Chapter 858 Secret Contact Point

Lord Tang Jue, the Minister of War, commanded millions of troops from the Zhou Dynasty. It would be easy to destroy a Su family.

However, His Royal Highness the Crown Prince had a soft spot for Concubine Su Yifei and seemed to want to include her in the harem, but Zhou Likun vetoed it.

This matter has been dragged on like this, and I don't know what His Highness the Crown Prince means, or does he want to hide his beauty in a golden house outside?

Of course, the most important point is who is providing military supplies to Su Yifei?That is, who is the mysterious big boss behind this?

If this person can be found, this business will surpass the Su family's father and daughter, and the price will naturally drop.

"My lord, what should we do now?"

Lord Wang Mingren asked.

"Send someone to keep an eye on the father and daughter and find out the mysterious boss behind them. I want to talk directly to the boss behind them."

"Don't you have a good relationship with the eldest young master of the Su family? Let him check from within to see if there is any news?"

Tang Jue explained coldly.

"The subordinate understands!"

Wang Mingren responded quickly.

"There are too many military supplies this time. If we want to trade, we must use more than [-]% of the treasury. I will go to the palace to meet the king. You send someone to inform the prime minister and the general to enter the palace."

Tang Jue added.

"Yes, the next officer will do it right away."

Wang Mingren responded loudly and hurried away.


After Su Yifei and her father got into the carriage, she felt that her back was soaked and she let out a long breath.


Su Xingyue laughed and said, "Daughter, you can do it! Even the Minister of War has been frightened by you!"

"Dad, I was scared just now!"

Su Yifei covered her chest and was still beating.

"But, my father, I see that you are calm and composed, and you have completely calmed down the Minister of War!"

Su Xingyue laughed happily.

"Dad, I was pretending to be calm. I was almost scared to death just now! I was really worried that Mr. Tang would fall out on the spot."

Su Yifei still has lingering fears.

"Although Mr. Tang did not fall out on the spot, he felt very uncomfortable. After our Su family completed this business, we may have to plan to move."

Su Xingyue saw far away.

"Moving? Isn't it a big deal? Mr. Tang wouldn't be so cautious, would he?"

Su Yifei said with a bitter face.

"You don't understand him, an old fox. If he suffers a loss in this matter, he will definitely get it back on us."

Su Xingyue said in a deep voice.

"Wouldn't it mean that no one would dare to do business with the Ministry of War?"

Su Yifei said puzzledly.

"This time it's completely different. This business is so big, it's equivalent to our profit from ten years of business. If it weren't for this, I wouldn't want to take the risk."

"From now on, Mr. Tang still wants to complete this business, but the transaction volume of more than 30 billion is too large, and he really can't make the decision."

Su Xingyue said thoughtfully.

"Dad, Mr. Lu means that we should set the profit at around 15.00%. This time, the [-]% I just mentioned has room for decline."

Su Yifei added.

"Master Lu is a real person. As a father, I will go back to see him soon."

Su Xingyue was full of curiosity about Mr. Lu.

"Dad, do you want to host a banquet for Mr. Lu?"

Su Yifei suggested.

"Of course. However, this matter should be handled in a low-key manner. It will be said to the outside world that Mr. Lu is here to do jewelry business with us, especially Cui'er. Let her be stricter."

Su Xingyue warned again.

"I know, Daddy!" Su Yifei responded.

Soon, right behind their carriage, two guys with very strong qinggong skills were chasing after them.

As a businessman, the Su family naturally recruited some expert guards, but when compared with the two of them, there was a huge gap.

Therefore, no one noticed that there was a tail behind him.


Time goes back to this morning.

After Lu Hao woke up, Miss Cui'er brought breakfast.

After eating, he thought about going to the street to meet the spies from the Supervision Department so that he could get in touch with Xunyang City.

Xunyang City is currently guarded by General Kong Xin, and he doesn't know if the other generals have gone out according to his wishes. Therefore, he urgently needs to know the situation in Xunyang City.

Originally, with his speed, he could return to Xunyang City quickly, but now things here are very important, and he doesn't want to lose this big business.

Miss Cui'er wants to follow him, but who can keep up with a grand master?
However, Lu Hao was worried that Su Yifei would not be able to find him when she came back, so it was still necessary to explain clearly to Cui'er.

"Miss Cui'er, I have to go out and try to get back in two hours. If your lady comes back, please don't worry."

Lu Hao said to Cui Er.

"But the lady asked me to follow you at all times. If you disappear, the lady will definitely scold me to death."

Cui'er replied with a grimace.

"But, I am going to meet a very important person to help contact military supplies, which is a commercial secret. You don't want to go with me, do you?"

Lu Hao insisted.

"Anyway, I don't care. Where are you going, Mr. Lu? All your servants will follow you!"

Tweety is even more stubborn.

"There is really nothing I can do against you, so how about this? This sword is very precious. Is it okay for me to leave this sword here?"

Lu Hao put the guqin box on the table.


Cui Er pouted.

"No but, please keep this sword for me. If it falls, I will take it from you. However, you cannot move it or open it to look at it. Do you understand?"

Lu Hao warned.

"When will the young master come back?"

Tweety asked.

"Don't worry, I will be back soon, before your lady comes back."

Lu Hao comforted with a smile.

"That's okay, but you must hurry up. If the young lady finds out, this slave will be doomed."

Tweety reluctantly agreed.

After all, this sword is very precious to Lu Hao, and he will definitely come back. Besides, when he goes to contact the military supplies, he naturally cannot let her know the secret.

After Cuier sent Lu Hao away through the back door, she returned to Tingyuxuan to wait for him.

After Lu Hao went out, he roughly asked for directions and headed towards Baofeng Tower in Haojing City.

Although Wu Qingyu from the Supervision Department had only shown him the contact points across the continent once, Lu Hao had already memorized the secret contact points and passwords of these cities with his photographic memory.

Baofeng Tower is located in the east of Haojing City. Lu Hao walked along the street for about half an hour before arriving at Baofeng Tower.

The restaurant was not open yet. Lu Hao took a detour to the back. When he saw that there was no one in front and behind him, he turned over and went into the backyard.


A voice suddenly sounded.

"Come down here to see Shopkeeper Gao. I wonder if he is here?"

Lu Hao responded loudly.

"I am Shopkeeper Gao, may I ask who you are..."

A middle-aged man walked out slowly, with two masters behind him.

Obviously, they thought Lu Hao was an intruder, and if they disagreed, they might kill him.

(End of this chapter)

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