of Guo Caocao's words. What he said was that he was too arrogant and got a lot of things that he couldn't get.

There was a warning in these words, warning him to keep a low profile. At the same time, these words also gave him reassurance that as long as he didn't treat Yi Qiu Shui badly, they, the old monsters, would take care of all the big things for him.

Yang Jun has long understood the benefits of power. If he didn't want to treat Yi Qiushui badly at the wedding, he wouldn't be so high-profile.

But he is not afraid of reports from those dogs and cats. If you report them, what can you do to him?

Rights are given by class, while power is managed by oneself.

It's just a wedding, how can you name a flower?
Of course, after writing this, some people are going to curse. Are they really not afraid of death? Are they not afraid of being reported?

Haha, let me ask you.

You don’t even dare to report village cadres who violate laws and disciplines. Would you report a deputy (department) level cadre?
If you are still not convinced, just read the sixth line from the bottom of this chapter a hundred times and you will understand the truth.

 Unexpectedly, it suddenly became available early this morning.

  I will not just open chapters and write a review for the book.

  Anyway, thank you for your company and support along the way.
  There’s not much to say about it being put on the shelves.

  I have nothing to ask for,

  All I have to do is ask you to place an initial order.

  Thank you very much!

  The old rules for listing,
  Ten updates for three consecutive days, and two updates on the fourth day.

  Finally, I wish you all the best and all your wishes come true.

(End of this chapter)

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