Siheyuan: Domineering life

Chapter 115 Please eat dog food

Chapter 115 Please eat dog food

After a while, Guo Tianming came out carrying Yi Qiushui on his back.

Yi Qiushui was wearing a brand new military uniform with a military coat on top. Today she was getting married as a descendant of a soldier.

The hair that was originally dyed and permed was now braided into two large strands, hanging on the chest. A light layer of makeup was applied to the fair face, making the whole person look heroic.

Yang Jun was used to seeing Yi Qiushui's elegance, but now he saw her bold side and couldn't help but take a few more glances.

"Silly boy, we'll see you when you get home. Hurry up and open the door."

Seeing that Yang Jun was dumbfounded, the leader's wife patted him on the shoulder and reminded him.


Yang Jun responded and quickly ran over to open the passenger door.

Along with Yi Qiushui, there were several bridesmaids including Qian Jiajia who got into the car. They were all dressed in military uniforms and carefully dressed up, but in front of Yi Qiushui, they still looked inferior.

When the leader saw Yi Qiushui getting on the bus, he waved his hand and called everyone to get on the bus.

Not only the big leaders, but also their wives and the big boys in the yard who grew up with Yi Qiushui were not only followed to attend the wedding.

Yang Jun saw that his Willys Jeep had no seats, so he drove Yang Anguo into Li Tiezhu's car.

I don’t know how the old comrades arranged it. The seven cars they originally drove to pick up the bride all drove aside to make room for the cars of the old leaders.

This is a car whose name starts with the word "military". It is very eye-catching when driven on the street, not to mention it is very respectable.

Yang Jun saw everyone getting into the car in the rearview mirror, then he honked the horn twice before slowly starting the car.

The cars left the gate of the military compound and lined up in a long line on the street. From a distance, the cars looked like a long queue. Seeing this scene, the people in Sijiu City gave way one after another, envious of such a decent wedding.

"Oh, my wife is so beautiful today."

On the way, Yang Jun never took his eyes off Yi Qiushui, and he couldn't help but praise.


"Isn't it the same as usual?"

Yi Qiushui smiled sweetly, blushing and giving him a white look.

"Hey, can you please calm down, there are still people in the car?" Bao Chunlei, the bridesmaid, curled her lips and protested.

"Yes, yes, if you want to show your love, we can show it off when we get home. We don't want to eat dog food." Qian Jiajia also expressed dissatisfaction.

The other two bridesmaids also protested to varying degrees.

Yang Jun didn't care how they complained. Today was a good day for him and Yi Qiushui. Today he was the boss and he spoke the loudest today.

You have to listen even if you don’t want to, until the dog food is enough for you.

"360 five nights,
The sweetest and most beautiful thing is the wedding night with flowers and candles,

There is fragrance in the wind, honey is wrapped in the snow,
The couplets are full of auspiciousness,

The wine glass is filled with blessings,


Ah...the red light is shaking, bringing good news,


Yang Jun didn't care how they complained, and hummed while driving.

Not to mention, the song he temporarily modified is still catchy and has a brisk rhythm.

The girls in the car were blushing with embarrassment at his explicit song, but everyone looked at Yi Qiushui with envy, knowing that she was married to a man who loved him.

"The birds in the trees are in pairs,
Green water and green mountains with a smiling face,
The couple returned the home,
You plow the fields and I weave the cloth,


Yi Qiushui was attracted by Yang Jun's sweet singing. She stared at him with stars in her eyes and a happy smile on her face.I was secretly glad to be married to a good and talented man, who not only had an ethereal singing voice, but could also come up with so many lyrics that fit the situation at once.

The bridesmaids were very shy at first, but the more they listened to it, the more they felt that these songs were not only catchy, but also charming. Unknowingly, they started humming along with them.

"You carry water and I water the garden,

Although the cold kiln is broken, it can provide shelter from the rain.

Yang Jun saw that everyone was singing along with him, but as he sang, he felt something was wrong. The chorus turned into a duet between men and women, so he coughed dryly.


"I'm talking about sisters, you are the bridesmaids, not the maids in marriage."

Yang Jun's words caused everyone to laugh and curse.
"Go away... what are you thinking about?"

"In front of the bride, he just wanted to take advantage of us and ask for a beating."

Upon hearing this, Yang Jun quickly clenched the steering wheel in his hand and concentrated on driving.

He was afraid that he might accidentally drive the car down the road.


The car just arrived at Nanluoguxiang Hutong.

The second uncle ordered people to set off firecrackers.

Then I saw Guo Tianming and several young people from the compound carrying a bigger firecracker from the car.

As soon as the firecrackers here finish setting off, they will continue to set off over there.

There were not that many cars allowed in the alley, so everyone parked their cars on the road outside the alley. Only Yang Jun drove in.

There is no suona or brazier, everything is simple.

A group of people supported the bride and groom into the backyard.

As the witness, Yang Jianguo, the director of the steel rolling mill, first gave a passionate speech of blessing, presided over the wedding of Yang Jun and Yi Qiushui, and then was sent to the bridal chamber.

After sending Yin Qiushui into the bridal chamber, Yang Jun came out quickly.

There were many guests coming today, and they were all distinguished guests, so he had to receive them in person.

Four or fifty people came to the bare-rolled steel plant, ranging from factory leaders to workshop directors. Some of these people Yang Jun knew, some he didn't know, but they were guests, so they couldn't be ignored.

Yang Jun greeted the guests enthusiastically, then found the second uncle and asked him to give priority to the guests from Yi Qiushui and the people from the steel rolling mill to sit down first.

When the second uncle heard this, he told Yang Jun to feel relieved and said everything was fine.

The second uncle was especially happy today. As the chief steward of the wedding, he finally came into contact with the leaders of the factory today. Regardless of whether he knew them or not, he went up to them all and said some auspicious words.

Later, Yang Jun came to the front yard again, found Silly Zhu, pulled him aside and asked in a low voice,
"Brother Zhuzi, there may not be enough seats. Can you please break out two more tables?"

"It's no problem. Let alone two tables, it's no problem even if it's five tables. Your table is originally big and the portions are ample, so you won't be able to tell how many tables you have."

"Okay, let's split the table between three."

Yang Jun thought for a while and felt that it would be safer to split three tables.

Yang Jun then returned to the backyard and continued to entertain guests.

Guo Caocao took the big leaders into the new house and took a look. He thought it was pretty good, but the space was a bit small, but he didn't say anything. After they came out, they sat down under the guidance of the second uncle.

There were so many people inside and outside the courtyard that it was almost impossible to squeeze them in. These people were not all here to attend the wedding, but there were also people from other courtyards who came to watch the fun.

They have lived in Sijiu City all their lives and have never seen such a large wedding lineup.

Not to mention the dozens of cars that were used to pick up the bride, the army-green uniforms all over the yard made people look at them with envy. These people were dressed as generals, and they looked like big leaders at first glance, especially the aura they exuded was unsettling. Dare to get close.

Moreover, the bride is like a fairy, and she looks like a blessed person.

(End of this chapter)

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