Stand-in eunuch: I pamper the harem for the emperor

Chapter 979: Facing the Chinese Empire

The entire city of Barcelona was in flames of war.

However, how could cold weapons be a match for rifles, submachine guns, and grenades? There were heavy casualties, corpses strewn everywhere, and rivers of blood.

Chen Xiang, like his father Chen Lin, is a murderer through and through.

He only recognized the result, regardless of the process, and he had no mercy at all, and launched a bloody massacre in the city of Barcelona.

In his opinion, this was the first battle with the Wei Empire. According to the principle of winning the first battle, he must annihilate all the enemies.

Of course, there were also some timid guys who took advantage of the chaos and escaped from the city of Barcelona.

However, Chen Xiang just wanted to annihilate all the enemies in the city now, and did not order a pursuit.

The next morning, a red sun rose, as red as blood.

"Come here, report to the emperor immediately that this general has captured the city of Barcelona and destroyed the fifty thousand defenders."

Chen Xiang's face was covered with blood, but he couldn't hide the excitement in his heart.

After a while, Lu Hao, who was in Dongdu City, received news from Chen Xiang.

"What? Won the city of Barcelona?"

Lu Hao walked towards the map and looked at the city of Barcelona on the map.

Now that the city of Barcelona has been taken, the passage south has been opened, and we can drive straight in and enter the Wei Empire.

"Tantai Wuyan, please ask about the current locations of the two legions and the two naval fleets."

Lu Hao said in a deep voice.

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

Tantai Wuyan immediately took out the crystal ball and asked about the location of the naval fleet.

A moment later, the news came, and Tantai Wuyan immediately reported: "Reporting to the Emperor, the Imperial Navy Fleet has now crossed the Territory of Chaos, two major legions."

"Very good, let them go directly towards the imperial capital of the Wei Empire and prepare to bombard Nanyue City!"

"The remaining three legions are attacking in a pin-shaped pattern, heading towards the capital of the Wei Empire!"

Lu Hao issued the latest order.

Tantai Wuyan quickly passed on the order, and the three legions and two naval fleets swept towards the empire.

At this time, the Wei Dynasty learned that the city of Bassa had been captured by the Central Empire, and immediately held an emergency military meeting.

All the civil and military ministers of the dynasty gathered together, and all of them looked unhappy.

"My dear friends, I believe you already know that the Fifth Army of the Chinese Empire has breached our Bassa City Fortress and is now dividing its forces into three groups to attack Dongyue City..."

The voice of the King of Wei seemed extremely heavy.

"Your Majesty, the general is willing to lead the army on an expedition and vows to pay for the blood debt of the Chinese Empire!"

General Liu Binhua stood up.

"Your Majesty, the general is also willing to lead the army on the expedition!"

Cai Mao, the cavalry general, also stood up.

"The last general asks for a fight! The Chinese Empire will surely pay for its blood debt!"

"The final general vows to compete with the Chinese Empire!"


All the generals took the initiative to ask for battle.

The king of Wei was very happy.

"Your Majesty, the Chinese have come to invade our country this time. They have no name and are not a benevolent army. However, it is said that the Chinese Empire has powerful firearms with astonishing lethality. We must be careful!"

Prime Minister Yu Jiangshu reminded him loudly.

"Your Majesty, the Chinese Empire not only destroyed all the countries in the Western Regions, but even the Great Sui Empire surrendered on its own initiative. Therefore, you must proceed with caution,"

Meng Jie, Minister of War, also echoed.

"My dear friends, is there no other way to retreat from the enemy?" asked the King of Wei.

"Your Majesty, it is said that Emperor Yongtai is lustful. If he can get the princess a hand in marriage, he might give it a try."

Zhao Deyu, the Minister of Household Affairs, responded loudly.

"Make peace? If we don't make peace, then we can't have peace talks?"

The King of Wei frowned.

"Reporting to the Emperor, it may not be so easy for the Chinese Empire to withdraw its troops this time."

General Liu Binhua responded in a deep voice.

"Since the Chinese Empire wants to destroy our Wei Dynasty, then we will go to war with them!"

The King of Wei finally made up his mind to send troops.

Since the Chinese Empire has invaded, there is now a feeling of uneasiness spreading throughout the empire, and many people are also looking forward to King Wei sending troops.

In their view, the Wei Empire was isolated and powerful, and they were not afraid of the Chinese Empire at all.

Now that people are knocking on your door, you can't just give in.

"I ordered General Liu Binhua to lead the army to go out, the generals of chariots and cavalry and the generals to protect the country to go out together, and the troops were divided into three groups to fight against the three armies of the Chinese Empire..."

The king of Wei gave a loud order.

"Follow His Majesty's will!"

All the generals fell to their knees.

The next step is to mobilize the army, gather food and fodder, and then arrange other details of the expedition.

At the same time, Lu Hao stayed in Dongdu City for a few days, drinking and having fun with Jiujianxian every day, and he was very happy.

Of course, Jiujianxian also told him that this time he went to look for the legendary ancient battlefield.

This ancient battlefield is located in the underwater world of Qiannanhai, and it is extremely dangerous.

Lu Hao promised him that once he destroyed the Wei Dynasty, he would explore the ancient battlefield with him.

Of course, Lu Hao's main purpose of staying here is to wait for the First Legion to completely calm down the chaos in other places.

After waiting for the situation here to stabilize, Lu Hao took Tantai Wuyan and Wu Qingyu and headed south.

Soon, the three of them landed on the flagship of the Navy's Second Fleet, and General Cheng Li and others hurried to greet them.

"Free gift!"

Lu Hao walked slowly.

"Your Majesty, the general does not want to attack the ports along the coast. He wants to rush directly to Nanyue City to catch the enemy by surprise!"

General Cheng Li reported loudly.

"Well, this is a good idea. Instead of attacking those ports, it is better to attack Nanyue City directly and give the King of Wei a big surprise!"

Lu Hao nodded slightly and laughed happily.

Since the emperor also agreed with General Cheng Li's strategy, the Imperial Navy's Second Fleet followed the coastline, avoiding those ports, and headed towards Nanyue City in the Wei Empire.

This imperial capital near Qiannanhai is across the sea from the Qiongzhou Port of the Chinese Empire. However, the Wei Empire's navy is also very powerful, and there are several ports along the coast.

However, the Empire's Second Fleet had no intention of attacking these ports. Instead, it went deep alone, drove directly to Nanyue City, and then bombarded Nanyue City, shattering their resistance in one fell swoop.

As the No. 1 spy, Wu Qingyu's own Qinggong has improved greatly with the help of Lu Hao. After all, Lu Hao taught him the powerful "Huan Tian Yu Feng Jue".

This loyal guard who had been following him all along became Wu Qingyu's wife just because Lu Hao had redeemed Lan Shushu's life.

Because Lu Hao rescued his wife from Pinhua House and gave him a generous gift, Wu Qingyu was extremely grateful to Lu Hao and always fulfilled his responsibilities.

As the intelligence network expanded, Lu Hao also knew that he had to improve Wu Qingyu's Qinggong.

At least he must have a means of self-protection so that he can better serve the empire.

At the same time, Lu Hao taught the later "Tianfeng Lightning Step" to other espionage personnel, allowing their Qinggong to reach a higher level. (End of chapter)

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