Ever since Lu Hao told Wu Qingyu that he wanted to dominate the world and unify the mainland, he began to send secret spies to the Wei Dynasty, mainly to collect the trends of the Wei Dynasty.

After arriving with Lu Hao, he immediately flew towards the land, apparently to get the spy information.

Now several armies of the empire are heading towards Nanyue City, the imperial capital of the Wei Dynasty. The enemy will definitely send troops to intercept them. Therefore, understanding the enemy's movements is undoubtedly the most important.

After Wu Qingyu left, Lu Hai led the Imperial Navy's Second Fleet to avoid those ports along the coast, and took advantage of the darkness to approach Nanyue City.

According to his estimation, after another 48 hours of sailing, he should be able to reach Nanyue City.

However, he personally guided the fleet forward. It was basically a straight route and the distance was the shortest.

After a night of sailing, Wu Qingyu finally returned to the flagship.

"Your Majesty, I have received the latest news..."

"Hahaha... don't worry, drink some water first and then speak slowly."

Seeing that he was very tired, Lu Hao laughed happily.

General Cheng Li quickly handed him a glass of water.

Wu Qingyu smiled awkwardly, took the water glass and mumbled it down, bottoming out instantly.

"Your Majesty, the King of Wei has declared war on us and sent out three armies to fight against the three armies of the empire. General Liu Binhua is in the middle, to the north is Cai Mao, the general of cavalry, and to the south is General Zuo Peng, the protector of the country..."

Wu Qingyu began to introduce it in detail.

According to the wishes of the King of Wei, since the enemy came in three directions, they also sent out three armies. It can be said that they were facing each other with no intention of giving way.

And each army has a hundred thousand people, which can be said to be strong soldiers and horses, and the fact that such a large army can be mobilized in the shortest time also shows that the national power of the Wei Empire is strong.

"Didn't they notice that our naval fleet was heading south?"

Lu Hao asked with a smile.

"They also paid attention to the sea, but they never found our second fleet."

Wu Qingyu responded.

"Hahaha... General Cheng Li is indeed a good strategist. As long as we successfully attack Nanyue City, the Wei Empire will not be far from destruction."

Lu Haole burst out laughing.

"Your Majesty, Nanyue City is a port city, and it is also a deep-water port. Warships can sail directly into the center of the city. Once we kill them, we can bombard the major barracks in the city. And I have already obtained the city defense map."

Wu Qingyu smiled and took out a map and presented it to Lu Hao with both hands.

"Hehehe... Mr. Wu, you have made a great contribution this time."

Lu Hao smiled and opened the map and put it on the table, and the three of them gathered around and looked at it.

"Your Majesty, if our warships enter the dock in the city, they can bombard these barracks from the dock, and they can also land from here and attack the palace..."

Wu Qingyu quickly introduced.

Judging from the map, Nanyue City has indeed built waterways into the city, and there is also a deep-water port. If the warships enter, they can quickly kill several surrounding barracks.

In other words, as long as these barracks are shelled and then landed for combat, there will be no difficulty at all.

Perhaps it was so that the transported materials could enter the palace quickly, so the dock was also very close to the palace.

Lu Hao looked at the map in front of him with a satisfied smile on his face.

"Master Wu, how many five-story ships can this dock accommodate?"

Lu Hao asked in a deep voice.

"Your Majesty, the water channel here is quite wide, but when entering the city, there is a very large gate. It is said that hundreds of people need to work together to open this gate!"

Wu Qingyu pointed to the doorway into the city's waterway.

"It's okay, I'll take care of this gate."

Lu Hao said with a smile.

"Your Majesty, these military camps are close to the seaside. We can cover these military camps by firing artillery from the outside. For the remaining military camps, we need to move the fleet in and then conduct bombardment!"

Wu Qingyu continued to introduce. "Very good! You've thought it through very well, General Cheng Li. Just follow Mr. Wu's plan. Divide your troops into three groups and fight all the way in from the middle. The warships on both sides will clean up the surrounding military camps near the seaside..."

Lu Hao looked at Cheng Li and explained.

"I will understand at the end!"

General Cheng Li was also excited.

After all, after this battle, the Imperial Navy's Second Fleet will become famous all over the world!

"General Cheng, order the fleet to sail at full speed!"

Lu Hao issued the order again.

"As ordered!"

General Cheng Li responded and left.

"Tantai Wuyan, please inform the other three armies and tell them that the King of Wei has mobilized 30 troops. The troops are divided into three groups to intercept them and let them adapt accordingly. I will not interfere with their military operations."

Lu Hao explained silently to Tantai.

When the three major armies of the Central Army received the news, they also began to be cautious and sent out reconnaissance cavalry in order to find out the movements of the enemy on the opposite side to avoid being ambushed by the enemy.

Of the three armies, Chen Xiang's Fifth Army is the fastest and the northernmost one. The middle army is led by Dong Xiaojun, and the southern one is commanded by General Pei Yong.

The army in the north must be heading directly towards Nanyue City. The army in the middle is to cut off the north-south passage. The army in the south has the least strength and is also the easiest way.

The first to discover the enemy was the army on the North Road, and they had a direct encounter with the cavalry general Cai Mao.

"General Qi, we have discovered the army of the Wei Empire in front of us. There are many of them. I don't know how many there are?"

Chen Xiang's spies came to report.

"How far away are we now?"

Chen Xiang asked loudly.

"It is estimated that there is still thirty miles."

The spy replied.

Thirty miles, for our cavalry, is a quick distance.

Therefore, Chen Xiang immediately issued a combat order.

"All soldiers listen to the order. The army of the Wei Empire has been discovered in front. Now I am ordering all soldiers to advance in attack formation. All submachine guns should be concentrated at the front to clear a bloody path for us!"

Chen Xiang shouted loudly.

Soon, all the submachine guns gathered at the front, and under the leadership of Chen Xiang, the [-]-strong army rushed towards the [-]-strong army.

Because the north is close to the sea, the terrain is basically plain. Even if there are a few hills, it will not affect the speed of the cavalry at all.

well deserved...

Thousands of horses galloped, the earth shook and mountains shook, and dust flew into the air.

"Enemy attack! Enemy attack..."

Among the troops of the Wei Dynasty, there were shouts one after another.

Chariot General Cai Mao, leading the elite cavalry, had already heard the deafening sound in front of them, as well as the dust flying up like mist.

"Form up! Meet the enemy! Form into formation..."

Cai Mao, the cavalry general, shouted loudly.

The well-trained Wei soldiers immediately lined up their troops and set up an offensive formation on the grassland.

"Stay in formation! Spears in formation! Archers at the ready!"

General Cai Mao patrolled his army on horseback. (End of chapter)

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